• petec@i2isys
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Hi, I'm looking for a formula to evaluate to TRUE if the close date of an opportunity is changed to a date in the next 3 quarters.

Example, close date is Jan 15 (Q1)and then the opportunity moves to April 15(Q2)
q = load "i2i_Opportunities_with_Accounts_and_Users";
q = filter q by 'StageName' in ["2-Align", "3-Consensus", "4-Negotiate", "5-Pending Contract"];
q = group q by rollup('OwnerId.Name', 'StageName');
q = foreach q generate
        when grouping('OwnerId.Name') == 1 then "All Reps"
        else 'OwnerId.Name'
    end) as 'OwnerId.Name',
        when grouping('StageName') == 1 then "Total for Reps"
        else 'StageName'
    end) as 'StageName',
    sum('TCV__c') as 'sum_TCV__c';
q = order q by 'OwnerId.Name' asc;
q = limit q 2000;

This code give me the chart below but would love to summarize the stage columns at the bottom.

User-added image
Hello, I'm trying to get a text formula field working that would kick back the value of another formula field.

AND(ISPICKVAL( Cerner_Tier__c,"A"), TEXT(End_Market__c),
AND(ISPICKVAL( Cerner_Tier__c,"B"), TEXT(End_Market__c),
AND(ISPICKVAL( Cerner_Tier__c,"C"), TEXT(End_Market__c),
AND(ISPICKVAL( Cerner_Tier__c,"D"), TEXT(End_Market__c),
AND(ISPICKVAL( Cerner_Tier__c,"E"), TEXT(End_Market__c), null))))))))))

Basically, if the Tier is filled in with A-E, then I would like what is in the End Market field to display. The End Market field is a text formula that looks at the classification picklist fied and displays some values.  I used the CASE function for that and it works fine.  However, this formula that references that formula field errors out with this:
Error: Incorrect parameter type for function 'TEXT()'. Expected Number, Date, DateTime, Picklist, received Text
Has anyone done a workflow to fire if case ownership changes from a queue to a user?  I'm trying to do this but keep getting errors with this:

AND( ISPICKVAL( Origin , 'Contract-to-Case') , ISCHANGED(  OwnerId ),PRIORVALUE( Owner:Queue.Id  = '00G3300000283g5') )

Error: Incorrect argument type for function 'PRIORVALUE()'.
I have community users that when they submit a case from community, the record type is created as a community case record type. But when a Support user profile goes to that case record, I want that internal user to see the case using their default Support Case record type. No matter what I do, the interal Support profile user is seeing the case with the Community record type and not the Support record type. What am I doing wrong?
I'm trying to create a validation rule that checks to see if the Primary Campaign Source is on the Opportunity record AND if the Opportunity is New AND if any of the four Opportunity Types are in play.  Below is my formula.  But I'm getting an error that says expected 2 parameters and received 2.  I've never seen that before, usually the numbers don't match.  Any ideas?

ISNULL( Campaign.Id ),
CASE( Type , "Business Development (New Business)"),
CASE( Type , "Payer (New Business)"),
CASE( Type , "Perpetual (New Business)"),
CASE( Type , "Subscription (New Business)")))
Hi all,
I have a validation rule I need to run where 3 things need to be true for it to fire. A needs to = True, B=True and C OR D = True.
I can't figure out the syntax for this.  I thought maybe:
AND(A=True, B=True, OR(C=True,D=True)  But that didn't work.  Any ideas?
I'm trying to fire a workflow email for when new business opportunity goes from stage 1 to stage 2.
So the forumla should check to make sure the Oppty Type is not Add-On OR Professional Services.  If it's neither of those then it should see if the stage moved from 1 to 2.

I came up with this and it fired no errors, but my tests fail and nothing happens.

AND(NOT(OR( ISPICKVAL(Type, "Add-On"), (ISPICKVAL(Type, "Professional Services")))),( ISPICKVAL(StageName, "2-Align")) ,(PRIORVALUE(StageName)= '1-Prospect'))

Can anyone see where I'm going wrong?
I would like to create a formula text field that would give me a value based on evaluation two different pick lists.


If PicklistA is X and Picklist B is Y, then give me the value P1,
If PicklistA is X and PicklistB is Z, then give me value P2,
If PicklistA is W and PicklistB is T, then give me value P3,
and on it on until I account for all 16 different possibilites.

What would be the formula structure for this?
Hello, I have a custom button with this conditional logic:
window.alert("You do not have permission to send survey");
blah blah blah

This looks to make sure the person pushing the button has the right profile.  It works fine but now I want to add another profile that would be allowed.  So if not profile 1 OR not profile 2, fire the window alert, else go ahead and do something.

If tried multiple things but can't get it to work.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I have a button that works great to send an email template from a case record.
The behavior is Execute JavaScript and the Content Souce is OnClick JavaScript
The code works like this:

I would like to have the button code check first to see if the person has a certain profile ID.

I tried adding this part that is underlined and didn't get a syntax error, but when I use the button, it fires an invalid or unexpected token error.

IF({!User.ProfileId}<>'00e30000000hQcG',alert('You do not have permission to send survey.'),// location.replace('/email/author/emailauthor.jsp?template_id=00X33000001UT4E&p2_lkid={!Case.ContactId}&p3_lkid={!Case.Id}&p3={!Case.CaseNumber}&p26={!User.Email}&retURL=/{!Case.Id}')

I have a button that works great to send an email template from a case record.
The behavior is Execute JavaScript and the Content Souce is OnClick JavaScript
The code works like this:

I would like to have the button code check first to see if the person has a certain profile ID.

I tried adding this part that is underlined and didn't get a syntax error, but when I use the button, it fires an invalid or unexpected token error.

IF({!User.ProfileId}<>'00e30000000hQcG',alert('You do not have permission to send survey.'),// location.replace('/email/author/emailauthor.jsp?template_id=00X33000001UT4E&p2_lkid={!Case.ContactId}&p3_lkid={!Case.Id}&p3={!Case.CaseNumber}&p26={!User.Email}&retURL=/{!Case.Id}')
I would like to figure out how to create a formula field that would evaluate stages and set a "phase" based on the stage.
Alternatively, I'd be OK with the Phase being a picklist, but updated from a workflow rule.

So if stages are Planning, Kick-off, Discovery, Software, Data, Training, & Closing, I would want the "phase" field to be set appropriately.

So if stage is in Planning OR Kick-off, then Phase is "Project Planning";
if stage is Discovery OR Software OR Data, then Phase is "Tech"; 
if Stage is Training OR Closing, then Phase is "Closing".

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Hi, I'm trying to calculate percentage complete on a case based on checkboxes getting done.
For example, if I have 4 checkboxes to mark on a case that gets me to completion, how do I write a formula field that would say if box 1 checked, 25% completed, if box 2 checked, 50% completed. And, there is no order to the 4 steps, so if the last one is the only box checked, it should still be at 25% complete.
Hello, I'm trying to get a validation rule on cases so a Community Profile can't open up a closed case, but every one else in my org can.
I tried this, and while I don't get an error, the community user could still re-open closed case.

OR ($Profile.Id = '00e33000000x2uz',$Profile.Id = '00e33000000jxCM'))

I have another valdiation rule that prevents community profiles from change case owner and that rule works just fine.
AND(ISCHANGED(OwnerId), OR ($Profile.Id = '00e33000000x2uz',$Profile.Id = '00e33000000jxCM'))

Can anyone see where I might be going wrong?
I'm trying to create a workflow rule that looks at Account Status.  If the Account Status was Hold and then becomes any other value, I want it to fire off an email.  I used AND(ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE( Account_Status__c ),'Hold')) but it fires everytime a record with Status Hold is edited.
What am I doing wrong.
I have a custom object that I want one standard user to be able to customize.  This means from Setup>Create>Objects they should be able to go to the object and customize things like changing picklist values.  I created a permission set for this object and gave him full access, but I cannot seem to set this up for one user having those rights to one object.  If I allow the customize application setting then they can customize ALL objects and I don't want that.  Does anyone have a solution for this? 
I have a rule to compare the number of hours being used in a custom object against the number of hours available on another custom object. The number of hours available on the other object is a roll up summary field. If the number of hours being used are less than available, everything works. If the number of hours being used are greater that hours available, the rule works and fires an error. But if the hours being used are exactly = to hours available, the rule is firing a validation error when it shouldn't. See debug code below:

15:20:52.069 (69354942)|EXECUTION_STARTED
15:20:52.069 (69408880)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|Validation:Professional_Services_Training_Usage:new
15:20:52.069 (69421708)|VALIDATION_RULE|03d40000000H4xy|Cannot_Exceed_Hours
15:20:52.069 (69666941)|VALIDATION_FORMULA|(Training__r.Hours_Remaining__c - Hours_Used__c)< 0.0|Hours_Used__c=2.0 , Training__r.Hours_Remaining__c=2.0
15:20:52.069 (69675079)|VALIDATION_FAIL
15:20:52.069 (69691504)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|Validation:Professional_Services_Training_Usage:new
15:20:52.069 (69696463)|EXECUTION_FINISHED
I have a rule to compare the number of hours being used in a custom object against the number of hours available on another custom object. The number of hours available on the other object is a roll up summary field. If the number of hours being used are less than available, everything works. If the number of hours being used are greater that hours available, the rule works and fires an error. But if the hours being used are exactly = to hours available, the rule is firing a validation error when it shouldn't. See debug code below:

15:20:52.069 (69354942)|EXECUTION_STARTED
15:20:52.069 (69408880)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|Validation:Professional_Services_Training_Usage:new
15:20:52.069 (69421708)|VALIDATION_RULE|03d40000000H4xy|Cannot_Exceed_Hours
15:20:52.069 (69666941)|VALIDATION_FORMULA|(Training__r.Hours_Remaining__c - Hours_Used__c)< 0.0|Hours_Used__c=2.0 , Training__r.Hours_Remaining__c=2.0
15:20:52.069 (69675079)|VALIDATION_FAIL
15:20:52.069 (69691504)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|Validation:Professional_Services_Training_Usage:new
15:20:52.069 (69696463)|EXECUTION_FINISHED


On the quote record I'm trying to create a simple clone button that would clone a quote.  The code I used for the button is: /{!Quote.Id}/e?clone=1

When I push the clone button, it creates the cloned quote, and let's me make basic changes like changing the name of the quote.  However, when I click 'save', I get this error message:Insufficient Privileges You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary.


But I am the system administrator, so I don't understand why I'm getting this.  Can anyone help?

Hi, I'm looking for a formula to evaluate to TRUE if the close date of an opportunity is changed to a date in the next 3 quarters.

Example, close date is Jan 15 (Q1)and then the opportunity moves to April 15(Q2)
Hello, I'm trying to get a text formula field working that would kick back the value of another formula field.

AND(ISPICKVAL( Cerner_Tier__c,"A"), TEXT(End_Market__c),
AND(ISPICKVAL( Cerner_Tier__c,"B"), TEXT(End_Market__c),
AND(ISPICKVAL( Cerner_Tier__c,"C"), TEXT(End_Market__c),
AND(ISPICKVAL( Cerner_Tier__c,"D"), TEXT(End_Market__c),
AND(ISPICKVAL( Cerner_Tier__c,"E"), TEXT(End_Market__c), null))))))))))

Basically, if the Tier is filled in with A-E, then I would like what is in the End Market field to display. The End Market field is a text formula that looks at the classification picklist fied and displays some values.  I used the CASE function for that and it works fine.  However, this formula that references that formula field errors out with this:
Error: Incorrect parameter type for function 'TEXT()'. Expected Number, Date, DateTime, Picklist, received Text
Has anyone done a workflow to fire if case ownership changes from a queue to a user?  I'm trying to do this but keep getting errors with this:

AND( ISPICKVAL( Origin , 'Contract-to-Case') , ISCHANGED(  OwnerId ),PRIORVALUE( Owner:Queue.Id  = '00G3300000283g5') )

Error: Incorrect argument type for function 'PRIORVALUE()'.
I'm trying to create a validation rule that checks to see if the Primary Campaign Source is on the Opportunity record AND if the Opportunity is New AND if any of the four Opportunity Types are in play.  Below is my formula.  But I'm getting an error that says expected 2 parameters and received 2.  I've never seen that before, usually the numbers don't match.  Any ideas?

ISNULL( Campaign.Id ),
CASE( Type , "Business Development (New Business)"),
CASE( Type , "Payer (New Business)"),
CASE( Type , "Perpetual (New Business)"),
CASE( Type , "Subscription (New Business)")))
Hi all,
I have a validation rule I need to run where 3 things need to be true for it to fire. A needs to = True, B=True and C OR D = True.
I can't figure out the syntax for this.  I thought maybe:
AND(A=True, B=True, OR(C=True,D=True)  But that didn't work.  Any ideas?
I'm trying to fire a workflow email for when new business opportunity goes from stage 1 to stage 2.
So the forumla should check to make sure the Oppty Type is not Add-On OR Professional Services.  If it's neither of those then it should see if the stage moved from 1 to 2.

I came up with this and it fired no errors, but my tests fail and nothing happens.

AND(NOT(OR( ISPICKVAL(Type, "Add-On"), (ISPICKVAL(Type, "Professional Services")))),( ISPICKVAL(StageName, "2-Align")) ,(PRIORVALUE(StageName)= '1-Prospect'))

Can anyone see where I'm going wrong?
I would like to create a formula text field that would give me a value based on evaluation two different pick lists.


If PicklistA is X and Picklist B is Y, then give me the value P1,
If PicklistA is X and PicklistB is Z, then give me value P2,
If PicklistA is W and PicklistB is T, then give me value P3,
and on it on until I account for all 16 different possibilites.

What would be the formula structure for this?
I would like to figure out how to create a formula field that would evaluate stages and set a "phase" based on the stage.
Alternatively, I'd be OK with the Phase being a picklist, but updated from a workflow rule.

So if stages are Planning, Kick-off, Discovery, Software, Data, Training, & Closing, I would want the "phase" field to be set appropriately.

So if stage is in Planning OR Kick-off, then Phase is "Project Planning";
if stage is Discovery OR Software OR Data, then Phase is "Tech"; 
if Stage is Training OR Closing, then Phase is "Closing".

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Hi, I'm trying to calculate percentage complete on a case based on checkboxes getting done.
For example, if I have 4 checkboxes to mark on a case that gets me to completion, how do I write a formula field that would say if box 1 checked, 25% completed, if box 2 checked, 50% completed. And, there is no order to the 4 steps, so if the last one is the only box checked, it should still be at 25% complete.
I'm trying to create a workflow rule that looks at Account Status.  If the Account Status was Hold and then becomes any other value, I want it to fire off an email.  I used AND(ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE( Account_Status__c ),'Hold')) but it fires everytime a record with Status Hold is edited.
What am I doing wrong.