• Paul Batey
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Hi all, 


I am using the SendEmail plugin from the flow plugin pack to send an email to customers through my flow. 


The body references a text template which in turn references a long text box in a screen {!Email_Body} where the email content is input.


The issue I'm having is that the text does not keep the line breaks then the email is sent so the email becomes a bigh block of text.


The text template copy looks like this:


Hi {!vFirstName},


Kind regards,







Paul Batey



Showcase Creative


17 St Georges Industrial Estate

Wilton Road



GU15 2QW


t 01276 300151

e paul@showcasecreative.com



Twitter @showcasetweets

Facebook ShowcaseCreative


Is there a way around this?


Many thanks,



I'm sure I watched a video on Youtube a while ago where they said that you could embed your flow in a public website. For example a contact form (not the standard web to lead function). I can't find the video I saw, I think it was called "Show me your flows" or something.


I also can't find any info on this topic when searching on the web.


Can anyone point me in the right direction?





Hi all,


I'm having trouble looking up and updating the status field of a lead. Then I do a lookup from my flow the variable that stores the information (vStatus) remains null. Also, then updating the status field from flow an error occurs.


This problem is not occuring with any other field.


I have the data type of the variable (vStatus) set to text, is this correct?


Many thanks,



I am really starting to get to grips with Flow and am finding it to be an amazing tool! It's brilliant for non technical people like myself to take control of their workflow. 


I am sure there are lots of new features in the pipeline and I am wondering if there is a roadmap that people can look at to see when certain functionality is likely to be released or how it is prioritised?


At the moment I am particularly interested in screen layout options (2 column etc). I have read that there are HTML or CSS tricks that can be done but I don't have the expertise to do this.


Many thanks,





I'm sure I watched a video on Youtube a while ago where they said that you could embed your flow in a public website. For example a contact form (not the standard web to lead function). I can't find the video I saw, I think it was called "Show me your flows" or something.


I also can't find any info on this topic when searching on the web.


Can anyone point me in the right direction?





Hi all,


I'm having trouble looking up and updating the status field of a lead. Then I do a lookup from my flow the variable that stores the information (vStatus) remains null. Also, then updating the status field from flow an error occurs.


This problem is not occuring with any other field.


I have the data type of the variable (vStatus) set to text, is this correct?


Many thanks,



I am really starting to get to grips with Flow and am finding it to be an amazing tool! It's brilliant for non technical people like myself to take control of their workflow. 


I am sure there are lots of new features in the pipeline and I am wondering if there is a roadmap that people can look at to see when certain functionality is likely to be released or how it is prioritised?


At the moment I am particularly interested in screen layout options (2 column etc). I have read that there are HTML or CSS tricks that can be done but I don't have the expertise to do this.


Many thanks,





What i am doing is i am retrieving the Lead info using record lookup and passing LeadId (variable in my flow) over URL and displaying info on my screen. 


lets say i retrieved 2 fields First Name and Lead Status. What i want is first name and Lead Status should be autopopulated on my screen with the first name and Lead Status from Lead record in Salesforce.


I am able to get the first name but i am not able to get Lead Status value selected with all othe picklist values in dropdown.


in case of picklist i.e. Lead Status value should be auto selected as on Lead record and i can change that  to another picklist value too.


If i use static choice then i don't see the reord value seleted on Status in my screeen. If i use dynamic choice then it only pick the selected value in dropdown.


Can anyone help me please how can i achieve this? Its urgent.

For example if you are using a visual flow to do some data maintenance task - e.g. updating contact details.

You want to ask the user to update fields like the Department, but you want to default the choice to display the existing value from the contact record.

At the moment you can only default it to a static choice.  I would like to be able to default it to the value of a lookup variable, so that the user can see the department is currently 'Sales' or whatever.

(The workaround I have found so far is to have n versions of the screen - with each one having the department defaulting to one of the n possible values - i.e. one for 'Sales', one for 'Finance', etc.  and a decision step to decide which screen to show. This is 'ok' for a small number of choices, but un-manageable for picklists with more than a few options)


(NB - this is a copy of an Idea that I created earlier https://sites.secure.force.com/success/ideaView?id=08730000000ihzjAAA)

I am new to the Visual Flow. I seem to have the following limitations while using Visual FLOW. Any help/suhggestions will be appreciated.

1) I am unable to use flow to control the layout of the UI. For e.g. I have to place the fields in 3 different columns but I am unable to do so using FLOW. The layout of the fields is always is in one column.

2) I want the dependent picklist functionality in the same screen. For e.g. if I select make of the car as "Honda" from a picklist, then the model picklist should show only relevant models in the same screen without the user clicking on the Next button.


3)  If the user selects the radio button "yes" to one of the question, the next 2 questions should show up without having the user click on the Next busson (viz. partial page refresh).