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problem in rerender
Below is the code. Please help on how to fix this.
<apex:page controller="customcontroller" sidebar="false" id="page"> <apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.jquerymin}"/> <apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.jstree, '/jstree/dist/themes/default/style.min.css')}"/> <script src="{!URLFOR($Resource.jstree, '/jstree/dist/jstree.min.js')}"></script> <apex:stylesheet value="{!$Resource.AlignmaxCommonCSS}"/> <script> $( document ).ready(function() { createTree(); }); function createTree(){ var j$=jQuery.noConflict(); j$(function(){ j$('#jstree').jstree({ "core" : { "check_callback" : true, "themes" : { "stripes" : true }, 'data' : {!jsonString} } }); }); alert('inside tree Json String'+JSON.stringify({!jsonString})); } </script> <apex:form id="form"> <div class="box-main"> <div class="box-content"> <apex:actionStatus startText=" (Shant Baitho...!!!)" stopText="" id="processingStatus" /> <apex:actionFunction name="TreeRefresh" status="processingStatus" action="{!processTeam}" /> <apex:selectList value="{!selectedTeam}" size="1" style="width:20%;" onchange="TreeRefresh();" > <apex:selectOptions value="{!TeamList}"></apex:selectOptions> </apex:selectList> <div class="tree"> Tree Structure <apex:outputPanel id="treePanel"> <div id="jstree"> </div> </apex:outputPanel> </div> </div> </div> </apex:form> </apex:page>
- Arun K
- September 29, 2015
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Understanding Territory 2.0
Please help in understanding below points
- I am using Territory 2.0 and I can use SOQL but not SOQL. Why?
- Below 2 URL is conflicting in using DML operation. Please help in understanding. Please note 1st URL with list of objects that dont support and 2nd URL about Territory 2.0 object.
Please let me know any issues.
- Arun K
- August 04, 2015
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Row color change after refresh Page
I am having this requirement.
I have pageblocktable where I have rows initially.
With button I add new row in table and then I want to have that row in one color and If user refreshes, I want that row to got to other color.
Please give directions in this.
Arun K
- Arun K
- August 04, 2015
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pageblocktable onhover on column in pageblocktable
I have account with same account_id__c for two or more records and I want to show the other record in pageblocktable on hover on the column.
I am able to show pageblocktable in particular place when I click the link on column of pageblocktable. I am trying to get that pageblocktable on hover.
Please guide me and let me know If I can understand you more.
- Arun K
- July 22, 2015
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Doubt in handling Managed Package
schema within our Managed Package. However, any references to fields outside the Managed Package is leading to creation of duplicate fields (with namespace of the
Managed Package appended) on deployment of the Managed Package. For example, in one of my classes we are referring to a field 'Role_c'in the account object. When I
deploy the Managed Package, there is another field <namespace>__Role_c created in the object and this new field is referenced within my class. Is there a way to refer
to fields outside the Managed Package without creating these duplicate fields?
- Arun K
- March 04, 2015
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d3 visualization clipping if i use tabpanel
What could be the problem? Below are the screenshots without and with tabpanel
- Arun K
- May 06, 2014
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Territories in Sandbox Template
I am looking to add Territories Satndard Object in Sandbox Template.
So that I can refresh territories from production to sandbox.
At present I cannot see territory object while adding Sandbox Template
- Arun K
- February 25, 2014
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showing value in apex:pieseries
I am looking to show the value in donut and not when I hover.At present when I hover I could see it.
how to do it.?
- Arun K
- February 05, 2014
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Impersonation of Users
Please give thoughts on this and directions.
Thanks in advance
- Arun K
- January 24, 2014
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Rendering pageblock from visualforce remoting
I have a requirement where I need to render component from visualforce remoting.
If I would have used actionsupport instead of visualforce remoting, I can use rerender attribute to render certain pageblock.
I am wondering how to render pageblock on click of javascrip remoting value
- Arun K
- December 30, 2014
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Visualforce javascript remoting synchronous
My problem is javascript remoting is working Asynchronously.I want to work it as synchronously.
Please suggest me.
- Arun K
- December 24, 2013
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Javascript remoting problem
I saw the post "http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/Visualforce-Development/Javascript-Remoting-and-order-of-executi..." which is identical from my problem
I am facing same problem.
Can you help me in this.
<script type="text/javascript"> var map; var concatTerr =''; Visualforce.remoting.Manager.invokeAction ( '{!$RemoteAction.manish_controller.getAllAddresses}', function(result, event) { addrInstances = result; for(var i = 0; i < addrInstances.length; i++) { concatTerr += "'" + addrInstances[i].Footprint_ID__c + "',"; console.log("Terr_id " + addrInstances[i].Footprint_ID__c) } console.log("2") concatTerr = concatTerr.substr(0, concatTerr.length -1); //concatTerr = "\"" + concatTerr + "\""; console.log("inremoting : " + concatTerr); }, { buffer: false, escape: true, timeout: 30000 } ); require([ "esri/map", "esri/layers/FeatureLayer", "esri/dijit/Legend", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/parser","dijit/layout/BorderContainer", "dijit/layout/ContentPane", "dijit/layout/AccordionContainer","esri/symbols/SimpleFillSymbol", "esri/symbols/SimpleLineSymbol", "esri/renderers/SimpleRenderer", "esri/graphic", "esri/lang", "dojo/_base/Color", "dojo/number", "dojo/dom-style", "dijit/TooltipDialog", "dijit/popup","esri/symbols/TextSymbol", "esri/layers/LabelLayer", "dojo/domReady!" ], function init( Map, FeatureLayer, Legend, arrayUtils, parser, BorderContainer, ContentPane, AccordionContainer, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, SimpleRenderer, Graphic, esriLang, Color, number, domStyle, TooltipDialog, popup, TextSymbol, LabelLayer, dijitPopup ) { parser.parse(); console.log("1;") console.log("concatTerr_init : " + concatTerr ) //concatTerr = "'1NPIAD00','1NPIEB00','1NPIAB00','1NPIBA00','1NPIAC00','1NPIAE00'" var xmin = -77.212539007769, xmax = -73.2413909786985, ymax = 45.0158508859823, ymin = 41.652023996572; var extent1 = new esri.geometry.Extent({ "xmin": parseFloat(xmin), "ymin": parseFloat(ymin), "xmax": parseFloat(xmax), "ymax": parseFloat(ymax) }); map = new Map("map", { basemap:"topo", //center: [-96.53, 38.374], //zoom: 13, spatialReference: [4326], extent: extent1 });
My problem is I need to get values from
console.log("concatTerr_init : " + concatTerr )
I am not getting. May be because of order of execution problem.
Please guide me..
Thanks in advance
- Arun K
- December 12, 2013
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test class coverage
I am trying to write the test class.
In that I have below line
"public static Id acid {get;set;}"
which needs to be covered.
Please help me in covering the line.
Thanks in advacne
Arun K
- Arun K
- December 12, 2013
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Force.com security scanner
I am trying to get result from Force sceurity scanner "http://security.force.com/security/tools/forcecom/scanner" after scanning. I waited for more than 24 hours.
Not sure what is the reason.
Anyone finding the same problem.
Thanks in advance
- Arun K
- December 04, 2013
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Users are not installed from Appexchange package
I have created package in my Org.
I installed application package in other Org, All components came including Vf page etc.But i couldnt see users that are there in my previous Org to reflect in my installed Org.
Can we make users also install when installing in package.
If yes, What I need to do.
- Arun K
- December 03, 2013
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ESRI map and Salesforce
I am looking to show Salesforce data in ESRI maps.
Please guide me if anybody had previously managed to do that.
- Arun K
- November 15, 2013
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pageblocktable onhover on column in pageblocktable
I am trying to hover on column where I want to render pageblocktable by passing param and executing the method from controller.
I have account with same account_id__c for two or more records and I want to show the other record in pageblocktable on hover on the column.
I am able to show pageblocktable in particular place when I click the link on column of pageblocktable. I am trying to get that pageblocktable on hover.
Please guide me and let me know If I can understand you more.
Thanks in advance
Arun K
- Arun K
- October 29, 2013
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Mini-Page Layout in Outputpanel
I dont know how many faced this problem
I tried to to manage to get scrollbar in pageblocktable and tried to use Mini-Pagelayout.
I saw a behaviour where when I hover over account name in pageblocktable. For the first record mini-page layout is showing but As I go down the records by scrolling and try to Hover mini-pagelayout is showing by increasing pagesize and showing relative position.
Please guide me to solve this problem..
Arun K
- Arun K
- October 24, 2013
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Pop up in Visualforce
I am trying to show Pop-Up when I click a button.
I need to have button So that I can click button in Pop-Up to do some action.
Any Links will be appreciated..
- Arun K
- October 24, 2013
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Filtering and Displaying in pageblocktable
I have a scenario where I need to first filter Region then filter District which are in drop-down list and If I select District from drop-down I need to display that particular district's Terriotries in pageblocktable as records.
Please suggest any Ideas.
- Arun K
- October 22, 2013
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showing value in apex:pieseries
I am looking to show the value in donut and not when I hover.At present when I hover I could see it.
how to do it.?
- Arun K
- February 05, 2014
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Building a Custom Record Page for Lightning Experience
Lightning page named 'New Account Page' does not appear to have the correct components on it.
The new record page must use the 'Header and Two Columns' template, be called 'New Account Page', and be assigned to the Account object. (Check this is done)
The page must have the Highlights Panel and Twitter components, and a Tabs component with these tabs containing these components: (Check this is done)
Activity Tab contains the Activities Component - Complete
Collaborate Tab contains the Feed Component - Complete
Related Tab contains the Related Lists Component - Complete
Details Tab contains the Record Detail Component - Compelte
Here is a screen shot, I believe I have all the items I am supposed to as well as what goes inside the components.
- Brennan Butler
- June 13, 2016
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Territories in Sandbox Template
I am looking to add Territories Satndard Object in Sandbox Template.
So that I can refresh territories from production to sandbox.
At present I cannot see territory object while adding Sandbox Template
- Arun K
- February 25, 2014
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Rendering pageblock from visualforce remoting
I have a requirement where I need to render component from visualforce remoting.
If I would have used actionsupport instead of visualforce remoting, I can use rerender attribute to render certain pageblock.
I am wondering how to render pageblock on click of javascrip remoting value
- Arun K
- December 30, 2014
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test class coverage
I am trying to write the test class.
In that I have below line
"public static Id acid {get;set;}"
which needs to be covered.
Please help me in covering the line.
Thanks in advacne
Arun K
- Arun K
- December 12, 2013
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ESRI map and Salesforce
I am looking to show Salesforce data in ESRI maps.
Please guide me if anybody had previously managed to do that.
- Arun K
- November 15, 2013
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records Hyperlink
I am reterving all the records from product object into a visualforce page and displaying it as in table format.
In that table product names is there i need hyperlink for that product names how can i get this, when i click on that product name it should be display a mini visualforce page in that visualforce page how can i achieve this.
- krish99
- October 24, 2013
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Pop up in Visualforce
I am trying to show Pop-Up when I click a button.
I need to have button So that I can click button in Pop-Up to do some action.
Any Links will be appreciated..
- Arun K
- October 24, 2013
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input field value is not being submitted
Hi All.
Can someone help me this issue?
I have a map of OpportunityLineItem in my Controller Extension (the Standard Controller for the VF is Opportunity).
In my VF I have a table that is built iterating tru the map values, each cell has na inputField that references the Quantity field for the current OpportunityLineItem, those inputFields are rendered correctly, they show their values and so on...
The problem occur when I try to save some changes I had made with those values, the values inserted/changed are not being submitted.
Does anyone have any idea of how to solve it?
Thanks in advance!
- rafaelburi
- October 23, 2013
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Filtering and Displaying in pageblocktable
I have a scenario where I need to first filter Region then filter District which are in drop-down list and If I select District from drop-down I need to display that particular district's Terriotries in pageblocktable as records.
Please suggest any Ideas.
- Arun K
- October 22, 2013
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Drop-down options change based on selection
I have a requirement where I need to have 3 dropdown and when I click USA, In the second dropdown I need to have relevant District Options and when I select Any particualt District I need to get respective Territories.
Please advice me the model and what I need to do to achieve this.
Arun K
- Arun K
- September 26, 2013
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Territory Hierarchy in Visualforce page
I want to display my Organisation's Territory Hierarchy in Visualforce page.
Please guide me in achieving this.
- Arun K
- September 10, 2013
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Exporting from reports
I am exporting data from reports and I am getting comma(,) instead of dot(.) for number columns.
Please tell me what should I do to get dot as seperator.
- Arun K
- September 02, 2013
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Too many soql queries
I am running into Too many SOQL queries error..
I know that there is soql inside for loop which is causing the problem.
How to change So that I cannot get "Too many SOQL queries"
public with sharing class Create_pass {
public list<user> usr;
public void create_password() {
List<User> userList = new List<User>();
userList = [SELECT Id,alias,Email,Territory_Id__c,Pass__c,title from User ];
for (User u : userList)
System.debug('DONE: '+ u.Id);
- Arun K
- August 26, 2013
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Problem in understanding outbound changeset
Can I migrate UserTerriotry from Full-copy sandbox to Production.
If Yes, please help me.
I have users with identical salesforce id's but not identical for Terriotry in Full-Copy and Production.
Please help me.?
- Arun K
- August 09, 2013
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Doubt in Full Copy Sandbox
I got production, fullcopy sandbox.
I created users in production and created full copy sandbox and then created territory hiererchy in Production..
Now when i see in production I can see User,territory in production and only users in Fullcopy sandbox.
Now need to create account fields,custom object,account data..where should I do..?
I am confused what to do with territory that i created in production.
I need to get in Full copy..If not possible , what is the best practices from nowonwards...
- Arun K
- July 31, 2013
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checkbox disable according to user field
I have a Vf page where I have pageblocktable of Account with checkbox.
In account I have 'doctype' field whose values could be 'hyp' or 'wel' or 'hyp and wel'
I have a 'reptype' field in User object suppose 'hyp'
In pageblocktable I need checkbox to be disabled according to rep type.
For ex,
1----If user reptype is 'hyp only', then disable accounts with value 'hype + wel' and 'hyp heavy'
2----If user reptype is 'wel', then disable accounts with value 'wel heavy' and 'well + hype'
- Arun K
- June 03, 2013
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Hi all,
I have a pageblocktable where there are two columns. In the second column of the pageblocktable there is a datatable. There is a commandLink on each row in the secondcolumn of the pageblocktable. By clicking on the link in a particular row, datatable will appear on that particular row only of the pageblocktable with its corresponding values.
But the problem I'm facing is that after clicking the link in a particular row of the pageblocktable its corresponding values (i.e the datatable) is displaying in all the rows of the pageblocktable. But I have to display the datatable in that particular row only.
Here is the code of the visualforcepage
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!statuspostlist}" var="status" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="13" columnsWidth="3">
<apex:column headerValue="Name">
{!status.Userlogin__r.Total_Name__c} posted
<apex:column headerValue="Status">
<apex:image url="{!$Resource.fb45}" width="28px" height="28px" />
<apex:commandLink action="{!commentstatus}">
Comment<apex:param name="cmid" value="{!status.id}"/>
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!visible_comment =='show'}">
<apex:dataTable value="{!statuspost1.Comments__r}" var="cm">
<apex:column >
And the code of that method in apex is:
public PageReference commentstatus()
Id uid = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('uid');
Id cmid = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('cmid');
//comment = [select id,Comments__c,Status_Post__c,Userlogin__c from Comment__c where Status_Post__c=:cmid];
statuspost1 = [ select id,Status__c,Userlogin__c,User2__c,User2__r.Total_Name__c,Userlogin__r.Total_Name__c,
(select id,Comments__c,Status_Post__c,Userlogin__c from Comments__r) from Status_Post__c
where id=:cmid];
PageReference nextpage = ApexPages.currentPage();
visible_comment = 'show';
return nextpage;
So kindly if anyone have any suggestion about this,please help me.
Thanks in advance,
- souvik9086
- April 26, 2012
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