• Anuj Patel
  • 545 Points
  • Member since 2014

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I actually earned a badge before I accepted the challenge but still after January 18th.  Does that still count toward my 5?  Is there a way to verify how many badges I earned during the challenge period?

I seem to be having a problem logging into Heroku from the command prompt. 
As instructed in the third part of the Trailhead, I type in "Heroku Login".
A message appears asking "Would you like to submit Heroku CLI information to better improve the CLI user experience [y/N]"
It doesn't seem to matter whether I submit y or N. 
Either way, I get the following error statement: "!     error getting commands pid 9664 SIGSEGV <signal 11."

Any suggestions?

Hi, I got an Email today saying that I need to earn 3 more badges to win a sweatshirt, but when I tried to accept the challenge, it directed me to another page which actually did not get me pass the 'Get started now' after I clicked the button. An error stated that "This email must match the one associated with your Trailhead account." But my trailhead account and salesforce account using the same Email address. I am wondering how to solve the issue.

​Many thanks
Hi everyone,
 I have a doubt on "How to share the particular lead records to other users or group?" .Please let me know . Is there any possibility to share the particular lead records
Eg: I create a Lead "Betty".I have to share this to my group "QB".
What are the steps to share the lead.

Thanks in advance
my error says "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
One of the following Chatter profile details has not been set: Photo, About Me, Title, City. Make certain you have changed all of these from their default values".What excatly should i do for adding values??


I've completed my challenges using the sandbox version of the developer edition as to not mess anything up in the real environment. Is there a way to check the challenges? 

Hi All,

I'm trying to get a different approval process to kick off depending on the Record Type of the Opportunity.  Besides Record Type, Stage = 'Closed Won' on the Opportunity is the other entry criteria.  I thought that this would be as easy as selecting "Opportunity: Record Type ID" from the entry criteria on the Approval Process Entry Criteria page but I can't get this option to appear.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

As a side, this is in the context that I want a different email template to be used for each record type for a submitted opportunity.  Because you can only select one email template per approval process, I am going off of the assumption that I just have to make several approval processes to do the same thing.  The processes themselves don't look different, just the email template.

Thanks in Advance,

There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: EWFCGHMZ
Im failing step 2 on this super badge. 

here is the error im getting
User-added image

But I have changed the Name of the field see below:

User-added image

I have reset and tried again and still get the same failure. 

Can anyone see what i am doing wrong here?
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: EWFCGHMZ
Hi ,
I'm working on creating screens for Survey in the trailhead.but I ran in to this error .can any one guide me how to figure the error ?
I tried but not able to find .plz need help.
Survey the Customer

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The Survey Customer screen is either not using the Satisfaction Choices picklist choice or the picklist choice is not setup properly. Please check instructions. 
Note: you may run into errors if you've skipped previous steps.

@vasani parth
ihave errors tell me stepsUser-added image
i was already activated and got error super badges errors   User-added image
Hi all,

I have two different addresses in Contact .
ISBLANK( OtherCountry ) , 
ISBLANK( OtherState ), 
ISBLANK( OtherPostalCode ) , 
ISBLANK( OtherStreet ) )

((ISBLANK(BillingCountry) ), 
(ISBLANK(BillingState) ), 
(ISBLANK(BillingPostalCode) ), 
(ISBLANK(BillingStreet) ))

If user entres one of those addresses then validate all the values are filled or empty.
suppose if user enters billing city then remaining billing fields are empty that time validation rule should fire and shows the error message billing address fields should be filled. In this case other address fields shouldn't be validated.

If user enters both addresses then both validations should chck for both addresses.

If he enters only other addresses that validation should check for other address fieldsonly not for billing addresses fields.

Please let me know for clarification.

My requirement is whenever file or note attched to a record I have post(upload) that file in chatter group. I have written a trigger on Attachment object ,It is working. And also written on ContentDocument object, this is also not firing. I don't know much about ContentDocument object. I have searched for this but I do not get proper solution.

Any helpwould be greatly appreciated....many thanks,

My trigger - same on Attchment and ContentDocument

trigger postattachment on ContentDocument (after insert) {

    Deal_Support_Request__c[] d = [select Name from Deal_Support_Request__c limit 1];
    String obj;
        obj = d[0].id;
    for(ContentDocument att: Trigger.New)
        {    String parentObjId = att.ParentId;
         system.debug('------------entered for---------');
                system.debug('------------entered if---------');
                FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
                post.ParentId = att.ParentId; //eg. Opportunity id, custom object id..
                post.Body = 'Attachment added';
                insert post;
                FeedAttachment fatt = new FeedAttachment();
                fatt.FeedEntityId = post.id;
                fatt.RecordId = att.id;
insert fatt;

Just finished all of the Trails, Modules and Projects that are available up to this point using 3 different Dev Orgs. (2/3/2016)

Keep them coming. More Trails/Modules/Projects on development would be great. (Lightining,Apex,Visual Force, Javascript, Integration and using the Developer Console)

Thanks for providing these valuable resources !
I'm at the "Install an AppExchange dashboard ..." challenge but I'm worried about trying to do it.  We had a bad experience a few weeks ago when an application admin tried something similar and it went into our Production environment instead of her personal Development environment.  Can I be sure that running this challenge will not affect our Production or Sandbox environments in any way?  
I actually earned a badge before I accepted the challenge but still after January 18th.  Does that still count toward my 5?  Is there a way to verify how many badges I earned during the challenge period?
I still haven't receive the email :-( Can someone please verify? I got 6 badges already
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Contact zip code doesn't match account zip code: []

Unsure how to fix
I can't get the Node.js program to work.  I get a "Syntax Error: Unexpected identifier"
It was working for a while, but I'm not sure what happened or how to get things to work again.
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling seveal times, but the issue persists.

Any ideas?
Do we have any open source projects on Force.com platform like Java technology?
And if so, where I can find those???????

  • January 27, 2016
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this is the error i am getting ........please help me

User-added image
How do I upgrade my developer edition to the latest Developer edition without using a new email address?  I am trying to do the trailheads, but my layout is different than what it being presented.   For example, the Setup is beneath my name, not to the side, and the 'create custom buttons' is different as well.  
We have the following requirements for CSV data file export:
  • a header row consisting of today's date in CCYYMMDD format + client reference number (hardcoded string);
  • customer's data in each row: reference number, 'I' (for individual), Title, Forename, Middle Initial, Surname, [empty string], Date Of Birth in CCYYMMDD format;


Example file format

could someone confirm or deny whether it is possible to export such a file using SalesForce WebAPI? Preferably using RESTful GET over https.
Hi All,

I'm trying to get a different approval process to kick off depending on the Record Type of the Opportunity.  Besides Record Type, Stage = 'Closed Won' on the Opportunity is the other entry criteria.  I thought that this would be as easy as selecting "Opportunity: Record Type ID" from the entry criteria on the Approval Process Entry Criteria page but I can't get this option to appear.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

As a side, this is in the context that I want a different email template to be used for each record type for a submitted opportunity.  Because you can only select one email template per approval process, I am going off of the assumption that I just have to make several approval processes to do the same thing.  The processes themselves don't look different, just the email template.

Thanks in Advance,
