• Jefferson Fernandez
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  • Member since 2016
  • Software Engineer
  • Accenture

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Hello all,

I followed the directions in the Trailhead module and clicked https://localhost:8443. I received the below error.

This site can’t be reached
localhost refused to connect.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall

I have internet connection, there is no proxy, and I turned off the firewall. I saw documentation that suggested checking for missing "listen:443". I found it in the nginx.conf file. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I'm trying to get below lightning component into a own custom component.

User-added image

Seems not exposed to embed, just tried below and no luck.
<c:recordDetail recordId="{!v.contactId}"/>

No COMPONENT named markup://c:recordDetail found :

Any help on achieving this, so that it will show up default layout set up for the profile of current user.
First question.  We wrote a lightning record page to customize the lead conversion process.  Is there a way to override the Lead "convert" button with the custom lightning component.  We were able to override the "new" button to use a custom lightning bundle component.  However, on the "convert" button, only the "visualforce page" override action exist.  

Second question.  In lightning lead path, when the "Mark Status as Complete" action for Converted is selected, it is launching the standard convert page even if the convert button is override with a visualforce page.  Is this a setup that can be changed?
I have created the lightning app like below

<aura:application access="Global" extends="ltng:outApp" >
Hello World

I can able to display the app with component in VF page .
But Can't able to dispaly app without component in VF page.
I tried but unable to get the answer.
Please suggest , Thanks in advance.

Nachu RY
Hi All,

I do have 10 users with different  custom profiles and now i want to restrict all 9 user  records  ?
I have removed view all permissions to 10th user at profile level although i am seeing admin records   ?
how can i do it.any help is appreciated?

I have built following apex trigger code and isAfter code is not executing because I have used recursive method in this trigger.

Please have a look into this and let me know what i have did wrong in this code :
trigger CreateOrderForOpportunity on Opportunity (before insert, after insert, after update) {
        Map<ID,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> rt_Map = Opportunity.sObjectType.getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosById();
        List<SBQQ__Quote__c> quotelist = new List<SBQQ__Quote__c>();
        List<SBQQ__QuoteLine__c> quoteLineList = new  List<SBQQ__QuoteLine__c>();
        List<SBQQ__QuoteLine__c> quoteLineDataServiceList = new  List<SBQQ__QuoteLine__c>();
        for(Opportunity opp : trigger.New){
            if(rt_map.get(opp.recordTypeID).getName().contains('CONECTIVIDAD') && opp.Coming_from_Portal__c == True){
                    if(opp.Owner_Email_Address_coming_from_portal__c != Null){
                        List<user> uList = [select Id, Email from user where Email =: opp.Owner_Email_Address_coming_from_portal__c Limit 1];
                        if(uList.size() > 0)
                            for(User u : uList){
                                opp.OwnerId = u.Id;
                    if(opp.Portal_Account_Name__c != Null){
                        List<Account> AccList = [select Id, Name from Account where Name =: opp.Portal_Account_Name__c Limit 10000];
                        if(AccList.size() > 0){
                            for(Account a : AccList){
                                opp.AccountId = a.Id;
            for(opportunity oppAfter : trigger.New){
                if(rt_map.get(oppAfter.recordTypeID).getName().contains('CONECTIVIDAD') && oppAfter.Coming_from_Portal__c == True){
                        SBQQ__Quote__c quote = new SBQQ__Quote__c();
                        quote.SBQQ__Account__c = oppAfter.AccountId;
                        quote.Quote_Type__c = 'Draft';
                        quote.SBQQ__Opportunity2__c = oppAfter.Id;
                        quote.Requerimientos_del_cliente__c = 'PORTAL';
                        quote.SBQQ__PriceBook__c = '01s70000000JxjL';
                        quote.Primary_Contact__c = [Select Id from Contact where AccountId =: oppAfter.AccountId Order By createdDate Limit 1].Id;
                        if(oppAfter.PlazoContratacion__c != Null){
                            quote.SBQQ__SubscriptionTerm__c = oppAfter.PlazoContratacion__c;
                        if(oppAfter.Quote_line_Product_Name__c != Null){
                            for(Product2 p : [select Id, Name from Product2 where Name =: oppAfter.Quote_line_Product_Name__c]){
                                SBQQ__QuoteLine__c qli = new SBQQ__QuoteLine__c();
                                qli.SBQQ__Product__c = p.Id;
                                if(oppAfter.Product_Special_Price_coming_from_portal__c != Null){
                                    qli.SBQQ__SpecialPrice__c = oppAfter.Product_Special_Price_coming_from_portal__c;
                                qli.SBQQ__Quote__c = quote.Id;
                                qli.SBQQ__SpecialPriceType__c = 'Custom';
                                if(oppAfter.Quote_line_TipoClearChanel_Velocidad__c != Null){
                                    qli.TipoClearChanel__c = String.ValueOf(oppAfter.Quote_line_TipoClearChanel_Velocidad__c);    
                        SBQQ__QuoteLine__c qliNew = new SBQQ__QuoteLine__c();
                        qliNew.SBQQ__Product__c = '01t7000000Wt7xj';
                        qliNew.SBQQ__Quote__c = quote.Id;
                        qliNew.SBQQ__SpecialPriceType__c = 'Custom';
        insert quotelist;
        insert quoteLineList;
        insert quoteLineDataServiceList;

Please guys help me out !!
I've created a lightning component of registration form.There is one field named "Assigned To" containing lookups of users.When i click on i got this error popup window.I am using  <force:inputField value="{!v.account.Assigned_To__c}" /> nad errors screenshot is given below.User-added image
How to query account on basis of profile i.e.
I want to see how many records have been edited by system admin or any other profile

Thanks in Advance ...
Please help
Hi All,
I'm trying to solve the Setup Org and Cache on Trailhead's Cache module but when i search 'cache' on setup on any of my developer orgs, it can't be found. Has anyone encountered this before?
Hello I am getting bellow error-
Error element Create_Survey_Details (FlowRecordCreate).
This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST: Prefer to work alone or as a team: bad value for restricted picklist field: I'd rather work with a team.
What shold i do next? I would appreciate your sugestions.Thanks!
Hello All,

<!-- NewAccount -->
<aura:component implements="force:appHostable" controller="AccountController">
    <aura:attribute name="newAccount" type="Account" default="{ 'sobjectType': 'Account', 'Name': '', }" access="public"/>
    <div >
                Name <force:inputField aura:id="Name" value="{!v.newAccount.Name}"/>
                Note <force:inputField aura:id="Note" value="{!v.newAccount.Description}"/>
                Categories<force:inputField aura:id="Categories" value="{!v.newAccount.Categories_del__c}"/>
                SubCategories<force:inputField aura:id="SubCategories" value="{!v.newAccount.Sub_Categories__c    }"/>
                Assign to<force:inputField aura:id="Assign To " value="{!v.newAccount.Assigned_To__c}"/>
                Billing Street <force:inputField aura:id="Street " value="{!v.newAccount.BillingStreet}"/>
                Billing City <force:inputField aura:id="City " value="{!v.newAccount.BillingCity}"/>
                Billing State <force:inputField aura:id="State " value="{!v.newAccount.BillingState}"/>
                Billing Country <force:inputField aura:id="Country " value="{!v.newAccount.BillingCountry}"/>
                Billing Postal Code<force:inputField aura:id="Postal Code " value="{!v.newAccount.BillingPostalCode}"/>
                <lightning:button label="Save" onclick="{!c.createAccount}" />

This is my sample code to save Account Record using Lightning Component. "Assign To"  is custom field of "User Lookup" ,  but it gives the following error. Check screen shot as well. I also enabled Lightning component checkbox.

"This page has an error. You might just need to refresh it.
Access Check Failed! AttributeSet.get(): attribute 'inContextOfRecordId' of component 'markup://c:NewAccount {3:0}' is not visible to 'markup://c:NewAccount {3:0}'.
Failing descriptor: {markup://c:NewAccount}"

User-added image
Hi, I am doing my first lightning org and getting very frustrated by the speed with which config changes are appearing on the page.
For example, I added a new value to a picklist on the contact, then refreshed the contact page - no change.
On the fifth refresh, the new picklist value appear.
I am sure the problem is that Lightning is caching as much as possible to improve the user experience, but  I am wondering is there a magic developer flag to say "Don't cache anything until I am finished development"
Hi, I want to create a button that takes me to to a new lightning page/tab (open as a new tab in browser) on click and also it should get the data chosen from previous lightning page/tab and display it on the new lightning page/tab.
hello evryone,
can anyone help me to write the code for "fogot password" 
I'm creating a Lightning component that uses aura:iterate to dynamically build a form, with a field for each item in a list object. The markup works great, but I don't know how to go back and get the values from the fields later -- to validate the fields and then to save the values.

I would normally use aura:id to component.find() the field, and then get("v.value"). BUT aura:id is undefined because it can't be dynamically assigned with a merge field. Here's how I was trying to assign aura:id in the iteration markup, but that aura:id assignment doesn't work.
<aura:component >
    <aura:attribute name="topic" type="Topic__c"/>
        <div class="slds-tile slds-hint-parent">
            <div class="slds-form-element slds-is-required">
                <div class="slds-form-element__control">
                    <ui:inputNumber aura:id="{!v.topic.Id}" label="{!v.topic.Name}"
                                    value = "{!v.topicResult.score__c}" />   
I've double checked that {v.topic.Id} is valid (I can assign it to the label with no problem). I've tried using a simple string in a variable, also with no success. It appears aura:id has to be hard-coded.

So, any ideas on another attribute I can use to identify and call each field?
Is there a way to do a component.find() on a different attribute, like label, that can be set dynamically?

I'm using ui:inputNumber based on my use of it in the Lightning Component Trail on Trailhead (the one with Expenses and the Camping List), but I'm seeing an altenative --  lightning:input (Beta). I'm reading the docs on it, thinking maybe I can use the name attribute, but not sure if I can then component.find() it by name.

Any insight or ideas out there? Thanks.
I want to do a Collapse and show of search criteria in a lightning component but I want to use lightning named motions:
https://lightningdesignsystem.com/guidelines/motion/ , How do I use the lightning named motions? or is there a good example to follow?


I have a requirement to edit an objects date field from my lightning component. With the relationship between the objects I have to create a wrapper to display the records and necessary date fields.

When I use aura:iteration with the wrapper ui:inputdate does not work properly. The date the user selects from the calendar does not get updated on the UI, however the values is updated in the back end.

When I use aura:iteration with a list of any concrete object ui:inputdate works properly. The date the user selects from the calendar gets updated on the UI, and the values is also updated in the back end.

Has anyone faced a similar issue and know of any work around for the same?
