• Brianna Bollettieri
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  • Member since 2016

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Hi! Currently, I'm working on creating a process builder in order to update a field on an account related list each time the date/time stamp value is changed.

As of now, each time an event is logged on an account it updates a date/time stamp field I created with the date and time of the most recently logged event and there's another field that pulls the person to have last logged an event. Based on that date/time stamp and the person to have last logged then even, I want a field I have on a related list I have to keep a running tally of the "calls completed" by the record owner. Below is what I have so far but I can't seem to get the "calls completed" date to populate.

Node 1: Related list - when a record is created or edited

Node 2:
Conditions are met
Logged Date/time stamp -> is changed -> Boolean -> True
Logged by -> equals -> formula-> related list owner id

TRUE - Node 3:
No criteria—just update the records!
Calls Completed -> formula -> Calls Completed +1

Below are images of the process builder as well. Any help to get this working would be great!

User-added image

User-added image

I'm trying to create an email alert to be sent based on an error on an opportunity. I created a Unique Name field and workflow off of that which doesn't allow duplicate opportunities to be created. If a duplicate opportunity is created, once you try and save it, there is an error that appears saying that another record already exists (similar to the Duplicate Account rule). So now, I want to create an email alert that is triggered from this opportunity error but I'm not sure how.

I'm working on building a split opportunities process builder. What I'm trying to do is have it so that each time an opportunity team member is added to an opportunitity, the opportunity is automatically split evenly with them. I am stuck on what formula to use to get this to work in the process builder.

In the percent field if I put in 50 as the number, the opportunity is automatically split in half with the first team member added. However, each member added after is given 0. I tried creating formulas but have received errors each time. Any help with this would be great, thanks!
For action items I would like the record owner to be notified when they have an action item with a past due date and they have not checked it off as complete. However I want them to have the ability to respond to the email with either "Complete" or "Approved" which will then update the completed checkbox to being checked. Or if it still hasn't been completed they can respond "Rejected" or "Incomplete" which will then extend the due date another week from the current. I'm not sure if this is possible, but any assistance would be great. Thanks!
Hi, I'm working on creating a visual force page for a custom object I created. When I go to save it, it says that the standard controller is unknown. So what I'm trying to do is create a page from the Sales Coaching object which is record type specific which you'll see in the coding below. I then have a few sections on the screen. Within each section I have a field set, as well as writing that I want in each section. Below you'll see the apex class and VF page I'm trying to save. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Apex Class
public with sharing class salescoachingRedirect {

    public String retURL {get; set;}
    public String saveNewURL {get; set;}
    public String rType {get; set;}
    public String modeType {get; set;}
    public ApexPages.StandardController sCtrl;
    public salescoachingRedirect(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
        this.sCtrl = controller;
        retURL = ApexPages.currentpage().getParameters().get('retURL');
        rType = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('International Sales Coaching Note');
        String recordId = ApexPages.currentpage().getParameters().get('Id');
            modeType = 'Edit';
            modeType = 'Detail';
    public pageReference save(){
        String recordId = ApexPages.currentpage().getParameters().get('Id');
        pageReference rPage = null;
            rPage = new pageReference('/'+recordId);
        modeType = 'Detail';
        return rPage;
    public pageReference openEditView(){
        modeType = 'Edit';
        return null;
    public PageReference redirect() {
        PageReference returnURL;
        // Redirect if Record Type corresponds to custom VisualForce page
        IF(rType == 'International Sales Coaching Note') {
              returnURL = new PageReference('/apex/Sales_Coaching_Note__c');
        return returnURL;

VF Page
<apex:page standardController="Sales_Coaching_Note__c" extensions="salescoachingRedirect" action="{!redirect}" >
<apex:pageMessages />
  <apex:form id="form">
    IF(rType = 'Intl Sales Coaching') {
      <apex:actionFunction name="refreshSection" reRender="form"/>
      <apex:pageBlock title="Opportunity" mode="{!modeType}">
        <apex:pageBlockButtons >
          <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', true, false)}"/> 
          <apex:commandButton action="{!cancel}" value="Cancel" immediate="true" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', true, false)}"/> 
          <apex:commandButton action="{!openEditView}" value="Edit" immediate="true" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', false, true)}"/>
      <apex:pageBlockSection title="Information">
          <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Sales Coaching Note.fieldsets.Information}" var="fieldValue">
              <apex:inputField value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', true, false)}" onChange="refreshSection();"/>
              <apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', false, true)}"/>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Assign a score for each section 0-10 </apex:page>
      <apex:pageBlockSection title="Opening the meeting/Approach">
          <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Sales Coaching Note.fieldsets.Score}" var="fieldValue">
              <apex:inputField value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', true, false)}" onChange="refreshSection();"/>
              <apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', false, true)}"/>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Gained the customers attention...used an opener that really connected with the customer </apex:page>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Laid out the agenda and process for the meeting </apex:page>
      <apex:pageBlockSection title="Uncovered needs">
          <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Sales Coaching Note.fieldsets.Score}" var="fieldValue">
              <apex:inputField value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', true, false)}" onChange="refreshSection();"/>
              <apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', false, true)}"/>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Uncovered where customer is in the decision process (decision criteria, influencers, etc.) </apex:page>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Asked General questions about the customer? </apex:page>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Asked Obstacle or opportunity questions? What challenges are they facing? </apex:page>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Asked Outlay questions? How big is the pain? </apex:page>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Asked Acheivement questions to understand what "ideal" looks like? </apex:page>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Asked Leverage questions? Used questions to share key insights? </apex:page>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Asked Summary and Solution questions? The social contract. </apex:page>
      <apex:pageBlockSection title="Deliver insights/present the solution">
          <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Sales Coaching Note.fieldsets.Score}" var="fieldValue">
              <apex:inputField value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', true, false)}" onChange="refreshSection();"/>
              <apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', false, true)}"/>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Matched features of the contract/program to important Obstacles/Opportunities </apex:page>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Used FAB to describe features, advantages, and benefits of the program </apex:page>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Used stories to back up FAB statement </apex:page>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Involved the customer in the discussion </apex:page>  
      <apex:pageBlockSection title="Overcoming objections">
          <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Sales Coaching Note.fieldsets.Score}" var="fieldValue">
              <apex:inputField value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', true, false)}" onChange="refreshSection();"/>
              <apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', false, true)}"/>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Clarified or Countered the objection? </apex:page>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Responded, hopefully using a story </apex:page>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Confirmed that the objection is no longer a concern </apex:page>
      <apex:pageBlockSection title="Close">
          <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Sales Coaching Note.fieldsets.Score}" var="fieldValue">
              <apex:inputField value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', true, false)}" onChange="refreshSection();"/>
              <apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', false, true)}"/>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> (Objective: Understand where you stand with customer ow and for the future) </apex:page>
          <apex:page standardController="Coaching_Note__c"> Asked customer to take the next step in a natural conversation flow </apex:page>
      <apex:pageBlockSection title="Comments">
          <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Sales Coaching Note.fieldsets.Comments}" var="fieldValue">
              <apex:inputField value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', true, false)}" onChange="refreshSection();"/>
              <apex:outputField value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}" rendered="{!IF(modeType='Edit', false, true)}"/>

Hi, I've been working on creating an approval process off of a custom object. The approver is dependent upon the amount and at times a value from another field called Event Type. I've attached a screenshot of the approval process. I also have a process builder created to trigger this approval automatically and that process builders criteria is just the record type of the object.

When I tested this approval, I could only get the first approval step to trigger properly. Any other step that I tested, simply said that it was approved by the record owner, it wouldn't follow the approval steps. I keep trying to change things around but I can't seem to figure it out. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

User-added image
Hi, I'm working on creating a visual force page for a custom object I created. When I go to save it, it says that the standard controller is unknown. I used the full API name.

Apex Class

public with sharing class salescoachingRedirect {

VF Page
<apex:page standardController="Sales_Coaching_Note__c" extensions="salescoachingRedirect" action="{!redirect}" >

This is the error I'm getting: Error: Unknown method 'Coaching_Note__cStandardController.redirect()'

I only put the first line for the apex class and VF page because they are both really long, but if you need it I don't mind pasting it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

HI! So I created a workflow rule for an opportunity naming convention and I want to tweak it a little but I've been having some trouble doing so. Here is the worklow rule criteria:

AND(IF(ISNEW() || ISCHANGED(AccountId), true, false), OR(RecordType.Name = 'Leviton Mexico Opportunity' 
, RecordType.Name = 'International Opportunity' 


Then I have the following action which is a field update (opportunity name):

    ISNEW() ||  ISNULL(AccountId),

    )       + " : " +
    Name    + " : " +

        SUBSTITUTE(Name, TEXT(End_User__c), Account.Name),

So right now what happens is that it searches for the account name (end-user), if it is blank it temporarily adds the word End-User as a place holder. What I wanted to change is that I want it to search for the account name (end-user) then if that is blank I want it to search for the distributor and use that. But if both are blank, then I want it to add End-User as a filler. Hope that makes sense and hope someone can assist! Thanks!
An issue that has come up within my organization is that when a call is logged we would like the opportunity Last Modified Date to update. The reason for this is because it is showing up that opportunities have been "untouched" for extended periods of time, even if calls are being logged. So in reality they aren't technically untouched opportunities. We have looked into using the last activity date field, but that field is not of any help because it doesn't update when a call is logged. It only updates when tasks or events are created / updated which my organization doesn't use. 

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi! So I am working on creating an email notification for duplicate opportunities, however I'm not sure how to go about doing so. This is how I want it to work:

1. Duplicate opportunities are identified based on the opportunity name and BU
2. An email is then sent the managers of each opportunity owner notifying them this has occurred
3. If possible, locking both opportunities for approval
4. Then once approved the record is unlocked, if rejected it remains locked

So I know that duplicate rules and matching can't be done for opportunities. But I figured I would see if anyone knew of a workaround for this. Any input would be greatly appreciated!
I created a VF page and am using it in place of the standard opportunity screen. I currently am having two issues with it.

1. We have many different record types but I only want this visualforce page to apply to 2 of them.
2. Once I create a new record or enter an existing. The record always looks like it is on the edit page.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Currently I am working on changing our opportunity screen to change the way it is being filled out. This way it follows our sales process. A simple way to put it is that I have created 5 sections on the opportunity screen each representing a different stage. Now what I want to happen is that each time a stage is selected, I would like that section to become available for editing. All new opportunities should begin in the opportunity section, therefore I would like that section to be available for editing, but I want the other sections to be visible but locked from being edited. Then once the next stage is selected, the next section becomes available for editing and the remainder remain visible but locked, etc.

So far I tried testing this with just the opportunity stage. What I did was I created a field set including all the fields in the opportunity section. Then I created a visualforce page. My current issue with this is that it is doing the opposite of what I want. It is blocking the opportunity section (and it is not even visible) until after I save the record. Once the record is saved the opportunity section appears but the entire screen is available for editing. This is my current visualforce page criteria.

<apex:page standardController="Opportunity"> 
    <apex:form >
            <apex:pageblock > 
                    <apex:pageBlockSection title="Opportunity"> 
                                 <apex:Inputfield value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}"/> 

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I'm trying to create an email alert to be sent based on an error on an opportunity. I created a Unique Name field and workflow off of that which doesn't allow duplicate opportunities to be created. If a duplicate opportunity is created, once you try and save it, there is an error that appears saying that another record already exists (similar to the Duplicate Account rule). So now, I want to create an email alert that is triggered from this opportunity error but I'm not sure how.

Hi, I've been working on creating an approval process off of a custom object. The approver is dependent upon the amount and at times a value from another field called Event Type. I've attached a screenshot of the approval process. I also have a process builder created to trigger this approval automatically and that process builders criteria is just the record type of the object.

When I tested this approval, I could only get the first approval step to trigger properly. Any other step that I tested, simply said that it was approved by the record owner, it wouldn't follow the approval steps. I keep trying to change things around but I can't seem to figure it out. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

User-added image
HI! So I created a workflow rule for an opportunity naming convention and I want to tweak it a little but I've been having some trouble doing so. Here is the worklow rule criteria:

AND(IF(ISNEW() || ISCHANGED(AccountId), true, false), OR(RecordType.Name = 'Leviton Mexico Opportunity' 
, RecordType.Name = 'International Opportunity' 


Then I have the following action which is a field update (opportunity name):

    ISNEW() ||  ISNULL(AccountId),

    )       + " : " +
    Name    + " : " +

        SUBSTITUTE(Name, TEXT(End_User__c), Account.Name),

So right now what happens is that it searches for the account name (end-user), if it is blank it temporarily adds the word End-User as a place holder. What I wanted to change is that I want it to search for the account name (end-user) then if that is blank I want it to search for the distributor and use that. But if both are blank, then I want it to add End-User as a filler. Hope that makes sense and hope someone can assist! Thanks!
An issue that has come up within my organization is that when a call is logged we would like the opportunity Last Modified Date to update. The reason for this is because it is showing up that opportunities have been "untouched" for extended periods of time, even if calls are being logged. So in reality they aren't technically untouched opportunities. We have looked into using the last activity date field, but that field is not of any help because it doesn't update when a call is logged. It only updates when tasks or events are created / updated which my organization doesn't use. 

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi! So I am working on creating an email notification for duplicate opportunities, however I'm not sure how to go about doing so. This is how I want it to work:

1. Duplicate opportunities are identified based on the opportunity name and BU
2. An email is then sent the managers of each opportunity owner notifying them this has occurred
3. If possible, locking both opportunities for approval
4. Then once approved the record is unlocked, if rejected it remains locked

So I know that duplicate rules and matching can't be done for opportunities. But I figured I would see if anyone knew of a workaround for this. Any input would be greatly appreciated!
I created a VF page and am using it in place of the standard opportunity screen. I currently am having two issues with it.

1. We have many different record types but I only want this visualforce page to apply to 2 of them.
2. Once I create a new record or enter an existing. The record always looks like it is on the edit page.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Currently I am working on changing our opportunity screen to change the way it is being filled out. This way it follows our sales process. A simple way to put it is that I have created 5 sections on the opportunity screen each representing a different stage. Now what I want to happen is that each time a stage is selected, I would like that section to become available for editing. All new opportunities should begin in the opportunity section, therefore I would like that section to be available for editing, but I want the other sections to be visible but locked from being edited. Then once the next stage is selected, the next section becomes available for editing and the remainder remain visible but locked, etc.

So far I tried testing this with just the opportunity stage. What I did was I created a field set including all the fields in the opportunity section. Then I created a visualforce page. My current issue with this is that it is doing the opposite of what I want. It is blocking the opportunity section (and it is not even visible) until after I save the record. Once the record is saved the opportunity section appears but the entire screen is available for editing. This is my current visualforce page criteria.

<apex:page standardController="Opportunity"> 
    <apex:form >
            <apex:pageblock > 
                    <apex:pageBlockSection title="Opportunity"> 
                                 <apex:Inputfield value="{!Opportunity[fieldValue]}"/> 

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!