• Susan Harris 6
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  • Passage Technology

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I've create a custom currency field on the Task object called "Cost".  I'd like to have that "Cost" field roll-up and summararize at the parent object which is a custom object.  Roll-Up summaries won't work here.  Anyone have another idea how I might accomplish this?
I have two standard objects Quote and Order. There exists a lookup relationship between these two. I have a field on Order called Milestone_Amount__c and a field on Quote called Cumulative_Order_Value__c.

On insert, this field on Order will be blank. But I need an after update, after delete, after undelete trigger to rollup the sum of this field on order to the cumulative field on quote. Can someone help me?

I'm not very familiar with Apex Code development.

I have created a Visualforce Page to mimic a related list for a custom object (Properties). The purpose is to add a filter to filter out properties with a status (Status__c) = "Active". To this point, I have been able to mimic the related list section of the Account object using this code:
<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="true" StandardController="Account">
   <apex:relatedList list="Properties_Operated__r">
I have been able to add the Visualforce page as a section of the page layout; it looks good and functions perfectly. I am now trying to add the code to filter by Status__c = "Active". So far, my attempts have been unsuccessful. Could someone advise as to the proper coding to use? Thank you. 
I want to load 20000 accounts and 20000 contacts in my developer org but I get: 
storage limit exceeded error ..
I deleted all the other data present in the org and still have this issue
is there a way to have this amount of data ( 20000 accounts and 20000 contacts) 
in a developer org  please ?

We are looking to use Salesforce for a bespoke purpose, whereby we have two objects - one with live orders ('Live') and one with archived orders ('Archived'). We would like to add a formula to the 'Live' object which looks up the item ID in the 'Archived' object and returns the lowest price that is listed. This will help us to find the best price that has been paid for a particular item.

Thanks in advance.
   i have used salesforce trial version for my project purpose. my task using jitterbit data loader to load the data in salesforce, after insert operation my data not successfuly install in salesforce. error " storage limit exceeded ". how to solve this error.

how to connect jitterbit agent.

Hi SFDC, forum-members,

I have created my id using deloper.salesforce.com and my Id is mylambo77@gmail.com and password is saibaba77. I created some objects and fields where i have used very less space. Right now my problem is i am unable to insert any record where i am geeting  Data Storage Limits Exceeded Error.
error shows below message.
Your company currently has exceeded its data storage limits including an extra overflow buffer. Per our terms and conditions, we cannot permit additional data creation within our system until your company first reduces its current data storage. Please contact your company's salesforce.com administrator to resolve this. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 

so i created one more id with urs@gmail.com is also showing same error after creating same objects and fields. 
Could you please resolve my issue ASAP.

vijaya lakshmi.

Hi all, I'd like to have a formula field that populates with a name based off of the zip code on a Contact record.  The idea is that a Senator or Legislator name would be populated based off of a zip code.  I'm imagining something like a VLookup in Excel, but in Salesforce.  It's out of the question to write a huge nested conditional formula to pull the info.  Is there any way to store something in Salesforce that can be updated, that a formula field can reference to pull information from, similiar to an excel VLookup?


I try to crate new record for one object bt after click on  save this message displayed

Data Storage Limits Exceeded
Your company currently has exceeded its data storage limits including an extra overflow buffer.
 Per our terms and conditions, we cannot permit additional data creation within our system until
 your company first reduces its current data storage. Please contact your company's salesforce.com
 administrator to resolve this. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Click here to return to the previous page.



I try to create a custom setting.

The creation works, the creation of an custom field in it too.

But if i try to set a Default Organization Level Value, then I get the error message: "Data Storage Limits Exceeded, Additional Data Creation Not Allowed! ".


If I look on the startscreen of the custom settings it says:

"Percentage of custom settings data used: 0%
You are currently using 0 MB of custom settings data in your organization, out of an allowed limit of 2 MB."


I work in a developer org.


What is wrong ?


Thanks for help.



how to create a Master-Detail relationship field it shows error


You cannot create a new Master-Detail relationship on an existing custom object if records already exist. You must first create a Lookup relationship, populate the lookup field with data in all records, and then change the relationship type to Master-Detail.


Product2 p = new Product2(Name='x',ProductCode ='GC1020');
insert p;

faultString: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: STORAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, storage limit exceeded
someboby can help me?
  • June 16, 2008
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