• Rahul Goyal
  • 10 Points
  • Member since 2013

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Hi All, I have 3 columns on my VF page, one is Category, Sub-Category and the thrid one is Route to. Category and sub category is dependent pick list and route to is a text field, for all the three field we are saving data in records and we are pulling in the VF page where Cateogry is read only field. now when user selects the Sub category field value, Route to field value should be chnaged dynamically. I am thinking to create a custom setting and store all these three fields values in 3 diff field in custom setting and then use in the code, But I am unable to start on it, could some one please assist on the same ?
Hi Friends,

I have 3 object A,B and C. A is the Parent of B and B is the parent of C object. I have one multiselectfield field on object A, Nopw whenever a C object record is created I want to copy multiselect field from Object A to C object Field, Is there anyway we can do it ?

Please suggest some idea.

RahulHi Friends,

I have 3 object A,B and C. A is the Parent of B and B is the parent of C object. I have one multiselectfield field on object A, Nopw whenever a C object record is created I want to copy multiselect field from Object A to C object Field, Is there anyway we can do it ?

Please suggest some idea.

Hi Friends,

I have 3 object A,B and C. A is the Parent of B and B is the parent of C object. I have one multiselectfield field on object A, Nopw whenever a C object record is created I want to copy multiselect field from Object A to C object Field, Is there anyway we can do it ?

Please suggest some idea.

Hi All,

we need to display a custom button for some of the user only not all the users. what is the best way to achieve this functionality ?

I am trying to create a button for the on click javascript function, if the current user is xxx that clicking on button will display error, but seems this is not working. could some one please modify the code and update me.


User Usr = new User();
Usr = [SELECT Phone, Id FROM User WHERE Id = : UserInfo.getUserId()];

if(Usr.ID= '005d0000002yJI4') {
    alert("You cannot use this button on this account.");
} else {
Hi All,

I have a trigger which will update Custom setting value. Whenever we are inserting records the count field on the custom setting will increment by that no of records, so if the current custom setting value is 1 and if I am inserting 10 records using dataloader, count will increment to 11 in custom setting. currently my code is working fine if I am trying to insert records manually one by one, but If I insert bulk load through dataloader, count is increment by 1 only. Please check my code and let me know what I am missing.

trigger newTrigger on TestApp__c (after insert) {
        List<TestApp__c> newTest = new List<TestApp__c>();
    Integer CountNumber;
//updateCount__c is custom setting
     List<updateCount__c> mcs = new  List<updateCount__c>();
     mcs = updateCount__c.getall().values();
    countNumber = Integer.valueof(mcs[0].count__c); //count__c is custom setting field where I am storing count of the records.
    for(TestApp__c test:Trigger.new)
             System.Debug('$$$$$$$$' +mcs[0].count__c);
            mcs[0].count__c = countNumber+1;
    System.Debug('$$$$$$$$' +mcs[0].count__c);
 update mcs;
Hi team,

I have a page where for every post there is some commented posted by the users in the bottom. I have attached two images vote up and vote down to every post, and now I want to count the number of vote up and vote down to that particular post. I am not sure how to achieve this and how to correlate the post with the Vote up and down. Kindly suggest. below is the VF and controller code.

VF code =========================================

<apex:page controller="ContentsCalculation">
<script type="text/javascript">
var i=0,j=0;

function increase()
document.getElementById('inc').innerHTML= +i;

function decrease()
document.getElementById('dec').innerHTML= -j;

<apex:form >
 <apex:pageblock >
<style type = "text/css"> 
    height: 1em;
    width: 50%;
    padding: 3px;
    transition: all 0.5s ease;
    height: 4em;
    width: 30em;

         <apex:outputText value="{!headlines.Name}" style="font-size:20px"/> <br></br>
             <apex:outputText value="{!headlines.CreatedDate}"> 
                <apex:outputText value="{!headlines.Contents__c}">
                <apex:outputText value="RecentMessage" style="font-size:20px" styleClass=".aDiff"></apex:outputText>

  <!--<input type ="text" id = "comment" min="1" max="1000" placeholder = "Add your comments here" styleClass = ".aDiff" value= "{!commentValue}" />-->
           <tr><td> <apex:inputTextarea value="{!commentValue}" styleClass="tex" rows="1" cols="30" html-placeholder="Add you comments here:"/></td>
            <td><apex:commandButton action="{!saveComment}" value="Post"  /> </td></tr> 
              </table> </p>
              <apex:outputLabel value="Sort by :"></apex:outputLabel>
                 <apex:selectList id="selectedOption" value="{!selectedOption}" multiselect="false" size="1">                  
               <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!selected}" reRender="theForm" status="loading"/> 
                 <apex:selectOptions value="{!Items}">
                    <apex:actionStatus id="loading" >
                        <apex:facet name="start" >
                          <img src="{!$Resource.Loading}" height = "50" width = "80"/>                    
    <hr> <apex:outputPanel id="theForm" >
     <apex:pageBlockSection >
       <apex:repeat var="list" value="{!CommentsData}">
               <apex:repeat var="p" value="{!list.Comments__r}">
             <apex:image id="dec" url="{!URLFOR($Resource.Vote_Down)}" height="15" onclick="decrease();" >
               <apex:image id="inc" url="{!URLFOR($Resource.Vote_Up)}" height="13" onclick="increase();"> 
                  <apex:outputText value="{!p.Comment__c}" label=""></apex:outputText><br></br><br></br></apex:image>&nbsp; &nbsp;  &nbsp;</apex:image>

     </apex:outputPanel>    </hr>


Controller code 

public Class ContentsCalculation


    public List<Comments__c> saveComment1 { get; set; }    
  public Headlines__c headlines{get;set;}
  public String selectedOption{get;set;}
  public String commentValue{get;set;}
   public ContentsCalculation() {

        headlines = [select id,Name,Contents__c,CreatedDate from Headlines__c where Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') ];
public List<SelectOption> getItems(){

                                              List<SelectOption> items  = new List<Selectoption>();
                                            items.add(new selectoption('None','None'));
                                               items.add(new selectoption('Newest','Newest'));
                                               items.add(new selectoption('Oldest','Oldest'));
                                               return items;
    public PageReference selected() {
    System.debug('#####Select Option value##### ' +selectedOption);
            return null;

 public PageReference saveComment()
    saveComment1 = new List<Comments__c>();
 if(commentValue != NULL && commentValue != '')
 for(Headlines__c head :[select id from Headlines__c where ID = :headlines.id])
    saveComment1.add(new Comments__c(Headline__c= head.id,Comment__c = commentValue,Name = commentvalue));
   insert saveComment1;
   System.Debug('****throwing error ***');
    Apexpages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,''+'Please provide an input"'));
   return null;
 public void refreshData()
  System.Debug('!!!!!!!! Refreshing ');
   commentValue = '';
 public List<Headlines__c> getCommentsData()
 List<Headlines__c> listOfComments = new List<Headlines__c>();
  // List<Headlines__c> listOfComments = [select Id, Name,(Select Id,Comment__c,CreatedDate from Comments__r ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC) from Headlines__c where ID = :headlines.id ];
    System.debug('**list of comments' +listOfComments);
    SYstem.debug('#####Select Option value##### ' +selectedOption);
    if(selectedOption == 'Newest')
     listOfComments = [select Id, Name,(Select Id,Comment__c,CreatedDate from Comments__r ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC) from Headlines__c where ID = :headlines.id ];
    else if(selectedOption == 'Oldest')    
   listOfComments = [select Id, Name,(Select Id,Comment__c,CreatedDate from Comments__r ORDER BY CreatedDate ASC) from Headlines__c where ID = :headlines.id ];
   return listOfComments;
 public List<User> getUsers(){
    // Here getting ALL users of the org
    // You may have to insert some WHERE clause to limit the list results
    return [Select FirstName, LastName, SmallPhotoUrl From User];
Kindly suggest how to develop this?

Hi team,

I have a page where for every post there is some commented posted by the users in the bottom. I have attached two images vote up and vote down to every post, and now I want to count the number of vote up and vote down to that particular post. I am not sure how to achieve this and how to correlate the post with the Vote up and down. Kindly suggest. below is the VF and controller code.

VF code =========================================

<apex:page controller="ContentsCalculation">
<script type="text/javascript">
var i=0,j=0;

function increase()
document.getElementById('inc').innerHTML= +i;

function decrease()
document.getElementById('dec').innerHTML= -j;

<apex:form >
 <apex:pageblock >
<style type = "text/css"> 
    height: 1em;
    width: 50%;
    padding: 3px;
    transition: all 0.5s ease;
    height: 4em;
    width: 30em;

         <apex:outputText value="{!headlines.Name}" style="font-size:20px"/> <br></br>
             <apex:outputText value="{!headlines.CreatedDate}"> 
                <apex:outputText value="{!headlines.Contents__c}">
                <apex:outputText value="RecentMessage" style="font-size:20px" styleClass=".aDiff"></apex:outputText>

  <!--<input type ="text" id = "comment" min="1" max="1000" placeholder = "Add your comments here" styleClass = ".aDiff" value= "{!commentValue}" />-->
           <tr><td> <apex:inputTextarea value="{!commentValue}" styleClass="tex" rows="1" cols="30" html-placeholder="Add you comments here:"/></td>
            <td><apex:commandButton action="{!saveComment}" value="Post"  /> </td></tr> 
              </table> </p>
              <apex:outputLabel value="Sort by :"></apex:outputLabel>
                 <apex:selectList id="selectedOption" value="{!selectedOption}" multiselect="false" size="1">                  
               <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!selected}" reRender="theForm" status="loading"/> 
                 <apex:selectOptions value="{!Items}">
                    <apex:actionStatus id="loading" >
                        <apex:facet name="start" >
                          <img src="{!$Resource.Loading}" height = "50" width = "80"/>                    
    <hr> <apex:outputPanel id="theForm" >
     <apex:pageBlockSection >
       <apex:repeat var="list" value="{!CommentsData}">
               <apex:repeat var="p" value="{!list.Comments__r}">
             <apex:image id="dec" url="{!URLFOR($Resource.Vote_Down)}" height="15" onclick="decrease();" >
               <apex:image id="inc" url="{!URLFOR($Resource.Vote_Up)}" height="13" onclick="increase();"> 
                  <apex:outputText value="{!p.Comment__c}" label=""></apex:outputText><br></br><br></br></apex:image>&nbsp; &nbsp;  &nbsp;</apex:image>

     </apex:outputPanel>    </hr>


Controller code 

public Class ContentsCalculation


    public List<Comments__c> saveComment1 { get; set; }    
  public Headlines__c headlines{get;set;}
  public String selectedOption{get;set;}
  public String commentValue{get;set;}
   public ContentsCalculation() {

        headlines = [select id,Name,Contents__c,CreatedDate from Headlines__c where Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') ];
public List<SelectOption> getItems(){

                                              List<SelectOption> items  = new List<Selectoption>();
                                            items.add(new selectoption('None','None'));
                                               items.add(new selectoption('Newest','Newest'));
                                               items.add(new selectoption('Oldest','Oldest'));
                                               return items;
    public PageReference selected() {
    System.debug('#####Select Option value##### ' +selectedOption);
            return null;

 public PageReference saveComment()
    saveComment1 = new List<Comments__c>();
 if(commentValue != NULL && commentValue != '')
 for(Headlines__c head :[select id from Headlines__c where ID = :headlines.id])
    saveComment1.add(new Comments__c(Headline__c= head.id,Comment__c = commentValue,Name = commentvalue));
   insert saveComment1;
   System.Debug('****throwing error ***');
    Apexpages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,''+'Please provide an input"'));
   return null;
 public void refreshData()
  System.Debug('!!!!!!!! Refreshing ');
   commentValue = '';
 public List<Headlines__c> getCommentsData()
 List<Headlines__c> listOfComments = new List<Headlines__c>();
  // List<Headlines__c> listOfComments = [select Id, Name,(Select Id,Comment__c,CreatedDate from Comments__r ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC) from Headlines__c where ID = :headlines.id ];
    System.debug('**list of comments' +listOfComments);
    SYstem.debug('#####Select Option value##### ' +selectedOption);
    if(selectedOption == 'Newest')
     listOfComments = [select Id, Name,(Select Id,Comment__c,CreatedDate from Comments__r ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC) from Headlines__c where ID = :headlines.id ];
    else if(selectedOption == 'Oldest')    
   listOfComments = [select Id, Name,(Select Id,Comment__c,CreatedDate from Comments__r ORDER BY CreatedDate ASC) from Headlines__c where ID = :headlines.id ];
   return listOfComments;
 public List<User> getUsers(){
    // Here getting ALL users of the org
    // You may have to insert some WHERE clause to limit the list results
    return [Select FirstName, LastName, SmallPhotoUrl From User];
Kindly suggest how to develop this?

HI All,

I have a VF page where I am showing child records in VF page. I have a headline as parent and comment as a child object. Each time a coment is posted on a headline every comment ill be shown up in a new line. I am able to show the comment in  a VF page but not able to draw up the line between the comments. I am new to VF and learning on styling side. kindly help me out, MY VF page code is below...

<apex:page controller="ContentsCalculation">
<apex:form >
 <apex:pageblock >
<style type = "text/css"> 
        border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
         <apex:outputText value="{!headlines.Name}" style="font-size:20px"/> <br></br>
             <apex:outputText value="{!headlines.CreatedDate}"> 

                <apex:outputText value="{!headlines.Contents__c}">
                <apex:outputText value="RecentMessage" style="font-size:20px" styleClass=".aDiff"></apex:outputText>

  <!--<input type ="text" id = "comment" min="1" max="1000" placeholder = "Add your comments here" styleClass = ".aDiff" value= "{!commentValue}" />-->
           <tr><td> <apex:inputText value="{!commentValue}"/></td>
            <td><apex:commandButton action="{!saveComment}" value="Post" /> </td></tr>
     <apex:pageBlockSection >
      <table column="1">
         <tr column="1">  
          <apex:repeat var="list" value="{!CommentsData}">
           <apex:repeat var="p" value="{!list.Comments__r}">
                    <apex:outputPanel > <td column="1">
                          <apex:outputField value="{!p.Comment__c}" label="">

public Class ContentsCalculation

    public List<Comments__c> saveComment1 { get; set; }
  public Headlines__c headlines{get;set;}
  public String commentValue{get;set;}
   public ContentsCalculation() {

        headlines = [select id,Name,Contents__c,CreatedDate from Headlines__c where Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') ];

 public PageReference saveComment()
    saveComment1 = new List<Comments__c>();
 for(Headlines__c head :[select id from Headlines__c where ID = :headlines.id])
    saveComment1.add(new Comments__c(Headline__c= head.id,Comment__c = commentValue,Name = commentvalue));
   insert saveComment1;
   return null;
 public void refreshData()
   commentValue = '';
 public List<Headlines__c> getCommentsData()
   List<Headlines__c> listOfComments = [select Id, Name,(Select Id,Comment__c from Comments__r ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC) from Headlines__c where ID = :headlines.id ];
    System.debug('**list of comments' +listOfComments);                        
   return listOfComments;

Kindly suggest some ideas to improve the look and feel .....

Thanks in advance..

Hi All,

We have inserted number of attachments in our org, and we were not aware about the Audit fields which were enabled by the Salesforce on the request to other user.

Now when we have inserted email attachments, we did mapped the CreatedByID and other system fields to salesforce fields. Data was exported from another instance where CreatedByID was a userID of the users which is not currently not available in our new instance. after insterting we have got success and error files, but we are unable to view the attachments, this is becuase the createdByID which is mapped to wrong user ID. After contacting Salesforce they said CreatedByID value can only be inseter we can not update and when it is being requested to enable it has become a text field, so when we have inserted the values we did not recieve any error and data is imported,

But my doubt is eventhough it has become a text field, attachments should be visible to us(System admin).

Could any one please suggest.

Hi All,

I am trying to import some account record to load the data in SFDC from the CLI, but i am getting below error. can some one pls help on this...

the file i am placing is : -


com.salesforce.dataloader.exception.DataAccessObjectException: com.sforce.async.CSVReader$CSVParseException: Found unescaped quote. A value with quote should be within a quote
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.dao.csv.CSVFileReader.readRow(CSVFileReader.java:174)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.util.DAORowUtil.calculateTotalRows(DAORowUtil.java:67)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.dao.csv.CSVFileReader.getTotalRows(CSVFileReader.java:218)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.action.AbstractLoadAction.initOperation(AbstractLoadAction.java:100)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.action.AbstractAction.execute(AbstractAction.java:122)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.controller.Controller.executeAction(Controller.java:121)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner.run(ProcessRunner.java:149)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner.run(ProcessRunner.java:100)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner.main(ProcessRunner.java:253)
Caused by: com.sforce.async.CSVReader$CSVParseException: Found unescaped quote. A value with quote should be within a quote
        at com.sforce.async.CSVReader.nextRecordLocal(CSVReader.java:209)
        at com.sforce.async.CSVReader.nextRecord(CSVReader.java:142)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.dao.csv.CSVFileReader.readRow(CSVFileReader.java:172)

what exactly i am missing... Please help ..
I have a object Candidate__c. I have 3 fields on this custom object
Last name
Phone number

My requirement is when I update last name then phone number should get updated and once the phone number updated then only the email field should get updated.

I have written some custom code which is working fine but I would like to know whether the code I have written is correct as I have used here 'before update' on the trigger.

If some one can put a light on this whether I should have used after update of before update and the code I have written is a best practice or not.

It will be very helpful.

please see the below code let me know if any information needed,

trigger triggerCandidate on Candidate__c(before update,after update)
          for(Candidate__c candidate : Trigger.new)
              Candidate__c oldLastName = Trigger.oldMap.get(candidate.id);
              System.Debug('lastName old Value ' +oldLastName.Last_Name__c);             
              System.Debug('EMail old Value ' +oldLastName.Email__c);
      if(Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isUpdate)
             if(candidate.Last_Name__c !=oldLastName.Last_Name__c)
                 System.Debug('lastName New Value ' +candidate.Last_Name__c);
                 candidate.Email__c = candidate.Last_Name__c+ 'goyal0027@gmail.com';
                 candidate.Phone__c = '423342334';
                 System.debug('--*Candidate has been Updated**--');
                System.debug('--*Candidate Email has not been Updated**--');
            if(Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isUpdate)
             if(candidate.Email__c !=oldLastName.Email__c)
               System.Debug('lastName old Value ' +oldLastName.Last_Name__c);             
               System.Debug('EMail old Value ' +oldLastName.Email__c);
                 System.Debug('Email New Value ' +candidate.Email__c);
                                  System.Debug('Email old Value ' +oldLastName.Email__c);
                 candidate.State__c = candidate.Last_Name__c+ 'newAddress';
                 System.debug('--*Candidate has been Updated**--');

                System.debug('--*Candidate Email has not been Updated**--');
I have a VF page with 2 picklist (ClaimType,SubClaimType), both the picklists have some values.
I have a another page which will have 1 picklist whose values will be dependent on the subclaimtype of the 1st page.
When user select a subClaimType and click on continue, it will move to another page and the respective values for the page2 for the picklist values will be displayed which is dependent on the subclaimType values .
For eg:
id SubClaimType is StaffExpenses then on page2 pickList it will display "Car expenses" or "Call Expense"
ANy idea on this will be helpful
As a certified Salesforce consulting partner, PDO, and ISV, ForceBrain.com builds cloud & mobile apps. We've been a salesforce partner for over 6 years and you'll be joining a super fun team of true rockstars. We're seeking a Project Lead who will work-from-home as a full-time employee, managing 3 to 5 projects (zero travel required). This position requires managing the entire project life cycle from kickoff to go-live. You must have general salesforce expertise, the ability to lead the requirements gathering, and manage a few offshore developers.

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public class TvremoteControll {
    integer volume;
    static final integer MAX_VOLUME=50;
    public TvremoteControll(){
        volume= v;    // Error:Non-void method might not return a value or might have statement after a return statement.
    public integer increaseVolume(integer amount){
        volume t= amount;
        for(volume > MAX_VOLUME){   //Error =expecting an equals sign, found '>'
            volume = MAX_VOLUME;  
       return volume;
    public integer decreaseVolume(integer amount){
        volume t1=amount;
        return volume;
    public static String getMenuOptions(){
        return 'audio settings _ vedio settings';      
If you are an experienced, certified Admin with some minor development skills, please review this job posting at Penske Logistics. You can apply online, if interested. Salesforce Project Manager: https://gopenske.taleo.net/careersection/.penske.ex.jsa.hs/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job=1508407 (https://gopenske.taleo.net/careersection/.penske.ex.jsa.hs/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job=1508407)
Hi All,

we need to display a custom button for some of the user only not all the users. what is the best way to achieve this functionality ?

I am trying to create a button for the on click javascript function, if the current user is xxx that clicking on button will display error, but seems this is not working. could some one please modify the code and update me.


User Usr = new User();
Usr = [SELECT Phone, Id FROM User WHERE Id = : UserInfo.getUserId()];

if(Usr.ID= '005d0000002yJI4') {
    alert("You cannot use this button on this account.");
} else {
I am new for salesfore, and I got this error please solve it
trigger TriggerAccount on Account(before insert)
    for(Account a :Trigger.New)
Hello All,

I am trying to display contacts in the vsf page.as follows and now I have to submit the stage and Closed Date values to different object. Please let me know how can I achive this. 
VSF Page 
Hello, I want to know if it is posible to create an autonumber field the looks like this

A-01 to A-99
and then changes the letter B-01 to B-99, C-01
HI All,

I have a VF page where I am showing child records in VF page. I have a headline as parent and comment as a child object. Each time a coment is posted on a headline every comment ill be shown up in a new line. I am able to show the comment in  a VF page but not able to draw up the line between the comments. I am new to VF and learning on styling side. kindly help me out, MY VF page code is below...

<apex:page controller="ContentsCalculation">
<apex:form >
 <apex:pageblock >
<style type = "text/css"> 
        border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
         <apex:outputText value="{!headlines.Name}" style="font-size:20px"/> <br></br>
             <apex:outputText value="{!headlines.CreatedDate}"> 

                <apex:outputText value="{!headlines.Contents__c}">
                <apex:outputText value="RecentMessage" style="font-size:20px" styleClass=".aDiff"></apex:outputText>

  <!--<input type ="text" id = "comment" min="1" max="1000" placeholder = "Add your comments here" styleClass = ".aDiff" value= "{!commentValue}" />-->
           <tr><td> <apex:inputText value="{!commentValue}"/></td>
            <td><apex:commandButton action="{!saveComment}" value="Post" /> </td></tr>
     <apex:pageBlockSection >
      <table column="1">
         <tr column="1">  
          <apex:repeat var="list" value="{!CommentsData}">
           <apex:repeat var="p" value="{!list.Comments__r}">
                    <apex:outputPanel > <td column="1">
                          <apex:outputField value="{!p.Comment__c}" label="">

public Class ContentsCalculation

    public List<Comments__c> saveComment1 { get; set; }
  public Headlines__c headlines{get;set;}
  public String commentValue{get;set;}
   public ContentsCalculation() {

        headlines = [select id,Name,Contents__c,CreatedDate from Headlines__c where Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') ];

 public PageReference saveComment()
    saveComment1 = new List<Comments__c>();
 for(Headlines__c head :[select id from Headlines__c where ID = :headlines.id])
    saveComment1.add(new Comments__c(Headline__c= head.id,Comment__c = commentValue,Name = commentvalue));
   insert saveComment1;
   return null;
 public void refreshData()
   commentValue = '';
 public List<Headlines__c> getCommentsData()
   List<Headlines__c> listOfComments = [select Id, Name,(Select Id,Comment__c from Comments__r ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC) from Headlines__c where ID = :headlines.id ];
    System.debug('**list of comments' +listOfComments);                        
   return listOfComments;

Kindly suggest some ideas to improve the look and feel .....

Thanks in advance..

Hi All,

I am trying to import some account record to load the data in SFDC from the CLI, but i am getting below error. can some one pls help on this...

the file i am placing is : -


com.salesforce.dataloader.exception.DataAccessObjectException: com.sforce.async.CSVReader$CSVParseException: Found unescaped quote. A value with quote should be within a quote
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.dao.csv.CSVFileReader.readRow(CSVFileReader.java:174)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.util.DAORowUtil.calculateTotalRows(DAORowUtil.java:67)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.dao.csv.CSVFileReader.getTotalRows(CSVFileReader.java:218)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.action.AbstractLoadAction.initOperation(AbstractLoadAction.java:100)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.action.AbstractAction.execute(AbstractAction.java:122)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.controller.Controller.executeAction(Controller.java:121)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner.run(ProcessRunner.java:149)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner.run(ProcessRunner.java:100)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner.main(ProcessRunner.java:253)
Caused by: com.sforce.async.CSVReader$CSVParseException: Found unescaped quote. A value with quote should be within a quote
        at com.sforce.async.CSVReader.nextRecordLocal(CSVReader.java:209)
        at com.sforce.async.CSVReader.nextRecord(CSVReader.java:142)
        at com.salesforce.dataloader.dao.csv.CSVFileReader.readRow(CSVFileReader.java:172)

what exactly i am missing... Please help ..
I have a object Candidate__c. I have 3 fields on this custom object
Last name
Phone number

My requirement is when I update last name then phone number should get updated and once the phone number updated then only the email field should get updated.

I have written some custom code which is working fine but I would like to know whether the code I have written is correct as I have used here 'before update' on the trigger.

If some one can put a light on this whether I should have used after update of before update and the code I have written is a best practice or not.

It will be very helpful.

please see the below code let me know if any information needed,

trigger triggerCandidate on Candidate__c(before update,after update)
          for(Candidate__c candidate : Trigger.new)
              Candidate__c oldLastName = Trigger.oldMap.get(candidate.id);
              System.Debug('lastName old Value ' +oldLastName.Last_Name__c);             
              System.Debug('EMail old Value ' +oldLastName.Email__c);
      if(Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isUpdate)
             if(candidate.Last_Name__c !=oldLastName.Last_Name__c)
                 System.Debug('lastName New Value ' +candidate.Last_Name__c);
                 candidate.Email__c = candidate.Last_Name__c+ 'goyal0027@gmail.com';
                 candidate.Phone__c = '423342334';
                 System.debug('--*Candidate has been Updated**--');
                System.debug('--*Candidate Email has not been Updated**--');
            if(Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isUpdate)
             if(candidate.Email__c !=oldLastName.Email__c)
               System.Debug('lastName old Value ' +oldLastName.Last_Name__c);             
               System.Debug('EMail old Value ' +oldLastName.Email__c);
                 System.Debug('Email New Value ' +candidate.Email__c);
                                  System.Debug('Email old Value ' +oldLastName.Email__c);
                 candidate.State__c = candidate.Last_Name__c+ 'newAddress';
                 System.debug('--*Candidate has been Updated**--');

                System.debug('--*Candidate Email has not been Updated**--');
I have a VF page with 2 picklist (ClaimType,SubClaimType), both the picklists have some values.
I have a another page which will have 1 picklist whose values will be dependent on the subclaimtype of the 1st page.
When user select a subClaimType and click on continue, it will move to another page and the respective values for the page2 for the picklist values will be displayed which is dependent on the subclaimType values .
For eg:
id SubClaimType is StaffExpenses then on page2 pickList it will display "Car expenses" or "Call Expense"
ANy idea on this will be helpful