• lemuel
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To handle asian and some european (e.g. Hungarian) names  with less confusion I'd like to rename/relabel "First Name" and "Last Name" to "Given Name" and "Family Name" respectively.

Is this possible?

I've got a Visualforce email template with some Apex code that works fine when I test it from the "Send Test and Verify Merge Fields" feature of the email template editor, but fails to merge any data when I use the "Send an Email" button (from anywhere) and then "Select Template" to select it.


The code for the template is:-


<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Closing of Old xxxx Support Cases" recipientType="Contact" relatedToType="Contact">
<messaging:htmlEmailBody >
<h3>Closing of Old xxxx Support Cases</h3>
<p>Dear {!recipient.name},</p>
<p>the Cases listed below have had no activity recorded for more than three months. If we do not hear from you we will close these Cases after 5 working days from the date of this email.
If you would like further information about any of these Cases they can be viewed in the xxxx Support Portal from the links below.</p>
<font size="-1"><p >(To use the links below, first logon on to the
<a href="https://ap1.salesforce.com/secur/login_portal.jsp?orgId=00Dx0000000xxxx&portalId=060x0000000xxxx">xxxx Support Portal</a>)</p>
<table border="0" >
<tr><th> CaseNumber </th><th>Subject</th><th>Last Updated</th></tr>
<apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!relatedTo.Cases}">
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!cx.Status == 'New'}" >
<td><apex:outputText value="{!cx.Portal_Friendly_Link_NoLogon__c}" escape="false" /></td>
<td><apex:outputText value=" {0,date,' 'dd' 'MMM' 'yyyy}' ' ">
<apex:param value="{!cx.LastModifiedDate}" />

<p>You have recieved this message because you are recorded as the Contact for these Cases. If you believe that
another person in your business is dealing with any of these Cases please forward this message to that person.</p>
<p>Thank you,<br/>
xxxx Support</p>

<messaging:plainTextEmailBody >
Sorry, you need an html compatible mail client for this email.

xxxx Support



I expected it to work when I selected the template from the "Send an Email" button on a Contact record.

I guess the first question would be, should it work when I try to use it this way? Or have I missed a limitation of Visualforce email templates? I also notice that when I use the "Send an Email" button, the list of Objects in the "Related To" drop down doesn't include Contacts.


If this is a limitation, how can I use the template?


(Also, I should mention that the test in <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!cx.Status == 'New'}" > is just for testing and will be changed to the proper one when I get it working and move it from the Developer environment to production.)

  • October 22, 2012
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Our company has recently upgraded from Professional to Enterprise Edition.


I'm testing the Customer Portal in a Developer Edition Account, and was looking at the reporting of the voting on items in the Solutions system.


If I access a Solution through the Self Service Portal and vote on the 


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question, the answer is recorded as I expected and I can see the count increasing in the supplied Self Service Report, which gives the "# Self-Service Access Count", "#Self-Service Answer Count" and "# Self-Service Positive Count" statistics.


If I view a Solution through the Customer Portal and vote on a Solution, the report shows the

e "# Self-Service Access Count" as increasing but not the vote counts.


So where should I look for the Solution vote stats from the Customer Portal?

  • December 08, 2011
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To handle asian and some european (e.g. Hungarian) names  with less confusion I'd like to rename/relabel "First Name" and "Last Name" to "Given Name" and "Family Name" respectively.

Is this possible?

Hi all,

I've been going round in circles with this for a while now, and could really use a definitive answer if anyone can help.

We use Professional Edition with Workflow and API 'bolted on'.

As a service company we send our customers quotes for installations, repairs, maintenance plans etc.  Each quote we send is logged as an opportunity againt the relevant account.

In our company a case is a job.  Currently when an opportunity is won, we change the opportunity status to 'closed won' and then have to manually open a case for the job that the customer has just accepted.
From time to time staff here update the opp status to 'closed won', but then forget to open a case for the job.  We end up accepting the customer's order, but then not creating a job to fulfil it.

I'd therefore like a case to be automatically created when an opp status is changed to 'closed won'.


It seems that this can be achieved with an Apex trigger, but neither our SF Account Executive or Tech Support can tell me whether this is possible with Professional Edition with Workflow and API 'bolted on'.  

Can anyone clarify how we get an Apex trigger into our Org?

Thanks in advance.


Our company has recently upgraded from Professional to Enterprise Edition.


I'm testing the Customer Portal in a Developer Edition Account, and was looking at the reporting of the voting on items in the Solutions system.


If I access a Solution through the Self Service Portal and vote on the 


Does this Solution help you answer your question? Yes No


question, the answer is recorded as I expected and I can see the count increasing in the supplied Self Service Report, which gives the "# Self-Service Access Count", "#Self-Service Answer Count" and "# Self-Service Positive Count" statistics.


If I view a Solution through the Customer Portal and vote on a Solution, the report shows the

e "# Self-Service Access Count" as increasing but not the vote counts.


So where should I look for the Solution vote stats from the Customer Portal?

  • December 08, 2011
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I want to use Eclipse IDE to connect to one Professional Edition instance to copy custom object metadata and paste into another Professional Edition instance. Can this be done?  I have API enabled in both instances.


When I try to connect IDE to the source PE instance, I get an error "INVALID TYPE Cannot Use ApexClass in this organization" 




What I'm looking for is a way to build a URL that will link straight to a specific case number, without knowing the unique identifier for the record.


Let's say I have a case which I've numbered 245968, and I want to go straight to it.


If I knew the UID I could use a link like this, which actually works:



That's no good to me for this particular application, because I don't know the UID yet.


Is anything like this below, but that actually works? (this is just a non-working example to show what I'm looking for).



The closest I have found so far is this



That works, but it brings up search results and requires an extra click to get to the actual case record. I want to go straight to the record without an additional click.


Surely this must be possible..? Many thanks for your help!