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Is it possible to overide the standard "New"button like below to autopopulate few values for object "Account"
User-added image

thanks for suggestion

Is it possible to overide this button only for certain profiels and for rest profiles i dont want to overriride

User-added image

Hi Developer,
I want to trace an apex class let say class A. Basically it is an email service. When i am sending an email to particular email service address,Class A should invoke but it's not happening. To trace the class i have ganereted debug log for user as myself.
But i am not getting any entry in debug log. Wheareas for other email service i am getting debug log.

Any Help would be appriciated. 
Good day to all,

I got an email from "sathiroyal@gmail.com"  with the chinese character to salesforce as inbound message and i replyed with chinese characters from salesforce to this sathiroyal@gmail.com without any issue.

But sathiroyal@gmail was recieved in gmail inbox and he opend the email to read but its showing all the chinese characters as converted to ???????????? questions marks.
he is not able to read the chinese character content which i replyed to his email back.

please help me what might be the issue is there any issue from salesforce end or Gmail


Hello All,

Can some one help me to Sending an email notification to Admin whenever a field is created or deleted for a custom object in salesforce?

Thanks in advance
Hi All,

Hope you guys are doing well!

I have schedule Salesforce report to one of the user but user is unable to see the report email and also while opening the email its hanging my IBM Notes.

could you please let me know why its delaying too much time to open report.

What is difference between SOQL and SOSL?
Hi All,

I am not able to group more than 3 fields in salesforce report? can some one suggest why its not allowing me?

Hi All,

I would like to schedule report in excel/csv format to the corresponding users.
As of now i can schedule report to the suers but they can see in the email body and the its taking toomuch time to open the data because of report data. due to the reason i am planing to send in excel or csv format.

can any one help me 


Hello All.

I am creating report on Users, but i can see the date field as Chatter adoption Stage modified date field

could you please know what is this field does,
Hi All,

I would like to track all the user activities by using salesforce report.
as simple as i would like to track the  user daily activities including with Login time and logout time date.

Ex: whenever user is loging into the salesforce, and what are the activities is performed in salesforce, it may be cration or delete, edit, 

your answer is highly appreciated.


Hello All,

While sending an email from IBM Lotus Notes with Subject Line Chinese Characters to one of the queue in Salesforce email(example@satis.com) than the Subject line displaying in salesforce as UTF characters like "ÔçÉϺã¬Ï£ÍûÄã×öµÃºÜºÃ" but the body content remains as it is in chinese formate only.
why the subject line is changing the UTF characters(garbage) is salesforce is not converting the chinese character or the issue with the IBM Notes mail box settings.

how to resolve this issue. is this the issue from Lotus notes end or salesforce?

Thanks in advance.


we are getting following error during package installation on our org:

1. Unexpected Error
The package installation failed. Please provide the following information to the publisher:
Organization ID: 00D24000000p5J3
Error Message: The post install script failed.

How can we get more information about this error - for example related error log to be able to fix this problem?

I am trying to set up single sign on for SalesForce with Active Directory using Identity Connect. However I could not find this app under security controls. Please advise!
 I have created and scheduled daily and weekly reports for leads in my CRM. 
And able to get the mails daily and weekly for the reports.
The problem is report is sent as mail not excel or csv file attachments.
How to get scheduled reports as excel/csv file attchments in mails .
Any help is really appreciated.
