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Can Someone help me with a compile error?
- Lisa Kattawar
- May 03, 2014
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Opportunity before update - trigger.new issue
List<Opportunity> oppsWithOLIs = [select id, IsWon, Assets_Created__c,(select id from OpportunityLineItems where
(product2.family = 'Subscription'or product2.family = 'Support'))
from Opportunity where Id in :Trigger.newMap.keySet()];
The problem is, my IsWon is returning as false when I'm changing the stage to a Won stage and returning as true when I'm change from a Won stage to an Open stage. I've tried using stagenames too and it keeps returning the old value. With Trigger.newMap, shouldn't it be returning the newly set value?
The other issue I'm running into is that in the for loop (for Opportunity o: oppsWithOLIs), I'm trying to set the opp value Assets_Created__c to true and this is not happening. However, the rest of the code where I do a for loop on the OLIs, add to a list and then outside of a loop add those to an apex class is running fine.
- Gail
- April 28, 2014
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System.LimitException: ads:Too many DML statements: 151
List<CronTrigger> lstJobs = [SELECT Id FROM CronTrigger WHERE CronJobDetail.Name LIKE '%myReports%'];
for(CronTrigger ct : lstJobs) system.abortJob(ct.Id);
I run the above code on a daily basis to clean up some old scheduled batch jobs, and I am getting the limitexception:
System.LimitException: ads:Too many DML statements: 151
I undestand that bulkifying the above would solve the issue - similar to other DML operations on standard and custom objects.
My question is - how to do bulkify this operation? Is there a way to mass delete schduled jobs as abortJob() function seems to take only one Job Id at a time?
Kind Regards
- ssoftware
- April 27, 2014
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member variable not visible for assignment
Hi , I was trying to fix below issue. can anyone help on this.
Save error: member variable not visible for assignment oppIds = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get( 'id');
publicString oppIds
if ( oppIds == null)
oppIds = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get( 'id');
- mahe
- December 16, 2013
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AggregateResult = NULL then show 0?
I am trying to put an IF statement into my Class that determines if an Aggregate Result is NULL then place a 0 in its place.
Iv tried a few different ideas and just can't get it to work.
Public Integer getShowJanuarySales() { if (ShowJanuarySales > 0){ return ShowJanuarySales; } else { return 1; }
Iv got the following statement that works fine as long as a record exists and I know that it changes the value for me. But if I replace the "> 0" with "== null" I just get an error on my page saying it can't reference a null object.
Anyone got any ideas?
- Matt Tindall
- December 10, 2013
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APEX IF statement
I am using IF statements to change the colour of text determined on its value. I have it working to show either "RED" if the value is below 15 and Green thereafter.
<font size="6" color="{!IF((ShowNovemberSales<15),"RED","GREEN")}">{!ShowNovemberSales}</font>
I'd like to add in an extra colour and that is if the value is GREATER than 15 but LOWER than 26 to show orange.
Can anyone tell me how i write this as im having no luck!
- Matt Tindall
- December 09, 2013
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Deleting Related Objects trigger
Got two objects. When saving on one, a trigger creates a bunch on the other referecing back with a lookup. When I delete from the former, I want it to delete everything that it created when saving.
This is what I have so far:
trigger CleanRelatedPCMActivities on Week__c (before delete) { set<id> setActIds = Trigger.newmap.keySet(); //query for related Activities list<PCM_Time_Record__c> ActivityRecords = [select Id from PCM_Time_Record__c where Weekly_Time__c in:setActIds]; if(ActivityRecords.size() > 0) delete ActivityRecords; }
Theory sounds good. Before deleting, set the ID of what you are deleting. Then query in the other object to find what it is related to, deleting whatever is found.
This is giving me this error though:
execution of BeforeDelete caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object: Trigger.CleanRelatedPCMActivities: line 4, column 1"
Anyone got a pointer on where I may have gone wrong?
- fourfourfun
- December 03, 2013
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Test.Starttest() question
I am just wondering if someone can explain when I am supposed to use Test.StartTest() and Test.StopTest() ?
If I have a testmethod already, and the @istest notation, are the aforementioned methods necessary to perform a test? Can I run the test without them? When should I be starting-stopping?
- JayDP123
- March 01, 2013
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How to change Lookup relation ship to master detail relation ship in prod
Hello All,
I have question, if i need to change the lookup relationship to master detail relationship in prod what are the steps and precautions i need to take.
If that object is having data how to change, please explain the steps to change from lookup to master details in prod.
Thank you,
- arunadeveloper
- January 23, 2013
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How to call a controller method from javascript that will return a value not null..
Can we use----var x={!method} ?? in javascript...not working for me..
Using <action function >we can access controller method but the method is 'pagereferece' type so it will return null...I want to return a value from controller method to javascript.....How to do?
- Dream_weaver
- December 29, 2012
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Stuck with Visual force child-parent relationship for standard list controller
I am trying to get fields of parents into my child visual force page. i am missing something which thorws error to get the values from parent
<apex:page standardController="Job_Posting__c" recordSetVar="Job_Postings" tabstyle="Job_Application__c" sidebar="false">
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Job_Postings}" var="a">
<apex:column value="{!a.name}"/>
<apex:column value="{!a.Position__c}"/>
<apex:column value="{!a.Position__c.Min_pay__c}"/>
Job_posting__c is the child of Poistion__c. min_pay__c is a field in Position object. first 2 fields are displaying correcty which is name name and position__c (there is also a custom field with the name position directly in child object)
- riffindus
- December 28, 2012
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Unable to update parent field from child object.. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need help in updating a parent record field with Yes or No value.
When I create a child record with lookup field value as hardcoded value, trigger get save but doesnt allow to save child record.
This is the code i am not able to save the child record. On child record I have visualforce page.
trigger PopulateDAA on DAA__c (after insert, after update)
set<id> DealIDs = new set<id>();
set<id> DdataIDs = new set<id>();
for(DAA__c l : trigger.new)
List<Deal__c> deals= [select id, PovRate2530__c from Deal__c where id in :DealIDs ];
deals[0].PovRate2530__c = 'No';
for(DAA__c l : trigger.new)
if(l.Deal__c == 'Poverty Rates Greater Than 25 Percent')
deals[0].PovRate2530__c = 'Yes';
deals[0].PovRate2530__c = 'No';
update deals;
This code executes but doesnt work...
As i have VF page on child object its not allowing me to save the record.
I feel its a lookup field (Deal__c) so its not reading the value.. may be I am wrong.
Please help!!!!
- Amn12345
- December 28, 2012
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Any method to describe the given number in 4 digit format
Is there any method in Apex to print the the given input number in 4 digit format. For example my input numbers are 2,3,4,5,6,23,24. Then the output should be like 0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,0023,0024.
How could I achieve this with out writing general logic? If any methods resulting this output could appreciate. Please help on this....
Shiv Kumar
- Karthik TathiReddy
- December 26, 2012
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Beginner problem, unable to output rows from SOQL query to <apex:repeat>
I'm getting this error:
Description Resource Path Location Type Save error: Unknown property 'OpportunityStandardController.getLines' AlexHelloWorld.page /SFDC/src/pages line 0 Force.com save problem
Here is my visual force page:
<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" extensions="AlexHelloWorld"> <apex:form > <apex:pageBlock title="Edit account for {!$User.FirstName}"> <apex:pageMessages /> <apex:pageBlockButtons > </apex:pageBlockButtons> <apex:pageBlockSection > <apex:outputText value="Test - {!retVal}"> </apex:outputText> </apex:pageBlockSection> <apex:pageBlockSection > <apex:outputText value="OppId - {!opportunity.id}" /> <apex:outputText value="UserId - {!$User.Id}" /> </apex:pageBlockSection> <apex:pageBlockSection> <apex:repeat value="{!getLines}" var="line" id="theRepeat"> <tr> <td valign="top"><apex:outputField value="{!line.Id}" /></td> <td valign="top"><apex:outputField value="{!line.OpportunityId}" /></td> <td valign="top"><apex:outputField value="{!line.PricebookEntryId}" /></td> <td valign="top"><apex:outputField value="{!line.Quantity}" /></td> </tr> </apex:repeat> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
Here is my controller:
public with sharing class AlexHelloWorld { public boolean showFedEx{get;set;} public String mystr{get;set;} public Id opportunityId{get;set;} //public Opportunity opportunity{get;set;} public Decimal retVal{get;set;} //Main controller class public AlexHelloWorld(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { mystr = [SELECT Email from User where Id =:Userinfo.getUserId()].Email; showFedEx = true; retVal = 5*5; System.debug('zzzzz'); } public List<OpportunityLineItem> getLines() { List<OpportunityLineItem> oli = [SELECT Id, OpportunityId, PricebookEntryId, Quantity FROM OpportunityLineItem where id =:System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id')]; return oli; } }
Any ideas?
- AXandSF_Alex
- December 14, 2012
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PageBlockSection Title Bar Color
Does anyone know how to change the color of a PageBlockSection title bar and the title text, or if it is even possible? I know I can use other options, but I need the collapsible sections. Thanks.
- JN22
- December 06, 2012
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Testing Web Service using SOAP UI V 4.5 hitting HTTPS url.
Dear Experts,
I am very new to SFDC and trying to understand some basic features.
I tried to call a sample outofbox Login Web service to generate a session token which can be used for calling custom webservices.
I took the Enterprise WSDL from Setup-Develop-API and imported that in SOAP UI.
While calling this web service I was trying to hit the following URL : https://login.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/25.0
But this call was getting blocked with following exception : ERROR:java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.http.message.BasicHttpRequest cannot be cast to org.apache.http.impl.client.RequestWrapper
When I tried to hit the HTTP url (not HTTPS) request was going through but getting following error UNSUPPORTED_CLIENT: HTTPS Required. This means that request was going through but HTTPS was expected. I tried to suppress the setting for HTTPS but could not do so because I am using a developer edition(Administration Set Up ->Session Settings -> Require Secure connections)
I need to know can I make a HTTPS call from SOAP UI to a salesforce webservice? If so what extra settings are needed ?
Below is my soap request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:urn="urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com">
Much thanks in advance for help.
- Dev1983
- August 15, 2012
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condition to not enter duplicate names in salesforce
I need to specify (a condition to not enter duplicate names in salesforce)for standard field object Account,
through validation rules (or) any way in Admin part not through coding(Triggers should not be used).
please help me out.
- narendev
- August 12, 2012
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Validation comparing now() to a set time
I'm having trouble writing a validation rule where I would compare now() to a set time.
What I'm trying to do is say when a custom date field is changed if the time the change is happening is after 12 noon to fire the validation.
Here are the different ways I've attempted this:
AND( ISCHANGED(Date__c), Date__c = Today()+1, NOW()> DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(YEAR(TODAY()))+"-" +TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()))+"-" +TEXT(DAY(TODAY()))+" "+"12"+ ":00"+":00") )
I've also tried:
AND( ISCHANGED(Date__c), Date__c = Today()+1, NOW()> VALUE(MID(TEXT(NOW()),12,2))>12 )
Any help would be appreciated.
- JJJenkins
- August 10, 2012
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Display Array returned by Controller
My controller class is returning an array of string to my apex page. How do I loop over the array items and display them?
In the code below I am just trying to access the first index in the array and display the value. But this does not work.
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="RECALLFDMServiceController"> <h1>TTM Revenues</h1> <apex:pageBlock > <apex:pageblocktable value="{!TTMByListBillingID}" var="TTMResponse"> <apex:column > {!TTMResponse['0'].TTM} </apex:column> </apex:pageblocktable> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:page>
- jtwoods4
- July 16, 2012
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Record Locked without approval process, how?
lets see if someone can give me a hint about how this happened.
I have a record that is locked, but going to the related list of approval processes, it is empty.
Moreover, I don't have the button to unlock the record, and yes, I'm system admin.
Kind regards
- SeAlVa
- February 04, 2015
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Problem with SELECT FOR UPDATE in Batch
I have a couple of batches that are taking elements from an object that we use as a queue of integration.
the problem is that sometimes they overlap, and I'm getting ENTITY_IS_DELETED.
I decided to add a
Queue__c lock; try{ lock = [SELECT Id FROM Queue__c WHERE ID = :theProcessingElement FOR UPDATE]; } catch (Exception e){ return; } // rest of the logic delete lock;
But I'm still getting a lot of ENTITY_IS_DELETED exceptions
Any ideas?
(I did in all batches)
Thank you in Advance
Kind Regards
- SeAlVa
- November 18, 2014
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Odd behavior in Test Classes
I'm having an exception (CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY) in my code when I change from this code
public void recalculateAccountSegmentation(List<Opportunity> lOppty){ List <Account> accounts = new List <Account>(); List <Account> acctoupdate = new List <Account>(); for(Opportunity o: lOppty){ accounts.add(o.Account); } acctoupdate = [Select Id from Account where Id IN: accounts]; update acctoupdate; }
to this one
public void recalculateAccountSegmentation(List<Opportunity> lOppty){ Set <Account> accountsSet = new Set <Account>(); for(Opportunity o: lOppty){ accountsSet.add(new Account(ID=o.AccountID)); } update new List<Account>(accountsSet); }
What might be the explanation? (that is the ONLY thing I am changing, and tests are running OK without this change)
Thanks in advance
- SeAlVa
- May 22, 2014
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Upsert failed. First exception on row X with id a0XD00... ; first error: INVALID_ID_FIELD, invalid record id: []
Hi everyone,
I'm having the following Error
Upsert failed. First exception on row X with id a0XD00... ; first error: INVALID_ID_FIELD, invalid record id: []
The line that causes the error is
upsert aNewMap.values();aNewMap is a Map which values are records that might or might not have ID.
The point is,
1) why it says that "invalid record id: []" if it says the error before.
2) an upsert call without specifying a field, should take the ID field to know if its an insert or upsert call. if has no ID, why it does not make an Insert?
Kind regards
- SeAlVa
- May 05, 2014
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Make Analytics API display whole fields
I'm trying to use Analytics API to fetch the results of a report (syncronous) and this report contains a field that might have a JSON inside.
The problem is that the API is returning
"value" : "{\n20:{Net:0.0,VAT:0.0,Total:0.0,VAT(%):...",
"label" : "{\n20:{Net:0.0,VAT:0.0,Total:0.0,VAT(%):..."
(is cutting out part of the information).
Is there any parameter that I can use or some way to prevent the API from cutting out this information?
Thanks and regards.
- SeAlVa
- January 20, 2014
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can IDs be repeated?
In order to allow backing-up and restoring our system, we need to create External IDs on every object, so external items would store the custom object.
My initial Idea was to create a field called ID__c marked as unique and External ID.
on after insert, if this field is null, I would assign its real ID.
It would be left as it is, otherwise.
Now suppose that we create a record
Name: Data1
ID__c: null
this would make ID__c --> A
if I delete this record and restore it from a back-up, I would have
ID: B (would assign a different, as you cannot control which ID is given on insert)
Name: Data1
ID__c: A
The question is, is it possible that at some point in the future, I try to create a record and salesforce give it the ID A (as it is no longer used)?
In the scenario I stated, It would fail the insert, cause ID__c is unique, but I want to know if salesforce reuses IDs.
I know that it is very unlikely, but I'm just wondering.
- SeAlVa
- December 03, 2013
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Attachment body mismatch
Hi everybody,
lets see if I'm missing anything or something because I think this might be a salesforce bug.
I am developing a REST webservice, see the following code snippet.
... returned.signatures = new List<Map<String,String>>(); for(Attachment att : [ SELECT Body, ParentID FROM Attachment WHERE ParentID IN :new Map<ID,Order__c>(returned.orders).keyset() AND Name like 'Signature%']){ System.debug(att.id); System.debug(att.parentID); system.debug(EncodingUtil.base64Encode(att.body)); returned.signatures.add(new Map<String,String>{'Id'=>String.valueOf(att.parentID),'signatureBody'=>EncodingUtil.base64Encode(att.body)}); } ...
The thing is that if I go to the debug logs,
I see the attachment ID and the parentID properly, but the att.body is from another file :S (if I navigate to the AttachmentID and click on View, I see the good one)
Is there anything that I am doing wrong?
- SeAlVa
- February 13, 2013
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Single Item in two approval process
I thought that a single item can only be in a single approval Process, if so...
How is this possible?
Action Date Status Assigned To Actual Approver Comments Overall Status 21/01/2013 12:14 21/01/2013 12:14
Step: Step 1 (Pending for first approval) | Pending | ||||
Reassign | Approve / Reject | Pending | CL1-RSA | CL1-RSA | ||
Step: Step 1 (Pending for first approval) | Pending | ||||
Reassign | Approve / Reject | Pending | CL1-RSA | CL1-RSA |
Is that a bug or there is something that I'm missing?
- SeAlVa
- January 22, 2013
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System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: String length exceeds maximum: 1000000
Hello everyone.
I need to call a Webservice with multiple files (base64 encoded).
As I don't like dealing with WSDL, I decided to create the following class
global class MyWSClass{ webservice static Blob myWSMethod (List<Blob> inputs){ return null; } }
After that, I clicked on "Generate WSDL" and cleaned it a little bit (remove all headers but SessionHeader) and save it.
Then, I tried to use that WSDL to generate the Class that will use the webservice (using WSDL2Apex) that generates the following prototype.
... public String myWSMethod(String[] inputs) { ...
The webservice works fine as long as I don't send too much information.
If I send 3 files of 300k each, it throws the following exception
"System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: String length exceeds maximum: 1000000"
on the line that calls to WebServiceCallout.invoke().
As the only field that depends on the files I choose is request_x and the response, I tried to change them to Blob (one, the other and both), but it didn't work.
Any idea?
- SeAlVa
- August 31, 2012
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Is it possible to do this with force.com sites?
Hi everyone,
I'm currently facing a business requirement that I think it might be accomplished with force.com sites.
This is the part of the model involved (3 custom objects)
- License
- Contributor
- Joint object (License, Contributor)
Each license might need many contributors, and each contributor might be involved in many Licenses.
Initially, each contributor is not a regular user of Salesforce (actually, he/she will only interact with salesforce to change License records linked to each of them).
I’ve thought about using Force.com sites (I’m not sure if they are called like that, but I refer to the ones that allow visualforces).
Logic would be as follows:
- A real user of salesforce will create contributors (and store a random token that will be sent to each contributor to allow them to register).
- One of those contributors will get into the site and click on Register. The form will ask for all the information required and the token (to check that he really is the one he claims to be). If everything goes OK, a user will be created and will be ready to log-in.
- About security, there will be a trigger on Joint object that includes each user on License__share.
Do you think this can be done using sites (the ones that allow the use of VisualForce)?
Do you think this is the best option?
- SeAlVa
- June 12, 2012
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Avoid redirect to c.xxx.visual.force.com/apex ... While accessing VF
I am trying to do a $.get() method (jquery) to retrieve the source code of a visualforce.
If I use the code while I'm in the domain c.xxx.visual.force.com/apex/myVF it works fine.
BUT If I use the code while I'm in a standard page (domain xxx.salesforce.com ) I get a redirect message and my code fails.
What leads me to the following questions.
- Is there any way to load a visualforce avoiding the redirect to the domain c.xxx.visual.force.com ?
- or... Is there any way to send session information to let it load properly?
- SeAlVa
- May 25, 2012
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Hierarchy - single user, not whole role
I need to grant access through hierarchy, but only to one user of the hierarchy above.
Lets say I have the following hierarchy
-Role1 (User A, B)
---Role2 (User C [whose manager is A], D [whose manager is B])
I want A to access records owned by C, but not by D, and the same with B and D.
How can I do this with standard Objects? (take into account that 'Grant access using hierarchy is active and cannot be modified).
- SeAlVa
- March 01, 2012
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How to obtain the Field ID using apex?
Hi all,
I know that it is possible to pre-populate fields by adding some parameters to the URL.
What I need is to retreive the Field ID to be able to pre-populate any field I want knowing the Object name and the field name.
Is it possible?
Thank you in advance.
- SeAlVa
- September 02, 2011
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Where to find batch error logs?
Completed First error: Attempt to de-reference a null object
Now I know what that means, but I have no information to debug it. As I said, when I run it manually I can turn on the debug logs, but it does not fail.
It seems odd that there is no "master error log" where I can see more about what happened... or is there?scheduled-apex
- Mitch McConnell
- March 27, 2015
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Record Locked without approval process, how?
lets see if someone can give me a hint about how this happened.
I have a record that is locked, but going to the related list of approval processes, it is empty.
Moreover, I don't have the button to unlock the record, and yes, I'm system admin.
Kind regards
- SeAlVa
- February 04, 2015
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How to pass JS array to Apex controller without JS remoting?
- Wasim Shahzad
- January 15, 2015
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JQuery SQL injection in salesforce? need help
how to avooid sql Injection in jquery???
My code is..
var q_text = "select JId__c from JOauth__c where SetupOwnerId= '";
var q_text1 = $('#currnetUserId').text();
// "currnetUserId" is the ID of span tag in another page
var q_text2 = "'";
var q = q_text.concat(q_text1, q_text2);
- Waqar Hussain SF
- January 12, 2015
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logs are not coming
System.debug('hello world');
developer console not showing any logs.
please help me
- Praveen Kumar 160
- December 14, 2014
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Image not displayed in mail
When i send the image in the htmlbody using img tag , i have stored the image in document .
i have checked "externally available use" checkbox on document also ..
I am able to see that image from my cell phone but , when I login desktop i cant see any image there in the mail
it says click here to see image when i click there is no image , although i am able to see image in my cell phone
mail.setHtmlBody(' Hello Chadda !! <image src="https://chitral-dev-ed--c.ap1.content.force.com/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?id=01590000006MdbA&oid=00D90000000vuPf&lastMod=1418471178000" ');
I am using html email status related list to track #times opened mail and other .
- Chitral Chadda
- December 14, 2014
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Problem with SELECT FOR UPDATE in Batch
I have a couple of batches that are taking elements from an object that we use as a queue of integration.
the problem is that sometimes they overlap, and I'm getting ENTITY_IS_DELETED.
I decided to add a
Queue__c lock; try{ lock = [SELECT Id FROM Queue__c WHERE ID = :theProcessingElement FOR UPDATE]; } catch (Exception e){ return; } // rest of the logic delete lock;
But I'm still getting a lot of ENTITY_IS_DELETED exceptions
Any ideas?
(I did in all batches)
Thank you in Advance
Kind Regards
- SeAlVa
- November 18, 2014
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Select Count UserRecordAccess work around?
if ([select count() from UserAccessRecord where UserId = :UserInfo.getUserId() and AccountId = :sc.getId()] > 0) { return true; }
- jaw999
- September 12, 2014
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removing spaces in URLs
req = System.HttpRequest[Endpoint=http://jira.zzz/rest/customware/connector/1.0/B6DB-9597-179C-LL4Y/Case/500n0000001OXcrAAG/LEV/Client%20Issue%20-%20Level%201/john%doe/test/issue/synchronize.json, Method=PUT]
08:55:20.064 (64488504)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[32]|System.debug(ANY)
08:55:20.064 (64503763)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[34]|System.Http.send(ANY)
08:55:20.064 (64580655)|CALLOUT_REQUEST|[34]|System.HttpRequest[Endpoint=http://jira.zzz/rest/customware/connector/1.0/B6DB-9597-179C-LL4Y/Case/500n0000001OXcrAAG/LEV/Client%20Issue%20-%20Level%201/jiohn%doe/test/issue/synchronize.json, Method=PUT]
08:55:30.077 (10077030307)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[34]|System.CalloutException: Read timed out
08:55:30.077 (10077113104)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[34]|System.Http.send(ANY)
08:55:30.077 (10077198962)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[38]|System.HttpResponse.toString()
08:55:30.077 (10077291506)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[38]|System.HttpResponse.toString()
08:55:30.077 (10077319303)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[38]|System.debug(ANY)
08:55:30.077 (10077335189)|USER_DEBUG|[38]|DEBUG|
exception caught = System.HttpResponse[Status=null, StatusCode=0]
- Katie DeLuna 7
- September 11, 2014
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Odd behavior in Test Classes
I'm having an exception (CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY) in my code when I change from this code
public void recalculateAccountSegmentation(List<Opportunity> lOppty){ List <Account> accounts = new List <Account>(); List <Account> acctoupdate = new List <Account>(); for(Opportunity o: lOppty){ accounts.add(o.Account); } acctoupdate = [Select Id from Account where Id IN: accounts]; update acctoupdate; }
to this one
public void recalculateAccountSegmentation(List<Opportunity> lOppty){ Set <Account> accountsSet = new Set <Account>(); for(Opportunity o: lOppty){ accountsSet.add(new Account(ID=o.AccountID)); } update new List<Account>(accountsSet); }
What might be the explanation? (that is the ONLY thing I am changing, and tests are running OK without this change)
Thanks in advance
- SeAlVa
- May 22, 2014
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Person Accounts
*Ensure the organization-wide sharing settings have been set for the Contact records to be "Controlled by Parent"?
- Amit889
- May 18, 2014
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Upsert failed. First exception on row X with id a0XD00... ; first error: INVALID_ID_FIELD, invalid record id: []
Hi everyone,
I'm having the following Error
Upsert failed. First exception on row X with id a0XD00... ; first error: INVALID_ID_FIELD, invalid record id: []
The line that causes the error is
upsert aNewMap.values();aNewMap is a Map which values are records that might or might not have ID.
The point is,
1) why it says that "invalid record id: []" if it says the error before.
2) an upsert call without specifying a field, should take the ID field to know if its an insert or upsert call. if has no ID, why it does not make an Insert?
Kind regards
- SeAlVa
- May 05, 2014
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Can Someone help me with a compile error?
- Lisa Kattawar
- May 03, 2014
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Help me simplify this code please?
VF Page:
<apex:page standardController="Case" extensions="CW_recurringIncident">
<apex:form id="frm">
<apex:detail subject="{!Case.Id}" relatedList="false" title="false"/>
<apex:outputPanel id="tstpopup" rendered="{!IF(isDisplayPopUp ==true,true,false)}" >
<apex:outputPanel styleClass="popupBackground" layout="block" />
<apex:outputPanel styleClass="custPopup" layout="block">
<apex:pageMessages >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockSection >
<apex:inputField label="Incident First Response" value="{!Case.Incident_First_Response__c}" required="true"/>
<apex:inputField label="Incident Start" value="{!Case.Incident_Start__c}" onclick="" required="true"/>
<apex:inputField label="Service Restored" value="{!Case.Incident_Resolved__c}" onclick="" required="true"/>
<apex:inputField label="Defect Type" value="{!Case.Defect_Type_Multi__c}" required="true"/>
<apex:inputField label="Service Restoration Description" value="{!Case.Service_Restoration__c}" onclick="" required="true"/>
<apex:outputPanel >
<apex:CommandButton action="{!Save}" value="Save"/>
<apex:CommandButton action="{!cancel}" value="Cancel"/>
<style type="text/css"> .errorMsg{ width:159px; }
.custPopup{ background-color: white; border-width: 3px;
border-style: solid;
z-index: 9999;
left: 25%;
position: absolute;
width: 1000px;
//margin-left: -80px; top:100px; margin-left: -170px;
border-radius: 5px;
.popupBackground{ background-color:black; opacity: 0.20; filter: alpha(opacity = 20);
position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0;
z-index: 997 } a.actionlink:hover{ text-decoration:underline; }
.customactionLink { color: #015BA7; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; } </style>
function setFocusOnLoad() { }
public class CW_recurringIncident
public Boolean isDisplayPopUp {get; set;}
public string product, Serial, Change_Tracking_Link, Change_Number, NPI_Tracking_Link, NPI_Numbertext, CPI_Tracking_Link, CPI_Numbertext, Root_Cause_Description, Problem_Tracking_Link, Problem_Number, Declined_Reason, Workaround_ICA, Parent_Case, Part, Machine_Serial, Date_Code, Onboard_Software_Version, Onboard_Hardware, Application, Account_Name, Machine_Model, Machine_ID, Implementation, Component, Contact, Type, Description, Reason, Subject, Subsystem, Additional_email_1, Additional_email_2, Impact, Urgency;
public CW_recurringIncident(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00N30000006aSCK') <> null ){
product = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00N30000006aSCK');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00N30000006aSCE') <> null ){
Application = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00N30000006aSCE');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00N30000006aSCF') <> null ){
Component = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00N30000006aSCF');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00N30000006aSCN') <> null ){
Subsystem = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00N30000006aSCN');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009yTvW') <> null ){
Additional_email_1 = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009yTvW');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009yTvX') <> null ){
Additional_email_2 = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009yTvX');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009zDPm') <> null ){
Impact = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009zDPm');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009zDPp') <> null ){
Urgency = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009zDPp');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('cas6') <> null ){
Reason= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('cas6');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('cas14') <> null ){
Subject= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('cas14');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('cas3') <> null ){
Contact= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('cas3');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009zDPj') <> null ){
Type= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009zDPj');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('cas15') <> null ){
Description= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('cas15');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00N30000006aSCH') <> null){
Implementation= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00N30000006aSCH');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00N30000007Pq9o') <> null ){
Machine_ID= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00N30000007Pq9o');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000illW') <> null ){
Machine_Model= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000illW');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('cas4') <> null ){
Account_Name= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('cas4');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000im8Q') <> null ){
Onboard_Software_Version= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000im8Q');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000im8V') <> null ){
Onboard_Hardware= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000im8V');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000j67S') <> null ){
Part= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000j67S');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000j67T') <> null ){
Machine_Serial= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000j67T');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000j67X') <> null ){
Date_Code= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000j67X');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('cas28') <> null ){
Parent_Case= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('cas28');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000illM') <> null ){
Workaround_ICA= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000illM');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009zDPl') <> null ){
Declined_Reason= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009zDPl');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000ilkx') <> null ){
Problem_Number= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000ilkx');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00N30000007PqGR') <> null ){
Problem_Tracking_Link= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00N30000007PqGR');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009zDPo') <> null ){
Root_Cause_Description= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009zDPo');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009zDPi') <> null ){
CPI_Numbertext= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009zDPi');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000ill2') <> null ){
CPI_Tracking_Link= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000ill2');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009zDPn') <> null ){
NPI_Numbertext= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009zDPn');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na000000A0KZY') <> null ){
NPI_Tracking_Link= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na000000A0KZY');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000ill7') <> null ){
Change_Number= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000ill7');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009yPyY') <> null ){
Change_Tracking_Link= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Na0000009yPyY');
if(System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000j67T') <> null ){
Serial= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('00Ne0000000j67T');
isDisplayPopUp = true;
{Case c = (Case) controller.getRecord(); c.Serial__c=Serial; c.Change_Tracking_Link__c=Change_Tracking_Link; c.Change_Number__c=Change_Number; c.NPI_Tracking_Link__c=NPI_Tracking_Link; c.NPI_Numbertext__c=NPI_Numbertext; c.CPI_Tracking_Link__c=CPI_Tracking_Link; c.CPI_Numbertext__c=CPI_Numbertext; c.Root_Cause_Description__c=Root_Cause_Description; c.Problem_Tracking_Link__c=Problem_Tracking_Link; c.Problem_Number__c=Problem_Number; c.Declined_Reason__c=Declined_Reason; c.Workaround_ICA__c=Workaround_ICA; c.Onboard_Software_Version__c=Onboard_Software_Version; c.Onboard_Hardware__c=Onboard_Hardware; c.Part__c=Part; c.Machine_Serial__c=Machine_Serial; c.Date_Code__c=Date_Code; c.Machine_Model__c=Machine_Model; c.Machine_ID__c=Machine_ID; c.Description = Description; c.CW_Type__c = Type; c.Subject= Subject; c.Reason=Reason; c.Urgency__c=Urgency; c.Impact__c=Impact; c.Additional_email_2__c=Additional_email_2; c.Additional_email_1__c=Additional_email_1; c.Subsystem__c=Subsystem; c.Component__c=Component; c.Application__c=Application; c.Status = 'New'; c.RecordTypeId = '012e00000004RxSAAU';c.Product__c=product;}
- Staci
- May 02, 2014
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Visualforce Data Loss on ReRender
public class timerController { public static dateTime startTime {get;set;} public static dateTime stopTime {get;set;} public static void startTimer(){ startTime = system.now(); system.debug(startTime); } public static void stopTimer(){ stopTime = system.now(); system.debug(startTime); system.debug(stopTime); } }
Each method is tied to a button ('Start Timer' and 'Stop Timer'). When I run the startTimer method, I can see the startTime value in my debug.
When I run the stopTimer method, I can see the stopTime value in my debug, but the startTime has been reset to null.
Why is the startTime value not being maintained in the state? I know I must be missing something small, but I can't for the life of me spot it.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
- Matthew Bathersby
- April 29, 2014
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