• rtrigg
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I have an active user that has a customer community license.  That user is able to own contact records, but I can't seem to change ownership of an account to that user.

In the documentation, I found this statement: "Community Users can't own community-enabled accounts".  Is that my issue?  What does it mean for an account to be "community-enabled"?  Is there a work-around?  My goal here is to have a community licensed user that can own accounts that are outdated/inactive.


- Randy Trigg
  • September 17, 2019
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Apologies in advance for this newbie Environment Hub question.

Tech support has enabled Environment Hub in our CRM org.  My profile has Manage Environment Hub permission, along with the other permissions recommended in the docs.  I do see an Environment Hub app.  However, it has no tabs beyond home, so I don't see how to create a new org.

I must be missing something obvious.  Thanks in advance!

- Randy
  • August 27, 2019
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Preparing for the big move to LEX, I'm confused about the section of the Lightning Readiness document that tells you which installed apps aren't lightning ready.  For example, we have the latest version of the Salesforce Lead Capture app (2.7). Its page on the app exchange displays the Lightning Ready icon, but our lightning readiness document claims it's not lightning ready.  And that's Salesforce's own app.  Who to believe?


  • August 23, 2018
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My lightning component started throwing an "invalid record id" error after the Spring '18 upgrade.  It turns out that I was passing an 18-char id in the recordId attribute of lightning:recordViewForm.  When I made that a 15-char id, the error went away. 

Isn't Salesforce supposed to accept both 18-char ids and 15-char ids?


- Randy
  • February 15, 2018
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Hi all,

I'm trying to improve security in my VF+tabs community by stashing all my javascript/css in static resources.  It works great, except when I try to resolve the global merge field $Api.Session_ID (which I need to initialize sforce.connection). It only works if I put the reference in the main file, like so:

<script type="text/javascript"> function getSessionId () { return '{!$Api.Session_ID}'; } </script>

However, that exposes the session id in page source:

<script type="text/javascript"> function getSessionId () { return '00Di...!...'; } </script>

Is that a security problem?  If so, is there some way to fetch api session id from inside a static resource?


- Randy
  • January 25, 2018
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I'm finding that the ui:inputText component expands to fill the enclosing div, whereas lightning:input doesn't.  Am I missing something obvious?  If not, is there a workaround?

I've got this sort of structure:

        <lightning:layout horizontalAlign="space" multipleRows="true">
             <lightning:layoutItem flexibility="auto"
                <div class="{!v.requiresComment ? '' : 'hidden'}">
                    <!-- ui:inputText expands to fill enclosing div. Why doesn't lightning:input? -->
                    <!-- <ui:inputText aura:id="Comment"
                                  change="{!c.saveChange}"/> -->
                    <lightning:input type="text"
                                     label="Enter a text comment"

I tried adding a maxwidth css class:

.THIS .maxwidth {
    width: 100%;

But it only affects the exterior div of lightning:input.  There seems to be an interior div that retains fixed width.  I can't figure out how to affect that.


- Randy
  • December 22, 2017
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Is there an easy way to add tooltips to lightning:input fields?  My goal is to have a small lightning:icon wedged right in front of the input field's label, which when you hover over it, displays a tooltip with text from a component attribute, v.hoverText, or some such.  A couple of questions:
Do the new base components support tooltips at all? I tried adding “title=” but I get no-such-attribute error.  I found documentation for a lightning:tooltip tag (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.lightning.meta/lightning/aura_compref_lightning_tooltip.htm), but using it in a component throws a no-such-component error.

I can follow the SLDS documentation to build an icon (without using lightning:icon) and give it a tooltip, but how do I get that icon to be on the same line with the lightning:input field’s label? Do I need fancy css to undo the natural linebreak that occurs between components?


- Randy

  • October 14, 2016
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I’ve got a layout containing two side-by-side layout items, each taking half of the screen.  How do I make each layoutItem have its own scrollbar as opposed to one scrollbar for the whole layout?
I tried including divs with the slds-scrollable—y class, but no joy:
    <div class="c-container">
        <lightning:layout horizontalAlign="space">
            <lightning:layoutItem flexibility="auto" padding="around-small" size="6">
                <div class="slds-scrollable--y">
                      ***LEFT-SIDE CONTENT HERE***
            <lightning:layoutItem flexibility="auto" padding="around-small" size="6">
                <div class="slds-scrollable--y">
                      ***RIGHT-SIDE CONTENT HERE***

Am I missing something obvious?  Thanks!

- Randy
  • October 14, 2016
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After Spring 15 update, when I tried to deploy from sandbox to production, I got errors on two tests (out of 32 total) that have always worked fine. Here's what makes this particularly weird:

- Both tests run with no errors when executed by themselves in Apex Test Execution.
- These are the only two of my tests that have asynchronous (@future) methods.  The calls to those methods are only made if not running under a batch (!system.isBatch()).  When I remove that condition so the future calls are always made, the deployment errors go away.

My hypothesis is that Spring 15 has changed deployment somehow so that tests are run in a batch-like process.  I say "batch-like" because if it was a real batch process, then my future call would break since you can't call future from batch.  And yet, system.isBatch() seems to be returning TRUE during deployment (and presumably FALSE under Apex Test Execution).

Is that even possible?  Is there another explanation?


   - Randy
  • February 26, 2015
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Hi all,

Here's my curl call:

curl -b /tmp/cookies.txt -c /tmp/cookies.txt https://na15.salesforce.com/services/data/v30.0/sobjects/Account/<ACCOUNT ID> -H 'Authorization: OAuth <AUTH CODE>' -H 'Accept:application/xml'

It throws "An internal server error has occurred", with no further info.  If I do exactly the same call from v29.0, works like a champ.  I didn't see anything about this on the Known Issues page.  All advice welcome!


   - Randy
  • April 25, 2014
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Hi wizards,


I'm trying to use the tooling API via REST to build custom fields in an existing custom object.  No matter how I name the object, I get picklist errors - here's an example:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Errors><Error><errorCode>INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST</errorCode><fields>TableEnumOrId</fields><message>Entity Enumeration Or ID: bad value for restricted picklist field: a0m</message></Error></Errors>


In that case I passed the key prefix of the object (a0m) as the value of the TableEnumOrId field in the JSON, but I get the same error if I pass the object name, "DonorScape" or "DonorScape__c".  Here's my curl call:


curl -b /tmp/cookies.txt -c /tmp/cookies.txt https://na15.salesforce.com/services/data/v28.0/tooling/sobjects/CustomField/ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"DeveloperName" : "Test__c" , "FullName" : "DonorScape__c.Test__c" , "TableEnumOrId" : "a0m"}' -H 'Authorization: OAuth <token>' -H 'Accept:application/xml' -X POST


Any ideas?  Thanks much!


   - Randy

I have an active user that has a customer community license.  That user is able to own contact records, but I can't seem to change ownership of an account to that user.

In the documentation, I found this statement: "Community Users can't own community-enabled accounts".  Is that my issue?  What does it mean for an account to be "community-enabled"?  Is there a work-around?  My goal here is to have a community licensed user that can own accounts that are outdated/inactive.


- Randy Trigg
  • September 17, 2019
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Hi all,

Here's my curl call:

curl -b /tmp/cookies.txt -c /tmp/cookies.txt https://na15.salesforce.com/services/data/v30.0/sobjects/Account/<ACCOUNT ID> -H 'Authorization: OAuth <AUTH CODE>' -H 'Accept:application/xml'

It throws "An internal server error has occurred", with no further info.  If I do exactly the same call from v29.0, works like a champ.  I didn't see anything about this on the Known Issues page.  All advice welcome!


   - Randy
  • April 25, 2014
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I have an active user that has a customer community license.  That user is able to own contact records, but I can't seem to change ownership of an account to that user.

In the documentation, I found this statement: "Community Users can't own community-enabled accounts".  Is that my issue?  What does it mean for an account to be "community-enabled"?  Is there a work-around?  My goal here is to have a community licensed user that can own accounts that are outdated/inactive.


- Randy Trigg
  • September 17, 2019
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My lightning component started throwing an "invalid record id" error after the Spring '18 upgrade.  It turns out that I was passing an 18-char id in the recordId attribute of lightning:recordViewForm.  When I made that a 15-char id, the error went away. 

Isn't Salesforce supposed to accept both 18-char ids and 15-char ids?


- Randy
  • February 15, 2018
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I’ve got a layout containing two side-by-side layout items, each taking half of the screen.  How do I make each layoutItem have its own scrollbar as opposed to one scrollbar for the whole layout?
I tried including divs with the slds-scrollable—y class, but no joy:
    <div class="c-container">
        <lightning:layout horizontalAlign="space">
            <lightning:layoutItem flexibility="auto" padding="around-small" size="6">
                <div class="slds-scrollable--y">
                      ***LEFT-SIDE CONTENT HERE***
            <lightning:layoutItem flexibility="auto" padding="around-small" size="6">
                <div class="slds-scrollable--y">
                      ***RIGHT-SIDE CONTENT HERE***

Am I missing something obvious?  Thanks!

- Randy
  • October 14, 2016
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Hi all,

Here's my curl call:

curl -b /tmp/cookies.txt -c /tmp/cookies.txt https://na15.salesforce.com/services/data/v30.0/sobjects/Account/<ACCOUNT ID> -H 'Authorization: OAuth <AUTH CODE>' -H 'Accept:application/xml'

It throws "An internal server error has occurred", with no further info.  If I do exactly the same call from v29.0, works like a champ.  I didn't see anything about this on the Known Issues page.  All advice welcome!


   - Randy
  • April 25, 2014
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