• Robert Zentgraf
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  • Salesforce Consultant
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I need to have this as my where clause in a SOQL query in Sublime so I only pull records within two days of their expiration date. The custom formula field (expiration date) is a date and the Today() is a system function so it's obviously a datetime and this gives me parsing errors in dev console query editor. Also, what would I put to take 2 days off the expiration date? Would the - 2 work?
I'm new to Apex coding and am making some modifications to a colleagues code. 
I've added this line and am getting the error:  First SObject of the FROM statement must be a valid SObject type. at line 106 column 36  
Here is the statement:
for(NWSHOP__Bookings__c bk: [Select id,ownerId  from NWSHOP.Bookings__c where NWSHOP__Customer_Name__r.CMAX_upload__c = true and LastModifieddate >: exportSettingsObj.NWSHOP__LastExportDate__c])

NWSHOP__Bookings__c is a custom object. 
any hints on what a "valid SObject type" is?

I made a report in my organization salesforce, this report is grouped by a specified field. this specific field has 4 values (Incident, inquiries, requests, BLANK).

I'm trying to add all records "Incident" with BLANK records that have value, but I could not do it.

Problem image

anyone has any idea how to do?

It would be helpful!


I am attempting to show the previous Business Day's new Accounts in a report. I am unable to simply use Yesterday as the filter because Monday will then show Sunday results, not Friday. The only solutions I have been able to find involve creating a second report which only runs on Monday and shows the results of the previous three days - and then running the other report which shows Yesterday from Tues-Friday.

This solution seems rather over complicated. Does anybody know of a more direct solution to this ?

Hiii Experts,

I want to know that how to update 2 fields of 2 different object when the if condition is true in 1 workflow in salesforce????
if condition is==> if(system.date()==custom_object3__c.field3__c)

 if condition is true==> want to perform:
custom_object2__c.field2__c=(custom_object2__c.field2__c-1) custom_object1__c.field1__c=(custom_object1__c.field1__c-1)

if condition is false==> want to perform:
custom_object2__c.field2__c=custom_object2__c.field2__c custom_object1__c.field1__c=custom_object1__c.field1__c

how to do this in 1 workflow in formula editor????
I know I can pass the Contact ID from the active page and show a related list, but having trouble figuring out how to show the related list one more level down. For the active contact I need to show the list of his clients and each clients investments.

Financial Advisor (Contact)
    Client list (master-detail to Contact)
         Client Investments (master-detail to Client)

Any help and insight is much appreciated! thanks!

Hai Guyz,

I wanna pull the data from custom field of an account to opportunity field. So How to get this done?
i want to write a formula that when the profile is systemadmin lastmodify sould not be that user it always be previous  user.

can you any body help me to write this ?


I have a Custom Filed over contact object. I want to translate the field and it's values to German 

Any idea on how to translate
I have this formula where all 3 fields must be true.  However, the last one Source__c should be OR, not AND.  How to change this?

AND (ISPICKVAL ( Type, "Customer" ), ISPICKVAL ( Status__c , "New" ),
ISPICKVAL ( Source__c , "Webinar" ))
User-added image

This is a standared page please share your view's 

I Would appriciate for any kind of replay............
Hi, I would like to know how to lock a field when a check box is checked. the field i would like to lock has picklist values. Any help?

I created a button on a custom object to create a new object. For this new copied object I want to create copied child objects, but this is not working and I received following error (Sandbox cs14):
{errors:message:'sObject type 'sObject' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.', statusCode:'INVALID_TYPE',}, id:null, success: 'false',}

{!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/31.0/apex.js" )}
var new_project = new sforce.SObject("Project__c");
//some assignment => is working
result = sforce.connection.create([new_project]);

var query = sforce.connection.query("SELECT RecordType.Id, Recordtype.Name, Employee__c, Employee__r.Name FROM project_child__c WHERE Project__r.Id = '{!Project__c.Id}'");
var records = query.getArray("records");
var CreateRecords=[];

if(records[0] == null) {alert("No project child");}
for(var i = 0; i < records.length; i++)
{var PC = new sforce.SObject("Project_child__c");
PC.RecordType = records[i].RecordType.Id;
PC.Employee__c = records[i].Employee__r.Name;

What is the issue here?

Hi all,
I've got a related list on my Opportunity page layout.  It has a custom button on it with OnClick javascript.  I want the button to be visible only if the Opportunity.StageName = 'Closed/Won'.  I've done this using a VisualForce page on the layout that hides the button, but this seems incredibly kludgy.  Does anybody have a better suggestion?
Thanks, Jim

I created a button with JS-code. In this code, I create a new record (custom object A__c) and update the currect record (object Contact). On both objects I have a look-up-field to the other object. On the new record (object A__c), I can create the connection to the current record, in the current record (object Contact), I can't assign the new record (object A__c).

Can you please help me?

I have a visualforce to be rendered as pdf. It displays child records in a table. The language of the rendered pdf is based on a picklist from the parent record.
When the language is set to english, the table displays fine:
english table in pdf
When the language is set to german, the table displays distorted:
german table in pdf
The respective excerpt of my vf source code:
<!-- Start Discussion Points-->
        <table rules="rows" styleClass="table" cellpadding="4px">
                <td colspan="5"  style="font-weight:bold; text-align: left;font-size:11pt;"> {!$ObjectType.Discussion_Points__c.label}</td>
                <td class="col1"><strong>{!$ObjectType.Discussion_Points__c.fields.Name.label}</strong></td>
                <td class="col34"><strong>{!$ObjectType.Discussion_Points__c.fields.Category__c.label}</strong></td>
                <td class="col2" ><strong>{!$ObjectType.Discussion_Points__c.fields.Summary__c.label}</strong></td>
                <td class="col34"><strong>{!$ObjectType.Discussion_Points__c.fields.Responsible_selection__c.label}</strong></td>
                <td class="col34"><strong>{!$ObjectType.Discussion_Points__c.fields.Due_Date__c.label}</strong></td>
            <!-- Due_Date__c, Internal_use_only__c, No__c, Responsible_contact__c, Responsible_selection__c, Responsible_user__c, Subject__c, Summary__c, Trip_Report__c, Name   -->                                       
            <apex:repeat value="{!TripRepPoints}" var="item">
                <apex:outputpanel rendered="{!NOT(item.internal_use__c)}" >
                        <td class="col1"><apex:outputfield value="{!item.Name}" /></td>
                        <td class="col34"><apex:outputfield value="{!item.Category__c}" /></td>
                        <td class="col2"><apex:outputfield value="{!item.Summary__c}" /></td>
                        <td class="col34"><apex:outputfield value="{!item.Responsible_company__c}" /></td>
                        <td class="col34"><apex:outputfield value="{!item.Due_Date__c}" /></td>
<!-- End Discussion Points-->
And the related css:
.col1 {
 width: 15%;
 vertical-align: top;
 font-weight: bold;
 font-size: 10pt; 
 border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;
.col2 {
 border-left: 1px solid #CCC;
 border-right: 1px solid #CCC;
 border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;
 width: 40%;
 font-size: 10pt; 
.col34 {
 border-left: 1px solid #CCC;
 border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;
 width: 15%;
 font-size: 10pt; 

Maybe anyone has an idea why this happens?

Many thanks in advance!
Hi @all,

I created a VF-page and if the user press on the save button, then the page should save the values (this is working fine) and refresh themself like pressing F5 on keyboard. Is this possible?
