• flescor
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The Product Family picklist on the Forecasts screen is set globally by the SFDC Administrator.  I'd like to set it to a value based on the User's Role, so that Professional Services roles get the "PS" value on this picklist (and hence the PS forecast displayed), Sales roles get the "License" value on this picklist, etc.
How can this best be done?
Any chance using the newish functionality that I can set default revenue schedules based on the Type field in the Opportunity?  E.g.,
If Type = License Extenstion, revenue recognised in MONTH(Close Date)
If Type = New Customer, revenue recognised MONTH(Close Date)+1
For some professional-services products, I'd like to enable revenue schedules in which revenue is scheduled according to the formulas
Month_One_Rev_c = IF( Duration_Months__c =1, TotalPrice , ( TotalPrice / 2 ) / Duration_Months__c )
Months_2+_Rev_c = IF( Duration_Months__c = 1, 0, TotalPrice / Duration_Months__c * ( 1 + 0.5 / ( Duration_Months__c - 1 ) ) )
This is a crude version relying on a custom field in which user enters duration in months of the project revenue.  Basically the formula yields a pattern in which the first month's revenue tends to be a bit more than 50% of the revenue in the subsequent months; it's a crude proxy for typical revenue patterns and it's "close enough for government work."
Those of you who remember more high-school algebra, can I
a) embody this pattern in one formula rather than two?
b) use the formula in other than custom fields, i.e., use it in conjunction with the standard revenue schedule fields rather than separate custom fields?
Is there an easy way to create a function that returns the date that is X Business Days after a given date?  So for example, if a certain event happened on Oct 3 and I wanted to caluculate what day of the month is 3 business days (Mon-Fri only) later, it would return Oct 8.
Thanks in advance.
  • October 05, 2007
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Good evening all,
Having fun with Salesforce, and then a new challenge pops up ... we are looking at our opportunity products.  We use scheduling, but to throw a wrench into the situation, most times the prices are based on a unit price (1.54 per unit) instead of the quantity and list price (our product components are typically sold in the thousands, which would mean some calculator work for our sales guys to figure this out).  Now, the opportunity products has the sales price as a formula field, so we cannot edit this field.  However, the "development" expertise in me is minimal, and I have been unable to figure out a way to take a custom field created called "unit price", and take this field to calculate the total price through our schedule (so that the price is calculated using the unit price and not the standard sale price in the price book itself).
Any of you ever dealt with this kind of customization before?  If so, I would love any help you could possibly throw my way (and if we ever run into each other, I am sure a beer would need to pass from my hand to yours!  :) )
  • April 18, 2007
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I would like to prevent standard users from editing 'Closed/Won' opportunities, based on either forecast category or the specific stage we use.
this way, once an opportunity is closed, only an admin or other role we specify can edit that opportunity. 
Does anyone know if this is possible, and how to do it?
Has anyone created or understand how to create a custom object for Revenue where you can list splits and service and product revenue separately? 

I would assume that this is a common feature request.
I look forward to feedback.
Just tried to use excel connector, and I get an error message saying  "oops, cannot find an active worksheet"
I have the correct version of office edition 3.0. 
why am I getting this error message
I am trying to insert contact records using the Excel Connector, one of the fields I want to insert is Mobile but from some reason I get an error massage: "invalid field: mobile". With fields like Phone and Fax there isn't any problem.
This is a standard field so I have no idea why there is a problem with it.
Does anyone have an idea why it happnes and how can I fix it?
Thank you,
  • January 07, 2007
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Hi All, I'm sure this has probably been covered before but I can't find anything.  I would like to create a report/dashboard that shows annual % of quota for all reps.  As you know, the Customizeable Forecast reports only run % of quota monthly or quarterly.  I thought I could just create a new custom User formula for "annual quota", and then use a custom summary formula to calculate:
Sum of Won Opportunities / Annual Quota
but I can't get it to work.
Anyone have any ideas?
Can anyone answer my question? is this possible and if so, how can i do it?
I have exported my leads stored in SF into Excel, however I want to link this to excel connector so that the drop-down options in my customized fields are shown as options to select from- i will be forwarding this spreadsheet for non users to fill out and send back to me.
Does this make sense?
  • September 11, 2006
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Dear all,

Would someone be able to tell me if it is possible to programatically drag down data from Salesforce to Excel at set times throughout the day?

My idea was to run some VBA code at set intervals which would then bring back the reports that I wanted.

I have both the Salesforce Connector and the Office Edition

Any help would be greatley appreciated


  • September 08, 2006
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Am trying to create a custom formula to determine what % of our pipeline was rolled from one month to the next (ie opportunities due to close this month that were pushed into this month from last month).

Ideally it would be a percentage showing something like

sum of amount where historical close date is less than current month / sum of amount where close date is this month

Would there be anyway to do this without going out to excel?

  • August 14, 2006
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I have a problem, and I´m looking for some help on this issue.
Every account that we create, we choose its type (ie.: client, potential client, partner...), and we´d like to create a custom field (picklist or serch field) on the botton of this account that shows all accounts that is classified as Partner.
I mean, a custom field that I can search only accounts that is classified as Partner.
Thanks in advanced.

With the new sync funtionality, it seems that any useful identifying information (account or contact name) related to a task or event is no longer appended during sync. This means I have a dozen 'followup call' entries in my task list and I have no idea what accounts or contacts any of my events relate to. I know I can right click and View in Salesforce but this is hardly useful sync functionality.

I have logged this with customer support and have been told that my 'feature request' will be considered. I know that the previous sync mechanism using intellisync appended identifying information - this 2.0 release is a major downgrade in functionality/usability.

I am really surprised to not see more people complaing loudly about this issue. Does nobody else care about this?

Ian Lyons
  • March 05, 2006
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