• marioluissc
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i need the age of every case status. The retention time for every status.



Someone changes case status to "status 1" at 2011/01/07 16:00.

He changes case status to "status 2" at 2011/01/07 19:00.

At last he changes case status  again to "status 1" 2011/01/08 16:00


At 2011/01/08 17:00 ,  the currect "status 1" age should be 4 hours. "status 2" age should be 21 hours.



Could please give me some solutions to implement this function `?





Shanghai, China     

I am wanting to create an email notification for when someone makes a case owner change.  The email alert however would need to look like it was coming from the person who was previous case owner.  The salesforce rep I was working with was not familiar with formulas and recommended that I try here.  Can anyone help me?



Hi supporters,


                  Help me  how to delete all records once in account object which are related to opp. also throw query.


I created a custom button (Create New Invoice) with the sample code below:
After clicking the custom button, i reach the desired page where the Accounts field is populated with the Person Account's name from the object where the custom button was originally placed. 
However, despite the name being correct, the error shows "Error: No matches Found".
I clicked on the magnifying glass and could select the same name from the lookup dialog box search result, which later on removed the error.
Screenshot with error resolved despite being the same name: 
Example, if the Account.name is "Ricky Test", when i click on the custom button, it will populate "Ricky Test" in the desired page but the error shows "Error: No matches Found".
I have to then click on the magnifying glass and select the same name "Ricky Test" from the  lookup dialog box search result which then removes the error. 
It was the same name. How do i make sure the error doesn't occur in the first place?


Hi, guys


I have to send e-mail with attachment and to tell the truth I do succeed with this.

I do get e-mails with HTML file attached.


But... no matter what content-type has my attachment, I get html file which contains CONTENT meta directive that leads me to the servlet which downloads attachment as soon as I open this HTML.


What I really what to get, is the physical file attachment itself or just somehow to retrieve the link that I get in HTML.


Can anyone help me with this?



I want to override the Edit|Del link in the related list table row.

How do I get access to the data of the corresponding child record? what is VF method to get the values of the corresponding child row so that I can use it in the override?


{!object } will give the current parent record, right? How do I get the correct child record ?





I am beginner in sfdc.


In the following code i am updating contact records. but following error is coming. i am updating interested_tech__c.


Apex trigger CreateContactAccountInsert caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: CreateContactAccountInsert: System.LimitException: Too many future calls: 11




           String s = 'test'; 

        Set<id> ownerIds = new Set<id>();

        for (Contact a :[Select Id,LastName from Contact where lastname like :(s+'%')])



      Contact[] owners = [Select Id,interested_tech__c from Contact Where Id in :ownerIds for update];  


       for (Contact Cnt: owners  ){


       system.debug('TestMethod'+ Cnt.interested_tech__c);

       update Cnt;




Hello everyone!



I've a picklist field in object Lead. I have recently added 5 new values but, when I create/modify a Lead, I can't find those new values!



Does anyone know what's happening?



Thanks in advance!!




I am calling web service( Generated from WSDL) from trigger . 

// Here is my trigger

trigger reminder on Lead (after insert) {
  ///Lead[]lead = Trigger.new; 
  //testforweb ob=new testforweb();
  //String token= ob.testweb();





trigger reminder on Lead (after insert) {  

    String token = call_webtest.myMethod(); 


// Here is my class

   global class call_webtest {

   public global static String token;


    @future(callout=true) public static void myMethod()


           wwwWso2OrgPhp.QMetryWSSOAPPort_Http obj = new wwwWso2OrgPhp.QMetryWSSOAPPort_Http();

            token = obj.login('amardeep','amardeep1@#4');   // get the token from web service( No Problem In That)

         Question:  I want to return that Token in my Trigger But Future method must be void and no Return Statement





How Can I resolve that Problem Please Help .  I need that Token In My trigger

Is it possible to add new content to login page in self-service portal. I want to add a new checkbox (for terms and conditions) and then allow user to login only when the checkbox is selected. So, I need to modify the html and add some checks before form submission. Is this possible ?

Hai all,


I have a lookup from my custom object(say,Project) with Contact(standard object)  through the customfield contact__c.


Now,if I want to access the fields of Contact object through my custom object,how Can I do it?


I tried doing Project__c.Contact__r.Mobile,But it doesnt work.


Please help me figure it out.


I actually have two questions around apex code.


  1. Suppose I want to turn off or delete my apex class, how do I go about doing that in production?  I do not see a way to deactivate or delete the code?
  2. Prior to installing the DupeBlocker 2.0 application in the Sandbox my code was at 89% code coverage but after I installed the third party application it dropped to 23%!  I see that SFDC is using some of the DupBlocker code classes that are firing when I run my test script.  What will I do to get around this because once I install DupeBlock into production I will be faced with this kind of mishap all the time!!!



I have written two triggers on QuoteLineItem and OpportunityLineItem named update_term and  UpdateOppTerms respectively.

I have to establish a synch functionality between  QuoteLineItem and OpportunityLineItem for a custom field of Picklist type called Term__C.

The trigger works fine for Before insert but gives exception on Before update event

Actually when i update a QuoteLineItem then trigger on QuoteLineItem for before update fires which updates the OpportunityLineItem

Since there is a similar trigger on OpportunityLineItem for before update which has to update QuoteLineItem

therefore an exception for recursive update occurs :?


Apex trigger UpdateOppTerms caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: UpdateOppTerms: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Upsert failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0QLR00000008PQEOA2; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, update_term: execution of BeforeUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Upsert failed. First exception on row 0 with id 00kR0000004UBovIAG; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, UpdateOppTerms: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Upsert failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0QLR00000008PQEOA2; first error: SELF_REFERENCE_FROM_TRIGGER, Object (id = 0QLR00000008PQE) is currently in trigger update_term, therefore it cannot recursively update itself: [] Trigger.UpdateOppTerms: line 52, column 4: [] Trigger.update_term: line 55, column 5: []: Trigger.UpdateOppTerms: line 52, column 4  


How can i resolve this issue for recursive update ? can anyone help?


We set up an application which did a salesforce login followed by an upsert and a logout.  What we learned was that if we had multiple threads using this application, once the first thread reached the logout step, the other threads' session ids became invalid.  We got around the problem by dropping the logout step.  My question is this:


1.  If two threads login with the same credentials, do they get the same sessionId?

2.  If so, is it then just best practice not to logout and instead let the session timeout?  Each thread would still log in.

3.  Or would it be better practice to store the session Id after one login and have other threads try to access the salesforce web service using that sessionId?  Only if the access fails would the thread log in.




- Cris



Is there anything in appexchange to simply create HTML code for any kind of object (standard or custom)?


I've looked up without success but hopefully I'm missing something.

