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This is not mentioned in the Site.Com documentation, but are there only specific elements within which you can place a data repeater?


I have a page template that has both editable content blocks and editable code blocks. When I attempt to add a data repeater to the page, I get the message "There is no place for this element" and trying to drag & drop a data repeater onto the page shows the red circle with a slash through it, regardless of where on the page I attempt to place it.


It would be useful if the documentation actually stated the restrictions on where various objects can or cannot be placed.


Thank you.

Has anyone implemented a site search, like Google Site Search, in a Site.com site?

I've had experience before with products that feel like they are on their way to sunsetting and Site.com certainly feels that way. There have been few features added or even bug fixes, there is almost no activity in these forums, the Workbook that was recently published felt like it could have been published two years ago. All of that would be well and good if we weren't paying real money for this product. At one point, I was able to get my emails direct to the product team returned, but that is no longer true. So I ask you, other customers, and the product team - is Site.com a truly supported product that is getting development resources, or should we be planning to migrate to another solution outside the Salesforce/Force world? If the solution is not going to advance, we would be better off on a CMS that is actually being developed and supported and tie our Salesforce data in via API.



Is there anyway we can provide user friendly URL's in Site.com?


This functionality does exists in Force.com Sites, read:


I am looking for similar functionality OOTB with Site.com.


It's a must have feature.




[UPDATE 6/6/12: I am editing this post as I get responses from support, as to whether the functions in question truly do not exist, or solutions if they do exist, but in a convoluted or hidden manner.]


[UPDATE 6/7/12: I had a GoToMeeting session with the VP of Site.Com Development and 3 support team members to go through my list. I have updated the list below with the results of that meeting. I have another meeting with them on 6/8/12 to replicate some of the bugs I discovered.]


I am frustrated beyond belief in that none of my support tickets are being replied to, even after 2 business days, there is virtually no documentation for this site.com beta product, and I am hitting serious brick walls with respect to functionality.


If any of you have discovered workarounds to any of these problems, I would greatly appreciate any sage words of wisdom. I can be contacted directly at dharding@illinois.edu


Some of the following are merely annoyances, but some are absolute showstoppers. I’ve bolded items that are critical, i.e., in order to fully port our existing site into site.com, we need to find a workaround.


  1. (CONFIRMED IN GOTOMEETING ON 6/7/12: FUNCTIONALITY DOES NOT EXIST BUT IS BEING CONSIDERED FOR FUTURE RELEASE) No versioning, rollback, or undo. Once something is deleted it is gone forever.

  2. (CONFIRMED IN GOTOMEETING ON 6/7/12: FUNCTIONALITY DOES NOT EXIST BUT IS BEING CONSIDERED FOR FUTURE RELEASE) No way to limit people's access to specific pages, let alone certain content blocks on those pages. All contributors and publishers have access to all pages. So if you have contributor access, you can edit all the content blocks on all pages in the site.

  3. (CONFIRMED IN GOTOMEETING ON 6/7/12: FUNCTIONALITY DOES NOT EXIST AND THIS IS BY DESIGN; IS NOT CONSIDERED A PROBLEM) Site.com does not have any check-in/check-out mechanism for content that is being edited. It does not check to see whether another user has a page or content block open for editing. It blithely allows multiple people to have the same content open simultaneously and the last one closed overwrites the others. This is going to make distributing the site content editorial responsibilities more dangerous than if this were a real CMS.

  4. (CONFIRMED BY SUPPORT ON 6/5/12: FUNCTIONALITY DOES NOT EXIST) There does not appear to be any way to copy a page or template from one “site” to another. So if I clone the site in order to do major overhauls or unpublished development (because I don’t want to screw up the existing site) and I get a page or pages the way I want them, there is no way to port those pages back into the original site.

  5. (CONFIRMED BY SUPPORT ON 6/5/12: FUNCTIONALITY DOES NOT EXIST) There does not appear to be a way to archive, save, or export a single page or resource. You can only export an entire site en masse. This, combined with #4, means that it is impossible to pull content from an older page or from a different site.

  6. (CONFIRMED IN GOTOMEETING ON 6/7/12: FUNCTIONALITY DOES NOT EXIST BUT IS DEFINITELY BEING DEVELOPED. FOR NOW I WILL HAVE TO HARDCODE ALL OF THE MENUS AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE THE SITE MAP TO REARRANGE PAGES WITHIN THE MENU) The navigation menu object appears to only support physical pages. There is no  provision to allow for menu items that are any of the following:
    1. A link to an external site
    2. An anchor link on a page, e.g., the submenu items being links to sections within the same physical page
    3. A menu item that is not a link, but rather an organizing “container” for more elements.
    This means either changing our entire menu structure to remove any elements that are not pages, or forgoing the built-in menu object and hardcoding the menus, which completely defeats the point of having a CMS and being able to move pages around on the fly.

  7. (CONFIRMED IN GOTOMEETING ON 6/7/12: DEFINITELY A SITE.COM BUG, BUT COULD OBTAIN NO INFORMATION ON WHAT "USE OTHER MAP" MEANS) The default Menu Source for the menu object is “Use Site Map”. There is another option called “Use Other Map”, but there is nothing in any documentation that explains what that option means. Moreover, selecting that option immediately generates a system error telling you to file a support ticket. (unimplemented feature perhaps?)

  8. (CONFIRMED IN GOTOMEETING ON 6/7/12: SITE.COM BUG. NEEDS FURTHER DEBUGGING) Many objects display correctly in Site.com ONLY if they are created natively within the WYSIWYG environment. If you import them as HTML code, depending on the complexity of the object, all you get is a block of whitespace with a border. If you preview the page, it looks correct to the end user, but you have no way of using WYSIWYG tools to tweak it. You have to manually edit the HTML and CSS code.

  9. (CONFIRMED IN GOTOMEETING ON 6/7/12: SITE.COM BUG. NEEDS FURTHER DEBUGGING) Positioning and sizing within the WYSIWYG editor is seriously off at times. What you ultimately see published is not what you see within the CMS.

  10. (CONFIRMED IN GOTOMEETING ON 6/7/12: SITE.COM BUG. NEEDS FURTHER DEBUGGING; I WAS TOLD THAT SITE.COM SHOULD NEVER BE ALTERING CUSTOMER-SUPPLIED CSS; I TOLD THEM IT ISN'T EVEN CLOSE) Stylesheet importing: sometimes, if Site.Com encounters a tag that it does not understand, e.g., the “filter” CSS tag, it omits it along with any CSS after it for that element, even if the subsequent CSS is valid. This means manually checking CSS to make sure things are not dropped. This also precludes importing a fresh version of the stylesheet.

  11. (SEE #10) Site.com re-renders CSS when you save, changing the syntax of some markup, regardless of how you have the markup specified. Site.com has taken the Microsoft “we’ll redo it for you” approach.

  12. (CONFIRMED IN GOTOMEETING ON 6/7/12: SITE.COM BUG. NEEDS FURTHER DEBUGGING) When you duplicate a template that has child templates, it ONLY duplicates the parent, not the children. And since templates cannot be copied from one parent template into another, you are forced to manually recreate those child templates by hand.

To be blunt: for 5 figures a year, the current incarnation of site.com is is woefully and pitifully inadequate.

Hi there,

In site.com . . . I want to limit the number of child items that show in a menu on my page. For example, I have a vertical menu on the left side of my pages, and I only want it to show the parent and 1 level of child items. I see a link to a "Use Other Map" in the Menu Source drop down but it crashes everytime I try it?


Is there another way to limit what the menu displays? 

