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I need to migrate the Siebel database to Salesforce.com Please share documents related to this :)






Every product have a default carrier(look up) and a list of authorized carrier(list).

My salesman will be able to choose a carrier for the Opportunity Product even if the carrier isn't in the product authorized carrier by a lookup.




In that case i want to show a message to the salesman as  "for the some product you didn't choose authorized carriers, please make sure to check the delivery costs with de logistics".


I know that i can check my criteria with a Trigger or using Workflow rules/and/ CheckBox.
But my question is about the best way to show up this message. i made a research but i didn't really understand.




I wanted to know if it's possible to generate a pop-up when my user is going to work on an Opportunity X.

My idea is, to show every product + carrier for the product everytimes when the user go to see this opportunity except if my salesman check "i understood - or - don't show me this message again."



Thanks dear developers 




 Hi have a requirement lilke Convertinh EMail Template Into  XMl File , how to do  it, Can any one send the sample Code





Hi  All


           I want  to  send Private chatter message from apex .For that     I follwed  the code  Like  below


ChatterMessage cm =new ChatterMessage();
cm.body='HI This RoYal Gents Show room';
insert cm;



   I  am getting errors like chatterMessage .body is not writable, chattermessage.consversationis is not writable.......

 and like this error for every field, and can't perform DML Operations  on ChatterMessages  



plz  any one help me

Hai ,


   I need some help related to write Query as in string format using IN operator.


global class autoCompleteController1
global static SObject[] findSObjects(string obj, string qry, string addFields,string profilename)
/* More than one field can be passed in the addFields parameter
Split it into an array for later use */
List<String> fieldList=new List<String>();
if (addFields != '')
fieldList = addFields.split(',');
// list<o2bc__Item__c> oItem=new list<o2bc__Item__c>();
set<id> setId=new set<id>(); // Here i taken the ID's into set,and writing 'IN' operator in Query
for(o2bc__Item__c oitem:[select id from o2bc__Item__c where o2bc__Type__c=:'FreePhones'])

/* Check whether the object passed is valid */
Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
Schema.SObjectType sot = gd.get(obj);
if (sot == null)
return null;

/* Creating the filter text */
String filter = ' like \'' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(qry) + '%\'';

/* Begin building the dynamic soql query */
String soql = 'SELECT Name';

/* If any additional field was passed, adding it to the soql */
if (fieldList.size()>0)
for (String s : fieldList)
soql += ', ' + s;

/* Adding the object and filter by name to the soql */
soql += ' from ' + obj + ' where name' + filter;
string pl='new';

//profile name and the System Administrator are allowed
soql += ' and Profile.Name like \'%' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(profilename) + '%\'';
system.debug('Profile:'+profilename+' and SOQL:'+soql);

soql += ' and o2bc__Item__c IN (\''+setid+'\')' ; // here i used IN operator,I think it is wrong,can any one tell me how to                        

                                                                                write IN operator in query of string format..I want to retrive all the values  w        

                                                                                   with the Id's in the set.now i am not retriving the values.

soql += 'and o2bc__Status__c=\''+Pl+'\' ';

/* Adding the filter for additional fields to the soql */
/* if (fieldList != null)
for (String s : fieldList)
soql += ' or ' + s + filter;
} */

soql += ' order by Name limit 20';

system.debug('Qry: '+soql);

List<sObject> L = new List<sObject>();
L = Database.query(soql);
catch (QueryException e)
system.debug('Query Exception:'+e.getMessage());
return null;
return L;


HI all,



                    I wnat to send private chatter meassge from apex code , pla any one provide sample  apex code  to send private chatter Messages.

I want to set start and end date of schedule job using apex code.

Cron Trigger has StartTime,EndTime fields but they are not writable.

How to set start and end date.


Any idea???




How to generate a notification email to the task assigner if the activity is completed by the assignee (p.s. assigner <> assignee) ...

Hi Everyone, I have a custom field "Section__c" on "User" object and "Issue" custom object.I need a trigger to fire on creation of Issue record. When a user creates a new "Issue" record assign the value of Issue_Section__c to equal the logged in user's division (user. Section__c). How to query the logged in user ??? Thanks!!!!! Regards, Prasanna

lst = usr.Product_Id_s__c.split(',');
system.debug('Print the value of lst'+lst); //  In this I got the Order  B D A C
for(String s : lst){
system.debug('Print the value of S' + s);
system.debug('Print the value of the flst'+flst); // the Order got changed in the final Lst . . . 


Please help me in this . I have to retain the order in the list . . . 



     I am newly entered siteforce.com.  i want jqurey path add to my siteforce template how to add jquery path in my template please replay me


thank you.

I want to give the field level Security to the administrator

Hi all,


          How to create custom component with implement to standard page. That mean Now we can use custom coponent to custom visualforce page only. But i want to create custom component which is implement to standard page. when ever i install to this it will work on standard page (eg. Account standard page). If there any possible to achieve this.


Thanks in advance



Help me with the testclass for the  trigger


trigger updateOpportunity on Preference__c (after insert)
    if (Trigger.isAfter)
        Map<String, String> map_pref = new Map<String, String>();
        for (Preference__c oPref : Trigger.new)
          map_pref.put(oPref.Opportunity__c, oPref.Id);    
        List<Opportunity> list_opp = new List<Opportunity>();
        for (Opportunity opp : [Select Id, Preference__c,
                                 Id IN : map_pref.keySet()])
            opp.Preference__c = map_pref.get(opp.Id); 
            opp.Preference_Associated__c = true; 
        if (list_opp.size() > 0) update list_opp;                                   



    Using count function ,how can i get values of count() or count(fieldname)...

hi all,

       now i am sending one email every day at 10.30 am to our superior by using schdule apex kindely give me reply


 i wrote trigger on contract object.and it have some fields like start date,end date..and the contract period is 1year.but my need is before 60days of end date email will sent to the user..



i write the trigger..and i add the function today() the email is came..but how to add the 60days before of end date??


can anyone suggest me please??




Hi! I need to convert custom object fields to another custom object fields. from enquiry form object to student object . please help me to write a code for this

Hi all,


I am using jQuery Table Sorter with Apex to display set of 200 records in VF page.

My code resembles like the code described in the blog:



Everything is working as expected when I sort the data few times (2-3).

But if I test sorting more than few times (say 7-8 times), some of the data is lost. Is it something to do with table repeat?

Is there any limitation while using table repeat?

How ever the sorting is working no matter how many times I try to sort. Bur after some number of times sorting, some of the data is lost in VF page.


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                  headers: {
                     0: {sorter: 'text'},
                     1: {sorter: 'text'},
                     2: {sorter: 'text'},
                     3: {sorter: 'text'},
                     4: {sorter: 'text'},
                     5: {sorter: 'text'}
<table id="theTable" class="list tablesorter" cellspacing="1">
      <thead class="rich-table-thead">
           <tr class="headerRow">
                 <th colspan="1" scope="col">Level Of Interest</th>
                 <th colspan="1" scope="col">Re-Confirmed</th>
                 <th colspan="1" scope="col">Name</th>
                 <th colspan="1" scope="col">Type</th>
                 <th colspan="1" scope="col">Symbol</th>
                 <th colspan="1" scope="col">Group</th>
           <apex:repeat value="{!Interest}" var="fi" id="subRepator">
               <tr class="dataRow {!fi.Type_Trimmed}">
                        <apex:selectList id="slIntrest" value="{!fi.Level_Of_Interest}" size="1">
                              <apex:selectOptions value="{!IntLevelOptions}"/>
                        <apex:outputLabel value="{!fi.Level_Of_Interest}" style="visibility:hidden;"  />
                    <td> <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!fi.Confirmed}" rendered="{!fi.ReConfirmedCheckBoxRendered }"/></td>
                    <td><apex:outputLink value="/{!fi.InterestId}" title="{!fi.Name}" target="_blank">{!fi.Name}</apex:outputLink></td>
                    <td><apex:outputLabel value="{!fi.Type}"/></td>
                    <td><apex:outputLabel value="{!fi.Symbol}" /></td>
                    <td><apex:outputLabel value="{!fi.Group}" /></td>


Please let help!

Thanks in advance