• Natalia Rex 1
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Hello, I want to create a success vs fail percentage of our Assignments, based on a picklist values, called Status. This picklist value Status has up to 8 different statuses.  

For example I want to group Won and Finished records as one group, called "Successes", divide by total assignments to get % of success rate for the assignments.   Then the same thing, for the other statues,call the second group "Fails" to see how many assignments in the success or fails category we have compared to total, to get percentage. To end up getting, 20% success rate, 80% fail rate, out of 250 different assignments created. 

In simple math its basically total of Won + Finished / Total assignments = % success rate then it will be Sent + Lost + any other status / Total assignments = % fail rate.  I have a row level formula that I was able to get to count the "Fails" with this:    
CASE(Assignment__c.Status__c,"Sent",1,0) + CASE(Assignment__c.Status__c,"Lost",1,0)

 And I was able to create a "fails percentage" summary formula, that takes the sum of the fails above and divides it by total of records:   
CDF1:SUM / RowCount
 However, how can I create additional row level formulas so I can see % of "fails", as written above, and % of successes.   I feel that in the row formula I need to somehow GROUP them based on picklist values, that some sort of grouping is needed. And in the summary formula column differentiate it somehow.  
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Hello everyone, I've created a flow that creates a case, assigns it to a Group Queue ID and sends an alert from a org wide adress. So far I've only been testing the email alert to an individual email, and now I would like to have that email sent to that Queue that was assigned to it but I am not sure where to begin, I was thinking either creating a collection of emails and putting it into a variable and then calling it in the send email action but I'm not sure where to begin. Does anyone have experience with this? I've been trying to find some documentation and threads, with no luck.    

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Hello I have an interesting situation. We are using Cases in our organization, and have the case assignment rule set up to assign a case to a Queue called Project Team when it equals type = SoW Request. In the settings, Send email to queue is checked, and a template I've been using for the past two months for alerts has been added (screenshot below).

I wanted to automate a case creation via Flow, when a record in a custom object (called Assignments) was marked to Won.

The flow fires off correctly and creates the case with the fields I set, however, the assignment rule is IGNORED and the email is not automatically sent.

As a test, I created the case, and picked type SoW Request, and created it manually via New Case button in Salesforce, and the case assignment rule worked fine.

Is there a way to have the flow trigger the case assignment rule? Blow I'm also sending the logs of the Flow Debug log, which shows that the rule works and created the case as I wanted. I need the flow to take into consideration the case assignment rule.
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Hello, I'm having trouble, when sending an email (plain text and html) through a flow. Each time line breaks dont work and I'm not sure what works properly? I've used BR() with no luck. Here is what I get when I send a rich HTML template:

How do you add line breaks effectively in both instances? I couldn't find a straight answer online or in the documentation (perhaps I looked in the wrong place).

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Hello, Im wanting to implement a formula that checks two conditions, if the value of a picklist is MSA Missing, and if the record is new. Unfortunately when I enter the code below, I get  syntax error that I have an additional ). When I remove it (and there is two at the end), I get the following error

"Error: Incorrect number of parameters for function 'IF()'. Expected 3, received 2"

ISPICKVAL(Type, "MSA Missing"),

Do I have the ) signs in the wrong place?

I've looked at the documentation and I cannot find information on how I can implement this

Hello, I am teaching a user at our organization to create and run a simple flow that created that creates a Campaign Member, and verifies a few things. On her profile she has: Manage and Run Flow checked (via permission set I created for her called Manage and Run Flows), and has access to write, modify, edit, delete.  However, when she clicked on Activate, she got some error "You cant activate this flow because it always runs in system context." When I temporarily changed her profile to System Administrator she was able to activate it, but we do not want to have every user that wants to run this flow to be System Administrator, due to privacy reasons.

From Salesforce Support I got information that I should do the following:

1: Open the flow.
2 : Click on Save As.
3 : Click on 'Show Advanced'
3 : Under 'How to Run the Flow' select 'System Context with Sharing—Enforces Record-Level Access' (https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=release-notes.rn_forcecom_flow_fbuilder_system_mode.htm&type=5&release=224)
4 : Save it.

However, How to run the flow is not visible! Even for me, System Administrator and owner of the Flow. During the call, they had me change to Classic version - no change. This option is not available to me as a system administrator, I do not see it. I am sending a screenshot of what I see.
Flow advanced settings
As a summary:

1. I, System administrator does not have option on how to run the flow
2. The user has ability to build, create, duplicate and run flows, but not activate it.

3. The user has access to create, modify, access, delete record objects that are included in the flow.

Hello, I am wanting to do something pretty simple but for some reason it is not working (I am not sure why).

This is on the object Account Contact Relationship.


If a contact that has a direct relationship and role to an account has a picklist value changed, that value needs to be shown on the account they're a direct relationship to.

On contact I have the following picklist, called: "Onboarding Funnel".
On account I have the following picklist, called: "Super Admin Onboarding Funnel"

Both piclists have values:

Welcome Email
Product Set Up
Feature Callouts
Knowledge base
Mini Celebration

If the contact that has a direct relationship to the account, and the picklist on the contact gets changed to Welcome email, product setup, etc, then that exact value needs to be visible on Account, in the field "Super Admin Onboarding Funnel".

I am attaching a screenshot of the process builder, I have a feeling it has something to do with the last step, perhaps I am doing something wrong there?

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Hi all, some time ago we had implemented a formula that should count a number of days between two dates, to not count weekends. We want to count end date as well. Below is a formula, however when I verify this is a website that counds number of days between dates, it is different than what we get in SF:


1 +
 (End_date_of_project__c - Start_date_of_project__c) * 5 -
 (MOD(Start_date_of_project__c - DATE(1970,1,4),7) - MOD(End_date_of_project__c - DATE(1970,1,4),7)) * 2
) / 7 -
IF(MOD(End_date_of_project__c - DATE(1970,1,4),7) = 6,1,0) -
IF(MOD(Start_date_of_project__c - DATE(1970,1,4),7) = 0,1,0)

In SF, we got the following:
Start date of project: 22/03/2021
End date of project: 31/12/2021

According to this website that counts dates (https://www.calculator.net/date-calculator.html?today=03%2F22%2F2021&ageat=12%2F31%2F2021&calctype=diff&useholiday=1&hdny=1&hdml=1&hdpd=1&hdmd=1&hdid=1&hdld=1&hdcd=1&hdvd=1&hdtx=1&hdxm=1&n0=&m0=&d0=&n1=&m1=&d1=&n2=&m2=&d2=&n3=&m3=&d3=&n4=&m4=&d4=&n5=&m5=&d5=&n6=&m6=&d6=&n7=&m7=&d7=&n8=&m8=&d8=&n9=&m9=&d9=&n10=&m10=&d10=&n11=&m11=&d11=&n12=&m12=&d12=&n13=&m13=&d13=&n14=&m14=&d14=&n15=&m15=&d15=&n16=&m16=&d16=&n17=&m17=&d17=&n18=&m18=&d18=&n19=&m19=&d19=&x=71&y=21), we get 196 days.

But in Salesforce, based on formula, we get 205. Want to figure out - why?


Hi developer community :) I have perhaps a silly question but I keep checking what is wrong with this set up.

I have a simple formular (currency) field that needs to show a value of 3 numbers being multiplied!

My formula:
FTE__c*Estimated_Project_Months__c *Stack_Budget__c

FTE = Is a number field, with 2 decimal points
Estimated project months = A formula that generates a number
Stack budget = a Currency Number

I keep getting a wrong number.

For example: FTE =5, Project Months = 9, and Stack Budget 20.00 Euro

Based on my formula it is 5 x 9 x 20 = 900.

However, in the field with the formula, I get: 904.11 and I have no idea from where.

Could you help?


Thank you

Hi everybody. In our instance, we want to change who the "Created by" user is, when via Rest Api a record is created (any custom objects, leads, contacts, etc). Currently the "Created by:" field is populated with an actual user, our VP. He was just a "go to" user that is used when records are created, when SF was implemented. As you can see it can cause a lot of confusion now in reporting. :)

We want to just create a fake/dummy user, for example "API_User" or "Integration_User". We already have one, thanks to our SF and Pardot integration, but I don't believe we can "re-use" that user in this case.

If we create this new user, does it have to have a SF Licence assigned to it? Or can it just have "Identity" licence that SF recently rolled out. We want to avoid having to pay for a licence if its just a user we use in this type of situation, it won't be an actual person. This way, we can also track what leads/contacts haven't been assigned, or need to be reviewed.

Thanks for your help in advance (if there's some documentation I missed, I would be very thankful).

Hello everyone, for the last few days I've been trying to figure out how to update a flow that pulls information from a few object and updates/creates a new one. There's one field I"m wanting to pull, and no matter what I do I can't find the best solution. Here's the entire process:

1. When an Opportunity is changed to Closed Won, it starts a Flow, like below:

User-added image

2. We have a custom object called Project, so when this flow begins, it pulls specific information from the Opportunity referenced above, creates that new record (Project) along w/ a task, and updates some information in the referenced opportunity. At the very end I will explain what one field I'm wanting to pull.

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Here's the debug log of what all happpends, what is pulled and updated :

Natalia -- (XXXXX) started the flow interview.
API Version for Running the Flow: 49
Some of this flow's variables were set when the interview started.
process_opp_id = 0063N00000Av7krQAB
Flow start time: December 11, 2020, 2:23 PM.

Find all Opportunity records where
Id Equals {!process_opp_id} (0063N00000Av7krQAB)
Store the values of these fields in Get_Process_Opp: Id, AccountId, Start_date_of_project__c, End_date_of_project__c, OwnerId

Successfully found records.

Find all Account records where
Id Equals {!Get_Process_Opp.AccountId} (0013N00000J61umQAB)
Store the values of these fields in Get_Account: Id, Name, BillingStreet, BillingPostalCode, BillingCity, BillingCountry, E_Mail__c

Successfully found records.

Create one Project__c record where
Account__c = {!Get_Process_Opp.AccountId} (0013N00000J61umQAB)
End_Date__c = {!Get_Process_Opp.End_date_of_project__c} (16 December 2020)
From_Opportunity__c = {!process_opp_id} (0063N00000Av7krQAB)
Invoice_City__c = {!Get_Account.BillingCity} (Będzin)
Invoice_Country__c = {!Get_Account.BillingCountry} (Poland)
Invoice_Email__c = {!Get_Account.E_Mail__c} (null)
Invoice_Postal_Code__c = {!Get_Account.BillingPostalCode} (null)
Invoice_Street__c = {!Get_Account.BillingStreet} (null)
Name = New Project - {!Get_Account.Name} (New Project - SH test)
Project_Owner__c = {!Get_Process_Opp.OwnerId} (0053X00000B3ZWcQAN)
Start_Date__c = {!Get_Process_Opp.Start_date_of_project__c} (02 December 2020)
Status__c = Preparation (Kick-Off)

A record is ready to be created when the next screen, pause, or local action is executed or when the interview finishes.
{!created_project_id} = a023N000004PGHEQA4

Create one Task record where
ActivityDate = {!$Flow.CurrentDate} (11 December 2020)
OwnerId = {!Get_Process_Opp.OwnerId} (0053X00000B3ZWcQAN)
Priority = High
Status = Open
Subject = Project Kick-Off
Type = Project Kick-Off
WhatId = {!created_project_id} (a023N000004PGHEQA4)

A record is ready to be created when the next screen, pause, or local action is executed or when the interview finishes.

Find all Opportunity records where
Id Equals {!process_opp_id} (0063N00000Av7krQAB)
Update the records’ field values.
Project__c = {!created_project_id} (a023N000004PGHEQA4)

All records that meet the filter criteria are ready to be updated when the next screen, pause, or local action is executed or when the interview finishes.

What I am wanting to do , is to pull a Quote Won that is related to the opportunity we are referencing, because the Quote Won has a special field "Partner", that I want to be included in the Project.

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The closest thing I was able to do, was to create a formula filed on the Project Record, with a formula which ended up pulling the right "Partner" account name from the quote, but then that is NOT clickable, so this is why I need the field to be a lookup field that pulls that information.
User-added image

The field "Quote won partner account" this type.
User-added image

I want the above Account be the account in the "Parter" field that has been created on the Quote that was won.

On Quote, its already a Child of Opportunity, so I thought I could just pull it, but I'm not sure where I need to edit the code, or the flow. Should I have a separate "Get records = quote", or try another way?


many thanks in advance,



Hi, I was wondering if anyone has additional information on where I can start. I wanted to first briefly explain the automation I'm using and why I am reaching out to the forum.

1. Via form handler we capture leads from our website into Pardot
2. Upon form submission I create the following Completion Actions:

- Update key fields (buying persona, IT Team Size, Lead Source, company name and CRM Campaign status)

- Notify myself

- Assign to a user in Salesforce, which in turn, creates them in Salesforce as a lead. Now is where the problem starts.

3. Upon lead creation in the Salesforce CRM, all the information doesn't get "sent" to the lead right away. The first fields that fill in (and I checked upon quickly refreshing page) are: Name, email, Pardot Score, Pardot Campaign, Createdby/date.

Upon refreshing about 2 minutes later, I get the rest, such as Pardot Conversion Object Name and Pardot Conversion Object Type.

The reason this is important, is I created a very simple Process Builder, that waits for a new lead created WITH Pardot Converion Object Name already filled out and does some actions. Due to the delay, I am unable to launch this.

Is there a way I can check if we have some issues w/ synch, or something I can do to fix this? Pardot Conversion Object Name holds very important data key to some sales automations I'm working on.

We are using connector user: b2bmaintegration.

I would be very thankful for any links, information on what I can do to eliminate this issue, I've been trying to work on various work arounds for the past 2 weeks, with no luck.

Many thanks

Hi everyone, I am trying to update a flow that was created, and I believe I know what the problem is and what I need to do, I am just not sure where to add the condition to ignore null/empty field, or what I should update in the flow, so it would ignore an empty field. I've been looking on youtube, articles, and even this board I'm just a little stuck. I had a call w/ support and they suggested to post here.

The flow that we have gets initiated by a process builder, when a task is marked complete (thats all). Then the first action is to load this flow below.

One of the main steps of this flow, is to pull data from our Quote Line Item object, and have it available in the Invoice Line Item and then later on create a task and invoice.

Loop is a new thing for me, I'm stil learning, so bear with me.
In the flow, once the data is checked, it goes into a loop and we have an ASSIGNMENT step, ''Assign Quote Line Item value to Invoice Line Items". The field in particular that I added was a field in Quote called ''Cost Per Hour", that we also want to be available in the Invoice Line Item.
This is the only change I've added to this already existing flow, and this error below is what pops up. I've tried to create a 'decision' step, and entered this below (but the error still occurs). I feel I am close, but have no idea where to start. I'd appreciate your input!


test decision - what I tested, with no luck. I'm not sure WHERE to put this.


the current flow with some extra info

How the Interview Started
0053X00000B3ZWc) started the flow interview.
Some of this flow's variables were set when the interview started.
process_kick_off_task_id = 00T3X00005QJuiq

FAST LOOKUP: Get_Init_Task
Find all Task records where:
Id Equals {!process_kick_off_task_id} (00T3X00005QJuiq)
Store the values of these fields in Get_Init_Task: Id, WhatId
Successfully found records.

FAST LOOKUP: Get_Init_Project
Find all Project__c records where:
Id Equals {!Get_Init_Task.WhatId} (a023X00001uNPIRQA4)
Store the values of these fields in Get_Init_Project: Id, First_Invoice_Date__c, Project_Owner__c, Partner_Report_Due__c, From_Opportunity__c, Client_Invoice_Receivable_Due__c, TA_Invoice_Due__c, Partner_Invoice_Due__c, Partner_Invoice_Payment_Due__c, TA_Timesheet_Report_Issue_Deadline__c, Partner_Report_TA_Acceptance_Deadline__c, TA_Report_Signoff_Deadline__c
Successfully found records.

FAST LOOKUP: get_won_quote_from_project_opp
Find all Quote records where:
Status Equals Won
OpportunityId Equals {!Get_Init_Project.From_Opportunity__c} (0063X000012B7YEQA0)
Store the values of these fields in get_won_quote_from_project_opp: Id
Successfully found records.

FAST LOOKUP: get_quote_line_items
Find all QuoteLineItem records where:
QuoteId Equals {!get_won_quote_from_project_opp.Id} (0Q03X000002CKz5SAG)
Store the values of these fields in get_quote_line_items: Id, Candidate_number__c, Discount, Talent_Seniority__c, UnitPrice, Talent_Role__c, Talent_Name__c, Quantity, Partner__c
Successfully found records.

CREATE RECORDS: Create_Invoice
Create one Invoice__c record where:
Client_Invoice_Receivable_Due_Date__c = {!formula_client_invoice_rec_due_date} (15 June 2020)
Partner_Invoice_Due_Date__c = {!formula_partner_invoice_due_date} (14 June 2020)
Partner_Invoice_Payment_Due_Date__c = {!formula_partner_invoice_payment_due_date} (15 June 2020)
Partner_Report_Due_Date__c = {!formula_partner_report_due} (07 June 2020)
Partner_Report_TA_Acceptance_Deadline__c = {!formula_acceptance_deadline} (07 June 2020)
Project__c = {!Get_Init_Project.Id} (a023X00001uNPIRQA4)
TA_Invoice_Due_Date__c = {!formula_ta_invoice_due_date} (14 June 2020)
TA_Report_Signoff_Date_Deadline__c = {!formula_signoff_deadline} (07 June 2020)
TA_Timesheet_Report_Issue_Deadline__c = {!formula_timesheet_issue_deadline} (07 June 2020)
A record is ready to be created when the next screen, pause, or local action is executed or when the interview finishes.
{!created_invoice} = a013X00002UFfmDQAT

LOOP: loop_over_quote_line_items
Loop Through: [0QL3X000004yEJNWA2]
Iteration: 0
Current value of {!loop_quote_line_item}: 0QL3X000004yEJNWA2

Error element assign_QLI_values_to_ILI (FlowAssignment).
The flow failed to access the value for loop_quote_line_item.Cost_per_hour__c because it hasn't been set or assigned.

Hello, I want to create a success vs fail percentage of our Assignments, based on a picklist values, called Status. This picklist value Status has up to 8 different statuses.  

For example I want to group Won and Finished records as one group, called "Successes", divide by total assignments to get % of success rate for the assignments.   Then the same thing, for the other statues,call the second group "Fails" to see how many assignments in the success or fails category we have compared to total, to get percentage. To end up getting, 20% success rate, 80% fail rate, out of 250 different assignments created. 

In simple math its basically total of Won + Finished / Total assignments = % success rate then it will be Sent + Lost + any other status / Total assignments = % fail rate.  I have a row level formula that I was able to get to count the "Fails" with this:    
CASE(Assignment__c.Status__c,"Sent",1,0) + CASE(Assignment__c.Status__c,"Lost",1,0)

 And I was able to create a "fails percentage" summary formula, that takes the sum of the fails above and divides it by total of records:   
CDF1:SUM / RowCount
 However, how can I create additional row level formulas so I can see % of "fails", as written above, and % of successes.   I feel that in the row formula I need to somehow GROUP them based on picklist values, that some sort of grouping is needed. And in the summary formula column differentiate it somehow.  
User-added image

Hello, Im wanting to implement a formula that checks two conditions, if the value of a picklist is MSA Missing, and if the record is new. Unfortunately when I enter the code below, I get  syntax error that I have an additional ). When I remove it (and there is two at the end), I get the following error

"Error: Incorrect number of parameters for function 'IF()'. Expected 3, received 2"

ISPICKVAL(Type, "MSA Missing"),

Do I have the ) signs in the wrong place?

I've looked at the documentation and I cannot find information on how I can implement this

Hi all, some time ago we had implemented a formula that should count a number of days between two dates, to not count weekends. We want to count end date as well. Below is a formula, however when I verify this is a website that counds number of days between dates, it is different than what we get in SF:


1 +
 (End_date_of_project__c - Start_date_of_project__c) * 5 -
 (MOD(Start_date_of_project__c - DATE(1970,1,4),7) - MOD(End_date_of_project__c - DATE(1970,1,4),7)) * 2
) / 7 -
IF(MOD(End_date_of_project__c - DATE(1970,1,4),7) = 6,1,0) -
IF(MOD(Start_date_of_project__c - DATE(1970,1,4),7) = 0,1,0)

In SF, we got the following:
Start date of project: 22/03/2021
End date of project: 31/12/2021

According to this website that counts dates (https://www.calculator.net/date-calculator.html?today=03%2F22%2F2021&ageat=12%2F31%2F2021&calctype=diff&useholiday=1&hdny=1&hdml=1&hdpd=1&hdmd=1&hdid=1&hdld=1&hdcd=1&hdvd=1&hdtx=1&hdxm=1&n0=&m0=&d0=&n1=&m1=&d1=&n2=&m2=&d2=&n3=&m3=&d3=&n4=&m4=&d4=&n5=&m5=&d5=&n6=&m6=&d6=&n7=&m7=&d7=&n8=&m8=&d8=&n9=&m9=&d9=&n10=&m10=&d10=&n11=&m11=&d11=&n12=&m12=&d12=&n13=&m13=&d13=&n14=&m14=&d14=&n15=&m15=&d15=&n16=&m16=&d16=&n17=&m17=&d17=&n18=&m18=&d18=&n19=&m19=&d19=&x=71&y=21), we get 196 days.

But in Salesforce, based on formula, we get 205. Want to figure out - why?


Hi developer community :) I have perhaps a silly question but I keep checking what is wrong with this set up.

I have a simple formular (currency) field that needs to show a value of 3 numbers being multiplied!

My formula:
FTE__c*Estimated_Project_Months__c *Stack_Budget__c

FTE = Is a number field, with 2 decimal points
Estimated project months = A formula that generates a number
Stack budget = a Currency Number

I keep getting a wrong number.

For example: FTE =5, Project Months = 9, and Stack Budget 20.00 Euro

Based on my formula it is 5 x 9 x 20 = 900.

However, in the field with the formula, I get: 904.11 and I have no idea from where.

Could you help?


Thank you

Hi everybody. In our instance, we want to change who the "Created by" user is, when via Rest Api a record is created (any custom objects, leads, contacts, etc). Currently the "Created by:" field is populated with an actual user, our VP. He was just a "go to" user that is used when records are created, when SF was implemented. As you can see it can cause a lot of confusion now in reporting. :)

We want to just create a fake/dummy user, for example "API_User" or "Integration_User". We already have one, thanks to our SF and Pardot integration, but I don't believe we can "re-use" that user in this case.

If we create this new user, does it have to have a SF Licence assigned to it? Or can it just have "Identity" licence that SF recently rolled out. We want to avoid having to pay for a licence if its just a user we use in this type of situation, it won't be an actual person. This way, we can also track what leads/contacts haven't been assigned, or need to be reviewed.

Thanks for your help in advance (if there's some documentation I missed, I would be very thankful).

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has additional information on where I can start. I wanted to first briefly explain the automation I'm using and why I am reaching out to the forum.

1. Via form handler we capture leads from our website into Pardot
2. Upon form submission I create the following Completion Actions:

- Update key fields (buying persona, IT Team Size, Lead Source, company name and CRM Campaign status)

- Notify myself

- Assign to a user in Salesforce, which in turn, creates them in Salesforce as a lead. Now is where the problem starts.

3. Upon lead creation in the Salesforce CRM, all the information doesn't get "sent" to the lead right away. The first fields that fill in (and I checked upon quickly refreshing page) are: Name, email, Pardot Score, Pardot Campaign, Createdby/date.

Upon refreshing about 2 minutes later, I get the rest, such as Pardot Conversion Object Name and Pardot Conversion Object Type.

The reason this is important, is I created a very simple Process Builder, that waits for a new lead created WITH Pardot Converion Object Name already filled out and does some actions. Due to the delay, I am unable to launch this.

Is there a way I can check if we have some issues w/ synch, or something I can do to fix this? Pardot Conversion Object Name holds very important data key to some sales automations I'm working on.

We are using connector user: b2bmaintegration.

I would be very thankful for any links, information on what I can do to eliminate this issue, I've been trying to work on various work arounds for the past 2 weeks, with no luck.

Many thanks

Hi everyone, I am trying to update a flow that was created, and I believe I know what the problem is and what I need to do, I am just not sure where to add the condition to ignore null/empty field, or what I should update in the flow, so it would ignore an empty field. I've been looking on youtube, articles, and even this board I'm just a little stuck. I had a call w/ support and they suggested to post here.

The flow that we have gets initiated by a process builder, when a task is marked complete (thats all). Then the first action is to load this flow below.

One of the main steps of this flow, is to pull data from our Quote Line Item object, and have it available in the Invoice Line Item and then later on create a task and invoice.

Loop is a new thing for me, I'm stil learning, so bear with me.
In the flow, once the data is checked, it goes into a loop and we have an ASSIGNMENT step, ''Assign Quote Line Item value to Invoice Line Items". The field in particular that I added was a field in Quote called ''Cost Per Hour", that we also want to be available in the Invoice Line Item.
This is the only change I've added to this already existing flow, and this error below is what pops up. I've tried to create a 'decision' step, and entered this below (but the error still occurs). I feel I am close, but have no idea where to start. I'd appreciate your input!


test decision - what I tested, with no luck. I'm not sure WHERE to put this.


the current flow with some extra info

How the Interview Started
0053X00000B3ZWc) started the flow interview.
Some of this flow's variables were set when the interview started.
process_kick_off_task_id = 00T3X00005QJuiq

FAST LOOKUP: Get_Init_Task
Find all Task records where:
Id Equals {!process_kick_off_task_id} (00T3X00005QJuiq)
Store the values of these fields in Get_Init_Task: Id, WhatId
Successfully found records.

FAST LOOKUP: Get_Init_Project
Find all Project__c records where:
Id Equals {!Get_Init_Task.WhatId} (a023X00001uNPIRQA4)
Store the values of these fields in Get_Init_Project: Id, First_Invoice_Date__c, Project_Owner__c, Partner_Report_Due__c, From_Opportunity__c, Client_Invoice_Receivable_Due__c, TA_Invoice_Due__c, Partner_Invoice_Due__c, Partner_Invoice_Payment_Due__c, TA_Timesheet_Report_Issue_Deadline__c, Partner_Report_TA_Acceptance_Deadline__c, TA_Report_Signoff_Deadline__c
Successfully found records.

FAST LOOKUP: get_won_quote_from_project_opp
Find all Quote records where:
Status Equals Won
OpportunityId Equals {!Get_Init_Project.From_Opportunity__c} (0063X000012B7YEQA0)
Store the values of these fields in get_won_quote_from_project_opp: Id
Successfully found records.

FAST LOOKUP: get_quote_line_items
Find all QuoteLineItem records where:
QuoteId Equals {!get_won_quote_from_project_opp.Id} (0Q03X000002CKz5SAG)
Store the values of these fields in get_quote_line_items: Id, Candidate_number__c, Discount, Talent_Seniority__c, UnitPrice, Talent_Role__c, Talent_Name__c, Quantity, Partner__c
Successfully found records.

CREATE RECORDS: Create_Invoice
Create one Invoice__c record where:
Client_Invoice_Receivable_Due_Date__c = {!formula_client_invoice_rec_due_date} (15 June 2020)
Partner_Invoice_Due_Date__c = {!formula_partner_invoice_due_date} (14 June 2020)
Partner_Invoice_Payment_Due_Date__c = {!formula_partner_invoice_payment_due_date} (15 June 2020)
Partner_Report_Due_Date__c = {!formula_partner_report_due} (07 June 2020)
Partner_Report_TA_Acceptance_Deadline__c = {!formula_acceptance_deadline} (07 June 2020)
Project__c = {!Get_Init_Project.Id} (a023X00001uNPIRQA4)
TA_Invoice_Due_Date__c = {!formula_ta_invoice_due_date} (14 June 2020)
TA_Report_Signoff_Date_Deadline__c = {!formula_signoff_deadline} (07 June 2020)
TA_Timesheet_Report_Issue_Deadline__c = {!formula_timesheet_issue_deadline} (07 June 2020)
A record is ready to be created when the next screen, pause, or local action is executed or when the interview finishes.
{!created_invoice} = a013X00002UFfmDQAT

LOOP: loop_over_quote_line_items
Loop Through: [0QL3X000004yEJNWA2]
Iteration: 0
Current value of {!loop_quote_line_item}: 0QL3X000004yEJNWA2

Error element assign_QLI_values_to_ILI (FlowAssignment).
The flow failed to access the value for loop_quote_line_item.Cost_per_hour__c because it hasn't been set or assigned.