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Exporting of data from sales force at regular intervals
I am reposting this question in order to have a complete view on my solution
My use case.
1) Export of data
2) Export should be weekly once
3) Data should be saved somewhere for atleast 1 month
I tried to use dataloader CLI but i cant even install it. Well, I will arrive sucess at some poitn of time.
Once i install dataloader,
1) how to install scheduler
2) I also want to delete old exported files, how will i be able to acieve it.
3) Is there any other way alternative to dataloader CLI, wher i could acieve my requirement for free and not paying heavy money to external apps
- Ab
- August 25, 2015
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Processinstance in VF Page
I have a Visualforce page constructed on a custom object. I am using the standard controller for that object. I also have an Approval Process associated with the object. I am able to pull in the approval history with the <apex:relatedList List="ProcessSteps"> function. However, I would like to customize the related list to make it a bit more user-friendly. I know I can use <apex:facet> to control the header, footer, and body, but is there any way to pull in the different columns of the approval history? (e.g., {!processinstance.Status}, {!processinstance.AssignedTo}, etc.)
- John Neilan 2
- August 20, 2015
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Implementing Queue sharing rules(Assignment rules) for Private custom Object
How to implement the queue sharing(assignment rules) for a private custom object, Is it possible to implement assignment rules for a custom object apart from "Leads" and "Cases" , Please let me know
Thanks in Advance
- SFDC 007
- April 04, 2013
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Apex:ouputPanel rerender problem
Hello there,
I have a strange problem with <apex:outputPanel>, rendered="" attribute. In my controller, I have an Integer variable. On first load of the VF page, the value is non-negative. I have a search functionality, that causes to call {!onLoad} method. This method makes the value to 0(zero). Now, when I try to rerender that outputPanel, its does't re-render even though the value of the variable is zero or negative.
Please help.
Thank you in advance.
This is VF <apex:outputPanel> :
<apex:outputpanel rendered="{!IF(volResultSide > 0, false, true)}">
<tr class="EvenRow" height="40px" style="padding-top:16px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 4px">
<td class="column">No Volunteers found!</td>
- Pronow
- April 03, 2013
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Deleting an item by ID on a VF page
Greetings to everyone!
On my VF i have a commandlink and it looks like this:
<apex:commandLink value="Delete" action="{!del}"> <apex:param name="idtodel" value={!pitem.merchandise.id}"/> </apex:commandLink>
In my Apex controller i want to implement deletion like this:
public PageReference del() { Id IdToDel=System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id'); Item__c ItemToDel = [SELECT all FROM Item__c WHERE id = IdToDel]; PageReference curPage = ApexPages.currentPage(); curPage.getParameters().put('success','true'); curPage.getParameters().put('id',Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); curPage.setRedirect(true); return curPage; }
and i get an error "unexpected token: 'IdToDel' at line 7 column 40"
- Nervosa
- November 27, 2012
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Access permission option is only Read/Write on opportunity / account teams
I am trying to give only read permission to few of the members of account teams or opportunity teams but the only value available in Access dropdown is "Read/Write"
How do i give only read permissions in this case
- NishG
- November 26, 2012
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Changing value of apex:outputText from javascript
Why document.getElementById('{!$Component.ZoomName}') is always returning null?
We have an apex page where an outputText (id="ZoomName") is defined. In javascript we want to change the value of ZoomName, but {!$Component.ZoomName} is always returning null.
<apex:outputText value="30 dias" id="ZoomName" styleClass="chronoline-zoom-text"/ >
<script type="application/javascript">
function loadZooms(){
var zoomRecord = new Object();
var zoomArray = new Array();
zoomRecord.Id = 0;
zoomRecord.Name= "60 dias";
zoomRecord.visibleSpan= 5184000000;
zoomArray[zoomRecord.Id] = zoomRecord;
zoomRecord = new Object();
zoomRecord.Id = 1;
zoomRecord.Name= "30 dias";
zoomRecord.visibleSpan= 2592000000;
zoomArray[zoomRecord.Id] = zoomRecord;
zoomRecord = new Object();
zoomRecord.Id = 2;
zoomRecord.Name= "15 dias";
zoomRecord.visibleSpan= 1296000000;
zoomArray[zoomRecord.Id] = zoomRecord;
zoomRecord = new Object();
zoomRecord.Id = 3;
zoomRecord.Name= "7 dias";
zoomRecord.visibleSpan= 604800000;
zoomArray[zoomRecord.Id] = zoomRecord;
zoomRecord = new Object();
zoomRecord.Id = 4;
zoomRecord.Name= "1 dia";
zoomRecord.visibleSpan= 86400000;
zoomArray[zoomRecord.Id] = zoomRecord;
if (document.getElementById('{!$Component.ZoomName}') != null) {
document.getElementById('{!$Component.ZoomName}').value = zoomArray[defaultZoom].Name;
return zoomArray;
zooms = loadZooms();
Many Thanks,
- Altran
- November 26, 2012
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How to create instance for an object based on Sobject type
string typename='account';
Schema.SObjectType targetType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(typeName);
sObject obj=targetType.newSObject();
here i want to create an instance for account dynamically.
How is it possible.
- vasu takasi
- November 23, 2012
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Can any one suggest me How to display the suffix of the chemical formula in salesforce
Our requriement is
Displaying Suffix of the Chemical Formula in VFpage
Ex: C6H5NH2
Here the suffix are 6,5,2
I need to display these suffix as shown below
C6H5 NH2
- LA_193
- November 20, 2012
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Remove Row Dynamically from a Pageblocktable
Hi All,
I have a pageblock table in a visualforce page say created for object Opportunity …
Inside the page block table I created another one table for object Product…..
I used Map like Map<Oppty,List<Product>> to populate Opportunity values and corresponding product values in to the table
and the table is editable to add new values……..
In Edit Mode ,I have added “AddRow” link to add new rows in the table and Delete Row link to delete a particular row in the table….
Since I am using using the Map in the page block table I am not able to write a method for “Delete Row” link ...
Please anyone suggest..
- SatheeshDevsinCloud
- November 19, 2012
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Changing object label and API name
Can we modify the object name after the workflows and validation rules are created. Does it effect the workflows?
- New_Developer
- November 16, 2012
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Auto populate custom fields on the opportunity with values from the account object
I need your advice to the following problem:
I have the Fields Owner and Responsible on the account and on the opportunity object. When I define an opportunity, I need to fill in these fields with the values from the Account automatically.
With workflow it is not possible to make this. The fields are lookup fields to the User object.
I suppose this is possible with trigger.
Does anyone have advices and experiences with similar topic?
- Petya
- October 31, 2012
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Salseforce Dynamic quires (SOQL /SOSL)
Can any one tell me what is Max length of dynamic SOSL/SOQL query?
I am building dynamic query where I am adding fields dynamically. I don't know that when my query will fail due the long query.
Is there any limit on length of query?
- puru
- October 31, 2012
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Rename Close Date to Expected close date on Opportunity
Hi Guys,
In Opportunity Object for some page layouts in my organization in record detail page the field lable is "Closedate" when i edit the same layout the same field label is like "Expected close date". How this happens?
Is it depends on any other settings or open / closed status of an opportunity? or any other ?
- SFDC_Learner
- October 31, 2012
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moving selected picklist values to another picklist in a page
I have 2 picklist fields(Available fields and Selected fields) and Add button in between the fields.
values in Available fields:
If i select the Account value in Available fields and then by clicking on the Add button it (Account value) should move to Selected fields.How to acheive this?
Thanks in Advance.
- Alagar
- October 30, 2012
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Record Accessing
Hi All,
I have one Custom object called Salary__c, this object was hidden(no access) for a user using profile.
But i want to show a salary__c record which was created by HR manager and shared(owned by that user) to that user.
It is possible? If yes, can u plz suggest me to achieve this.
- Hussey786
- October 30, 2012
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Opportunity product
Any body knows the API name of the junction object Opportunity Product?
I can see this object in the the schema builder but it seems like I am not able to use this object trough the API.
- Ovi
- October 29, 2012
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Changing a Custom Button from Detail Page Button to List Button
We have a custom button that draws into a VisualForce Page. I want to move this button from the Detail Page and add it to the List view of it its parent record. This would enable me to perform this action for multiple records at once.
The issue I am having is when I edit the button to change from "Detail Page Button" to "List Button". When List Button is selected, the VisualForce Page previously used is no longer an option under Content. Is there some coding that I need to change to allow this switch, or is there a setting on the Page or Class that need to edit?
I am a Sys Admin with just enough Coding knowledge to keep myself out of trouble but not enough to be an effective developer.
- JGraf
- October 27, 2012
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is it possible to associate a contact with a company name?
Hi there,
I have 2 questions:
1. When I am editing a contact, I would like to indicate the name of the company the contact is from but I can't find a "company" field in the edit panel
2. Is there a company field available in the API contact object?
I can't find a field to relate with a company name here: http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api/Content/sforce_api_objects_contact.htm
Many thanks for your help
- JackShepard
- October 26, 2012
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Where am I missing a semicolon?
I have a custom button which is supposed to send an email, but I'm getting the following error when I click it:
"A problem with the OnClick JavaScript for this button or link was encountered: missing ; before statement"
My button executes the following OnClick Javascript:
{!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/23.0/connection.js")} {!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/23.0/apex.js")} Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setTargetObjectId({!Case.AccountId}); mail.setTemplateId('00XD0000001SLYh'); mail.setBccSender(false); mail.setToAddresses({!Case.SuppliedEmail}); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); }
I can't see a missing semicolon?
Someone please shed some light on this for me as I can't move forward until this is resolved.
- LeeMurphy
- October 25, 2012
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Report running
I have question about running report. In my org, I'm an admin. I created a report which want to show to the subordinate. I create a seperate folder for him. But when I login as him, he can't run my report and he has run report permission. I'm wondering is that the people in the lower position can not run the report which created by user who in the upper position?
- Zhenyu Liu
- August 27, 2015
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Can any one help me how to query multi-select picklist values to filter the records on click of search button
I have a picklist field on account object,using search button I am able to filter the records by selecting a picklist value.
but now i want to use the same picklist value as multi-select picklist.
can any one help me in resolving the issue.
Vf code:
<apex:page controller="ACCsearch">
<apex:form id="form">
<apex:inputText value="{!searchstring}" label="Input"/>
<apex:selectList value="{!Typeoptions}" label="Type" size="2" multiselect="true" >
<apex:selectOptions value="{!selectedType}"></apex:selectOptions>
<apex:commandButton value="Searchrecords" action="{!search1}"/>
<apex:pageBlock title="Inst Records" id="Block1">
<apex:pageBlockSection id="section" collapsible="true" title="TABS">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Instlist}" var="inst" >
<apex:column value="{!inst.Name}"/>
<apex:column value="{!inst.Type}"/>
apex code:
public class ACCsearch
public list<Account> Instlist{get;set;}
public string searchstring{get;set;}
public string Typeoptions{get;set;}
public ACCsearch()
string strqry ='select Name,Type from Account';
public list<Selectoption> GetselectedType()
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult =Account.Type.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();
options.add(new SelectOption('None','--None--'));
for( Schema.PicklistEntry f : ple)
options.add(new SelectOption(f.getLabel(), f.getValue()));
return options;
public void search1()
string strqry ='select id,Name, Active__c,Type from Account where id !=null ';
strqry =strqry +'and Type LIKE \'%'+Typeoptions+'%\'';
strqry =strqry +'and Name LIKE \'%'+searchstring+'%\'';
- rahul reddy 21
- August 27, 2015
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Javascript error on custom List Button
{!REQUIRESCRIPT("/xdomain/xdomain.js")} {!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/33.0/connection.js")} {!REQUIRESCRIPT("/support/console/33.0/integration.js")} var a = {!LEN( $Setup.New_Opportunity_Settings__c.RecordTypeId__c )}; if (a > 0) { window.parent.navigateToUrl('/006/e?retURL={!Contact.Id}&RecordType={!$Setup.New_Opportunity_Settings__c.RecordTypeId__c}&{!$Setup.New_Opportunity_Settings__c.ContactFieldNameId__c}={!Contact.Name}&{!$Setup.New_Opportunity_Settings__c.PrimaryContactFieldId__c}={!Contact.Id}&accid={!Account.Id}'); } else { window.parent.navigateToUrl('/setup/ui/recordtypeselect.jsp?ent=Opportunity&retURL={!Contact.Id}&save_new_url=/006/e?retURL={!Contact.Id}&{!$Setup.New_Opportunity_Settings__c.ContactFieldNameId__c}={!Contact.Name}&{!$Setup.New_Opportunity_Settings__c.PrimaryContactFieldId__c}={!Contact.Id}&accid={!Account.Id}'); }
This is an onclick javascript button that is on a contact page layout, allowing the user to create a new opportunity. Seems to work most of the time but occasionally it doesn't, with the error "missing ) after arguments list". Wondering if anyone knows why this would happen on some contacts not others.
- Ross Gilbert 19
- August 26, 2015
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Pulling fields for all Page Layouts
- szesze20
- August 25, 2015
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VF buttons
<!-- <apex:commandButton action="{!onSend}" disabled="{!sendDeActive}" value="Send Text Message" /> -->
<apex:commandButton rendered="{!(SMScount >= 2)}" disabled="{!sendDeActive}" action="{onSend}" value="Send Text Message" />
<apex:commandButton rendered="{(SMScount >= 3) || (!optOut) ||(desplayError = True ) }" action="{onClear}" value="Clear" />
I have 2 buttons as you see above:
Send Text Message
Clear and Send Text message should not be shown if the SMSCount=>3, (SmsCount is a label field which is running and incrementing +1 everytime when you send message).
I tried to write a code please help me in that peice of code that it will not show us the these two buttons if the Smscount>=3, or whenever its going to be after the 3 it will not show the these buttons, please help me i am very new in it
- Abdullah Sikandar 15
- August 25, 2015
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Exporting of data from sales force at regular intervals
I am reposting this question in order to have a complete view on my solution
My use case.
1) Export of data
2) Export should be weekly once
3) Data should be saved somewhere for atleast 1 month
I tried to use dataloader CLI but i cant even install it. Well, I will arrive sucess at some poitn of time.
Once i install dataloader,
1) how to install scheduler
2) I also want to delete old exported files, how will i be able to acieve it.
3) Is there any other way alternative to dataloader CLI, wher i could acieve my requirement for free and not paying heavy money to external apps
- Ab
- August 25, 2015
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Code coverage lines not displaying in developer console
After running test class, am able to see the percentage of the code covered, but unable to see covered code lines in developer console or any where.
Let me know if any body got this issue, and wat is the get rid of this issue.
Thank you in advance..
- venkyyy
- August 25, 2015
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How to display Grand total in VF Page
I want to display Grand Total Amount of amount field in expensive object.
Please help me to achieve this.
**VF Page:**
<apex:page controller="ExpensesClass" >
<apex:form >
<!-- Need this variables for totals generation -->
<apex:variable value="{!0}" var="total1"/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!expensesList}" var="e" rendered="{!isTableExit}" >
<apex:column value="{!e.Date__c}"/>
<!--<apex:column value="{!e.Item__c}"/>-->
<apex:column >
<apex:outputLink target="_blank" value="/{!e.id}">{!e.Item__c}</apex:outputLink>
<apex:column headerValue="Amount">
<apex:outputField value="{!e.Amount__c}" />
<apex:variable var="total1" value="{!e.Amount__c+total1}" />
<apex:facet name="footer">
Total: <span class="t1"></span>
<apex:pageBlockSection >
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<apex:outputLabel value="Grand Total Amount:"/>
<apex:outputText value="{!totalsum1}"/>
// Here we will set the generated subtotals to the footer cells
document.getElementsByClassName('t1')[0].innerHTML = '{!total1}';
public class ExpensesClass {
public string nameQuery{get;set;}
public List<Expense__c> expensesList{get;set;}
public Boolean isTableExit {get;set;}
public Date fromdate {get; set;}
public Date todate {get; set;}
public list<AggregateResult> totalsum {get;set;}
public integer totalsum1{get;set;}
//public List<Expense__c> expensesList {get; set;}
public ExpensesClass(){
totalsize=[Select count() From Expense__c];
totalsum=new list<AggregateResult>();
//totalsum=[Select sum(Amount__c) From Expense__c];
public PageReference executeSearch(){
string str='%'+nameQuery+'%';
if(nameQuery==null || nameQuery==''){
//errormessage ='Name cannot be null or empty. Please Try Again.';
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Please Enter Owner Name'));
expensesList=[Select id, Item__c, owner.name,Amount__c, Date__c From Expense__c where owner.name LIKE:str Limit:limitsize Offset:offsetsize];
return null;
public Void gettotalsum1(){
AggregateResult[] groupedresult=[Select sum(Amount__c) From Expense__c];
object totalsum1=groupedresult[0].get('total');
//return totalsum;
Thanks in advance
- Sain
- August 25, 2015
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Permissions while generating PDF from onclick button script
var quoteId = "{!REVVY__MnQuote__c.REVVY__SalesforceId__c}";
var status = "{!REVVY__MnQuote__c.REVVY__Current_Status__c}";
window.open('/apex/PMnCustomTemplateCostSheet?quoteID=' + quoteId, '_blank', 'toolbar=0,location=0,menubar=0');
I would assume that the user's profile would just needs read and or create access to the Quote and its line items but still is denying access to the users with insufficient access. Am I missing something simple here?
- JJames
- August 24, 2015
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problem with Jquery sortable method when i use in a repeat where list comes after i click on commandbutton
<apex:page standardController="Contact" extensions="extContactList">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.4/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css"/>
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/demos/style.css"/>
#sortable { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 60%; }
#sortable li { margin: 0 3px 3px 3px; padding: 0.4em; padding-left: 1.5em; font-size: 1.4em; height: 18px; }
#sortable li span { position: absolute; margin-left: -1.3em; }
$(function() {
$( "#sortable" ).sortable();
$( "#sortable" ).disableSelection();
<ul id="sortable" >
<li class="ui-state-default"> First Name - Last Name - Id</li>
<apex:repeat value="{!ContactList}" var="c">
<li class="ui-state-default"> {!c.FirstName} - {!c.LastName} - {!c.Id} </li>
It works perfectly but when i fetch the list after some action and rerender my list sortable() for drag and drop does not works as expected ?...please help me in this ASAP
- Shailender Gupta 20
- August 22, 2015
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How pass Id and Type in email template
I have create a visualforce page with controller. I have create a button "send" when click this button that time i have call the email template. In my email template i have use " Component". But that time <c:PricelistFAELcontroller1 Serviceid="{!relatedTo.id}" ServiceSheet="{!relatedTo}"/>.
but here my id, and type not populate in visualforce page into visualforce email template. How to pass id,object type into visualforce page into visualforce email component. Any one konow reply me.
- Vadivel Murugan
- August 22, 2015
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Test Class for wrapper. Error : Constructor not defined
global class ProductWrapper { public Boolean isSelected {get;set;} public PricebookEntry PBE{get;set;} //creating a constructor public ProductWrapper(PricebookEntry PBE,Boolean isSelected) { this.PBE= PBE; this.isSelected= isSelected; } }Test class:
@istest public class TestProductWrapper { static testMethod void productWrapper1() { /********************* //insert Quote Line Item *********************/ Product2 prod = new Product2( Name = 'ENGEH16-2P', ProductCode = 'ENGEH16-2P', Item__c = 'ENGEH16-2P', Discount_Code__c='A', isActive = true, Dealer_Price__c=100 ); insert prod; system.debug('Product2 Id='+prod.id); /************************ * Get standard pricebook * ************************/ Id priceBookId2 = Test.getStandardPricebookId(); /****************************** //create price book entry ***************************/ PricebookEntry PBE= new PricebookEntry(); //PBE.Name='ENGEH16-2P'; //PBE.Pricebook2Id=pb.Id; PBE.Pricebook2Id=priceBookId2; PBE.Product2Id=prod.id; PBE.UnitPrice=100; PBE.UseStandardPrice=false; PBE.isActive = true; Insert PBE; boolean isSelected =True; /******************************* * Creating a constructor * *****************************/ ProductWrapper TestPW = new ProductWrapper(); TestPW.ProductWrapper(PBE, isSelected); } }I am getting an error message on second last line
ProductWrapper TestPW = new ProductWrapper();
Constructor not defined: [ProductWrapper].<Constructor>()Any suggestions?
- Gaurav Agnihotri
- August 22, 2015
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I have made all other users inactive for an activity in Trailhead thinking that would free up Salesforce licenses. I have since switched all users for free licenses with the expection of 3: System Administrator, Marketing Coordinator and Account Manager. (This is for 'controlling access to fields' in Trailhead under the basic developer track.) I keep getting that I have maxed license limits. How do I resolve this?
- rachel watson
- August 22, 2015
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Prevent Trigger Recursion with Data Loader in Bulk Mode
- Haystack Certified
- August 21, 2015
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The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow.
I'm trying to complete the trailhead challenge for Automating Process with the Lightning Process Builder and keep getting this error:
The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow.
A flow trigger failed to execute the flow with version ID 30161000000CcPC.
I don't have any accounts in my setup, is that the problem? Do I need to prepopulate the data before configuring the Process Flow?
My Process is doing this:
Object: Account -> Start the process when a record is created or edited -> Recursion is enabled
Criteria for Executing Actions: Conditions are met -> (5 conditions) [Account].billingData[city,province,country,zip,street] _ Is changed _ boolean _ false
Actions: [Account].ChildAccounts _ No Criteria _ (5 conditions) billingData[city,province,country,zip,street] _ Reference _ (5 conditions) [Account].billingData[city,province,country,zip,street]
- Troy Larrsen
- August 21, 2015
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Custom Field for Open Activities
- Nicole Roche
- August 21, 2015
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Product Summary Field on the Account
- Nicholle Minch
- August 20, 2015
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The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow.
I'm trying to complete the trailhead challenge for Automating Process with the Lightning Process Builder and keep getting this error:
The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow.
A flow trigger failed to execute the flow with version ID 30161000000CcPC.
I don't have any accounts in my setup, is that the problem? Do I need to prepopulate the data before configuring the Process Flow?
My Process is doing this:
Object: Account -> Start the process when a record is created or edited -> Recursion is enabled
Criteria for Executing Actions: Conditions are met -> (5 conditions) [Account].billingData[city,province,country,zip,street] _ Is changed _ boolean _ false
Actions: [Account].ChildAccounts _ No Criteria _ (5 conditions) billingData[city,province,country,zip,street] _ Reference _ (5 conditions) [Account].billingData[city,province,country,zip,street]
- Troy Larrsen
- August 21, 2015
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Track custom field attribute Changes
I have created a custom field and set its attribute "Unique" to true. Is it possible to throw a trigger or have some popup message or a workflow rule that prevents a user from unchecking that attribute.
Please help!
- ebiztom
- January 30, 2013
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