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Objective:  Sales Reps only See Accounts They Own or Are In Same Role.  


Account Security:  Private.

Profile Object Security:  "View All" and "Modify All"  DESELECTED


Situation:  I have a group of sales reps that are all in the same role.  Everyone can see each other's records.  From here I want to change the system so each sales rep can only see the account records they own.  I also want to be able to add a read-only user to certain sales reps.  So that read only user will be able to see accounts and contacts belonging to a certain single sales rep.  


Plan:  Create a role for each individual salesrep at the same level of the hierarchy.  For the read only user, create a read only profile and assign it the same role for as the desired sales rep.  


Source of Confustion (please help):  


When i create a new level of the heirarchy it automatically says: "Sharing Groups: Role, Role and Subordinates"  I would assume that means that anyone in that role would be able to see the same records.  


However, inorder for the records to be visiable to the two users, I also need to create a sharing setting for that specific role.  this seems wrong.  


Can you help?


Many Thanks in Advance and Happy Hoildays!  


Hi I have 6 buttons on my visualforce page Now when I click first button it should get higlighted in colour like wise when i click other buttons they should get highlighted how can i do that

I need the apex code for insert field option that applies in a formula field ...the same functionality on select a value it has to show be the fields in it and at final using insert button it should be inserted 

How to cache logged-in user information(e.g. user profile,userID,country) to current session in salesforce?

How do you deactivate a class that has been pushed to Production?


Don't get me wrong I've got some really good unit test results but before I release, I just have gotta ask, if things do go wrong how do I pull back and deactivate a class, a service class, and trigger that have been pushed to production from the force IDE?


Thank you,

Steve Laycock

I'm working on part of an account object trigger we've got and keep getting a compile error.  


issue is this line


                String rddTerritory = userToRddTerritory.get(account.BillingPostalCode);


trigger is below.  any ideas how to fix this?



    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // RDD Territory processing
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

 if ((Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate) && Trigger.isBefore) {
        List<Account> postalCodeAccountsToProcess = new List<Account>();
        List<Account> ownerAccountsToProcess = new List<Account>();
        Set<String> postalCodes = new Set<String>();
        Set<String> ownerIds = new Set<String>();
        Id accountRddRecordTypeId = CSUtils.getRecordTypeId('Account', 'RDD');
        for (Account account : Trigger.new) {
            if (account.BillingPostalCode != null && account.RecordTypeId != accountRddRecordTypeId) {
                if (Trigger.isInsert || (Trigger.isUpdate && Trigger.oldMap.get(account.Id).BillingPostalCode != account.BillingPostalCode)) {
            } else if (account.RecordTypeId == accountRddRecordTypeId) {
                if (Trigger.isInsert || (Trigger.isUpdate && Trigger.oldMap.get(account.Id).OwnerId != account.OwnerId)) {

        if (postalCodeAccountsToProcess.size() > 0) {
            Map<String, RDD_Territory__c> postalCodeToRddTerritory = new Map<String, RDD_Territory__c>();
            for (RDD_Territory__c  rddTerritory : [select Zip_Code__c, Name from RDD_Territory__c where Zip_Code__c in :postalCodes]) {
                postalCodeToRddTerritory.put(rddTerritory.Zip_Code__c, rddTerritory);
            for (Account account : postalCodeAccountsToProcess) {
                String rddTerritory = postalCodeToRddTerritory.get(account.BillingPostalCode);
                if (rddTerritory != null) {
                    account.RDD_Territory__c = rddTerritory;

        if (ownerAccountsToProcess.size() > 0) {
            Map<String, String> userToRddTerritory = new Map<String, String>();
            for (User  user : [select Id, RDD_Territory__c from User where Id in :ownerIds and RDD_Territory__c != null]) {
                userToRddTerritory.put(user.Id, user.RDD_Territory__c);
            for (Account account : ownerAccountsToProcess) {
                String rddTerritory = userToRddTerritory.get(account.BillingPostalCode);

                if (rddTerritory != null) {
                    account.RDD_Territory__c = rddTerritory;




I just installed version 1.61 of Milestones PM. I created a new project with milestones & tasks. Whenever I try to change the deadline of a milestone, I get the following error:

Does anyone know how I could fix this?




Error: Invalid Data. 
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger Milestone1_Milestone_Trigger caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: Milestone1_Milestone_Trigger: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a0A6000000DN97PEAT; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, Milestone1_Milestone_Trigger: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a0A6000000DN97yEAD; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, Milestone1_Milestone_Trigger: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a0A6000000DN98DEAT; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, Milestone1_Milestone_Trigger: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a0A6000000DN98IEAT; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Milestone Kickoff must not be earlier than its Predecessor's Deadline.: [Kickoff__c] Class.Milestone1_Milestone_Trigger_Utility.checkSuccessorDependencies: line 103, column 1 Trigger.Milestone1_Milestone_Trigger: line 24, column 1: [] Class.Milestone1_Milestone_Trigger_Utility.checkSuccessorDependencies: line 103, column 1 Trigger.Milestone1_Milestone_Trigger: line 24, column 1: [] Class.Milestone1_Milestone_Trigger_Utility.checkSuccessorDependencies: line 103, column 1 Trigger.Milestone1_Milestone_Trigger: line 24, column 1: []: Class.Milestone1_Milestone_Trigger_Utility.checkSuccessorDependencies: line 103, column 1



Currently trying to create a list view with roman numerics on a view page. Currently have this code in place:


<apex:pageBlockSection id="confsection" collapsible="false" showHeader="true" title="Confirmation" columns="1">
                    <p>The Sponsor confirms that:</p>
                    <!--  STYLE type ="text/css">
                    	ol.withroman {list-style-type: lower-roman}
                    <!-- ol class="withroman"-->
                    <!-- ol type="text/css"-->
                    <ol id="confirm:list">
                    <li id="confirm:list:i"> some text1;</li>
                    <li id="confirm:list:ii"> some text2:</li>
                         <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
	                    <apex:outputLabel for="meetstandard">
	                         some text; 
	                    <apex:inputField value="{!Aform.Afield1__c}" id="meetstandard"/>
	                <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
	                    <apex:outputLabel for="exceedstandard">
	                         some more text;
	                    <apex:inputField value="{!Aform.Afield2__c}" id="exceedstandard"/>
	           <li id="confirm:list:iii"> some text3;</li>
	           <li id="confirm:list:iv"> some text4.</li>	                


Unfortunately it displays incorrectly. The first two points show as 1. and 2. then displays the two check boxes and then the last two points are displayed in bullets.


Any ideas?

Person who did this is gone, everthing works in this Apex Class but the referred PDF does not show Account, Account Contacts or custom field Age__c information, Case Request auto number appears and so does Shopping_List_Notes__c.


Need Account, Contacts, Ages to populate.


public class GroceryUpdate {
//  PDF: INCLUDE THE Contact/Account Name
//  Account Members Ages
  Case request;
  //Name crequest;
  List <Grocery_Request__c> GRList;
  List <Name> AList;
  //List <Account> atmplist;
  Account aMembers;
  Set<Id> GItemIdSet           = new Set<Id>();
  Set<Id> gIdSet             = new Set<Id>();
  Map<Id,wGrocery> gMap         = new Map<Id,wGrocery>();
  Map<Integer,Id> gSortMap       = new Map<Integer,Id>();
  Map<Integer,wGrocery> pdfGSortMap   = new Map<Integer,wGrocery>();
  Map<Id,Integer> pdfIdxMap       = new Map<Id,Integer>();
  List<wGrocery> gList         = new List<wGrocery>();
  List<Grocery_Item__c> gItemList;
  List<Grocery_Item__c> pdfGItemList;
  String Aid;
  String AName;
  // Contact c;     //LG
  public GroceryUpdate() {
    Integer idx = 0;
    pdfGItemList = [Select g.Warehouse_Order__c, g.Name, g.Id, 
      g.Grocery_Category__c, g.Available__c 
      From Grocery_Item__c g
      order by Warehouse_Order__c, Grocery_Category__c, Name ASC nulls last
      limit 1000];

    for (Grocery_Item__c gi : pdfGItemList) {
      pdfGSortMap.put(idx,new wGrocery(gi));
    system.debug('@@@pdfGSortMap=' + pdfGSortMap);
    system.debug('@@@pdfIdxMap=' + pdfIdxMap);
    gItemList = [Select g.Warehouse_Order__c, g.Name, g.Id, 
      g.Grocery_Category__c, g.Available__c 
      From Grocery_Item__c g
      order by Available__c, Grocery_Category__c, Name ASC nulls last
      limit 1000];
    idx = 0;
    String s = null;
    String oldHighlight = '#BDBDBD';
    for (Grocery_Item__c gi : gItemList) {
      gMap.put(gi.id,new wGrocery(gi));
      if (gi.Grocery_Category__c != s ) {
        if (oldHighlight == null) oldHighlight = '#BDBDBD';
        else oldHighlight = null;
      gMap.get(gi.id).highlight = oldHighlight;
      if (gi.Available__c == true) {
    for (Grocery_Item__c gi : gItemList) {
      if (gi.Available__c == false) {
    //VERSION 3: GET Type_of_Food_Order__c and Shopping_List_Notes__c
    //request = [Select c.Id, c.Subject, c.Contact.Name, c.ContactId, c.CaseNumber,
    //  c.Type_of_Food_Order__c, c.Shopping_List_Notes__c,  
    //  (Select Id, IsDeleted, Name, Request__c, Grocery_Item__c, Quantify__c 
    //    From Grocery_Requests__r) 
    //  From Case c
    //  where id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
    //GRList = request.Grocery_Requests__r;
    //system.debug('@@@GRList=' + GRList);

    //for (Grocery_Request__c GR : GRList) {
    //  gMap.get(GR.Grocery_Item__c).quantity = GR.Quantify__c.intValue();
    //  gIdSet.add(GR.Grocery_Item__c);
    //  pdfGSortMap.get(pdfIdxMap.get(GR.Grocery_Item__c)).quantity = GR.Quantify__c.intValue();
    request = [Select c.Id,c.Account, c.Subject, c.Name, c.ContactId, c.CaseNumber,
      c.Type_of_Food_Order__c, c.Shopping_List_Notes__c,  
      (Select Id, IsDeleted, Name, Request__c, Grocery_Item__c, Quantify__c 
        From Grocery_Requests__r) 
      From Case c
      where id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
    GRList = request.Grocery_Requests__r;
    system.debug('@@@GRList=' + GRList);

    for (Grocery_Request__c GR : GRList) {
      gMap.get(GR.Grocery_Item__c).quantity = GR.Quantify__c.intValue();
      pdfGSortMap.get(pdfIdxMap.get(GR.Grocery_Item__c)).quantity = GR.Quantify__c.intValue();
    //if (Aid<>''){
      Account[] AL=[Select a.name,(select name, age__c,Order by age__c desc) from Account a where id=:request.Account];
      If (AL.size()>0){
        If (AL[0].Contacts__r.size()>0){
      //ctmplist=[Select name,(select name, age__c from Account.Contacts__r) from Account where id=:request.Account];
       //if (ctmplist[0].Contacts__r.size() > 0){
    //AList=[Select name, age__c from Contact where Account like '%a0fA00000022ltLIAQ%'];
    //VERSION 1: GET Contact INFO
    // a = [Select a.Social_Security_Number__c, a.SC_Photo_ID__c, a.Name, a.Id,    LG
    //  From Contact a
    //  where id = :request.ContactId
    //  limit 1];

  //public Contact getContact(){return a;}    //LG
  public Case getRequest(){return request;}
  public List<wGrocery> getpdfGRItemList() {
    List<wGrocery> pdfGRItemList = new List<wGrocery>(); 
    for (Integer i = 0; i<pdfGSortMap.size(); i++) {
      if (pdfGSortMap.get(i).quantity > 0) pdfGRItemList.add(pdfGSortMap.get(i));
    return pdfGRItemList;
  public List<Account> getCHList() {
    return CHList;
  public string getHName(){
    return HName;
  public List<wGrocery> getGList(){
    List<wGrocery> displayGList = new List<wGrocery>();
    for (Integer idx = 0; idx<gSortMap.size(); idx++) {
    return displayGList;
  public void setGList(List<wGrocery> GList){
    for (wGrocery gr : GList) gMap.put(gr.GI.id,gr);
  public pageReference save() {
    List<Grocery_Request__c> insertGList = new List<Grocery_Request__c>();
    for (Grocery_Request__c gr : GRList) gr.Quantify__c = GMap.get(gr.Grocery_Item__c).quantity;
    if (GRList.size()>0) update GRList;
    for (wGrocery wGr : GMap.values()) {
      if (wGr.quantity > 0 && gIdSet.contains(wGr.GI.Id)== false) {
        Grocery_Request__c gr = new Grocery_Request__c(Request__c=request.id, 
          Grocery_Item__c=wGr.GI.Id, Quantify__c=wGr.quantity);
    if (insertGList.size()>0) insert insertGList;
    PageReference pRef = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'));
    return pRef;

  public pageReference cancel() {  
    PageReference pRef = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'));
    return pRef;

  public pageReference pdfPage() {  
    PageReference pRef = page.GroceryUpdatePDFPage;
    return pRef;
  public class wGrocery{
    public Integer quantity {get; set;}
    public Grocery_Item__c GI {get; set;}
    public String highlight {get;set;}
    public wGrocery(Grocery_Item__c GI){
      quantity = 0;
      this.GI = GI;
  static testMethod void T1() {
    Grocery_Request__c qGR = [Select Id, IsDeleted, Name, Request__c, Grocery_Item__c, Quantify__c 
        From Grocery_Request__c
        where IsDeleted = false
        and Grocery_Item__c != null 
        limit 1];
    Case qRequest = [Select c.Id, 
      (Select Id, IsDeleted, Name, Request__c, Grocery_Item__c, Quantify__c 
        From Grocery_Requests__r) 
      From Case c
      where id = :qGR.Request__c
      limit 1];
      PageReference pageRef = Page.GroceryUpdatePage;
      ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', qRequest.Id);    
     GroceryUpdate stdCon = new GroceryUpdate();
    Case tgetRequest = stdCon.getRequest();
     List<wGrocery> tgetGList = stdCon.getGList();
    List<wGrocery> tgetpdfGItemList  = stdCon.getpdfGRItemList();
     pageReference tpref = stdCon.save();
    tpref = stdCon.cancel();
    tpref = stdCon.pdfPage();
    // Account tA = stdCon.getAccount();

Im trying to create a VF Component and it keeps throwing me this error.


Error: Unknown property 'MultiSelectComponentController.options'


Thanks for the help, 



Heres my component:


<apex:component controller="MultiSelectComponentController">
<apex:attribute name="AvailableList" type="selectOption[]" description="Available List from the Page" assignTo="{!options}" required="true"/>
<apex:attribute name="ChosenList" type="selectOption[]" description="Chosen List from the Page" assignTo="{!selectedOptions}" required="True"/>
<!-- <apex:attribute name="AvailableTitle" type="String" description="Title for Available List" assignTo="{!selectedTitle}"/> -->
<!-- <apex:attribute name="ChosenTitle" type="String" description="Title for Chosen List" assignTo="{!deSelectedTitle}"/> -->

<apex:outputPanel id="panel">
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="4" >
<apex:selectList multiselect="true" size="5" value="{!selected}" >
<apex:selectOptions value="{!options}" />
<apex:actionSupport event="ondblclick" action="{!selecting}" rerender="panel" status="waitingStatus" />
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
<!-- <apex:outputText value="{!selectedTitle}" /> -->
<apex:commandButton reRender="panel" id="select" action="{!selecting}" value=">" status="waitingStatus"/>
<!-- <apex:outputText value="{!delectedTitle}" /> -->
<apex:commandButton reRender="panel" id="deselect" action="{!deselecting}" value="<" status="waitingStatus"/>
<!-- An action status to show that the operation of moving between the lists is in progress--->
<apex:actionStatus id="waitingStatus" startText="Please wait..." stopText=""/>
<apex:selectList multiselect="true" size="5" value="{!deselected}">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!selectedOptions}"/>
<apex:actionSupport event="ondblclick" action="{!deselecting}" rerender="panel" status="waitingStatus"/>



Hi Team,


I want to create a validation that only current year and next year values can be created on a object,


I am trying in with below way, but it is showing error Missig )'


OR (
YEAR(Sales_Plan__c ) <> YEAR (today().year() ),
YEAR(Sales_Plan__c ) <> YEAR (today().year() + 1 )


Can any one help me on the same



We are getting the error below in a visualforce page because we have exceeded the API limit.

How can we use/visualize the page again? Should we contact salesforce support?



Uncaught {faultcode:’sf:REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED’, faultstring:’REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: TotalRequests Limit exceeded.’, detail:{UnexpectedErrorFault:{exceptionCode:’REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED’, exceptionMessage:’TotalRequests Limit exceeded.’, }, }, }



Many Thanks,





Hello everyone,


I am facing problem with exposing the salesforce events and calender to the customer portal as a tab.

I think it's not possible for now.

Still I am in doubt.


Please share you opinion on this.



Smarjit Debata

I have to write a script to synchronize some data in salesforce with our MIS. This should be done when new records are inserted or existing records are edited on both sides. Therefore I have a new field Synced__c which holds the timestamp of the last synchronisation with our MIS.
To get all changed records wouldn't be any great problem for someone who knows SQL (and really isn't a problem in our MIS):

select [...] where SystemModstamp > Synced__c

Unfortunately this doesn't work in salesforce because I cannot use fieldnames on the right side of logical statements - I was told that in another thread and the solution was to use an Apex Trigger to set Synced__c = null when the record was modified so that I can write

select [...] where Synced__c = null

So I prepared the whole synchronisation skripts tested it in my testaccount and when I wanted to go live it doesn't work because we have a "Professional Edition+API" which doesn't support Apex Triggers. **bleep**!

After being miffed for two months with the support which only has the solution to upgrade to a Developer Account I'm opening that thread (should have done that before!). Has anyone an idea how to get this working WITHOUT upgrading to a Developer Account?
Parameters are:
- Select all records that have been modified since they were synchronized the last time
- Timestamp of synchronisation ist stored per record in Synced__c
- Synced__c will be updated from my script when synchronized - that works anyway

This thing is getting me mad...

Can we modify appexchange code as per our requirement after installing it. 







I've just hit the 1000 VF record limit on a page where I pull all my organization's accounts, to then tie them to contacts.


The page is used to organize a heirarchy of our client portfolios, so that my employees can easily tie descision makers to the proper accounts. For instance, if the client has a regional and local manager, the regional manager would be tied to 100 accounts, and the local manager tied to only 1 or 2 accounts. 


Right now, we have a custom field on an Account called Billing Contact. This is the contact related to that location. 


In our Org, we have a very accurate Parent/Child account hierarchy. For instance, if Hilton Hotels was a client of ours, there is a 'Hilton Parent' account, and then hundreds/thousands of Accounts that have 'Hilton Parent' account listed as their parent. Also, contacts are only ever listed as Billing Contacts in one hierarchy structure. For instance, 'Jane Doe' is never going to be listed as the Billing Contact for a Marriot Hotel, or any other account outside the Hilton Parent/Child tree.


So here is what I'd like to do, but given my generally poor SOQL knowledge, I'm struggling:


1) Find an Account that the contact is listed as the BIlling Contact for. 

2) Find the Parent Account of that Account

3) Display ALL child accounts of that parent account. 


If anyone has an example to lead me towards, I'd appriciate it! 



I have developed a custom button that executes JavaScript that queries the QuoteLineItem standard object.   This custom button has been included in a managed package, and distributed to a client.  The client reports that the custom button is throwing an "INVALID_TYPE: sObject 'QuoteLineItem' is not supported." error message.  Any idea why this error occurs?  They have enabled quotes and it does not occur on several other SFDC accounts.


Thank you.

Hi All, does anyone know if its possible to do a select from one salesforce org to the other?


So for example an account is shared from org1 to org2 could i then run a trigger on org2 to select all related opportunities on that account from org1? and then get org1 to share them with org2?


thanks all




Will salesforce allow "null" values for External ID and Unique fields.

