• tggagne
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  • Xede Consulting Group, Inc.

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Super simple page, but when I run it I get an exception, "sObject type 'CollaborationGroupMember' is not supported."  I'm able to query other objects, and Googling around I haven't found an explanation why--or I'm Googling the wrong terms.

However, this link might suggest such a query from VF just isn't possible.
<apex:page >
	<apex:includescript value="/soap/ajax/33.0/connection.js" />
	<apex:includescript value="/soap/ajax/33.0/apex.js" />
		try { 
			var query = "select collaborationGroupId, collaborationGroup.name from CollaborationGroupMember where memberid = '{!$User.ID}'"
			//var query = "select id from account";
			//sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";
			var records = sforce.connection.query(query); 
		catch(e) { 

Our client has an application hosted on their own webserver.  That application's users need to login to Salesforce via the API (not a web page) as community users.  Is this possible?

I've gotten delegated authentication working, so community users can login via a page and the application servers authenticates them, but I can't login those same users via the API.  I've tried all number of endpoints without success, using https://domain/services/oauth2/token.  I can get it working for normal users, but not community users.

I'd prefer REST, but will settle for SOAP if necessary.
We're developing an application for a client where Salesforce is providing functionality to a web application--but the web application's users can't know Salesforce exists in the solution.  We want each of the users to exist on both the web application AND Salesforce so Salesforce can maintain security.

So the challenge is, how can the web application login its users to Salesforce?  The OAth seems to require a user's participation, but it looks like SAML might be able to swing it--but that requires the web application handle SAML requests.

Is there anything simpler that does not require usernames and passwords?

In a perfect world, the web application could create a session for a user knowing only the user's username (or federation id) on Salesforce, and perhaps a client id and secret.
After browsing the fields in the Report object and the classes in the Reports namespace, I've found nothing to suggest I can find the reports built from a specific report type.

If I create a report type and want to find all the reports built from it, there doesn't seem to be a way to find them.
Have you ever had to create a custom object just so you could test generic functionality inside your Apex code?  

I need to test creating and saving an object (in any org) but every object might have workflow rules, required fields, or triggers connected to it that would break the unit tests.

We're thinking of creatoing a custom object, appropriately named, that we can use for testing basic object creation and insert/updating.  

I want to avoid creating unnecessary clutter.  If you know of a Salesforce object that is immune to triggers, workflow rules, or required fields that a unit  test could use in /every/ Salesforce organization (except professional), let me know.

Otherwise, what do you think of creating a just-for-testing object or have you ever done it before?

My client's application has a table that users would love to copy and paste part of an Excel spreadsheet into.


Is anyone doing that or something similar in VF?

I need to generate both an XML doc and XSLT from inside VF.  


I can create an XML easily eough, but I'm having trouble with the XSLT.


I've stripped-down the XSLT to its bare essentials.

<apex:page contentType="text/xml" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" expires="1">
  <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">




When I try saving it, I get, "Save error: Component /apexcomponent/xsl__stylesheet does not exist."


Does anyone know if such a thing can be done, or why the code above won't save?

Yesterday I created an unmanaged package inside my sandbox and pushed it.  I was emailed a link back to it (I was hoping to install it in another sandbox for testing) but the link doesn't work--from any sandbox.


Where might I go to remove it since this definitely isn't what I wanted?

Given a page fetched as




The generated code loaded by the browser shows as:


<apex:form ... method="post" action="https://xxx.xxx.salesforce.com/apex/testpage?first=one" ... >


When a submit action is taken, and the controller returns null for a pagereference as it's supposed to, parameters after the first are truncated.


As a consequence, attempts to re-load/re-fresh the page after submitting a form throw errors, as will bookmarks for the improperly composed URI throw errors when users attempt to visit them.


Has anybody else noticed this behavior?

I recently read this feature was delivered in Winter '12, but I can't find any documentation about how to accomplish it.


Is anyone here adding @mentions to FeedItems from Apex, or is it intended to only be a REST API thing?

The C# code below successfully calls a simple HelloWorld() service that lives behind (inside?) an IIS server.



        public void HelloWorldTest()


            var leadRequestService = new LeadRequestService.LeadRequestService();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, leadRequestService);

            leadRequestService.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password", "domain");

            var aString = leadRequestService.HelloWorld();

            Assert.AreEqual("Hello leaduploader", aString);



And here's my attempt at the matching APEX code:


static testMethod void HelloWorldTest()


        LeadRequestService.LeadRequestServiceSoap aService = new LeadRequestService.LeadRequestServiceSoap();

        System.assertNotEquals(null, aService);

        System.assertEquals(null, aService.inputHttpHeaders_x);

        aService.inputHttpHeaders_x = new Map<String, String>();

        aService.inputHttpHeaders_x.put('Authorization', 'Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ6ZG9tYWlu'); 


        String aString = aService.HelloWorld();

        System.assertEquals('Hello leaduploader', aString);   



When I run this code through anonymous execution, I get a 401 error back from the server.


Now, I'm not convinced NetworkCredentials() is equivalent to adding Basic Authentication, which makes me think maybe I should try the latter inside Visual Studio so I have a closer apples-to-apples test.


Regardless, what is your experience calling web services from inside Salesforce and working-out the authentication issues?

I'm looking around the documentation looking for something similar to a server page (active/java/etc.).  All I need is for the site to respond to a GET request with the objectid for a given email address (not really, but it's the simplest representative example I can think of).


I'm not seeing where I can embed APEX code inside an <apex:page>.  


So if I receive an HTTP GET for mysite.force.com/thing?email=username@gmail.com


I want to return some simple XML






But from the documentation, since I'm not seeing embedded APEX code, do I have to create a controller?


So, must the page be something closer to:


<apex:page controller="EmailLookup">





and create a (controller) class that reads the querystring, does the SOQL query to find the corresponding objectid, and define a method called IdForEmail() that returns the string value?

I'm using the code below to announce that a new lead has been added to the campaign's member list.  The problem I'm having is the lead's name field isn't displaying as the link's label.  What little documentation I've found says that when the type is LinkPost, the Title is supposed to be the link's label.  Instead, the link's label is the link iteself ("/00Q6xxxxxxx").


What am I doing wrong?



static public void AnnounceLead(Campaign aCampaign, Lead aLead)
  FeedPost opportunityPost = new FeedPost();  
  opportunityPost.parentId = aCampaign.Id;
  opportunityPost.Type = 'LinkPost';
  opportunityPost.Title = aLead.Name;
  opportunityPost.Body = 'Added a new lead.';
  opportunityPost.LinkURL = '/' + aLead.id;
  insert opportunityPost;


I'm just trying to get started using the data loader from the command line, and am already wishing I could dispense with the configuration files.


Anyway, I've created my process-conf.xml (below) using examples but it seems to be complaining about a missing class, com.salesforce.lexiloader.process.ProcessRunner.


I've googled for the error but it seems I'm the only one running into this (as far as google knows).


I'm running on Windows Vista.


Also, do I need the initial run date thing?



<!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd">
    <bean id="testBusinessAccount"
        <description>Insert Business Account from testBusinessAccount.csv</description>
        <property name="name" value="insertBusinessAccount"/>
        <property name="configOverrideMap">
                <entry key="sfdc.debugMessages" value="true"/>
                <entry key="sfdc.debugMessagesFile" value="C:\Users\Thomas\Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Projects\ccl\testdata\log\testBusinessAccount.txt"/>
                <entry key="sfdc.endpoint" value="https://www.salesforce.com"/>
                <entry key="sfdc.username" value="*******"/>
                <entry key="sfdc.password" value="*******"/>
                <entry key="sfdc.timeoutSecs" value="540"/>
                <entry key="sfdc.loadBatchSize" value="200"/>
                <entry key="sfdc.entity" value="Account"/>
                <entry key="process.operation" value="insert"/>
                <entry key="process.mappingFile"   value="C:\Users\Thomas\Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Projects\ccl\testdata\testBusinessAccount.sdl"/>
                <entry key="process.outputError"   value="C:\Users\Thomas\Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Projects\ccl\testdata\error\testBusinessAccount.csv"/>
                <entry key="process.outputSuccess" value="C:\Users\Thomas\Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Projects\ccl\testdata\sucess\testBusinessAccount.csv"/>
                <entry key="dataAccess.name" value="C:\Users\Thomas\Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Projects\ccl\testdata\testBusinessAccount.csv" />
                <entry key="dataAccess.type" value="csvRead" />
                <entry key="process.initialLastRunDate" value="2007-06-06T00:00:00.000-0800"/>


After browsing the fields in the Report object and the classes in the Reports namespace, I've found nothing to suggest I can find the reports built from a specific report type.

If I create a report type and want to find all the reports built from it, there doesn't seem to be a way to find them.

I enabled Mutual authentication in salesforce and also i added certificate in salesforce, for testing purpose i tested my certificate from soapui tool while i testing i got the following error. Its urgent please help me......

Error:  <html><head><title>Certificate Error</title></head><body bgcolor=#ffffff text=#3198d8><center><img src="http://www.sfdcstatic.com/common/assets/img/logo-company.png"><p><h3>Client certificate error:<i>unable to verify the first certificate</i></h3></center></body></html>
I don't have that option in my Org? What I need to do to enable Lightning Experience?
Hello. Currently when we approve Opportunities an Apex trigger creates custom Invoice objects with status = "Pending".

A trigger on this custom Invoice object checks for that status and if found makes a call to a future method (prefaced with "@future(callout=true)")  in another Apex class with the set of new Invoice objects.  This method then makes a callout to our external invoicing service for each of the new invoices.

The problem occurs at the start of each month when we approve approximately 50 new Opportunities. An exception is thrown at the point that the call to the external invoicing service: You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out.

My question is: why is this exception being raised when the callout is done within a method marked as @future?

Kind regards, Bill

Super simple page, but when I run it I get an exception, "sObject type 'CollaborationGroupMember' is not supported."  I'm able to query other objects, and Googling around I haven't found an explanation why--or I'm Googling the wrong terms.

However, this link might suggest such a query from VF just isn't possible.
<apex:page >
	<apex:includescript value="/soap/ajax/33.0/connection.js" />
	<apex:includescript value="/soap/ajax/33.0/apex.js" />
		try { 
			var query = "select collaborationGroupId, collaborationGroup.name from CollaborationGroupMember where memberid = '{!$User.ID}'"
			//var query = "select id from account";
			//sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";
			var records = sforce.connection.query(query); 
		catch(e) { 

Getting the following error while importing simple data in Accounts. 

"The BillingStateCode field contains ON, which isn't an available state. Your administrator can add it for you."

This is what I am trying to import/insert

Account Name Country State
Account US United States NY (Inserted)
Account Canada Canada ON   (Failed with above error)

I have requirement to display and export around 30,000 records in around 30 columns  (from 3 objects having relationship).I am able to display records in the visual force page using pagination(10 per page). But i am not able to export the records.I am able to export the records using list<list> concept but it is taking time around 4-5 min to download the excel file(perfomance slow).I tried with future method and batch,but no luck.please give me any better solution to overcome this obstacle.Thanks in advance

The code below has been modified from this solution: http://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/34261/how-to-generate-excel-files-with-the-multiple-sheets-in-visualforce which does work but I was looking to add extra functionality such as freezing the top row pane, changing tab color, and filtering.....Can anyone point me in the right direction on how I can do this? I don't really know much about XML.  I have tried this to freeze the panes but it keeps saying the excel file is corrupt and won't open

    <WorksheetOptions xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">

Actual Code   
    <apex:page controller="CustomPBListController" contentType="txt/xml#myTest.xls" cache="true">
     <apex:outputText value="{!xlsHeader}"/>
     <Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"
      <Style ss:ID="s1">
      <Font ss:Bold="1"/>
     <Worksheet ss:Name="Standard Price Book" >
     <Table x:FullColumns="1" x:FullRows="1">
     <Column ss:Width="80"/>
     <Cell ss:StyleID="s1"><Data ss:Type="String" >Standard Price Book</Data>    </Cell>
     <apex:repeat value="{!standard}" var="stpb">
     <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">{!stpb.ProductCode}</Data></Cell>
     <Worksheet ss:Name="Test Price Book">
     <Table x:FullColumns="1" x:FullRows="1">
     <Column ss:Width="100"/>
     <Column ss:Width="80"/>
      <Column ss:Width="80"/>

    <Cell ss:StyleID="s1"><Data ss:Type="String" >Product Code</Data></Cell>
     <Cell ss:StyleID="s1"><Data ss:Type="String" >Unit Price</Data></Cell>
     <apex:repeat value="{!pb3}" var="test">
     <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">{!test.ProductCode}</Data></Cell>
     <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">{!test.UnitPrice}</Data></Cell>
      <Worksheet ss:Name="Novation Tier - 1">
     <Table x:FullColumns="1" x:FullRows="1">
     <Column ss:Width="100"/>
     <Column ss:Width="80"/>
     <Column ss:Width="80"/>
     <Cell ss:StyleID="s1"><Data ss:Type="String" >Product Code</Data></Cell>
     <Cell ss:StyleID="s1"><Data ss:Type="String" >Unit Price</Data></Cell>
     <apex:repeat value="{!pb4}" var="novation1">
     <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">{!novation1.ProductCode}</Data></Cell>
     <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">{!novation1.UnitPrice}</Data></Cell>
     <Worksheet ss:Name="MedAssets">
     <Table x:FullColumns="1" x:FullRows="1">
     <Column ss:Width="100"/>
     <Column ss:Width="80"/>
     <Column ss:Width="80"/>
     <Cell ss:StyleID="s1"><Data ss:Type="String" >Product Code</Data></Cell>
     <Cell ss:StyleID="s1"><Data ss:Type="String" >Unit Price</Data></Cell>
     <apex:repeat value="{!pb5}" var="medassets">
     <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">{!medassets.ProductCode}</Data></Cell>
     <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">{!medassets.UnitPrice}</Data></Cell>
    <WorksheetOptions xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">

I've set up Custom objects within Salesforce called Promotions and Transactions.

I can authenticate, connect and make calls to the REST API all fine however the Custom Objects mentioned above do not appear in any of the API responses. I noticed this when I tried to call the endpoint for 'Describe Global' (/sobjects). The response consisted of ~270 object descriptions but not any for Promotions or Transactions.

I've been looking through Salesforce and checking all permissions etc for anything I could have missed although they all look correct. Permissions on those Custom Objects are all specifically ticked.

Does anyone know why I cannot retrieve these Custom Objects in the responses?
Or why endpoints specific to the Custom Objects do not exist?

I'm currently on a Trial version of Salesforce but I'm not sure if this could be a factor.

Any help would be much appreciated!

I created one lightning component but my lightning component is not showing in LIghtning Component tab. I want to add it to Salesforce1 but it's not visible. What am I missing?
Hello Everyone,

I have an issue with the service cloud console.

Normally when adding an attachment or adding a new comment, the Case tab will refresh, showing the modification as shown in the attachment named 'Standard and Expected behavior (no override).png'.
User-added image

Later we have overridden the standard View page of the Case object with a new custom visualforce page called 'TicketPageWrapper.page' as shown in the attachment 'Case View Overriden.png'.
User-added image

In order for the debugging process to be easier and to eliminate other possible causes from our side, I have eliminated all our custom scripts and left the page as simple as possible.

The code for the 'TicketPageWrapper.page' visualforce page is the following:
<apex:page standardController="Case" extensions="TicketPageWrapper">
    <apex:detail id="detailBlock" inlineEdit="true" relatedListHover="true" subject="{!Case.Id}" relatedList="true"/>

After repeating the process the result looks as shown in the attachment named 'Faulted behavior (after override) - no refresh.png'. The automatic refresh does not occur.
User-added image

I am not sure if this can help but I have also attached the firebug console after the comment has been added in the overridden page ('Firebug output in overriden page.png').
User-added image

When refreshing the houl page, the comment appears and this is actually the problem. I would like to know why this happens and have the page refresh just like it used to before.

Other similar issues include the 'hideListButton' arrows not memorising the state after closing the ticket as shown in attachment 'hideListButton issue.png'
User-added image

as well as not being able to change the icon of this 'external page' which in fact is not external, using sforce.console.setTabIcon('/img/sprites/master.png');.
I was able to change the title however using: 'sforce.console.setTabTitle('Ticket #{!Case.CaseNumber}');' however.

The most important issue of all is the first one of course. The problem with the refresh.

I would like to know what can be done to bring back that functionality.

Any suggestion and information is welcome.

Thank you!

Best regards,
Encountering this error when deploying full metadata structure using the Metadata API via Force.com Migration Tool and Ant scripts.
Deployment (with validation only) against the same source sandbox runs without error, but deployment against another sandbox (which is largely but not 100% in sync) is returning errors in this format for several standard objects and most custom objects.
I am using the data loader as an integration point to run numerous nightly data loads.  Has anyone successfully implemented the Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to dynamically replace tags in the configuration xml?  For example, if my process-conf.xml has numerous beans below which use UNC paths to specify log and file locations:

<entry key="process.outputError" value="\\Dev\Logs\Contact\contactUpsert_error.csv"/>
<entry key="process.outputSuccess" value="\\Dev\Logs\Contact\contactUpsert_success.csv"/>

I would like to have a custom value in my config.properties file like:


And be able to update the two entries above to look like:

<entry key="process.outputError" value="\\${system.environment}\Logs\Contact\contactUpsert_error.csv"/ >
<entry key="process.outputSuccess" value="\\${system.environment}\Logs\Contact\contactUpsert_success.csv"/>

I have done this using the spring framework before but have been unable to get it working within the data loader.  Thank you in advance for your time.
  • March 19, 2014
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Here's a portion of a VF component.  I'm trying to get a command button to display an action Status.  But it doesn't work.


Will the "status=" option not work on a commandButton when it performs a regular action method?  I'm thinking maybe to get it to work you have to remove the action, add an onClick and then have an actionFunction call the actionMethod and have a refresh specified on the actionFunction.



	        <apex:actionStatus id="refreshStatus" layout="block"  >
              <apex:facet name="start" > 
              <apex:outputPanel >
                  <apex:image value="{!$Resource.Loader}"  rendered="true"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
                  <apex:outputLabel value="Working . . ." style="font-weight:bold; color:red;"/>
	<apex:pageBlock >
	  <apex:pageBlockButtons >
	    <apex:commandButton value="Go to 1" action="{!theController.goto1}" disabled="true"/>
	    <apex:commandButton value="Go to 2" action="{!theController.goto2}" status="refreshStatus"/>
	    <apex:commandButton value="Go to 3" action="{!theController.goto3}" status="refreshStatus"/>


I want to know how to use apex data loader to insert data for the objects which have lookup relationship with other objects.I mean what data I put for these fields in csv file.

dom.XmlNode tempNode = hdr.addChildElement('Company Name', null, null);

tempNode.addTextNode('ABC & XYZ ');

tempNode = hdr.addChildElement('Company Address', null, null);

tempNode.addTextNode('ABC & XYZ, <former 123ABC> ');


The xml created by this gives incorrect output with &amp; &lt; etc


i cannot include characters like & and < in DOM.Document's dom.XmlNode


Avoiding XMLStreamWriter, as it easily reaches heap limit.

Hi Folks,

               How to update original object fields with update DML statement in trigger after insert event. My code:


trigger myTrigger on Account (after insert) {

Account myAccount = trigger.new[0];
myAccount.Type = 'Enterprise Customer';
update myAccount;


Here the update DML statement throws the exception: System.FinalException: Record is read-only:


Please let me know and all suggestions are appreciated with any sample code or correction to above code.



Hi, we have SAML SSO set up against our SAML/AD user store, and now want to create a scheduled process that adds/updates users from our AD directory into salesforce using batch files. We need a way to link SF users with our AD users, and seems the best candidate field is SAML Federation ID which we are already populating to make SSO work. However, we can't configure this built-in field to be external id enabled. Is there a work-around to this?



How do I query for all the list view names and ids for a specific sObject via apex?


I don't see this in the API or as a describe object option.



