• Raghvendra Singh 22
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I am getting this error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow. A flow trigger failed to execute the flow with version ID 30150000000GzkN. Flow error messages: An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow
An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system administrator for more information. Contact your administrator for help.: []

Code is:
public class ContactSearch
    public static List<Contact> searchForContacts(String St1, String St2)
        List<Contact> ContctList = [select ID,Name from Contact where LastName = :St1 and MailingPostalCode = :St2];
        return ContctList;

Please help!!
Hi Guys ,

i am always facing this error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Ensure that product2Controller is still working as specified in the earlier challenge. 

here is my code :
public class Product2Extension {
    //public List<Product2Extension.productWrapper> productsToInsert {get;set;}
    //public Product2Extension(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
        //productsToInsert = new List<Product2Extension.productWrapper>();          
        //AddRows();    }
    public List<ProductWrapper> productsToInsert {get;set;}
    public Product2Extension(ApexPages.StandardController controller){
        productsToInsert = new List<ProductWrapper>();
    public void AddRows(){
        for ( Integer i=0; i<Constants.DEFAULT_ROWS; i++ ){
            productsToInsert.add( new Product2Extension.productWrapper() );
    public List<ChartHelper.ChartData> GetInventory(){
        return ChartHelper.GetInventory();
    public List<SelectOption> GetFamilyOptions() {
        List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>{
            new SelectOption(Constants.SELECT_ONE, Constants.SELECT_ONE)
        for (Schema.PicklistEntry ple : Constants.PRODUCT_FAMILY) {
            options.add(new SelectOption(ple.getValue(), ple.getLabel()));
        return options;
public PageReference Save(){
        Savepoint sp = Database.setSavepoint();
        try {
            List<Product2> products = new List<Product2>();
            List<PricebookEntry> entries = new List<PricebookEntry>();
            for (ProductWrapper wrp : productsToInsert){
                if(null!=wrp.productRecord && null!=wrp.pricebookEntryRecord){
                    if(null!=wrp.productRecord.Name && null!=wrp.productRecord.Family && constants.SELECT_ONE!=wrp.productRecord.Family
                       && null!=wrp.productRecord.Initial_Inventory__c && null!=wrp.pricebookEntryRecord.UnitPrice){
                        PricebookEntry entry=wrp.pricebookEntryRecord;
            insert products;            
            for (integer itr=0; itr<entries.size();itr++){
            insert entries;
            //If successful clear the list and display an informational message
            apexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,productsToInsert.size()+' Inserted'));
            productsToInsert.clear();   //Do not remove
            addRows();  //Do not remove
        } catch (Exception e){
            apexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,constants.ERROR_MESSAGE));
        return null;
    public class ProductWrapper{
        public product2 productRecord {get;set;}
        public pricebookEntry pricebookEntryRecord{get;set;}
        public productWrapper(){
            productRecord = new product2(Initial_Inventory__c =0);
            pricebookEntryRecord = new pricebookEntry(Unitprice=0.0);

Hi Guys,

I did every step carefully. i dont know why test coverage is very low
Can anyone help me

ThanksUser-added image
Hi Guys,

How can we show lightning component in List View ?
is there any way ?

Hi Guys,

How to achive this:  Fetch the Email template and show in dropdown in Lightning Component

Hi All,
Can anyone guide me regarding developer certification PD1., How to prepare for it.

Hi All,

I want to validate phone number in E.164 format?
Please help me
Hi All,

how to achieve Visualforce email template with multiple language.

Hi All,
I have 6 objects which have a common field(Business Unit field). Now i need to take backup of all triggers, workflows,classes etc which are related to these objects and this field... i am trying to do in eclipse. Do you have any idea how to do it.
I have more object in my org but i need to take backup only 6 object and on the basis of its field.... Plz help me 

Thank you all
Hi All,
I have 6 objects which have a common field(Business Unit field). Now i need to take backup of all triggers, workflows,classes etc which are related to these objects and this field... i am trying to do in eclipse. Do you have any idea how to do it?

Raghvendra Singh
Hi ,
Unable to read repository at http://media.developerforce.com/force.ide/eclipse42/content.xml.
Socket operation on nonsocket: configureBlocking i am getting this whenever i m=am trying to connect force.com with eclipse.
anyone plz help me

Hi All,

plz could anyone help me to pass this challenge

Picklist value is not showing whenever i insert through data loader,Please anyone can help me
Hi Guys,

How to achive this:  Fetch the Email template and show in dropdown in Lightning Component

I am getting this error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow. A flow trigger failed to execute the flow with version ID 30150000000GzkN. Flow error messages: An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow
An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system administrator for more information. Contact your administrator for help.: []

Code is:
public class ContactSearch
    public static List<Contact> searchForContacts(String St1, String St2)
        List<Contact> ContctList = [select ID,Name from Contact where LastName = :St1 and MailingPostalCode = :St2];
        return ContctList;

Please help!!
I've turned on the functionality in my profile and linked it to my Trailhead account, yet no badges are showing.  Please advise?
User-added image
User-added image

I have 31 trailhead Badges:
User-added image

But in partners account, it is showing 0:
User-added image

Can anyone please tell where to check for this issue?


   I want to develop salesforce code in my local eclipse environment. I follwed steps mentioned here :
So my eclipse is ready now but I dont know how to import code(apex classes, components, visual force pages) from my sandbox into my local enviornment and how I can again deply changes to salesforce cloud.

Can anyone please help me to solve this issue.


Is there a way to perform a "global search" through all Apex code --- classes, triggers, etc.?  For example, if I want to search for a specific block of code but don't remember what class it's in...

  • April 30, 2010
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