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I need to populate certain fields in one object using a field lookup from this object to another object (similar to a lookup in Excel). Can some one please let me know if this is possible.


For example:

Object 1: Customers :  Fields in this object - Customer Name, City, Industry

Object 2: Orders : Fields in this object - Order Number, Customer Name, City, Industry


In Object 2 when I use lookup and populate the Customer Name , I want the other fields - City and Industry  to autopopulate using the Customer Name lookup between the two objects. Is this possible for custom objects.

Can somebody help with the formulas for creating the below in custom objects:


1. Let's say there are 5 fields - I need to program the following validations:

One of the two fields - Field1 or Field2 should have a value. If Field1 has a value then Field3 should have a value and if Field2 has a value then one of the fields - Field4 or Field5 should have a value.


2. There is a Header object and Lines object. There is a common field in both objects. If this field is populated in the Header object then that value should get carried over to all the lines with that header. (I should be able to edit the value on any line later).


Is there a way to clone an Object (with all components, validations, etc...)

Is there a way of adding 'Attachments&Notes' to an Object if you did not add this option at the time of creating the Object.

I don't want to re create the object.



Can we just expose the API and not the source code to a developer writing the test code.


Is there a way to make the Search filters stay permanently (as in a search bar) on top of the Object displayed in a Tab view.

Essentially your filters are visible only when you start searching, but I want the filters that are set to always show so that when you go to aparticular tab you always have the option of searching for the data by specifying criteria in the search filters. (I am not refering to the View option).

Can somebody help with the formulas for creating the below in custom objects:


1. Let's say there are 5 fields - I need to program the following validations:

One of the two fields - Field1 or Field2 should have a value. If Field1 has a value then Field3 should have a value and if Field2 has a value then one of the fields - Field4 or Field5 should have a value.


2. There is a Header object and Lines object. There is a common field in both objects. If this field is populated in the Header object then that value should get carried over to all the lines with that header. (I should be able to edit the value on any line later).


Is there a way to clone an Object (with all components, validations, etc...)

Is there a way to make the Search filters stay permanently (as in a search bar) on top of the Object displayed in a Tab view.

Essentially your filters are visible only when you start searching, but I want the filters that are set to always show so that when you go to aparticular tab you always have the option of searching for the data by specifying criteria in the search filters. (I am not refering to the View option).