• TeddyAble
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a webform collects users information, has 1,2,3,4 steps , 


Currently all infomation is collected from the website is creating a record in every step of the website form,


That is, 

User one fills out the form in step one if they continue to step 2, a record is created in Salesforce, the user continues to step 3 of the form a new record is also created until the form is in step four which also creates a new record in Salesforce, making it 3 of the same record.


I need to know how can I create a call method that allows the records in Salesforce not to be Created but instead Updated based on the user's email address during a form creation.



That is when the initial record is created in Salesforce it includes an email address, so when the user goes to step two, instead of creating a new record in salesforce, it should be updated with the new record information.


Please this is quite urgent HELP.



Hello lads,


I need help adding data into a custom campaign object, our Salesforce edition is Force.com


What im trying to achive is allow records in other salesforce object to be added to the created campaign,

Allow Salesforce users to upload CSV or xcel files of data to the created campaign.


Please can anybody tell me whats the best approach to achiving this, 


Please this is very urgent and i have ran out of ideas.




Hello guys,


Is it possible passing webform input to a force.com site form. that is web form to Site form which then creates the record in salesforce? if this is possible can you please let me know how to go about it or an example Please this is quite urgent from the marketing requirement.



Please HELP!!!

Hello guys,


I will like to send an auto email when a related lookup exists.


How do i go about it?


I cannot use workflow rule, as it does not support custom Object related record lookup.


What is the best practise and how can it be implemented i have no idea if this is possible or not.


Any feedback will be highly apreciated.




Hello guys;


Can you tell me how do i go about creating a task and assigning it to users based on user selection


Im using the Desktop Designer 


Any Idea suggestions would do.


Thank you in Advance.

Hello guys;


I'm new to using the Flows in Salesforce so pardon me if im not quite clear in my requirement(question)


I have decided to use a flow to improve process in an aspect of Salesforce for our Sales team and i will like to know the following.


Can you use a flow to get users to choose from an available picklist in an object for example?




an object called Campaign has a field called  value campaign type which is a picklist Value


Values in the Campaign Type picklist are 






So if Type1 is selected --> enter mobile number

If type 2 --> create new record


Can i use a flow to get the choice to present users with the type of picklist? because as i understand Choices are static and are not database data driven , and i want to know if i can use datadriven choices instead of static?


This is urgently needed please any suggestions would be highly appreciated.





Hello guys 


When i run the Code below for example it comes up with this error : 

ErrorError: newEvent line 58, column 31: The element type "apex:outputpanel" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</apex:outputpanel>" 
ErrorError: The element type "apex:outputpanel" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</apex:outputpanel>".


<apex:page standardController="Event">
<apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock title="New Event" id="thePageBlock" mode="new">
            <apex:pageMessages />
            <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
                <apex:commandButton action="{!cancel}" value="Cancel" onclick="return confirmCancel()" immediate="true"/>               
            <apex:actionRegion >
                <apex:pageBlockSection title="Basic Information" columns="1">
                    <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
                        <apex:outputLabel value="What is your Event About" />
                        <apex:outputPanel >
                            <apex:inputField value="{!event.Point__c}" required="true">
                                <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="thePageBlock" status="status"/>
                            <apex:actionStatus startText="Please Wait!..." id="status"/>
             <apex:pageBlockSection title="(For Zero Balance Process ONLY) " columns="2"
                                   rendered="{!event.Point__c == '3'}">
                                   <apex:inputField value="{!event.Ownerid}" required="true"/>
                                    <apex:inputField value="{!event.IsPrivate}" required="true"/>
                                    <apex:inputField value="{!event.whatid}" required="true"/>
                                    <apex:inputField value="{!event.whoid}" required="true"/>
                                     <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!event.IsRecurrence}" required="true"/>
                                     <apex:inputField value="{!event.RecurrenceTimeZoneSidKey}"/>
            <apex:actionRegion >
                <apex:pageBlockSection title="Recurrence Information" columns="1">
                    <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
                        <apex:outputLabel value="Create Recurring Series of Events" />
                            <apex:inputcheckbox value="{!event.isRecurrence}"/>
                                <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="thePageBlock" status="status"/>
                            <apex:actionStatus startText="Please Wait!..." id="status"/>
                        <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!event.IsRecurrence}"/>

 IS it because im Declaring the reRender function twice?

I need to declare the reRender for !Event.isRecurrence.


How do i acomplish this?


Thanks guys

Hello guys;


Is it possible to convert Text to Currency in dataType Formula


Fum__c (textfield) Fum2__c(textfield)


I will like to Add this field in a new formula return type to be Currency called  in aggFum__c


so basically aggFum(Fum__c+Fum2__c)


But Salesforce Says it is invalid .


Is there a way the formula can be rewritten to convert the text to currency so i can get the currency value ?

Hello guys;


I will like to write a Test Class for the code below,


Please any feedback will be useful


trigger RollUp on Managed_Fund__c (after insert, after update, before delete) {

    // Set to hold the IDs of the Contacts of the Subscriptions
    Set<ID> AdviserIds= new Set<ID>();
    // Set to hold the IDs of the Subscriptions
    Set<ID> SubIDs = new Set<ID>();
    // Set to hold the IDs of the Contacts where the values need to be reset
    Set<ID> AdviserIdssForReset = new Set<ID>();
    Set<ID> AdviserIdss=New Set<ID>();
     // The list of Contacts where the update has to take place
List<Adviser__c> AdvisersToUpdate = new List<Adviser__c>(); 
        for(Managed_Fund__c rsSub : trigger.new )
            // If the contact of a subscription has changed, then the old contact also needs to be updated 
            if( rsSub.Adviser__c != trigger.newmap.get(rsSub.ID).Adviser__c)
                if( trigger.oldmap.get(rsSub.ID).Adviser__c!= null )


        // Querying the database to get the Number of Subscriptions under an contact and the sum of the deal values of the Subscriptions under an contact
        AggregateResult[] fuMSum = [select sum(Total_Unit_Balance__c) aggr, Adviser__c AdviserIds from Managed_Fund__c where Adviser__c in: AdviserIds group by Adviser__c ];
        for( AggregateResult AdviserDetail  : fuMSum )
            Adviser__c AdviserToUpdate5 = new Adviser__c(ID = (ID)(AdviserDetail .get('AdviserIds')));
            AdviserToUpdate5.FUM__c ='$ '+String.valueOf(AdviserDetail.get('aggr'));
            // The contact being handled should not be reset. Hence removing it from the ResetSet
            AdviserIdssForReset.remove((ID)(AdviserDetail .get('AdviserIds')));
        for( ID i : AdviserIdssForReset )
            // Resetting the summed up values to 0 if the contact no longer has a .V.
            Adviser__c AdviserToUpdate4 = new Adviser__c( ID = i );
            AdviserToUpdate4.FUM__c = '0';
        if(AdvisersToUpdate.size() > 0)
           update AdvisersToUpdate;

        for(Managed_Fund__c rsSub : trigger.new )
            // If the contact of a subscription has changed, then the old contact also needs to be updated 
            if( rsSub.Adviser__c != trigger.oldmap.get(rsSub.ID).Adviser__c)
                if( trigger.oldmap.get(rsSub.ID).Adviser__c!= null )


        // Querying the database to get the Number of Subscriptions under an contact and the sum of the deal values of the Subscriptions under an contact
        AggregateResult[] fuMSum = [select sum(Total_Unit_Balance__c) aggr, Adviser__c AdviserIds from Managed_Fund__c where Adviser__c in: AdviserIds group by Adviser__c ];
        for( AggregateResult AdviserDetail  : fuMSum )
            Adviser__c AdviserToUpdate5 = new Adviser__c(ID = (ID)(AdviserDetail .get('AdviserIds')));
            AdviserToUpdate5.FUM__c = '$ '+String.Valueof(AdviserDetail.get('aggr'));
            // The contact being handled should not be reset. Hence removing it from the ResetSet
            AdviserIdssForReset.remove((ID)(AdviserDetail .get('AdviserIds')));
        for( ID i : AdviserIdssForReset )
            // Resetting the summed up values to 0 if the contact no longer has a .V.
            Adviser__c AdviserToUpdate4 = new Adviser__c( ID = i );
            AdviserToUpdate4.FUM__c = '0';
        if(AdvisersToUpdate.size() > 0)
           update AdvisersToUpdate;

        for(Managed_Fund__c rsSub : trigger.old )
            if( rsSub.Adviser__c != null)

        // The list of Contacts where the update has to take place
        List<Adviser__c> AdviserToUpdate = new List<Adviser__C>();    
        // Querying the database to get the Number of Subscriptions under an contact excluding the Subscriptions being deleted
        AggregateResult[] fuMSum = null;
        if(AdviserIdss.size() > 0)
            fuMSum = [select count(ID) Fum__c, Adviser__c AdviserIds from Managed_Fund__c where Adviser__c in: AdviserIds and ID not in: SubIDs group by Adviser__c ];

            for( AggregateResult ContactDetail : fuMSum)
                Adviser__c AdviserToUpdate2 = new Adviser__c(ID = (ID)(ContactDetail.get('AdviserIds')));
                AdviserToUpdate2.Fum__c = '$ '+String.Valueof(ContactDetail.get('Total_Unit_Balance__c'));
                // The contact being handled should not be reset. Hence removing it from the ResetSet

            for( ID i : AdviserIdssForReset )
                // Resetting the summed up values to 0 if the contact no longer has a subscription.
                Adviser__c AdviserToUpdate3 = new Adviser__c( ID = i );
                AdviserToUpdate3.FUM__c = '0';
        if(AdviserToUpdate.size() > 0)
            update AdviserToUpdate;



Thank you in Advance

Hello guys,


I need help here (my Sales guys are killing me softly) and they would require the Sum of  all the investment amount .

Now i know normally Roll-up Summary is used for this; but the Custom Object Adviser is not a Master Relationshipship


In the Adviser record view they will like to see the total sum of all investment associated with the RelatedList ManagedFund__c


Please guys; what is the best way to achieve this and how?



Thanks in advance.

Hello Guys,


Is there a way to remove the compulsory field Account name in Contact so that contact can be saved without relating it to an Account.

Please guys any workaround this?






Account in Contact


I will like to know how to hide "Log a Call" Button in Activities History from other users of Salesforce users. 


Please this is urgent

I have tried going to the user profile setting but couldnt find any useful tool that will enable me to accomplish this.




Hello guys,


I need to develop my first Mobile App HTML,or Native using SF Mobile SDK, Do you guys know of any good book or work around that will help me start out with my first simple app?


I have web development experience, so shuck anything at me.


Please guys.




Hello Guys


I have exhausted all avenue in trying to increase my Test coverage from 31% to atleast 75% but for some reason i dont know what else to do to allow the test case to reflect this.


Please guys If you can help me and solve this problem as it is killing me softly



public class A1 {

   public A1(ApexPages.StandardController Controller)
            a=new adviser__c();
            b=new contact();
           // c=new account();

            Public Adviser__c a {get;set;}
            public contact b {get;set;}
           // public account c {get;set;}

        public pageReference Save()

            insert b;
            a.Name=b.FirstName+' '+b.LastName;

            insert a;

            update b;
            pageReference pref=New Pagereference(URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/apex/AdviserView?id='+a.id);

            return pref;

      public pageReference Cancel()
        return page.AdviserView;

            static testmethod void CodeCoverageTests()
            PageReference current_page = Page.AdviserView;
            Adviser__c AB = new Adviser__c();
            ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(AB);
           // A1 ctrl = new A1(sc);
            contact cc = new contact(adviser__c ='a0JQ0000002a7g1', FirstName='Charlie', LastName='Harper');
            insert cc;
                ApexPages.StandardController ctrl = new Apexpages.Standardcontroller(cc);
            Adviser__c ac= new Adviser__c(name ='Charlie'+' '+'Harper', contact__c = '003Q000000U836P');
            insert ac;                
                ApexPages.StandardController trl = new Apexpages.Standardcontroller(ac);
           //update cc;
          //  pageReference pref=New Pagereference(URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/apex/AdviserView?id='+cc.id);





Thank you for your help





Im having issues with writing Testcase for the controller below. What I have written s showing error message.



public class A1 {

public A1()
a=new adviser__c();
b=new contact();
c=new account();


Public Adviser__c a {get;set;}
public contact b {get;set;}
public account c {get;set;}

public pageReference Save()

insert c;

insert b;
a.Name=b.FirstName+' '+b.LastName;

insert a;

update b;
pageReference pref=New Pagereference(URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/apex/AdviserView?id='+a.id);

return pref;

public pageReference Cancel()
return page.AdviserView;




static testmethod void CodeCoverageTests()
        //instantiate the controller
        PageReference pageRef = page.AdviserView;
        Adviser__c Ad1 = new Adviser__c();
      ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(Ad1);
     A1 ctrl = new A1(sc);
      System.Assert(Ad1 != null);
     ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('a.name', 'test');
       ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('b.name', 'test');
       ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('c.name', 'test');
       ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('b.Phone', '1234567890');
   System.AssertEquals('Your information has been saved.  Thank you.', ctrl.StrSaveResult);






Please some one help with the correct syntax for this controller Test case



Thanks you in Advance.

Hello guys,



I have created a visualforce page and will like to overight the standard view with the visualforce page.. but when i go to the "Override Standard Button or Link"

My Visualforce page isnt visible is not part of the list of Visualforce pages in the "New" section of Override Standard Button or Link.


The controller calls multiple object Standard and custom object  this enables the field be visible in the visualforce page


Visualforce Page

<apex:page standardController="adviser__C" extensions="A1">

<apex:sectionHeader title="Institution" subtitle="{!a.name}"/>
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Create New Institution" id="thePageBlock" mode="new">
<apex:pageMessages />

<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!cancel}" value="Cancel" onclick="return confirmCancel()" immediate="true"/>


<apex:pageBlockSection title="General Information" columns="2">
<apex:inputField value="{!a.name}" required="true"/> </apex:pageBlockSection>






Adviser__c is a custom object .



public class A1 {

public A1()
a=new adviser__c();
b=new contact();
c=new account();


Public Adviser__c a {get;set;}
public contact b {get;set;}
public account c {get;set;}

public pageReference Save()

insert c;

insert b;
a.Name=b.FirstName+' '+b.LastName;

insert a;

update b;
pageReference pref=New Pagereference(URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/apex/AdviserView?id='+a.id);

return pref;

public pageReference Cancel()
return page.AdviserView;




Any help will be highly appreciated.



Hello Guys,


Any suggestion for solution to this problem will be highly apreciated.


What we are going for is IF a task is created and it meets the following Field criteria in Task (Standard Object) then Run trigger which creates an  Interaction (Custom Object)


Related To Picklist Equals Adviser


[Related To is the Field label for Task, the Field Name is  What]


and im confused as to how i can write the trigger to Create an Interaction record during insert Only if the Related To picklist "Adviser" is selected else just save the task and do not create anything.



The code below is the Trigger that is suppose to be run Only when the Task meets the criteria


But the task gets created but doesnt not run the trigger hence the record is not created in the custom Object (Interaction)



trigger TaskCreate2 on Task (after Insert)
       List<Interaction__c> INTA = new List<Interaction__c>();
       ID RecordTypeofInteraction=[SELECT Id,Name FROM RecordType WHERE Name LIKE '07-Sales Process'].id;
       for(Task TC :Trigger.new)
               if (TC.what.name == 'Adviser')
               INTA.add(new Interaction__c (Subject__c=TC.subject,
                                            points__c = TC.point__c,
                                            recordTypeID = '012Q00000000TqN',
                                            Interaction_Type__c='Sales Activity'));
         Insert INTA;



Please Let me know what im doing wrong, Because i m confused on how to call the Related To field in Task  so that If statement can execute this trigger if the user select the Related To "Adviser" Adviser is a custom Object Adviser__C


Please Help ..




Hello Guys,


I Need your help in writing a test case for TaskCreate trigger

My trigger works this way. 


For any Task created, an Interaction record is automatically created ... The Interaction Object is a custom Object.


I will like to create a test case for this trigger .. PlEASE HELP, I have tried the Salesforce test case example but to no avail.



Thanks in Advance...


Here is the Code below



trigger TaskCreate on Task (after Insert) 
List<Interaction__c> INTA = new List<Interaction__c>();

ID RecordTypeofInteraction=[SELECT Id,Name FROM RecordType WHERE Name LIKE '07-Sales Process'].id;
for(Task TC :Trigger.new)

INTA.add(new Interaction__c (Subject__c=TC.subject,
// Adviser__c=TC.WhoID,

Interaction_Type__c='General Information',

recordTypeID = '012Q00000000TqN'));


Insert INTA;











a webform collects users information, has 1,2,3,4 steps , 


Currently all infomation is collected from the website is creating a record in every step of the website form,


That is, 

User one fills out the form in step one if they continue to step 2, a record is created in Salesforce, the user continues to step 3 of the form a new record is also created until the form is in step four which also creates a new record in Salesforce, making it 3 of the same record.


I need to know how can I create a call method that allows the records in Salesforce not to be Created but instead Updated based on the user's email address during a form creation.



That is when the initial record is created in Salesforce it includes an email address, so when the user goes to step two, instead of creating a new record in salesforce, it should be updated with the new record information.


Please this is quite urgent HELP.



Hello guys;


I'm new to using the Flows in Salesforce so pardon me if im not quite clear in my requirement(question)


I have decided to use a flow to improve process in an aspect of Salesforce for our Sales team and i will like to know the following.


Can you use a flow to get users to choose from an available picklist in an object for example?




an object called Campaign has a field called  value campaign type which is a picklist Value


Values in the Campaign Type picklist are 






So if Type1 is selected --> enter mobile number

If type 2 --> create new record


Can i use a flow to get the choice to present users with the type of picklist? because as i understand Choices are static and are not database data driven , and i want to know if i can use datadriven choices instead of static?


This is urgently needed please any suggestions would be highly appreciated.





Hello guys 


When i run the Code below for example it comes up with this error : 

ErrorError: newEvent line 58, column 31: The element type "apex:outputpanel" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</apex:outputpanel>" 
ErrorError: The element type "apex:outputpanel" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</apex:outputpanel>".


<apex:page standardController="Event">
<apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock title="New Event" id="thePageBlock" mode="new">
            <apex:pageMessages />
            <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
                <apex:commandButton action="{!cancel}" value="Cancel" onclick="return confirmCancel()" immediate="true"/>               
            <apex:actionRegion >
                <apex:pageBlockSection title="Basic Information" columns="1">
                    <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
                        <apex:outputLabel value="What is your Event About" />
                        <apex:outputPanel >
                            <apex:inputField value="{!event.Point__c}" required="true">
                                <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="thePageBlock" status="status"/>
                            <apex:actionStatus startText="Please Wait!..." id="status"/>
             <apex:pageBlockSection title="(For Zero Balance Process ONLY) " columns="2"
                                   rendered="{!event.Point__c == '3'}">
                                   <apex:inputField value="{!event.Ownerid}" required="true"/>
                                    <apex:inputField value="{!event.IsPrivate}" required="true"/>
                                    <apex:inputField value="{!event.whatid}" required="true"/>
                                    <apex:inputField value="{!event.whoid}" required="true"/>
                                     <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!event.IsRecurrence}" required="true"/>
                                     <apex:inputField value="{!event.RecurrenceTimeZoneSidKey}"/>
            <apex:actionRegion >
                <apex:pageBlockSection title="Recurrence Information" columns="1">
                    <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
                        <apex:outputLabel value="Create Recurring Series of Events" />
                            <apex:inputcheckbox value="{!event.isRecurrence}"/>
                                <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="thePageBlock" status="status"/>
                            <apex:actionStatus startText="Please Wait!..." id="status"/>
                        <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!event.IsRecurrence}"/>

 IS it because im Declaring the reRender function twice?

I need to declare the reRender for !Event.isRecurrence.


How do i acomplish this?


Thanks guys

Hello guys;


Is it possible to convert Text to Currency in dataType Formula


Fum__c (textfield) Fum2__c(textfield)


I will like to Add this field in a new formula return type to be Currency called  in aggFum__c


so basically aggFum(Fum__c+Fum2__c)


But Salesforce Says it is invalid .


Is there a way the formula can be rewritten to convert the text to currency so i can get the currency value ?

Hello guys,


I need help here (my Sales guys are killing me softly) and they would require the Sum of  all the investment amount .

Now i know normally Roll-up Summary is used for this; but the Custom Object Adviser is not a Master Relationshipship


In the Adviser record view they will like to see the total sum of all investment associated with the RelatedList ManagedFund__c


Please guys; what is the best way to achieve this and how?



Thanks in advance.

Hello Guys,


Is there a way to remove the compulsory field Account name in Contact so that contact can be saved without relating it to an Account.

Please guys any workaround this?






Account in Contact


I will like to know how to hide "Log a Call" Button in Activities History from other users of Salesforce users. 


Please this is urgent

I have tried going to the user profile setting but couldnt find any useful tool that will enable me to accomplish this.




trigger HandleProductPriceChange on Merchandise__c (after update) {

    List<Line_Item__c> openLineItems =
        [SELECT j.Unit_Price__c, j.Merchandise__r.Price__c
         FROM Line_Item__c j
         WHERE j.Invoice_Statement__r.Status__c = 'Negotiating'
         AND j.Merchandise__r.id IN :Trigger.new
         FOR UPDATE];

    for (Line_Item__c li: openLineItems) {
        if ( li.Merchandise__r.Price__c < li.Unit_Price__c ){
        li.Unit_Price__c = li.Merchandise__r.Price__c;
    update openLineItems;


Error: Compile Error: Didn't understand relationship 'Merchandise__r' in field path. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. at line 4 column 9


Есть тема(topic): http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/forums/forumtopicprintpage/board-id/apex/message-id/68444/print-single-message/false/page/1


Однако я не совсем понял как ее решить(

I do not understand how to solve it(





I have a flow where I have multiple drop downs which need to be populated with dynamic data. I have created a cusom object with all these data values stored into custom pick lists. However, when I try to assign the custom picklist value, the flow doesn't pull the data. 


Is it possible to use picklist values from a SFDC object to populate a dropdown on a flow and use the same for all drop downs on a flow? Or do I need to create seperate custom objects for each of the dynamic drop downs in a flow?






I have a problem. The kind of field created should be aligned with Salesforce. Particullary I would like to be able of creating multi pick list field.


In my case, when I want to calculate a quotation to my client, I would like him to choose the categories of hotel he would like: 2 stars, 3 stars, 4 stars,....


Also if the hotel has swimming pool, gym, Internet,...


With the current model I cant give the user this possibility. Do you have any ideas on how can I do this?



I wanted to see if it is possible for a Workflow rule to fire after an update by a Flow?  Or would this need to be written into a trigger?


