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Information Regarding Appexchange....
Is there a document or whatever that explains the features / functions / limitations of the soon to be rolled out Appexchange ?
I'd like to know:
- How partner applications are generally deployed in Appexchange (an overview of the SFDC internal process -- not any of the marketeering crap about how great it's going to be but the real meat of what a deployed application looks like from the programmer / developer's perspective).
- How are custom objects deployed into a client's SFA when they deploy a partner app ?
- Exactly which custom objects (objects, tabs, web-tabs, S-Controls) are / are NOT deployed
- Do custom fields on standard SFObjects (i.e: Opportunity) get deployed when a client deploys a partner app into their SFA ?
- Do custom objects and custom fields retain the object name assigned in SForce when the object was created ? If "yes" -- how shouild one go about resolving conflicts in custom object / field names across partners ? In other words: What happens if ABC Company deploys an Appexchange app with custom field or object names that conflict with DEF Company's app and the client want to deploy BOTH ABC's and DEF's applications ?
- Do custom objects, tabs, etc., retain the same "ID" or do they get a new client-specific id in the client SFA when deployed via Appexchange ?
- Are there any operations / calls currently in the API which are NOT allowed from an Appexchange deployed app ?
- Conversely: Are there any operations / calls specific to Appexchange deplayed apps that do NOT appear in the API ?
It would be really useful and helpful for SForce / Appexchange developers if there were a single-source for this kind of information....
- codeWarrior
- November 01, 2005
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Is there a general technique for manually deserializing a QueryResult ?
The question really is: How to go about deconstructing and extracting data from a QueryResult which is totally based on a custom object ?
Is there a general technique for manually deserializing a QueryResult where the entire query result comes from an SForce custom-object ? Any advice or samples would be appreciated...
I am looking for some general guidance / guidelines on how to extract the name / value pairs (roughly the SFDC equivalent of columns and values) from a query result.
Is SObject.get_any() [indice].getValue() probably the best mechanism available ?
The main issue being -- I am retrieving the contents of a 100% custom object (all of the fields end with '__c') using the Partner 6.0 API without a WSDL.
There is a reason for not using a WSDL -- We don't necessarily know the structure of the custom object - (it may have been further customized by a client) - So I am first retrieving the structure of the custom object with a call to DescribeSObject:
DescribeSObjectResult dsor = binding.describeSObject(objs[h]);
Field[] fields = dsor.getFields();
// Then extracting the field names...
if (fields != null) {
String fieldnames[] = new String[fields.length];
// Iterate through the fields to get properties for each field
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {fieldnames[i] = fields.getName();
// Then -- based on the field list -- generate a dynamic SOQL query by joining the field names
String SOQL = "SELECT " + join(", ", fieldnames) + FROM " + dsor.getName() + "");
QueryResult qr = this.binding.query(SOQL);
- codeWarrior
- October 31, 2005
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- Exception: No deserializer for {urn:sobject.enterprise.soap.sforce.com}dmsf_employee__c
Is this what I think it is ?
- Exception: org.xml.sax.SAXException: No deserializer for {urn:sobject.enterprise.soap.sforce.com}dmsf_employee__c
Is this caused by the fact that my Partner WSDL doesn't line up with my custom objects in SFDC or because I am trying to select the "Id" column in my SOQL statement ?
SELECT Middle_Name__c, SystemModstamp, First_Name__c, Home_Postal_Code__c, Accounting_Market_Segment__c, Department__c, Office_Fax__c, Last_Name__c, Home_City__c, Primary_Language__c, Payments_Hold__c, Leave_Reason_Description__c, Home_State__c, Office_Email_Address__c, Title__c, Employee_ID__c, OwnerId, Active__c, LastModifiedById, Secondary_Language__c, Birthday__c, End_Date__c, Payroll_ID__c, CreatedDate, Start_Date__c, LastModifiedDate, Home_Country__c, Home_Phone__c, Name, Office_Location__c, Leave_Reason__c, Mobil_Phone__c, Accounting_Department_Number__c, Gender__c, Home_Fax__c, Suffix__c, Job_Title__c, Initials__c, Office_Phone__c, Home_Street__c, Accounting_Region_Code__c, Role__c, Home_Email_Address__c, Id, Accounting_Country_Code__c, CreatedById FROM dmsf_employee__c
- codeWarrior
- October 28, 2005
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Running Web Service (WSDL) on SFDC ?
- codeWarrior
- October 27, 2005
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(SoapBindingStub) new SforceServiceLocator().getSoap(new java.net.URL(sfurl));
SF API 6.0
Partner WSDL
this.binding = (SoapBindingStub) new SforceServiceLocator().getSoap(new java.net.URL(sfurl));
where sfurl={!API_Enterprise_Server_URL_60}
Any information on what information I can get back about the binding or why it fails would be appreciated....
Message Edited by codeWarrior on 10-25-2005 04:06 PM
Message Edited by codeWarrior on 10-25-2005 04:06 PM
Message Edited by codeWarrior on 10-25-2005 04:06 PM
- codeWarrior
- October 25, 2005
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APPXChange / APPForce Question: Mechanism to retrieve the deployed application id ???
APPXChange / APPForce
Question: Is there a mechanism to retrieve a deployed application id and original owner (the partner's org id) for the partner org that deployed an application into APPXchange ?
So that: When an end-user activates an APPXChange application deployed into their org, I want to pass either the SFDC application id (identifer for the app) or the partner id of the partner that deployed the application APPXChange or BOTH (application id and partner id) if available....
- Platform: Java / J2EE
- SForce API 6.0
- Enterprise WSDL
- codeWarrior
- September 29, 2005
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WSDL found unexpected non whitespace text: "-" (Java)
I am getting the following error messages while trying to import my enterprise.wsdl file:
command line: wscompile C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_08\jre\bin\java.exe -classpath "C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_08\lib\tools.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\j2ee.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\saaj-api.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\saaj-impl.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\jaxrpc-api.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\jaxrpc-impl.jar;C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_08\lib\bsh-2.0b4.jar;C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_08\lib\postgresql-8.0-312.jdbc3.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\axis-ant.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\axis.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\commons-discovery.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\commons-logging.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\log4j-1.2.8.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\saaj.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\wsdl4j.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\jaxrpc.jar;C:\Java\jswdp-1.6\jaxrpc\lib\jaxrpc-api.jar;C:\Java\jswdp-1.6\jaxrpc\lib\jaxrpc-impl.jar;C:\Java\jswdp-1.6\jaxrpc\lib\jaxrpc-spi.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\axis-ant.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\activation.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\axis.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\commons-discovery-0.2.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\commons-httpclient-3.0-rc2.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\commons-logging-1.0.4.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\jaxrpc.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\log4j-1.2.8.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\mailapi_1_3_1.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\saaj.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\servlet.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\xercesImpl.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\xmlParserAPIs.jar" com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.wscompile.Main -d C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\build\generated\wsbinary -features:wsi,strict -import -keep -mapping C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\web\WEB-INF\SFDCServices-mapping.xml -nd C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\build\web\WEB-INF\wsdl -s C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\src -verbose -Xprintstacktrace C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\src\sfdc\SFDCServices-config.xml
modeler error: found unexpected non whitespace text: "-"
at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.wsdl.WSDLModelerBase.buildModel(WSDLModelerBase.java:276)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.config.ModelInfo.buildModel(ModelInfo.java:88)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.Processor.runModeler(Processor.java:63)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.wscompile.CompileTool.run(CompileTool.java:714)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.util.ToolBase.run(ToolBase.java:43)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.wscompile.Main.main(Main.java:22)
found unexpected non whitespace text: "-"
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.Util.fail(Util.java:152)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.Util.nextElement(Util.java:110)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.WSDLParser.parseTypes(WSDLParser.java:1185)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.WSDLParser.parseDefinitionsNoImport(WSDLParser.java:447)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.WSDLParser.parseDefinitionsNoImport(WSDLParser.java:380)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.WSDLParser.parseDefinitionsNoImport(WSDLParser.java:335)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.WSDLParser.parseDefinitions(WSDLParser.java:225)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.WSDLParser.parse(WSDLParser.java:214)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.wsdl.WSDLModelerBase.buildModel(WSDLModelerBase.java:200)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.config.ModelInfo.buildModel(ModelInfo.java:88)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.Processor.runModeler(Processor.java:63)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.wscompile.CompileTool.run(CompileTool.java:714)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.util.ToolBase.run(ToolBase.java:43)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.wscompile.Main.main(Main.java:22)
error: modeler error: found unexpected non whitespace text: "-"
C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\nbproject\build-impl.xml:235: wscompile failed
Any suggestions ???
- codeWarrior
- August 17, 2005
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SAXException.... childRelationships ???
this is the trace:
SFDCRouter::describeSample() -> Exception:; nested exception is:
org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in com.sforce.soap.enterprise.DescribeSObjectResult - childRelationships
This is the actual Java method:
private DescribeSObjectResult SFDCDescribe(String obj) {
try {
DescribeSObjectResult dso = this.binding.describeSObject("" + obj + "");
if (! (dso == null)) {
return dso;
} catch (UnexpectedErrorFault uef) {
super.Error("SFDCRouter::describeSample() --> Unexpected Error Fault:", uef.getExceptionMessage());
} catch (Exception ex) {
super.Error("SFDCRouter::describeSample() -> Exception:", ex.getMessage());
return null;
Any help would be ap[preciated....
- codeWarrior
- August 16, 2005
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Naming Conflict for sfdc.DescribeLayout_Type...
I get the following error when trying to do a build-clean in the NetBeans IDE:
>the following naming conflicts occurred: sfdc.DescribeLayout_Type
> at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.wsdl.WSDLModelerBase.buildModel(WSDLModelerBase.java:267)
> at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.config.ModelInfo.buildModel(ModelInfo.java:88)
> at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.Processor.runModeler(Processor.java:63)
> at com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.wscompile.CompileTool.run(CompileTool.java:714)
> at com.sun.xml.rpc.util.ToolBase.run(ToolBase.java:43)
> at com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.wscompile.Main.main(Main.java:22)
>error: the following naming conflicts occurred: sfdc.DescribeLayout_Type
>Command invoked: wscompile C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_08\jre\bin\java.exe -classpath "C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_08\lib\tools.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-
>4.1\SunAppServer8.1>\lib\j2ee.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\saaj-api.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\saaj->impl.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\jaxrpc-api.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\jaxrpc-impl.jar;C:\WEBROOT\dforce->NB4.1\src\utilities;C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_08\lib\bsh-2.0b4.jar;C:\Java\jswdp-1.6\jaxrpc;C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_08\lib\postgresql-8.0-312.jdbc3.jar;C:\Java\jswdp-1.6\apache->ant;C:\Java\jswdp-1.6\jaxr;C:\Java\axis-1_2" com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.wscompile.Main -d C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\build\generated\wsbinary -features:wsi,strict -import -keep -mapping C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\build\web\WEB-INF\sfdc-partner-mapping.xml -s C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\build\generated\wsclient -Xprintstacktrace >C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\build\generated\wsclient\wsdl\sfdc-partner-config.xml
>C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\nbproject\build-impl.xml:238: wscompile failed
I searched the ENTIRE file structure for DescribeLayout_Type and it doesnt show up anywhere in the structure...
- codeWarrior
- August 05, 2005
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Is there a general technique for manually deserializing a QueryResult ?
The question really is: How to go about deconstructing and extracting data from a QueryResult which is totally based on a custom object ?
Is there a general technique for manually deserializing a QueryResult where the entire query result comes from an SForce custom-object ? Any advice or samples would be appreciated...
I am looking for some general guidance / guidelines on how to extract the name / value pairs (roughly the SFDC equivalent of columns and values) from a query result.
Is SObject.get_any() [indice].getValue() probably the best mechanism available ?
The main issue being -- I am retrieving the contents of a 100% custom object (all of the fields end with '__c') using the Partner 6.0 API without a WSDL.
There is a reason for not using a WSDL -- We don't necessarily know the structure of the custom object - (it may have been further customized by a client) - So I am first retrieving the structure of the custom object with a call to DescribeSObject:
DescribeSObjectResult dsor = binding.describeSObject(objs[h]);
Field[] fields = dsor.getFields();
// Then extracting the field names...
if (fields != null) {
String fieldnames[] = new String[fields.length];
// Iterate through the fields to get properties for each field
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {fieldnames[i] = fields.getName();
// Then -- based on the field list -- generate a dynamic SOQL query by joining the field names
String SOQL = "SELECT " + join(", ", fieldnames) + FROM " + dsor.getName() + "");
QueryResult qr = this.binding.query(SOQL);
- codeWarrior
- October 31, 2005
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- Exception: No deserializer for {urn:sobject.enterprise.soap.sforce.com}dmsf_employee__c
Is this what I think it is ?
- Exception: org.xml.sax.SAXException: No deserializer for {urn:sobject.enterprise.soap.sforce.com}dmsf_employee__c
Is this caused by the fact that my Partner WSDL doesn't line up with my custom objects in SFDC or because I am trying to select the "Id" column in my SOQL statement ?
SELECT Middle_Name__c, SystemModstamp, First_Name__c, Home_Postal_Code__c, Accounting_Market_Segment__c, Department__c, Office_Fax__c, Last_Name__c, Home_City__c, Primary_Language__c, Payments_Hold__c, Leave_Reason_Description__c, Home_State__c, Office_Email_Address__c, Title__c, Employee_ID__c, OwnerId, Active__c, LastModifiedById, Secondary_Language__c, Birthday__c, End_Date__c, Payroll_ID__c, CreatedDate, Start_Date__c, LastModifiedDate, Home_Country__c, Home_Phone__c, Name, Office_Location__c, Leave_Reason__c, Mobil_Phone__c, Accounting_Department_Number__c, Gender__c, Home_Fax__c, Suffix__c, Job_Title__c, Initials__c, Office_Phone__c, Home_Street__c, Accounting_Region_Code__c, Role__c, Home_Email_Address__c, Id, Accounting_Country_Code__c, CreatedById FROM dmsf_employee__c
- codeWarrior
- October 28, 2005
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Running Web Service (WSDL) on SFDC ?
- codeWarrior
- October 27, 2005
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(SoapBindingStub) new SforceServiceLocator().getSoap(new java.net.URL(sfurl));
SF API 6.0
Partner WSDL
this.binding = (SoapBindingStub) new SforceServiceLocator().getSoap(new java.net.URL(sfurl));
where sfurl={!API_Enterprise_Server_URL_60}
Any information on what information I can get back about the binding or why it fails would be appreciated....
Message Edited by codeWarrior on 10-25-2005 04:06 PM
Message Edited by codeWarrior on 10-25-2005 04:06 PM
Message Edited by codeWarrior on 10-25-2005 04:06 PM
- codeWarrior
- October 25, 2005
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WSDL found unexpected non whitespace text: "-" (Java)
I am getting the following error messages while trying to import my enterprise.wsdl file:
command line: wscompile C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_08\jre\bin\java.exe -classpath "C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_08\lib\tools.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\j2ee.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\saaj-api.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\saaj-impl.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\jaxrpc-api.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\jaxrpc-impl.jar;C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_08\lib\bsh-2.0b4.jar;C:\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_08\lib\postgresql-8.0-312.jdbc3.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\axis-ant.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\axis.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\commons-discovery.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\commons-logging.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\log4j-1.2.8.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\saaj.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\wsdl4j.jar;C:\sforce\axis_1.1\lib\jaxrpc.jar;C:\Java\jswdp-1.6\jaxrpc\lib\jaxrpc-api.jar;C:\Java\jswdp-1.6\jaxrpc\lib\jaxrpc-impl.jar;C:\Java\jswdp-1.6\jaxrpc\lib\jaxrpc-spi.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\axis-ant.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\activation.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\axis.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\commons-discovery-0.2.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\commons-httpclient-3.0-rc2.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\commons-logging-1.0.4.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\jaxrpc.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\log4j-1.2.8.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\mailapi_1_3_1.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\saaj.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\servlet.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\xercesImpl.jar;C:\Java\axis-1_2\lib\xmlParserAPIs.jar" com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.wscompile.Main -d C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\build\generated\wsbinary -features:wsi,strict -import -keep -mapping C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\web\WEB-INF\SFDCServices-mapping.xml -nd C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\build\web\WEB-INF\wsdl -s C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\src -verbose -Xprintstacktrace C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\src\sfdc\SFDCServices-config.xml
modeler error: found unexpected non whitespace text: "-"
at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.wsdl.WSDLModelerBase.buildModel(WSDLModelerBase.java:276)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.config.ModelInfo.buildModel(ModelInfo.java:88)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.Processor.runModeler(Processor.java:63)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.wscompile.CompileTool.run(CompileTool.java:714)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.util.ToolBase.run(ToolBase.java:43)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.wscompile.Main.main(Main.java:22)
found unexpected non whitespace text: "-"
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.Util.fail(Util.java:152)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.Util.nextElement(Util.java:110)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.WSDLParser.parseTypes(WSDLParser.java:1185)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.WSDLParser.parseDefinitionsNoImport(WSDLParser.java:447)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.WSDLParser.parseDefinitionsNoImport(WSDLParser.java:380)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.WSDLParser.parseDefinitionsNoImport(WSDLParser.java:335)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.WSDLParser.parseDefinitions(WSDLParser.java:225)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.wsdl.parser.WSDLParser.parse(WSDLParser.java:214)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.modeler.wsdl.WSDLModelerBase.buildModel(WSDLModelerBase.java:200)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.config.ModelInfo.buildModel(ModelInfo.java:88)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.processor.Processor.runModeler(Processor.java:63)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.wscompile.CompileTool.run(CompileTool.java:714)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.util.ToolBase.run(ToolBase.java:43)
at com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.wscompile.Main.main(Main.java:22)
error: modeler error: found unexpected non whitespace text: "-"
C:\WEBROOT\dforce-NB4.1\nbproject\build-impl.xml:235: wscompile failed
Any suggestions ???
- codeWarrior
- August 17, 2005
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