• Aneesha
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What I'd like to do is have this trigger update the Asset "Inactive_Date__c" with the Contract "End_Date__c" ONLY if Contract "End_Date__c" != null.  That is, only if there is an End Date on the Contract should the Inactive Date on the Asset be updated.  The Inactive Date should never be changed if the End Date on the Contract is 'null'.


Can anyone help me with this?



  for(Asset a: [Select Contract__c, Contract__r.End_Date__c, Inactive_Date__c from Asset where Contract__c =: Trigger.newMap.keyset() ])
            System.debug('++++ querying associated assets' );
            a.Inactive_Date__c = Trigger.newMap.get(a.Contract__c).End_Date__c; 
            System.debug('++++ updating inactive date on assets with contract inactive date = ' + a.Inactive_Date__c);






  • August 27, 2013
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Hi Everyone,


I would like to get some suggestions on how to display sections on a Visualforce page based on specific checkboxes selected.


here is the Question ?


i made a VF page in which i have to display 2 radio buttons 

  1. Existing contacts ,
  2. New contacts ,


if i select the first one look up field should be displayed and the existing contact would be selected ,

if the second radio button clicked New fields should be displayed for creating the Contacts ,


how is this possible ?  plz help

  • August 27, 2013
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Hi all,

I have a page with some css. There is a <section> tag inside which I am displaying few items from a list using <apex:dataList>. My code works in such a way that when the page loads, one row and four columns of data are displayed on the page. There is a 'View More" link which user can click to load more data. Once I click on this link the result is loaded on some columns with simple blank spaces. There are no null values on the list so I am not sure where this blank is coming from. See below a sample screenshot of the issue.

User-added image

Below is my code snippet.
<section data-tab='t-recent'>
<apex:dataList value="{!displayContentMap}" var="res">                   
                            <img src="/{!displayContentMap[res].mainpagearticle.Id}"/>
                            <h3>{!displayContentMap[res].dataCategory} | 
                                <apex:outputText value="{!displayContentMap[res].mainPageArticle.Display_Date__c}" />
                            <p><a href='/apex/Community_DetailPage?Id={!displayContentMap[res].mainPageArticle.knowledgearticleId}'>{!displayContentMap[res].mainPageArticle.Title}</a></p>
                          <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!showViewMore}"> 
                            <div class='more'><apex:form ><apex:commandLink action="{!showView}" reRender="resultBlock" >View More</apex:commandLink></apex:form><div class='icn'></div></div>

I have a custom list view button for mass update similar to Change Owner button. Once the update has been performed I am redirecting page back to the list view.  The page is redirected however instead of going to the list view from which I clicked the button a new list view is created with name as the id which I passed in the list view.

Am I doing something wrong here?

I am trying to deploy few reports and dashboards to a fullcopy sandbox 'fc' from another fullcopy sandbox via changeset and I am getting the following error message for dashboards.

Too many username matches for abc@gmail.com. The possible matches are abc@gmail.com.fc, abc@gmail.com; edit the username to match only one.

What des this mean?
I am trying to update a few records with email id whenever a user updates his email in the user record. I wrote the trigger on User object however the trigger is not firing since an email is first sent over on email update which then requires confirmation from user. 

Any ideas on what can be done?
I am trying to add members to a chatter group via dataloader. For some reason I cannot find the object for this. Can somebody help me understand what the issue is ?
Hi All,

I am getting Insufficient Privileges error while adding error messgae using addError. I have tried with System Admin profile but still the same issue.
The code works fine when I comment out the addError lines.

Does anyone know why this issue is happening?
I am trying to update a text field with the owner's name everytime the owner is changed to  one among a particular group of users. The new record's owner id is correctly returned in the debug log however the rec.owner.Name is returning null. 

Can somebody help me understand what is the issue?



I am using a html pre tag to display some data in my page. This pre tag is used in a <td> element for a table. Now I need to rerender the page in word,excel and pdf. The page looks fine in word and excel. However in pdf the width of the page has increased. by about 20%. See my code snippet below.

// some logic here
<td width="30%">
<pre style="font-family: 'Arial';font-weight:bold">               Column2    Column3</pre>
<pre style="font-family: 'Arial';word-wrap:break-word;"><b>Result</b> {!TotalTOP} {!TotalOOP}</pre> 

 As you can see, the first pre tag has 2 words while the second pre tag has 3. The page is displayed correctly and is rendered correctly in word and excel. But in pdf, because of the extra word, the width of <td> is automatically increased from 30% to 50%. How do I keep the width at 30%.

I have an apex:pageMessage component outside apex:form which I would like to rerender based on the action of a commandlink and commandbutton inside apex:form. I have placed the pagemessage inside an outputpanel an rerendered the panel using the id, but its not displaying the error message. I can see the error message in the logs. But its not displaying in the page. First of all, i am doing the right thin? Is it even possible to rerender this way?


If not how do i get to rerender the pagemessage component? I cannot put the component inside the form, because currently the form itself is rerendered based on the action of the commandlink and commandbutton. 



I have some reports in my org which I only want some users to see. I have created a folder and a public group with those users and shared the folder with the group. It works fine for most of the users.However I found that some users were still able to access this reports. I mean they are not getting the Insufficient privileges error. They can see the report and edit the report. They are not seeing any data on the report.


Why is this happening? My guess is its a profile permission. But I cannot figure out which one.Can somebody please explain?


Thanks in advance.

  • September 06, 2013
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I have certain list views on the custom objects which I want only certain group of people to see. For example I have two list views LV1 and LV2. Certain group of users should only see LV1 and certain others should see only LV2.I have created two public groups and restricted the visibility to 'Certain groups' but still the users are able to see both the list views LV1 and LV2.


Upon investigation I found that the users have system permission 'Manage Public List Views' in their profile.


What can I do to restrict the users from viewing the list views they are not supposed to see?

I have a custom picklist and a dependant textbox on my page. I am using javascript function to populate the textbox with a value onchange of the picklist value. Now I want to rerender an image on the page whenever the value on the textbox is changed. How do i do that?


I have already tried using actionSupport with inputtext but no use.



<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
  <apex:selectList style="width:100px; height:20px;margin-left:5px;"  size="1" id="selectedFld" value="{!selectedValue}" onchange="javascript&colon;updateSelectValue(this.id, this.value)">
    <apex:selectOptions value="{!inputField.selectOptions}" />
  <apex:outputPanel >
    <apex:image id="img" value="{!if(selectedValue=='0', "/resource/1373951589000/Field_mandatory", "")}" height="{!if(selectedValue=='0', "20", "0")}" width="{!if(selectedValue=='0', "2", "0")}" style="vertical-align:top;" />
    <apex:inputText value="{!selectedValue}" id="selectedFldValue" title="{!hoverText}" style="width:80px;" rendered="{!if(hasOtherSelect, true, false)}"/>
    <!-- <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="img"/>-->




I was validating a change set which contains 71 components(custom fields,objects,recordtype ). In the middle of validation my session timed out and I was logged out of salesforce. I loged in again and after 20 mins the change set screen refreshed and now even after 11 hours the status is 'In Progress'. We have a lot of deployment to do this weekend. Can anyone help me wih any suggestions as to what needs to be done?


Will this lock my Organization from any further changes? I am planning to manually create the components. Can that be done or will I get 'Organization locked from further changes' error?



I need to convert a comma seperated string, say 34,987 into a number 34987. How do I remove the comma in an apex class?



I have looked all over the place to find a way to do it. But with no luck!


My requirement is to send an email to the case owner when the case SLA is reaching in 2 days. I have the SLA count which is a number and the case created date. I know I can find the date of SLA by simply adding CreatedDate + SLA, but I also need to exclude the weekends and holidays if possible. I atleast need to remove the weekends.


So suppose a case was created on Wednesday and the SLA is 5 days, then the user should get a mail on Monday, rather than on Saturday. I am planning to implement this through a WF rule with time base trigger but I need the correct date field to send the mail. Please help





I have a custom obj in which I have lookup relationships to both opportunities and account. 

My req is to filter the opps based on the account selected. That is after selecting an account when I click on the opp lookup button I only want the dialog box to show those opps that are related to the selected opp. 


I found that we can use lookup filters for implementing this. But however when I try to edit the particular relationship field in the custom object, it does not show a Lookup filter settings section. But this section does show up for lookup fields on account and user. Why is it not showing up here?



I know normally it is not possible but I need to run an after trigger and then update a field. Is there a way to do it?

I have two users A and B with their own diferent role hierarchies( ie, user A comes under Org->CEO->hier-1 and user B comes under Org->CEO->hier-2). 

Now i have an account and some opportunities related to that acount. The OWD is private.


I have two sandbox instances. In one of the sandboxes, I can view all the user B owned opportunities related to the account while logged in as user A. Please note that I do not have any sharing rule in place for opportunities object that shares the records between these two users in this sandbox.


In the next sandbox, with the same situation(ie, OWD private and no sharing rules), I cannot see the user B owned opp records related to the same account while logged in as user A.I am confused here. How can user A view opportunity records owned by user B when there is no sharing rule in place? Can someone please explain. Is there anything more than the sharing settings that I should be looking for?



I want to provide read-only access to records received through S2S connection to certain users. I have a read-only page layout in place. We can also provide read permission through the profile. What is the difference between these two? Which one subsides the other?For my particular req. which one should I use?


Thanks in advance.

I have created a view for cases and assigned it to a particular role. What I need is only for the users in that particular role to see that view. But now everyone above this role in the hierarchy is able to view it.


I tried creating a group of users in the role, but the problem persists. Advice me on what to do.


PS: I cannot assign it to specific users as there are a hell lot of them.

Hi all,

I have a page with some css. There is a <section> tag inside which I am displaying few items from a list using <apex:dataList>. My code works in such a way that when the page loads, one row and four columns of data are displayed on the page. There is a 'View More" link which user can click to load more data. Once I click on this link the result is loaded on some columns with simple blank spaces. There are no null values on the list so I am not sure where this blank is coming from. See below a sample screenshot of the issue.

User-added image

Below is my code snippet.
<section data-tab='t-recent'>
<apex:dataList value="{!displayContentMap}" var="res">                   
                            <img src="/{!displayContentMap[res].mainpagearticle.Id}"/>
                            <h3>{!displayContentMap[res].dataCategory} | 
                                <apex:outputText value="{!displayContentMap[res].mainPageArticle.Display_Date__c}" />
                            <p><a href='/apex/Community_DetailPage?Id={!displayContentMap[res].mainPageArticle.knowledgearticleId}'>{!displayContentMap[res].mainPageArticle.Title}</a></p>
                          <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!showViewMore}"> 
                            <div class='more'><apex:form ><apex:commandLink action="{!showView}" reRender="resultBlock" >View More</apex:commandLink></apex:form><div class='icn'></div></div>

I am trying to add members to a chatter group via dataloader. For some reason I cannot find the object for this. Can somebody help me understand what the issue is ?

I have certain list views on the custom objects which I want only certain group of people to see. For example I have two list views LV1 and LV2. Certain group of users should only see LV1 and certain others should see only LV2.I have created two public groups and restricted the visibility to 'Certain groups' but still the users are able to see both the list views LV1 and LV2.


Upon investigation I found that the users have system permission 'Manage Public List Views' in their profile.


What can I do to restrict the users from viewing the list views they are not supposed to see?

Trying to do what the title says. Class:

public class AccountTeamChecker {
    private ApexPages.StandardController sc;
    public AccountTeamChecker(ApexPages.StandardController sc) {
        this.sc = sc;
    // Returns true if the user is an account team member
    public Boolean renderELEMENT{
        get {
            if (renderELEMENT== null) {
                renderELEMENT= [
                        select count()
                        from AccountTeamMember
                        where AccountId = :sc.getId()
                        and UserId = :UserInfo.getUserId()
                        and AccountAccessLevel in ('Read', 'Edit', 'All')
                        ] > 0;
            return renderELEMENT;
        private set;

VF Page:

<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="AccountTeamChecker" rendered="!renderELEMENT">
  <apex:pageBlock title="Rendering">

Do not even get any queries rows on my debug logs. What's not firing? thanks!

I have a WordPress website and I am using Gravity Forms with the plugin called "Gravity Forms Salesforce Add-On" (available here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/gravity-forms-salesforce/ ). I have set up the required fields and I am seeing in Salesforce the leads that come from that contact form. The problem is that the leads coming from this contact form are filed directly under the "leads" tab and are not filtered under one of the "leads views" I've created. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your help!
Hi Developers,

I need to give sequence number to queue mebers when queue is created on particular object or whenever memeber are added/deleted. I am trying to create assignement based on thoese numbers.
 I want the queue related list on user object to show the this number along with queue name.

Please help in this matter. Thank you. 


I am trying to deploy few reports and dashboards to a fullcopy sandbox 'fc' from another fullcopy sandbox via changeset and I am getting the following error message for dashboards.

Too many username matches for abc@gmail.com. The possible matches are abc@gmail.com.fc, abc@gmail.com; edit the username to match only one.

What des this mean?
Hi members ,

i have written a trigger on the oppportunity in the object if the stage is "closed won " i need to insert a record in the account.and i m getting the error and the error is (Error:Apex trigger opptrigger caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: opptrigger: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Account Name]: [Account Name]: Trigger.opptrigger: line 23, column 1)

trigger opptrigger on Opportunity (after insert,after update)
      //Create a list to hold all new records  
   List<Account> newRecords = new List<Account>();
    //Loop around all records in the trigger transaction 
    for(Opportunity theRecord : Trigger.new)
          //Evaluate the record against our critieria    
     if(theRecord.StageName == 'Closed Won')
              //The line below creates a new Account record and adds it to our list of new records. Add your field assigments (examples below). Make sure to assign all required fields.          
   Account newRecord = new Account();           
  //newRecord.Name = theRecord.name;        
     //newRecord.Description = 'My New Record';           
//Insert the new records if any exist   
  if(newRecords.size() > 0)    
     upsert newRecords;
I am trying to update a few records with email id whenever a user updates his email in the user record. I wrote the trigger on User object however the trigger is not firing since an email is first sent over on email update which then requires confirmation from user. 

Any ideas on what can be done?
I am trying to update a text field with the owner's name everytime the owner is changed to  one among a particular group of users. The new record's owner id is correctly returned in the debug log however the rec.owner.Name is returning null. 

Can somebody help me understand what is the issue?

Ran into an interesting Salesforce-to-Salesforce (S2S) problem I thought I'd share - it appears the S2S Connection Owner cannot insert share records via Apex trigger.


We have S2S configured in our org to receive Case records from another org.  Separately, we have a Case trigger to insert a custom "Performance Rating" object record anytime a Case is closed (to rate the owner).  This, in turn, fires a Performance Rating trigger to share the newly inserted record with the Case owner.


It all works fine normally.  But when a Case is closed via S2S connection, the Performance Rating trigger is failing with an INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY exception.  Apparently, the S2S Connection User isn't being allowed to insert  the new Performance_Rating__Share record.  The error occurs on the last line in the trigger below:


Trigger shareWithRelatedRecordOwner on Performance_Rating__c (after insert, after update) {
  List<Performance_Rating__Share> prShareList = new List<Performance_Rating__Share>();
  for (Performance_Rating__c pr : Trigger.new) {
    if(pr.Related_Record_Owner__c != null) {
      Performance_Rating__Share prShare = new Performance_Rating__Share();
      prShare.ParentId = pr.Id;
      prShare.UserOrGroupId = pr.Related_Record_Owner__c;
      prShare.AccessLevel = 'read';
      prShare.RowCause = Schema.Performance_Rating__Share.RowCause.Related_Record_Owner__c;
  insert prShareList;

 Note that "with sharing" isn't coming into play here, so I believe the trigger should be running in system (aka "god") mode, and it really shouldn't matter who the running user is.


My theory is that we're hitting some odd bug related to the S2S Connection User.  In my view, this trigger should always work - it shouldn't fail just because it's being invoked as the result of an update made to a record via S2S.


Our quick & dirty workaround was to simply put a try/catch around the insert, and eat the error.  But wow, that is an unsatisfying resolution (and it results in the new record NOT being shared with the original Case owner, per the intent of the trigger).


I'd welcome any alternate theories.





I have an apex:pageMessage component outside apex:form which I would like to rerender based on the action of a commandlink and commandbutton inside apex:form. I have placed the pagemessage inside an outputpanel an rerendered the panel using the id, but its not displaying the error message. I can see the error message in the logs. But its not displaying in the page. First of all, i am doing the right thin? Is it even possible to rerender this way?


If not how do i get to rerender the pagemessage component? I cannot put the component inside the form, because currently the form itself is rerendered based on the action of the commandlink and commandbutton. 



I have some reports in my org which I only want some users to see. I have created a folder and a public group with those users and shared the folder with the group. It works fine for most of the users.However I found that some users were still able to access this reports. I mean they are not getting the Insufficient privileges error. They can see the report and edit the report. They are not seeing any data on the report.


Why is this happening? My guess is its a profile permission. But I cannot figure out which one.Can somebody please explain?


Thanks in advance.

  • September 06, 2013
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His all,


Is there a way to avoid sharing records fro users who dont have access to the object.


in soql even we used with sharing keyword, records are retrieved for the users who have sharing records but not read access in profile

  • September 06, 2013
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I have certain list views on the custom objects which I want only certain group of people to see. For example I have two list views LV1 and LV2. Certain group of users should only see LV1 and certain others should see only LV2.I have created two public groups and restricted the visibility to 'Certain groups' but still the users are able to see both the list views LV1 and LV2.


Upon investigation I found that the users have system permission 'Manage Public List Views' in their profile.


What can I do to restrict the users from viewing the list views they are not supposed to see?