• Bailey Rudd
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I have tried multple different methods of installation of the Salesforce CLI to use in VSCode but I keep getting the error that it is not installed.

MacOS Catalina v10.15.4

Version: 1.44.2
Commit: ff915844119ce9485abfe8aa9076ec76b5300ddd
Date: 2020-04-16T17:07:18.473Z (1 wk ago)
Electron: 7.1.11
Chrome: 78.0.3904.130
Node.js: 12.8.1
OS: Darwin x64 19.4.0

sfdx-cli/7.54.4 darwin-x64 node-v8.12.0

Here is a sample error log:
Starting SFDX: Create Project

14:14:08.906 sfdx force:project:create --projectname codeU --outputdir /Users/mike/Downloads --template standard
14:14:08.910 sfdx force:project:create --projectname codeU --outputdir /Users/mike/Downloads --template standard
 ended with error spawn sfdx ENOENT
Salesforce CLI is not installed. Install it from https://developer.salesforce.com/tools/sfdxcli



First I tried installing the Salesforce Extension Pack https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=salesforce.salesforcedx-vscode

The I tried manual installation https://developer.salesforce.com/tools/sfdxcli

Neither worked. All of the support threads I found are for Windows. I cannot find where the CLI lives for me to add it as an environmental variable, if that is the problem.

1. What is the way to install the CLI so I can use it in VSCode?
2. What is the CLI path so I can add it to environmental variables?
3. What else am I missing?

Thank you all for your help.
I have a flow which updates custom lookup fields on the Email Message object to link back to the Contact and Opportunity. It uses the From Email Address to lookup the Contact and Opportunity related.

This flow works properly in most situations; however I have found that it gives an error if there is an Attachment in the Email Message (or a user is replying to a message with an attachment).

I found this known issue (https://success.salesforce.com/issues_view?id=a1p3A000000mDLlQAM&title=emails-with-attachments-are-not-firing-in-lightning-experience) which appears to be fixed relating to this problem, but I guess that known issue is only in relation to the Process Builder. Has anyone else experienced this and have a resolution within Flow?
How I can convert closed opportunity to order OR convert quotation to order ?
I'm using PE , I have tried process builder but it doesn't work !!

my flow (launched from a Button) creates a Case Record from Opportunity and after a Custom Object connected to the case.
I managed in the last Screen element to redirect users in the Edit mode of created in the previous step record:
User-added image
However when the user is Saving the record (or pressing Cancel), SF redirects him to SF Home page screen and not to the created record. I am not sure why the button behavior is changed as the further edit and save of the record is done outside of the Flow..

Please could anyone suggest how can I redirect to the created record itself once the user presses Save?

Another possible solution would be to set RetUrl of the button, so that when the user is pressing "Finish" in the Flow, he will be redirected to the edit mode of custom created record.
Here what I have in the button, but still being redirected to Home Page:

Maybe because when starting the Flow, the value of varSEQualificationFormId does not exist?..

Thanks for any input!
Quote PDF Custom Javascript Button Issues
My custom button is being used on the quote page to render the standard Salesforce PDF Overlay and also assign a quote template ID.  The 'Save to Quote' button on the bottom of the overlay isn't working. The other buttons 'Save & Email Quote' and 'Cancel' are both working correctly. Can someone help?

var pdfOverlay = QuotePDFPreview.quotePDFObjs['quotePDFOverlay']; pdfOverlay.dialog.buttonContents='<input value="Save to Quote"class="btn"name="save"onclick="QuotePDFPreview.getQuotePDFObject(\'quotePDFOverlay\').SavePDF(\'0,\'0\');"title="Save to Quote" type="button"/><input value="Save and Email Quote" class="btn" name="saveAndEmail" onclick="QuotePDFPreview.getQuotePDFObject(\'quotePDFOverlay\').savePDF(\'1\');"title="Save and Email Quote" type="button"/><input value="Cancel"class="btn"name="cancel"onclick="QuotePDFPreview.getQuotePDFObject(\'quotePDFOverlay\').close();"title="Cancel"type="button"/>';pdfOverlay.summlid="0EHo0000001E982";pdfOverlay.setSavable(true);pdfOverlay.setContents('/quote/quoteTemplateDataViewer.apexp?id={!(Quote.Id)}','/quote/quoteTemplateHeaderData.apexp?id={!(Quote.Id)}');pdfOverlay.display();

I have a custom JavaScript button on Quote page that mimics Salesforce's standard PDF overlay that is used after you select a quote template, except with our custom button it assigns the quote template ID automatically and renders the quote preview overlay with 1 click.  It's been working great until recently, the 'Save to Quote' command is not working. When you click - nothing happens. All the other buttons work as expected.  Anyone care to look at my code and offer suggestions would be appreciated! 

var pdfOverlay = QuotePDFPreview.quotePDFObjs['quotePDFOverlay']; pdfOverlay.dialog.buttonContents='<input value="Save to Quote"class="btn"name="save"onclick="QuotePDFPreview.getQuotePDFObject(\'quotePDFOverlay\').SavePDF(\'0,\'0\');"title="Save to Quote" type="button"/><input value="Save and Email Quote" class="btn" name="saveAndEmail" onclick="QuotePDFPreview.getQuotePDFObject(\'quotePDFOverlay\').savePDF(\'1\');"title="Save and Email Quote" type="button"/><input value="Cancel"class="btn"name="cancel"onclick="QuotePDFPreview.getQuotePDFObject(\'quotePDFOverlay\').close();"title="Cancel"type="button"/>';pdfOverlay.summlid="0EHo0000000itAg";pdfOverlay.setSavable(true);pdfOverlay.setContents('/quote/quoteTemplateDataViewer.apexp?id={!(Quote.Id)}','/quote/quoteTemplateHeaderData.apexp?id={!(Quote.Id)}');pdfOverlay.display();


I have created a custom button on the Quote layout that selects a certain template automatically. Except I'm receiving this error when clicked: 

A problem with the OnClick JavaScript for this button or link was encountered:

Unexpected token ILLEGAL

Here is the code:
var pdfOverlay = QuotePDFPreview.quotePDFObjs['quotePDFOverlay'];
pdfOverlay.dialog.buttonContents='<input value="Save to Quote" class="btn" name="save"
title="Save to Quote" type="button"/><input value="Save and Email Quote" class="btn" name="saveAndEmail"
title="Save and Email Quote" type="button" /><input value="Cancel" class="btn" name="cancel" onclick="QuotePDFPreview.getQuotePDFObject(\'quotePDFOverlay\').close();"
title="Cancel" type="button"/>;

Up until recently, when we converted a lead to a contact the original lead page would simply be a link to the new contact page. Now, the lead that has been converted is still fully there as a record and not a link. I am not sure how to reset this and looking for any guidance... thank you!

As a system admin for our small org, (17 users) this will be the second instance in a 2 month period that we've exceeded our API limits and have been cut off for 24 hours.  
From looking at the API Activity Report in the Administrator Reports folder, the highest call-outs that were recorded are either from Pardot (highest is around 5,000) and then there is one that does not have any client ID associated with it - it's blank...THAT one has one call-out at 8,000! How do I drill down what exactly is causing this without a Client ID associated with it? 
The first time this happened, I opened a case with Pardot because their features were deactivated and we thought that was the core issue- but now we realize that it's the API being exceeded that is causing everything to go haywire. 
Pardot's help desk told me that they don't run up against or org API, but the report shows different. Can someone please help me troubleshoot where these API call outs are being exceeded and by what?
I have created a domain in my sandbox and deployed (2 days ago). When I try to launch the Import Wizard, I am getting below error.
An error has occurred in the following section: [Exception, DomainNotPropagated_desc]. Salesforce.com has been notified of this error
Can you suggest why I am getting this error and how I can fix it?
A previous developer installed an unmanaged package from the AppExchange called Custom Quote Sync (Unmanaged).
It is keeping any change sets we try and deploy to Production from being successful because the test triggers are at 0% and total code coverage is only at 64%.

I am completely unfamiliar with test classes and could really use some assistance. I can provide further details if needed.

Thank you in advance,

Here are the Errors:
Code Coverage Failure
Your organization's code coverage is 64%. You need at least 75% coverage to complete this deployment. Also, the following triggers have 0% code coverage. Each trigger must have at least 1% code coverage.QuoteSyncTrigger

Component Errors


API Name
Error Message
0 0 QuoteSyncTestSuite.testCreateDuplicateOppLine(); QuoteSyncTestSuite.testCreateDuplicateQuoteLine(); QuoteSyncTestSuite.testCreateQuote(); QuoteSyncTestSuite.testCreateQuoteWithQuoteLine(); QuoteSyncTestSuite.testInsertOppLineNoSync(); QuoteSyncTestSuite.testInsertOppLineNotSync(); QuoteSyncTestSuite.testInsertOppLineSync(); QuoteSyncTestSuite.testInsertQuoteLineNoSync(); QuoteSyncTestSuite.testInsertQuoteLineNotSync(); QuoteSyncTestSuite.testInsertQuoteLineSync(); QuoteSyncTestSuite.testStartSyncInsertOppLine(); QuoteSyncTestSuite.testStartSyncInsertOppLineSetNull(); QuoteSyncTestSuite.testStartSyncMatchOppLine_1(); QuoteSyncTestSuite.testStartSyncMatchOppLine_1a(); QuoteSyncTestSuite.testStartSyncMatchOppLine_2(); QuoteSyncTestSuite.testSt
0 0 QuoteLineSyncTrigger, Details: Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required
0 0 QuoteSyncTrigger, Details: Test coverage of selected Apex Trigger is 0%, at least 1% test coverage is required
0 0 , Details: Average test coverage across all Apex Classes and Triggers is 64%, at least 75% test coverage is required.
I have created a List JS button in Opportunity Page > Quote Related List to generate Quote PDF for the selected Quote record. I get PdfOverlay undefined and after that a message is displayed "Cannot read Property 'dialog' of undefined. Below is my code:-


records = {!GETRECORDIDS($ObjectType.Quote)};
alert('records > ' + records);
var selectedRecords = [records];
alert('selectedRecords>' + selectedRecords);

var pdfOverlay = QuotePDFPreview.quotePDFObjs['quotePDFOverlay'];

alert('pdfOverlay > ' + pdfOverlay);

pdfOverlay.dialog.buttonContents = '<input value=\"Save to Quote\"  class=\"btn\" name=\"save\" onclick=\"QuotePDFPreview.getQuotePDFObject(\'quotePDFOverlay\').savePDF(\'0\',\'0\');\" title=\"Save to Quote\" type=\"button\" /><input value=\"Save and Email Quote\"  class=\"btn\" name=\"saveAndEmail\" onclick=\"QuotePDFPreview.getQuotePDFObject(\'quotePDFOverlay\').savePDF(\'1\');\" title=\"Save and Email Quote\" type=\"button\" /><input value=\"Cancel\"  class=\"btn\" name=\"cancel\" onclick=\"QuotePDFPreview.getQuotePDFObject(\'quotePDFOverlay\').close();\" title=\"Cancel\" type=\"button\" />';

 //change this to use the correct template for your business/environment!! 
pdfOverlay.summlid = '0EH90000000Gdtu'; 


 //change this to use the quote id 


Kindly suggest some soln.

Hi friends, do you know the code (Apex or Javacript) to open the Salesforce PDF Viewer but with a PDF i created manually? Not the templates you can create with salesforce.



Who has experience with this app? I am using it to sychronize opportunity product custom fields with quote item custom fields. It works fine however I as soon as the custom fields work with default values, validation rules, workflows I get error messages...  Can anybody help? - Thanks in advance. Reto