• Gary Payne
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Is it possible to add additional fields to the merge accounts results screen, like Street, City, or State?  This will help when there are many results.
Our management team is considering changing the ownership of Accounts to be the Company, instead of individual SFDC users. The reason for this is our company has several Divisions that use the same Account records.  To avoid in-fighting between Divisions management is considering a change to make the company be the Account owner.  We currently use Account Teams and Sharing Rules to allow multiple users to access the same Account records.  Any suggestions on best practice for this approach to Account ownership?
Can someone provide an example of the code needed to widen a text field label for SF1 mobile on a Visuaofrce page? Some of my field labels are lengthy and they are word wrapping to 3 - 4 rows in SF1 screens.  I'd like to widen the field label so the label takes up one row instead of word wrapping to 3-4 rows. Following is an example of the apex code I'm working with:

                <apex:PageBlockSectionItem >                
                    <apex:outputLabel value="Outsourced Collections - Case Study - Fairwinds" for="RFP_Request__c_OutsourcedCollectionsCaseStudyFairwinds__c"/>
                    <apex:outputField value="{!RFP_Request__c.OutsourcedCollectionsCaseStudyFairwinds__c}" id="RFP_Request__c_OutsourcedCollectionsCaseStudyFairwinds__c"/>                    

I'm not a developer yet and need some help on this.  
InsideSales PowerDialer uses an Activity field called "Ring Time". Is there a way to pass the value in the Ring Time field to a custom field in the object called User Status Log?  We're trying to create a report that uses the fields in the User Status Log plus value from the Activity field called Ring Time.
We want to include the data from Opportunity Splits into a custom object called "NBR" (stands for new business request).  Is there a way to add the data from each Opportunity Splits field and incorporate it into the NBR record.  Note the NBR is in a Master-Detail relationship with the Opportunity object.  The NBR is used by sales personnel to request payment of commissions, which should include the Opportunity Splits data.
We have a Create Record action in a Process Builder that is prevented from completing due to a Validation Rule.  The Create Record action is supposed to be creating a custom Request for Proposal (RFP) record that includes populating a Product field with the value of the Opportunity's Product.  If the product is "CPI", the Validation Rule is used to ensure another field on the RFP is filled in with a picklist value.  Is there a way to allow the RFP record to be created and still have the Validation Rule be active?
We have a multi-select picklist field (Attributes) on a VF page that is not displaying the values when viewed in the Google device emulator (iPhone 5 or 6) for the SF1 app (one/one.app) view. The values in the picklist become visible if you L-click on the text box where the values should be listed.  The picklist values have a white text color with a white background and only become visible when clicked on, which shows up with a blue background and white lettering.
My Apex Class "RequestController" is showing a problem in the Developer Console: "Line 1164 - Unexpected token: '\upsert'. I am new to working with Apex and am not a coder.  How do I go about resolving this problem in the Developer console?  Following is a partial  piece of the RequestController around line 1164 (upsert rCon.request;):
    static testMethod void RequestRFP_Test19() {
        PageReference pageRef = Page.requesttype;
        test.setCurrentPageReference (pageRef);
        RequestController rCon = new RequestController ();
        Account a19 = new Account (Name = 'test');
        insert a19;
        Opportunity o19 = new Opportunity (
                              AccountID = a19.id
                            , Name = 'test opp'
                            , StageName ='00 - Prospect'
                            , CloseDate = system.today()
                            , Taken_From__c = 'Allied Solutions'
        insert o19;
        rCon.request.Opportunity__c = o19.id;
        rCon.Request.RFC_Request__c = true;
        rCon.request.Product__c = 'MTG Protection Insurance and Tracking'
        upsert rCon.request;

Note there are a total of 21 tests in this Apex Class.  They all have a similar structure to one listed above, with the same line as line 1164. 
Is there a way to transfer the work I've completed in a trial developer edition org to my personal developer org?  My trial DE org is going to expire and I want to transfer an outbound change set to my personal DE org that does not expire.  The trial DE org does not provide any other orgs for the Outbound Change Set to go to.  I'd like to get credit on Trailhead for the work I've completed in my trial DE org.
I need a Lead trigger to populate a Lead lookup field (Financial_Institution_Name__c) with the value from a Lead text field (CU_IP__c).  The lookup field is tied to a custom object called FI_Ref__c, where the key field is the Financial Institution Name.  The CU_IP__c text field contains a FI Name value that will match up to the FI_Ref__c values in its Financial Institution Name field.  The CU_IP__c field value is populated automatically when a new Lead record is populated via a Dataloader process.  The import process provides a Source code from the Credit Union that supplied the Lead record. That Source code is used to determine the value that is placed in the CU_IP__c field.  I need to copy the CU_IP__c field value and have it update into the Financial Institution Name field when the Financial Institution Name field is null.  
I am working through the Dev401 Implementing Business Processes Exercise Guide 4-5: Create Dynamic Approval Processes, Item 7. The Apex Trigger provided in the downloaded zip file contains an error and will not save. Following is the Trigger:

trigger PositionApprovalTrigger on Position__c (before insert, before update) {
The error received is: "Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: PositionApproval at line 2 column 5".

Three custom fields (Approve_1, Approver_2, and Approver_3) are created in the custom object Positions__c, but there is no "PositionApproval" field.  What is needed to correct the Trigger so I can complete this training exercise?  I am not a coder, just an admin trying to become a developer.
Ineed help withthe following Apex Trigger:

trigger ForceSourceCrossRef on Lead (before insert, before update ) {
    For (Lead l:Trigger.new) {        
        if(l.Source__c != null) {
           List<CrossRef__c> cr = new List<CrossRef__c>();
           cr = [Select Id from CrossRef__c WHERE
                   CrossRef__c.Name = :l.Source__c ORDER BY Id LIMIT 1];
                    cr.Source_Cross_Reference__c = cr[0].Id;

Attempting to update a custom lookup field on the Lead object called Source_Cross_Reference__c with the value that's imported in a Lead field called Source__c.  (Source__c is a picklist field.)  There is a custom object called CrossRef__c that uses the Source__c picklist value in the CrossRef__c.Name field.  I want to populate the Source_Cross_Reference__c field with the ID value from the CrossRef__c object.  The Devleoper Console is displaying the following Problem: "Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: List&lt;CrossRef__c&gt;".. What is neededto correct this problem?  Will this trigger perform the update described earlier?
Have installed the free Vertiba Email to Something app and completed the setup including custom setings and setting up the Email Service.  Sending a test email using the newly created Email Service email address has failed.  Any suggestions on how to proceed will be greatly appreciated.
I need help with the following formula: 
CASE( SourceCode__c , Source_Cross_Reference__r.External_Unique_Id__c , Source_Cross_Reference__r.Name ,"N/A")
The SourceCode__c is a custom Lead text field that is populated via the Data Loader with an alphanumeric value, like A1234. I have created a custom object, Cross Reference, that has a lookup relationship with the Lead object. I want to pull the Cross Reference Name associated with the Source Code value, which equals the External Unique Id field value in the Cross Reference object.  I cannot get this formula to work in a Workflow Update, nor in a Formula field on the Lead object. Does anyone have a solution that might work?
How do you redirect a Flow that creates a new custom object record so when the Flow is Finished it displays the newly created record and ends the Flow interview?
When a record becomes "Locked" as a result of being submitted for approval, is there a field that designates the record's locked condition?  We need to create a report for identifying records as not having been submitted for approval yet.  A custom object, "NBR" is created when an Opportunity Stage is "Closed Won" and saved.  The user must edit the new NBR record in a least 3 required fields then save and then submit for approval. We want to develop a report to list the NBR records that have been created but not yet submitted for approval.  My thought was to create a checkbox field on the NBR object called "Submitted for Approval" and update it via workflow after the NBR was submitted for approval.
A custom object, called "RFP", is created via process builder when the Opportunity is saved with a Stage = "Proposal".  The RFP record is created but it is not displayed for editing.  The user must go to the related list and click on the RFP name and then the Edit button to display the RFP record, which is a VF page.  What needs to be created in order for the RFP record to be immediately displayed in Edit Mode, instead of displaying the Opportunity Detail screen after the RFP has been created?
Out SFDC org has both B-to-B and B-to-C business models.  We have enabled Person Accounts.  Now we are going to service Person Accounts on behalf of our Business Accounts. What would be the best approach to relate multiple Person Accounts with a single Business Account?  Use the Partners related list, or maybe create a new Master-Detail or Lookup relationship field?  What would be best practice for this?  Example, our client is a Credit Union (CU) and the Person Accounts will be the CU's members. We will sell services to the CU's members as though we are the CU itself.  We want to track Campaigns that involve the Person Accounts but also relate multiple Campaigns to the CU account record for reporting purposes.
In Process Builder a new custom object record (Request - type "RFP") is created when the Opportunity Stage is "02 - Proposal", and the Opportunity is saved.  How can the "RFP" record be displayed in Edit mode after it was created?  Currently the RFP record appears as a Related List item on the Opportunity Detail screen, so I know the process is working.  If the user does not click on the new RFP record name in the Related List they would never know it had been created.  I would also prefer to have a Flow created that asks the user if they want to create the RFP now after saving the Opportunity with the Stage of "02 - Proposal".  How do you incorporate a Flow into the Process Builder, or is it add a Process Builder process to a Flow, and have the new RFP record display in Edit Mode if they answered "Yes" to creating the RFP now?
The following Apex Class creates a new custom record called "NBR" (New Business Request) after the Opportunity is Close Won and a picklist field called "Taken From" are filled in and then saved.  The current behavior after saving the Opportunity is displaying the Opportunity Detail screen.  We need to display the new NBR record in Edit Mode instead of displaying the Opportunity Detail screen.  Can Apex Code be added to the following Apex Class to accomplish this, or is something else needed?

public class NBRManagement {

    public static final String MESSAGE_ERROR_NBR_EXISTS  = 'This opportunity already has a NBR.';
    public static void beforeNBRInsert(List<NBR__c> nbrList){
        updateFields(nbrList,new Map<Id, NBR__c>());

    public static void beforeNBRUpdate(List<NBR__c> nbrList, Map<Id, NBR__c> oldNBRMap){

    public static void updateFields(List<NBR__c> nbrList, Map<Id, NBR__c> oldNBRMap){

    Set<Id> oppIds = new Set<Id>();
    Map<Id,Opportunity> opportunityMap = new Map<Id,Opportunity> ();   
    List<NBR__c> relatedNBRs;
    boolean isInsert=false;
    if(oldNBRMap==null || oldNBRMap.size()==0){

    for(NBR__c nbr : nbrList){
      if (nbr.Account__c==null && nbr.Opportunity__c!=null){
    if (oppIds.size()>0){
      for(Opportunity opp : [Select Id, AccountId, (Select Id From NBR__r) From Opportunity Where Id in: oppIds]) {
        opportunityMap.put(opp.Id, opp);  

    for(NBR__c nbr : nbrList){

        && opportunityMap.containsKey(nbr.Opportunity__c)){
        relatedNBRs = opportunityMap.get(nbr.Opportunity__c).NBR__r;
        relatedNBRs = null;

        && relatedNBRs!=null 
        && relatedNBRs.size()>0){
      if (nbr.Account__c==null 
          && nbr.Opportunity__c!=null
          && opportunityMap.containsKey(nbr.Opportunity__c)){

        nbr.Account__c = opportunityMap.get(nbr.Opportunity__c).AccountId;



What is your experience with Selligy?
Is it possible to add additional fields to the merge accounts results screen, like Street, City, or State?  This will help when there are many results.
Our management team is considering changing the ownership of Accounts to be the Company, instead of individual SFDC users. The reason for this is our company has several Divisions that use the same Account records.  To avoid in-fighting between Divisions management is considering a change to make the company be the Account owner.  We currently use Account Teams and Sharing Rules to allow multiple users to access the same Account records.  Any suggestions on best practice for this approach to Account ownership?
InsideSales PowerDialer uses an Activity field called "Ring Time". Is there a way to pass the value in the Ring Time field to a custom field in the object called User Status Log?  We're trying to create a report that uses the fields in the User Status Log plus value from the Activity field called Ring Time.
We want to include the data from Opportunity Splits into a custom object called "NBR" (stands for new business request).  Is there a way to add the data from each Opportunity Splits field and incorporate it into the NBR record.  Note the NBR is in a Master-Detail relationship with the Opportunity object.  The NBR is used by sales personnel to request payment of commissions, which should include the Opportunity Splits data.
We have a Create Record action in a Process Builder that is prevented from completing due to a Validation Rule.  The Create Record action is supposed to be creating a custom Request for Proposal (RFP) record that includes populating a Product field with the value of the Opportunity's Product.  If the product is "CPI", the Validation Rule is used to ensure another field on the RFP is filled in with a picklist value.  Is there a way to allow the RFP record to be created and still have the Validation Rule be active?
My Apex Class "RequestController" is showing a problem in the Developer Console: "Line 1164 - Unexpected token: '\upsert'. I am new to working with Apex and am not a coder.  How do I go about resolving this problem in the Developer console?  Following is a partial  piece of the RequestController around line 1164 (upsert rCon.request;):
    static testMethod void RequestRFP_Test19() {
        PageReference pageRef = Page.requesttype;
        test.setCurrentPageReference (pageRef);
        RequestController rCon = new RequestController ();
        Account a19 = new Account (Name = 'test');
        insert a19;
        Opportunity o19 = new Opportunity (
                              AccountID = a19.id
                            , Name = 'test opp'
                            , StageName ='00 - Prospect'
                            , CloseDate = system.today()
                            , Taken_From__c = 'Allied Solutions'
        insert o19;
        rCon.request.Opportunity__c = o19.id;
        rCon.Request.RFC_Request__c = true;
        rCon.request.Product__c = 'MTG Protection Insurance and Tracking'
        upsert rCon.request;

Note there are a total of 21 tests in this Apex Class.  They all have a similar structure to one listed above, with the same line as line 1164. 
I need a Lead trigger to populate a Lead lookup field (Financial_Institution_Name__c) with the value from a Lead text field (CU_IP__c).  The lookup field is tied to a custom object called FI_Ref__c, where the key field is the Financial Institution Name.  The CU_IP__c text field contains a FI Name value that will match up to the FI_Ref__c values in its Financial Institution Name field.  The CU_IP__c field value is populated automatically when a new Lead record is populated via a Dataloader process.  The import process provides a Source code from the Credit Union that supplied the Lead record. That Source code is used to determine the value that is placed in the CU_IP__c field.  I need to copy the CU_IP__c field value and have it update into the Financial Institution Name field when the Financial Institution Name field is null.  
I am working through the Dev401 Implementing Business Processes Exercise Guide 4-5: Create Dynamic Approval Processes, Item 7. The Apex Trigger provided in the downloaded zip file contains an error and will not save. Following is the Trigger:

trigger PositionApprovalTrigger on Position__c (before insert, before update) {
The error received is: "Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: PositionApproval at line 2 column 5".

Three custom fields (Approve_1, Approver_2, and Approver_3) are created in the custom object Positions__c, but there is no "PositionApproval" field.  What is needed to correct the Trigger so I can complete this training exercise?  I am not a coder, just an admin trying to become a developer.
Ineed help withthe following Apex Trigger:

trigger ForceSourceCrossRef on Lead (before insert, before update ) {
    For (Lead l:Trigger.new) {        
        if(l.Source__c != null) {
           List<CrossRef__c> cr = new List<CrossRef__c>();
           cr = [Select Id from CrossRef__c WHERE
                   CrossRef__c.Name = :l.Source__c ORDER BY Id LIMIT 1];
                    cr.Source_Cross_Reference__c = cr[0].Id;

Attempting to update a custom lookup field on the Lead object called Source_Cross_Reference__c with the value that's imported in a Lead field called Source__c.  (Source__c is a picklist field.)  There is a custom object called CrossRef__c that uses the Source__c picklist value in the CrossRef__c.Name field.  I want to populate the Source_Cross_Reference__c field with the ID value from the CrossRef__c object.  The Devleoper Console is displaying the following Problem: "Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: List&lt;CrossRef__c&gt;".. What is neededto correct this problem?  Will this trigger perform the update described earlier?
Have installed the free Vertiba Email to Something app and completed the setup including custom setings and setting up the Email Service.  Sending a test email using the newly created Email Service email address has failed.  Any suggestions on how to proceed will be greatly appreciated.
I need help with the following formula: 
CASE( SourceCode__c , Source_Cross_Reference__r.External_Unique_Id__c , Source_Cross_Reference__r.Name ,"N/A")
The SourceCode__c is a custom Lead text field that is populated via the Data Loader with an alphanumeric value, like A1234. I have created a custom object, Cross Reference, that has a lookup relationship with the Lead object. I want to pull the Cross Reference Name associated with the Source Code value, which equals the External Unique Id field value in the Cross Reference object.  I cannot get this formula to work in a Workflow Update, nor in a Formula field on the Lead object. Does anyone have a solution that might work?
A custom object, called "RFP", is created via process builder when the Opportunity is saved with a Stage = "Proposal".  The RFP record is created but it is not displayed for editing.  The user must go to the related list and click on the RFP name and then the Edit button to display the RFP record, which is a VF page.  What needs to be created in order for the RFP record to be immediately displayed in Edit Mode, instead of displaying the Opportunity Detail screen after the RFP has been created?
I need to widen a long text inputField on a Visualforce page.  Following is the current apex code:

        <apex:pageBlockSection title="Comments (Internal Use Only)" columns="1">
                <apex:PageBlockSectionItem >
                    <apex:outputLabel value="Additional Comments:" for="RFP_Request__c_Additional_Comments__c"/>
                    <apex:inputField value="{!RFP_Request__c.Additional_Comments__c}" id="RFP_Request__c_Additional_Comments__c"/> 

What is the code to make the inputField wider?
Hi everyone...

Looking for some help with opportunities here... My company has never used opportunities and I believe they need to, and my experience is minimal with opportunities because of this, so this (Opportunities) is slightly new to me as well, but here is the scenario...

Currently, we track customer orders via a custom object called Shipments...these are quantity based with no dollar value associated. I also have many roll-up sommary fields on the Account record that tracks total orders for the current month to gauge the volume of business received from the customer. The previous business days' orders are automatically uploaded each morning to the shipment custom object which in turn update the roll-up custom fields daily.

I've added the Shipments related list to the Opportunity page layout and have created a few roll-up custom summary fields to capture the amount of orders received on the opportunity, i also have a Quantity field that the Sales Team needs to populate with the number of orders they anticipate from the customer for this particular opportunity...my question here is, is there a formula or workflow rule that can accomplish the following - when the number of orders received matches the quantity value (i.e., orders received = 10 and Quantity = 10) can I automatically update the opportunity Stage to "Closed/Won" and automatically close the opportunity for that Account?

Can a WFR do this, or do I need a trigger? if a WFR is possible...any help in setting up would be most apprecaited...thanks and sorry for the novel, lol!!!