• Guy Keshet
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My support users would like to setup automated monitoring of their live agent queue. They'd like to monitor the queue size and longest wait values. Both appear on the live agent supervisor screen, however they would like to setup and automated alert if these breach a certain level (rather than eyeball them during the day...)

Does anyone have any idea how can that be done? the queues are not available for workflows, and I cant find documentaiton of api access to the queue...
I changed a custom object field type from text to picklist, and added some picklist values. (note - the object has no record type, so no record type mapping needed)
I've deployed the change using eclipse IDE (so - using the metadata api), however when I checked on the target org, the field type change was successful, but the picklist values did not deploy.
I repeated the same deployment a second time (no change to the source file)- and now the picklist values have deployed.

Is there any way to deploy both changes at once? Is this a Metadata api bug?!?
Since WI15, SFDC allow deploying changes to batch jobs while they are running
We found out today a potential problem this raises:
We added a new field to a batch process. Post deployment, SFDC threw an 'SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field' error.

It seems that as the batch job was running at the same time as the code was deployed, a data subset has been queried using the old code, while the processing batch used the new code

luckily for us we reprocess failed records automatically, so no real issue , but it's something worth considering when releasing batch job changes
Currently, live agent has a "feature" whereby transfer a chat from one agent to another clear all linked entitities.
So - if you link a case, a contact, an opp or an account to a transcript, when the chat is moved - the link is deleted.

SFDC states that this is "working as designed" ...
Please vote on my succes.salesforce.com idea to fix it as currently the product maanger will not consider fixing it anytime soon ..

have a question about #live chat & #Mobile : we areusing live chat currently on our web site, and my web developers are asking me a few questions about how would live chat behave on a mobile device. I can;t find any good documentation on it on help of developerforce- does anyone have experience with the same?
what my web team wants to know is: Is there a way of suppressing live chat once screen size goes past a certain point? can I control live chat behaviour on a mobile client?
Since WI15, SFDC allow deploying changes to batch jobs while they are running
We found out today a potential problem this raises:
We added a new field to a batch process. Post deployment, SFDC threw an 'SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field' error.

It seems that as the batch job was running at the same time as the code was deployed, a data subset has been queried using the old code, while the processing batch used the new code

luckily for us we reprocess failed records automatically, so no real issue , but it's something worth considering when releasing batch job changes
I changed a custom object field type from text to picklist, and added some picklist values. (note - the object has no record type, so no record type mapping needed)
I've deployed the change using eclipse IDE (so - using the metadata api), however when I checked on the target org, the field type change was successful, but the picklist values did not deploy.
I repeated the same deployment a second time (no change to the source file)- and now the picklist values have deployed.

Is there any way to deploy both changes at once? Is this a Metadata api bug?!?
Hello dear community, I'm getting this exception for a query that I have in my class as well as in my test class when I'm trying to run the test class, how can I fix it? : 
System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject
<span unselectable="on" "="" style="font-weight: normal; display: block; padding: 3px 4px; overflow: hidden; margin-left: 0px;">Class.HelperContactTrigger.sendEmail: line 6, column 1 
Class.HelperContactTriggerTestneu.myTestMethod: line 17, column 1

the classes:

public with sharing class HelperContactTrigger {
    //static method
    public static List<Account> sendEmail(List<Account> accounts) {

        //query on template object, is this correct,what might have been the mistake when I'm refering to EmailTemplate?
        EmailTemplate et=[Select id from EmailTemplate where name= 'Sales: New Customer Email' limit 1];

        //list of emails
        List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> emails = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();

        for(Account con : accounts){
        //send mail

        return accounts;

private class HelperContactTriggerTestneu {
public static testMethod void myTestMethod() {

        system.debug('### NewAccountTest ###');
        Account acc = new Account(Name = 'Test Test');
        insert acc;
                        // Here I'm refering to the test account that I have in my accounts, still this does not seem to work, how is that possible?
        List<Account> sendMail = [select id from account where (Name='Test Test') and id=:acc.id];

        System.assert(acc !=null);

thanks in advance! :)
i have a custom feilds called product codes on opportunity.Whenever opportunity product is added to Opportunity,'Product Codes' field value should be appended with the product code of that opportunity product. 

how to implement this through triggers,please help me out
Hi All,

I want to read a csv file from SFTP server and using that i need to create Accounts and Cases in Salesforce. This needs to be scheduled to run everyday. Can you please suggest a better approach for this?

Can i Install Command line data loader inside SFTP server to push the data into salesforce?
SFTP interfaces are not available in Apex as in Java. So I feel that we can not connect to SFTP from salesforce directly. Please suggest

at NOWTV, we currently have a bespoke Salesforce inbound integration (creating accounts, contact etc), using custom code, to populate a message queue in salesforce (a custom object).
We would like to replace this with a 'standard' messaging product, such as MQ, however I cant find any documentation for a standard product that would push messages into salesforce

in essence - I'm looking for the exact opposite of the streaming API - I'd like a standard product that would enable salesforce to listen to an external queue and pick up messages.

Anyone aware of such a product?
With the new standard object 'Order' in place, I am not able to apply 'Criteria based' sharig rule.
Under 'Sharing Settings' there is no 'Order' listed under sharing rules.

Is it not possible to apply sharing rules in Order
Hi all,

I'm using the capabilities of Salesforce Live Agent chat and I noticed that when the chat is transferred from one agent to another all references (leads , cases and so on) are lost.

The agent accepts a chat with a new client and during the conversation begins to create and fill a new lead and a new case. At one point, unable to meet the demand of the customer, he decides to transfer the chat to an agent with more skill. He saves the lead and the case and associates them with the chat details. When he pushes the transfer button, the console opens a pop-up that says that all references will be lost. If he continues, the new operator will not be able to recover either the lead or case and he will have to generate a new ones making a mess.

My question is: "in the process of chat transfer, is there a way to make sure that the records created during the chat are transferred as well ?" The behaviour I would expect in tranferring is that everything was opened in agent A' console will be open in agent B' console.

Note that there are no customizations in this process.

Thank you,



My requirement is to invoke Live Agent web chat from my official website. 

For this sake, I have created a pre-chat page with user information fields and created corresponding Custom Fields in Live Chat Transcript.

But, once the chat got completed with live agent, the updated information values are not stored in the newly created custom fields. 

I have pasted below my Pre-chat form source code for reference.




<apex:page showHeader="false" >

<!-- This script takes the endpoint URL parameter passed from the deployment page and makes

it the action for the form -->



<script type="text/javascript">

(function() {

function handlePageLoad() {

var endpointMatcher = new RegExp("[\\?\\&]endpoint=([^&#]*)");



} if (window.addEventListener) {

window.addEventListener('load', handlePageLoad, false);

} else { window.attachEvent('onload', handlePageLoad, false);




<form id="prechatForm" method="post">


<table align="center" cellspacing="5">

     <tr><td class="labelInput">Nome*:</td><td><input name="liveagent.prechat.name" type="text" maxlength="50" id="prechat_field" style="formTextBox"/></td></tr>

     <tr><td class="labelInput">E-mail*:</td><td> <input name="liveagent.prechat:email" type="text" maxlength="50" id="prechat_email" style="formTextBox"/></td></tr>

      <tr><td class="labelInput">CPF*:</td><td><input name="liveagent.prechat:CPF" type="text" maxlength="14" id="prechat_cpf" style="formTextBox"/></td></tr>

         <tr><td class="labelInput">Telefone*:</td><td><input name="liveagent.prechat:Telefone" type="text" maxlength="15" id="prechat_telefone" style="formTextBox" /></td></tr>

         <tr><td class="labelInput">Assunto:</td>


         <select name="liveagent.prechat.Type" style="formComboBox">

            <!-- Values are LiveChatButton IDs. -->

            <option value="Promoções">Promo&#231;&#245;es</option>

            <option value="Reclamações">Reclama&#231;&#245;es</option>

            <option value="Informações">Informa&#231;&#245;es</option>

            <option value="Sugestões">Sugest&#245;es</option>




     <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" align="center">


         <td width="25%">&nbsp;</td>

         <td> <input type='submit' value='Request Chat' id='prechat_submit' /></td>








 <!-- Creates an auto-query for a matching Contact record’s Email field based on the

value of the liveagent.prechat:Email field -->

<!--input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.query:Email"

value="Contact,Contact.Email" /-->

<input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.save:name" value="CustomerName__c" />

<input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.save:email" value="customer_Email__c" />

<input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.save:CPF" value="CPF__c" />

<input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.save:Telefone" value="Telephone__c" />

<input type="hidden" name="liveagent.prechat.save:Type" value="Type__c" />





With Regards,


Hi all,

I'm using the capabilities of Salesforce Live Agent chat and I noticed that when the chat is transferred from one agent to another all references (leads , cases and so on) are lost.

The agent accepts a chat with a new client and during the conversation begins to create and fill a new lead and a new case. At one point, unable to meet the demand of the customer, he decides to transfer the chat to an agent with more skill. He saves the lead and the case and associates them with the chat details. When he pushes the transfer button, the console opens a pop-up that says that all references will be lost. If he continues, the new operator will not be able to recover either the lead or case and he will have to generate a new ones making a mess.

My question is: "in the process of chat transfer, is there a way to make sure that the records created during the chat are transferred as well ?" The behaviour I would expect in tranferring is that everything was opened in agent A' console will be open in agent B' console.

Note that there are no customizations in this process.

Thank you,