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Test trigger failing
Here's the class:
trigger standardiseWebsitesTrigger on Account (after insert, after update ) { if(checkRecursive.runOnce()){ Set<Id> AccIds = new Set<Id>(); List<Account> acctsToUpdate = new List<Account>{}; for (Account acc : Trigger.new){ AccIds.add(acc.Id); } List<Account> accounts = [SELECT Id, Website FROM Account WHERE Id IN :AccIds]; for (Account acc : accounts){ string website = acc.Website; string hostDomain1 = 'http://'; string hostDomain2 = 'https://'; string justWWWAddress = 'www'; if (acc.Website.startsWith(hostDomain1) || acc.Website.startsWith(hostDomain2) && acctsToUpdate.isEmpty()){ Url u = new Url(acc.Website); website = u.GetHost(); acc.Website = u.getHost().replaceFirst('^(https?://www\\.|https?://|www\\.)',''); acctsToUpdate.add(acc); } if(acc.Website.startsWith(justWWWAddress) && acctsToUpdate.isEmpty()){ acc.website = website.substring(4); acctsToUpdate.add(acc); } update acctsToUpdate; } } }
However when using the following test the assertion relating to removing the 'www.' component fails:
@isTest public class standardiseWebsitesTriggerTest { static testmethod void standardiseWebsiteTriggerHTTP() { testSetup('HTTP', 'http://I_AM_HTTP', true); } static testmethod void standardiseWebsitesTriggerWWW() { testSetup('WWW', 'WWW.I_AM_WWW', false); } public static void testSetup(String accName, String accWebsite, Boolean webProtocol) { Account acc = new Account( Name = accName, Website = accWebsite ); insert acc; Account updatedAccount = [select Website from Account where id = :acc.Id]; if(webProtocol) { Url u = new Url(acc.Website); System.assert(u.getHost() == updatedAccount.Website); } else { System.assert(updatedAccount.Website == acc.Website.substring(4)); } } }
The error is:
> Assertion failed Class.standardiseWebsitesTriggerTest.testSetup: line 25, column 1 Class.standardiseWebsitesTriggerTest.standardiseWebsitesTriggerWWW: line 9, column 1
Any idea as to why this test may be failing?
- Kamil Mieczakowski
- May 30, 2017
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Deployment error | change set | Profile | LightningConsoleAllowedForUser
When i was deploying apex class with the profile i get below error on on of the profile "XYZ" like below:
Unknown user permission: LightningConsoleAllowedForUserthanks for suggestion !
- Ab
- May 30, 2017
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Rerender not fetching new data
<apex:page standardController="Case" cache="false" > <apex:pageBlock > <apex:pageBlockSection > <apex:outputPanel id="blockToRerender" > <apex:form > <apex:outputLabel value="Future Date: " /> <apex:actionStatus id="counterStatus" startText="Fetching…" stopText="Done!" rendered="{!ISBLANK(Case.Future_Date__c)}" /> <apex:outputText value="{!Case.Future_Date__c}" /> <br/><br/> <apex:outputLabel value="Fetch Date: " /> <apex:outputText value="{!Now()}" /> <apex:actionPoller oncomplete="refreshJS();" interval="5" status="counterStatus" enabled="{!ISBLANK(Case.Future_Date__c)}" /> <apex:actionFunction name="refreshJS" reRender="blockToRerender" /> </apex:form> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:page>
- Denys Peres
- May 29, 2017
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Apex trigger with Helper Class not working
I'm very new to apex coding. I was informed that the proper way of creating trigger is to create a trigger then call apex class methods. Is that right?
I tried it on my end with a very simple trigger but I can't make it work.
Basically, what I want is that when I create Account, it will automatically create a Contact under the Account with Account is equal to Account id and contact last name is equal to account last name.
Attached is my trigger and class.
Thank you
- Yoni Legacy
- May 25, 2017
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For loop to update a website field for all Accounts
I am currently putting together an Apex script that would normalise all of the website addresses in our database by extracting the host addres and eliminating 'http', 'www' etc from the domain address. For this I am using a for loop. The problem that I am experiencing is that once the code runs (and it runs without errors and the debug produces the desired outcome) the website addresses don't get updated.
Here's the script so far:
public class Standardise_Websites { public Standardise_Websites(){ list<Account> accts = [SELECT Website FROM Account]; for (Account acct : accts){ string website = acct.website; System.debug('Website is ---------->' +website); website = website.replace('http://www.',''); website = website.replace('https://www.',''); website = website.replace('https://',''); website = website.replace('http://',''); website = website.replace('www.',''); System.debug('Final website is ---------->' +website); update acct; } update accts; } }
- Kamil Mieczakowski
- May 25, 2017
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Apex trigger for Lead to Contact
trigger LeadConvType on Lead (after insert) { Map<Id,String> Conversion_Type = new Map<Id,String>(); // Map of the converted Contact ID and the Lead Status for(Lead lead : Trigger.new) { if (lead.IsConverted) { Conversion_Type.put(lead.ConvertedContactId,lead.Conversion_Type__c); } } List<Contact> conContacts = [select Id from Contact WHERE Contact.Id IN :Conversion_Type.keySet()]; for (Contact c : conContacts) { c.Conversion_Type__c = Conversion_Type.get(c.Id); } update conContacts; }
- System Integration 35
- May 22, 2017
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test coverage failure in Production for trigger
I have a trigger and a test class in Sandbox PartielHRC.
the test coverage for trigger in Sandbox is around 80% but when i deploy it in Production it has 0%, i am not bale to find the reason
The following triggers have 0% code coverage. Each trigger must have at least 1% code coverage.
any sugggestions?
- Ab
- August 09, 2016
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The return value of apex method to be used to check a condition in javascript in the visualforce page
I want to check if the user selects duplicate value of the picklist when many records are displayed to edit and show the error message and stop if duplicate is found.
I wrote a apex method for the same. Now how to take the return value to check the condition to show the error message in javascript?
My apex method is :
public Integer getcheckDuplicate() {
// RequestsList = new List<Reclassification_Request__c>();
for(integer i=0 ; i<RequestsList.size();i++) {
system.debug('Entering First For Loop');
for( integer j=(i+1) ; j<RequestsList.size() ;j++) {
Reclassification_Request__c reclassreqI = RequestsList.get(i);
Reclassification_Request__c reclassreqJ = RequestsList.get(j);
if(reclassreqI.Request__c != 'Other') {
if(reclassreqI.Request__c == reclassreqJ.Request__c) {
system.debug('Duplicate Found');
// ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.WARNING,'Error:Priority may not be duplicated.'));
ErrorCount = ErrorCount+1;
return ErrorCount;
I want the check the value of ErrorCount and show the error message. But the value is always 0. Why? Any help please...
- Subha Ayyappan 7
- June 16, 2016
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Custom Formula Field on Opportunity?
StageName = Closed Won
I appreciate the help!
- b.gonzalez
- June 09, 2016
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Error Apex Dynamical Query
System.QueryException: unexpected token: !=
Error is in expression '{!sear}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page listobjects: Class.listobjects.sear: line 57, column 1
Class.listobjects.sear: line 57, column 1
Please help me
public with sharing class listobjects {
public String lisobj{get;set;}
public String lisfields{get;set;}
public string opira{get;set;}
public String envalu{get;set;}
public list<Sobject> accList{get;set;}
public set<String> lisfiels{get;set;}
public string query{get;set;}
Public list<SelectOption> getobj(){
List<SelectOption> opty=new List<SelectOption>();
opty.add(new SelectOption('None','--none---'));
opty.add(new selectoption('Account','Account'));
opty.add(new selectoption('Lead','Lead'));
opty.add(new selectoption('Contact','Contact'));
opty.add(new selectoption('Opportunity','Opportunity'));
opty.add(new selectoption('Reports','Reports'));
opty.add(new selectoption('testA__c','testA__c'));
return opty;
public listobjects(){
lisfiels=new set<string>();
public list<SelectOption> getcall(){
list<selectoption> losfils=new list<selectoption>();
losfils.add(new SelectOption('None','--none---'));
map<String,Schema.SObjectType> schemap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
Schema.SObjectType ts=schemap.get(lisobj);
Schema.DescribeSobjectResult dsobjresul=ts.getDescribe();
Map<String,Schema.SObjectField> fildres=dsobjresul.Fields.getmap();
for(Schema.SobjectField sts:fildres.values()){
Schema.DescribeFieldResult dfc=sts.getDescribe();
losfils.add(new SelectOption(dfc.getName(),dfc.getLabel()));
}catch(Exception e){}
return losfils;
public list<Selectoption> getval(){
list<Selectoption> opera=new list<Selectoption>();
opera.add(new Selectoption('--None--','--None--'));
opera.add(new Selectoption('%','Equal'));
opera.add(new Selectoption('!=','NotEqual'));
opera.add(new Selectoption('>:','Greaterthan'));
return opera;
public void sear(){
string query;
Schema.SObjectType tt=Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(lisobj);
query='Select id,Name from ' + tt + 'where' + lisfields + '!=:' +envalu;
list<Sobject> ss=database.query(query);
- kullai king 1
- June 08, 2016
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Capture the inputfield value changes from Visualforce page into controller and update the record
<apex:page Controller="testctrl1"> <apex:form > <apex:actionRegion > <apex:inputField value="{!updacc.Name}"/> <apex:inputField value="{!updacc.CustomerPriority__c}"/> </apex:actionRegion> <apex:commandButton action="{!customupdate}" value="Update" immediate="true"/> </apex:form> </apex:page> public class testctrl1{ public Account updacc{get; set;} public testctrl1() { updacc = [select Id, Name, CustomerPriority__c From Account where id = '001610000047HlW']; } public void customupdate(){ update updacc; } }
If the user change the input field value 'CustomerPriority__c' and click on Save. I need to update the record. How can I do that?
- Vijay Kumar Rebbala 11
- June 06, 2016
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how to send email to contact when a new case record is created using trigger?
- Obulesh Raj
- June 06, 2016
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time-dependent workflows
When I am working with workflows, One question is roaming through my mind i.e why don't we have time-dependent workflows actions when the evaluation criteria are "every time record is created and edited"
- rushi
- February 03, 2016
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How do latitude and longitude field on account populate ?
Many thanks for you advice !
- Nicolas Peene
- October 23, 2015
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Error on clicking button
I am getting the below error.can any one suggest some solution
Aproblem with onclick javascript for this button or link was encountered
this.style is null or not object.
- shravani mil
- October 19, 2015
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security level
departments[HR, Tech, Developer] which are not hierarchy.
- gopal m 14
- October 18, 2015
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Too many SOQL queries and Apex tests
I know there are many answers to the "too many" part of this question, and I understand the reason and the normally suggested solutions.
But I believe I see this behavior change even running the same test on different occasions, i.e., with no code changes sometimes it will get this error, and sometimes not.
Does this seem possible? Has anyone else experienced this?
And yes, I have (many times) tried most of the suggested solutions.... so this is more of a "is this really possible?" question.
- Mitch McConnell
- September 18, 2015
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Apex trigger testing problem.
trigger TOR_Update_CTS_Rep on Trial_Order_Request__c (before update, before insert) { //This trigger updates the CTS_Rep__c field from the Account CTS_Rep__c Field. //The lookup to account is based on the TOR field called Consignee_Ship_To_Name__c. //Note: By using the "before" trigger to modify the Trigger.new objects, you don't need // to explicitly perform an update DML statement. When the trigger ends, it will implicitly // update the data as you have modified the values For (Trial_Order_Request__c newTOR : Trigger.new) { Account acc = [Select ID, CTS_Rep__c from Account Where ID =: newTOR.Consignee_Ship_To_Name__c Limit 1]; newTOR.CTS_Rep__c = acc.CTS_Rep__c; System.debug('In Trigger new tor= ' + newTOR.CTS_Rep__c); } //End for Loop } //End of triggerThe trigger works fine on inserts and updates but when I wrote my test and ran that I ran into some problems. I am not getting the CTS_Rep__c field filled in. The trigger does not seem to save the data. My test code is below.
@ISTest public class TOR_CTS_Rep_Test { testMethod private static void runtests(){ //In order for this test to work the three users Finance, Test User, and SysAdmin //must be opened and saved in prod so agent will get those last modified!!! //Also, Finance user contact created must = true and marked as an inactive user. //SysAdmin and Test User contact created field must = false and marked active. //create users List<User> theusers = Create_Accts_Contacts_From_Users_Test.buildUsers(); //Use user0 for the account owner User User0 = theusers[0]; //Use user2 for the CTS Rep User User2 = theusers[2]; //create Account Account testacct = NewObjFactory.buildTestAcct(0, 'ABC Company', User0.id); testacct.CTS_Rep__c = user2.id; System.debug('acct CTS Rep = ' + testacct.CTS_Rep__c); insert testacct; String theTORID; Test.startTest(); // Create the Trial Order Request to test the insert of a new TOR with CTS Rep Trial_Order_Request__c TOR = NewObjFactory.buildtestTOR(0, testacct.id); insert TOR; theTORID=TOR.id; Test.stopTest(); System.debug('TOR CTS Rep = ' + TOR.CTS_Rep__c); //check to see if cts rep was added Trial_Order_Request__c TOR1 = [Select id, name, CTS_Rep__c from Trial_Order_Request__c where ID =: theTORID ]; System.debug('TOR1 = ' + TOR1.CTS_Rep__c); System.debug('TOR = ' + TOR.CTS_Rep__c); System.debug('TOR1 Name = ' + TOR1.Name); System.assertEquals(TOR1.CTS_Rep__c,TOR.CTS_Rep__c); } //End runtests } //End testWhen I run debug does not show the CTS_Rep__c as having any data. Below is the debug log.
As you can see by the debug log, the ID for the CTS_Rep__c is null. It pulls the correct data in name field so I know on my select statement that I am getting the correct record but again the CTS_Rep__c is null. Can anyone explain to me what I am doing wrong and how to correct the problem. Thank you.
- karol.freeberg
- September 14, 2015
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How to do javascript remoting without visualforce page?
- Koustubh Kulkarni
- September 14, 2015
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How to identify which field got changed in table in Lightning component
<td> <ui:inputcheckbox updateOn="change" change="{!c.SaveChanges}" text="{!item.Id}" value="{!item.CSopke1__Complete__c}"/> </td> <td> <ui:inputDate updateOn="change" change="{!c.searchChange}" value="{!item.CSopke1__Date__c}" displayDatePicker="true" /> </td> <td> <ui:inputText updateOn="change" change="{!c.searchChange}" value="{!item.CSopke1__Notes__c}"/> </td>Helper.js
SaveChanegHelper: function (cmp, event, helper) { var action = cmp.get('c.updateProcess'); var processId = event.getSource().get("v.text"); var iscompleted = event.getSource().get('v.value'); var FieldLabel = ???how I can get to know which field was changed so that I need to pass this fieldApi to further Apex controller toupdate record accordingly.
- sandeep@Salesforce
- February 21, 2019
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Unable to delete Event monitoring App in Salesforce
1. I made one creator as system administrator
2. I have logged in with that creator.
3. Open Event Monitoring app created by that user.
4. Still I am not able to delete app.
- sandeep@Salesforce
- December 14, 2017
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Strange behavior of apex:InlineEditSupport on visualforce page
when user click on undo icon and click on save still Error message appears.
I deeply investigated and found that clicking on undo icon only shows it is reverting value but actually it does not properly revert value. so if user click on Save button Error occurs. Any Suggestion?
Sandeep Singhal
- sandeep@Salesforce
- November 09, 2017
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How to get access token from QuickBook API based on user name password flow
Please provide bodyRequest structure , setheader 'Authorization' if possible.
- sandeep@Salesforce
- September 22, 2017
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How to a record with 'Delete' permission in apex ?
Note: There is no Accesslevel called 'Delete' exist.
- sandeep@Salesforce
- June 01, 2017
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Nested Account page in lightning Experience
- sandeep@Salesforce
- August 24, 2016
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Not able to delete Workflow and related components from Production using DesctructiveChanges.xml
Although I am able to do it in my developer edition.
- sandeep@Salesforce
- March 30, 2016
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How to Generate EDI files from apex ?
- sandeep@Salesforce
- September 03, 2015
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Need to generate ANSI file in apex
- sandeep@Salesforce
- August 28, 2015
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Getting Error Method Not Allowed while integrating with LinkedIn
I am integrating Salesforce with Linked in and getting below error while accessing linkedIn apis using accessToken. I am sure that access token is valid.
Here is my code
Http h = new Http();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
string endPointValue = 'https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/';
req.setendpoint(endPointValue );
string bodyRequest = '{ "comment": "Check out developer.linkedin.com! http://linkd.in/1FC2PyG", "visibility": {"code": "anyone"}}';
req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken);
req.setHeader('Content-length', string.ValueOf(bodyRequest.length()));
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');
HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
Getting below Error:
16:48:22.131 (1131126887)|CALLOUT_REQUEST|[46]|System.HttpRequest[Endpoint=https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/, Method=GET] 16:48:22.958 (1958244094)|CALLOUT_RESPONSE|[46]|System.HttpResponse[Status=Method Not Allowed, StatusCode=405]
- sandeep@Salesforce
- July 22, 2015
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Edit Link of Related list is not displaying
Note: I have given CRUD permission to all users for this junction object "J". Please suggest what is te reason of this issue?
There is not java script applied to hide this in any home page component.
- sandeep@Salesforce
- May 04, 2015
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Email Delivery to Salesforce Email Service Email address is getting failed
I am facing the delivery failed parmanently error when I send any email to email address ( generated from Salesforce under an email service). It was working fine and it is not dependent to apex code we have written.
- sandeep@Salesforce
- September 16, 2014
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- sandeep@Salesforce
- June 05, 2014
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"This folder is accessible only by the following users" option is not coming on Email Template folders
"This folder is accessible only by the following users" while it is coming in other sandboxes of that same production org. Any body has any idea ? it is very urgent.
- sandeep@Salesforce
- April 08, 2014
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Invalid (isoCode of currency data should never be null. '000' for single currency org)
- sandeep@Salesforce
- March 31, 2014
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Important tool of quick search of Apex class/ Page and component in org
- sandeep@Salesforce
- February 26, 2014
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Helpful blog "How to control Email Notification On Case Insertion"
- sandeep@Salesforce
- February 12, 2014
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Package.xml for some components to use in ANT tool
1. Email Template
2. Field Updates
3. Email Alerts
4. Group
5. Queue
6. Approval Process
Note: Please do not use '*' sign because I need to migrate only few components not all.
- sandeep@Salesforce
- February 12, 2014
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Header/Footer problem while Converting Vf page in to word document
Header and footer are getting displayed on each page of document as desired but my concern is that
on converted word document Header's content displayed on first page and similarly footer's content displayed on last page why? and how to avoid it.
- sandeep@Salesforce
- January 10, 2014
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Execute SOQL On Chatter in Salesforce ?
Here is blog over the topic
- sandeep@Salesforce
- December 12, 2013
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Execute SOQL On Chatter in Salesforce ?
Here is blog over the topic
- sandeep@Salesforce
- December 12, 2013
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DMLOption Usage : How to control Email Notification On Case Insertion
Hi Folks,
A new useful implementation for controlling email notifications
- sandeep@Salesforce
- October 15, 2013
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"Require CSRF protection on GET requests" Means ?
Recently a new option is added on VF Page compiler in salesforce what does it mean?
- sandeep@Salesforce
- June 13, 2013
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How to identify which field got changed in table in Lightning component
<td> <ui:inputcheckbox updateOn="change" change="{!c.SaveChanges}" text="{!item.Id}" value="{!item.CSopke1__Complete__c}"/> </td> <td> <ui:inputDate updateOn="change" change="{!c.searchChange}" value="{!item.CSopke1__Date__c}" displayDatePicker="true" /> </td> <td> <ui:inputText updateOn="change" change="{!c.searchChange}" value="{!item.CSopke1__Notes__c}"/> </td>Helper.js
SaveChanegHelper: function (cmp, event, helper) { var action = cmp.get('c.updateProcess'); var processId = event.getSource().get("v.text"); var iscompleted = event.getSource().get('v.value'); var FieldLabel = ???how I can get to know which field was changed so that I need to pass this fieldApi to further Apex controller toupdate record accordingly.
- sandeep@Salesforce
- February 21, 2019
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streaming API displaying in Homepage
Is it possible to display the changes or something using streaming API in home page or somewhere(if the user using or accessing the someother page in org).
Please help to achive my query. It would be greatly appreciated.
- saran siva
- June 01, 2017
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Getting related records: Account -> Custom Object
VF page:
<apex:page Controller="UseofRepeatOnEpudsController"> <apex:form > <apex:pageBlock title="Accounts with assoicated Contacts"> <apex:repeat value="{!epudsList }" var="epd"> <apex:pageBlockSection title="{!epd.name} - {!epd.Account1__r.Name}"> <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!epudsList}" var="epd2"> <apex:column value="{!epd2.Absorbent_drum_1__c}"/> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:repeat> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
public class UseofRepeatOnEpudsController { public List<Logistic__c> epudsList{get;set;} public List<Account> AccountList{get;set;} public Id accId{get;set;} public UseofRepeatOnEpudsController() { accId = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getparameters().get('Id'); epudsList = new List<Logistic__c>(); epudsList = [SELECT id, Name , Account1__R.Name, Absorbent_drum_1__c From Logistic__c where Account1__c =:accId] ; accountList = [SELECT id, Name From Account]; }
I can't select VF page when setting up a button. My guess is that I need to use Standard controller="Account" and extention (My controller). I'm not sure how to set it correctly. Getting errors.
Also, epudsList is showing related custom object names which is fine, but PageBlockTable will show records not per custom object reocord - but all custom object records together.
So basically I'd like to press button on account and get related records separated. Accoont - > List of custom object records -> (Values related to one record)
Now its showing like: Account -> List of custom object records -> (Values related to multiple records) which is wrong.
Thanks for helping me out!
- Alex Makk
- May 30, 2017
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Test trigger failing
Here's the class:
trigger standardiseWebsitesTrigger on Account (after insert, after update ) { if(checkRecursive.runOnce()){ Set<Id> AccIds = new Set<Id>(); List<Account> acctsToUpdate = new List<Account>{}; for (Account acc : Trigger.new){ AccIds.add(acc.Id); } List<Account> accounts = [SELECT Id, Website FROM Account WHERE Id IN :AccIds]; for (Account acc : accounts){ string website = acc.Website; string hostDomain1 = 'http://'; string hostDomain2 = 'https://'; string justWWWAddress = 'www'; if (acc.Website.startsWith(hostDomain1) || acc.Website.startsWith(hostDomain2) && acctsToUpdate.isEmpty()){ Url u = new Url(acc.Website); website = u.GetHost(); acc.Website = u.getHost().replaceFirst('^(https?://www\\.|https?://|www\\.)',''); acctsToUpdate.add(acc); } if(acc.Website.startsWith(justWWWAddress) && acctsToUpdate.isEmpty()){ acc.website = website.substring(4); acctsToUpdate.add(acc); } update acctsToUpdate; } } }
However when using the following test the assertion relating to removing the 'www.' component fails:
@isTest public class standardiseWebsitesTriggerTest { static testmethod void standardiseWebsiteTriggerHTTP() { testSetup('HTTP', 'http://I_AM_HTTP', true); } static testmethod void standardiseWebsitesTriggerWWW() { testSetup('WWW', 'WWW.I_AM_WWW', false); } public static void testSetup(String accName, String accWebsite, Boolean webProtocol) { Account acc = new Account( Name = accName, Website = accWebsite ); insert acc; Account updatedAccount = [select Website from Account where id = :acc.Id]; if(webProtocol) { Url u = new Url(acc.Website); System.assert(u.getHost() == updatedAccount.Website); } else { System.assert(updatedAccount.Website == acc.Website.substring(4)); } } }
The error is:
> Assertion failed Class.standardiseWebsitesTriggerTest.testSetup: line 25, column 1 Class.standardiseWebsitesTriggerTest.standardiseWebsitesTriggerWWW: line 9, column 1
Any idea as to why this test may be failing?
- Kamil Mieczakowski
- May 30, 2017
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Deployment error | change set | Profile | LightningConsoleAllowedForUser
When i was deploying apex class with the profile i get below error on on of the profile "XYZ" like below:
Unknown user permission: LightningConsoleAllowedForUserthanks for suggestion !
- Ab
- May 30, 2017
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how to display cases on related list of account page in the form of two pageblock tables
I have two record types A and B on case object
Now I want to display cases on related list of account page in the form of two pageblock tables
1st pageblock table should be cases with record type A
2nd pageblock table should be cases with record type B
- vijayabhaskarareddy
- May 30, 2017
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how to deploy the email service address
I read in apex developer guide we can't deploy the email service address name. Can any one help me how we deploy the email service address name?
Thank you
- mohan s 37
- May 30, 2017
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Rerender not fetching new data
<apex:page standardController="Case" cache="false" > <apex:pageBlock > <apex:pageBlockSection > <apex:outputPanel id="blockToRerender" > <apex:form > <apex:outputLabel value="Future Date: " /> <apex:actionStatus id="counterStatus" startText="Fetching…" stopText="Done!" rendered="{!ISBLANK(Case.Future_Date__c)}" /> <apex:outputText value="{!Case.Future_Date__c}" /> <br/><br/> <apex:outputLabel value="Fetch Date: " /> <apex:outputText value="{!Now()}" /> <apex:actionPoller oncomplete="refreshJS();" interval="5" status="counterStatus" enabled="{!ISBLANK(Case.Future_Date__c)}" /> <apex:actionFunction name="refreshJS" reRender="blockToRerender" /> </apex:form> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:page>
- Denys Peres
- May 29, 2017
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Apex trigger with Helper Class not working
I'm very new to apex coding. I was informed that the proper way of creating trigger is to create a trigger then call apex class methods. Is that right?
I tried it on my end with a very simple trigger but I can't make it work.
Basically, what I want is that when I create Account, it will automatically create a Contact under the Account with Account is equal to Account id and contact last name is equal to account last name.
Attached is my trigger and class.
Thank you
- Yoni Legacy
- May 25, 2017
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For loop to update a website field for all Accounts
I am currently putting together an Apex script that would normalise all of the website addresses in our database by extracting the host addres and eliminating 'http', 'www' etc from the domain address. For this I am using a for loop. The problem that I am experiencing is that once the code runs (and it runs without errors and the debug produces the desired outcome) the website addresses don't get updated.
Here's the script so far:
public class Standardise_Websites { public Standardise_Websites(){ list<Account> accts = [SELECT Website FROM Account]; for (Account acct : accts){ string website = acct.website; System.debug('Website is ---------->' +website); website = website.replace('http://www.',''); website = website.replace('https://www.',''); website = website.replace('https://',''); website = website.replace('http://',''); website = website.replace('www.',''); System.debug('Final website is ---------->' +website); update acct; } update accts; } }
- Kamil Mieczakowski
- May 25, 2017
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Going to Visualforce Page through custom buttons with passing parameters
I am trying to navigate to a visual force page, while passing parameters through the URL. Here is what it is without javascript, using the Display in existing window without sidebar or header via URL option.
I'd like to put this into javascript and add criteria on WHEN we allow people to navigate to this visual force page.
Here's my best try but i'm getting an error:
string url = "/apex/RFPDetailsPage?OpportunitySegmentId="+{!Opportunity_Segment__c.Id}+"&
- Mitchell McLaughlin 1
- May 24, 2017
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Locked out of Dev Org
I've been locked out of another Dev org of which I am the sole administrator. My org ID is 00D46000000YtOt and my username is jstone@visualantidote.com. If I can verify my identity, could I be granted access once again, please?
- j Stone
- May 24, 2017
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Create Opportunity for Child Accounts when child created using info from parent account opportunity
Please be my saving hero!!!!
Thanks in advance,
- Shawn Reichner 29
- May 24, 2017
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Call Lightning Event from VisualForce Page
I want to call a Lightning Component event from a Visualforce page in a Community.
I've tried in this way
<div id="lightning" style=""></div> <script> $Lightning.use("c:TheApp", function() { $Lightning.createComponent("c:TheComponent", {}, "lightning", function(cmp) { createdCmp = cmp; var myExternalEvent; myExternalEvent = $A.get("e.c:TheEvent"); myExternalEvent.setParams({ "p": 'p', }); myExternalEvent.fire(); }); }); </script>It's working but it is not what I exactly want, because in this way the compnent is inserted in the page a runtime.
Is there a way to call the event without inserting the component a runtime, but inserting it in the page with the community builder ?
Thanks in advance.
- Rick_93
- May 19, 2017
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Changing VF page title based on the value of lightning component item in the page.
Is there a way I can change the VF page title with the value of item selected in the Lightning component included in the page?
There is a dropdown in the lightning component and the selected value of the lightning dropdown menu must be reflected in the VF page title.
Thanks in advance,
- Binaayo
- April 26, 2017
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I'm unable to get data in Kanban view on my custom objects.
- SV6
- April 26, 2017
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Hide buttons only used for Inline Editing
InlineEditing allows us to show and hide buttons during and after editing inline. However buttons I want hidden by default are displayed.
For instance, I have several buttons I want to show by default and hide when editing, plus a Save and Cancel button that I want hidden unless told to display by inline editing. But when the page loads all of these buttons are displayed. How am I supposed to make Save and Cancel hidden on page load, surely I dont have to use JS or CSS for that, it must be part of the inline editing capability surely?!
MORE INFO: Im not using a standard controller everything in the page is handled in a class. Clicking the Save button (which calls a save method which updates the database, as you'd expect) doesnt save any changes made in inline editing.
I'm starting to think that inline editing will only work with a Standard Controller...
- ministe2003
- February 08, 2011
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How can I access Custom Labels from Apex code classes?
- Jan4C
- September 30, 2008
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Setting font color on pageBlock?
<apex:pageBlock id="appPageBlock" title="Application for : {!application.FirstName__c} {!application.MiddleName__c} {!application.LastName__c}">
with some buttons like this one:
<apex:commandButton value="Save and Continue" style="...">
The only way i can change the font color on the Title is to use a facet for "header". However, when i do this, i lose my buttons....they just disappear.
Anyone have a trick as to how to change the font color without losing my buttons?
(I ONLY want to change the font color for my Title...nothing else on the page)
Thank you!
- Cindy Norman
- April 01, 2015
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Badges and points
Does anyone know the different badges that can be achieved by contributing to this forum (newbie, smartie, etc) and how many points match each level?
- Frédéric Trébuchet
- December 12, 2014
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Announcing New Salesforce Developers Discussion Forums
Today we’re excited to announce the new Salesforce Developers Discussion Forums. We’ve listened to your feedback on how we can improve the forums. With Chatter Answers, built on the Salesforce1 Platform, we were able to implement an entirely new experience, integrated with the rest of the Salesforce Developers site. By the way, it’s also mobile-friendly.
We’ve migrated all the existing data, including user accounts. You can use the same Salesforce account you’ve always used to login right away. You’ll also have a great new user profile page that will highlight your community activity. Kudos have been replaced by “liking” a post instead and you’ll now be able to filter solved vs unsolved posts.
This is, of course, only the beginning — and because it’s built on the Salesforce1 Platform, we’re going to be able to bring you more features faster than ever before. Be sure to share any feedback, ideas, or questions you have on this forum post.
Hats off to our development team who has been working tirelessly over the past few months to bring this new experience to our community. And thanks to each of you for helping to build one of the most vibrant and collaborative developer communities ever.
- Lauren Grau
- December 22, 2013
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New Tool: Nice Salesforce Debug
Hi All,
during my work with apex, I had issue with searching data in maps of maps of maps... or combinations in lists. Sometimes I want to run a debug log and I want to see all values in fields. Salesforce put debug log into long string only, so it's hard to read. After time, I desided to create a new tool, which parse salesforce log into nice format for easy reading. Try it, and say if you like it. Feel free to request some improvements and ideas for implementing
PS: if you do not have any debug try this one:
16:55:49:253 USER_DEBUG [59]|DEBUG|{Best Case=(), Closed=(OppInfoTotal:[OppCategory=Closed, OppId=MyId, OppName=TestOPP1, OppProjectType=null, OppV2Practice=null, sumTotals=(sumQuarterRow:[RevenueType=Deposit, SumOfRow=null, month1=1.0, month2=0, month3=3.6], sumQuarterRow:[RevenueType=Milestone, SumOfRow=null, month1=3.0, month2=0, month3=0])]), Commit=(OppInfoTotal:[OppCategory=Commit, OppId=myId, OppName=TestOPP2, OppProjectType=null, OppV2Practice=null, sumTotals=(sumQuarterRow:[RevenueType=Final, SumOfRow=null, month1=1.0, month2=2.5, month3=1.9])]), Pipeline=()}
- Maros Sitko
- December 16, 2013
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When someone takes the time/effort to repspond to your question, you should take the time/effort to either mark the question as "Solved", or post a Follow-Up with addtional information.
That way people with a similar question can find the Solution without having to re-post the same question again and again. And the people who reply to your post know that the issue has been resolved and they can stop working on it.
- Steve :-/
- February 10, 2010
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