• Ishwar Shinde
  • 578 Points
  • Member since 2016
  • Solution Architect
  • Slalom

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trigger candidatescheduleforinterview on schedule__c (after update) 
    LIST<schedule__c>lstsch=new list<schedule__c>();
    List<Follow_Up_2__c>lstfu2=new list<Follow_Up_2__c>();
    for(schedule__c sc : trigger.old)
            follow_up_2__c fu2= new follow_up_2__c();
        insert lstfu2;
        delete lstsch;

i want delete record in schedule object and insert it in followup2 object can any one help me in it?

I've created a workflow to send a email everytime a case was created. 
But my Workflow doesn't work, even I change the rules. 

Please, anyone know the reason? Is there some rule to workflow for cases?
User-added image
User-added image
Hi ,

Can any one help me with the below .

I try to update all te account description with value "Testing 2" in my batches. I tried to update account description by picking 10 10 Acounts, But its updating only first 10 set of records and skipping remainign records.

Can you pls guide me where am wrong.

public class first_batch2_withuser_query implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{

  public final  String Field;
  public final  String Query;
  public final  String Value;
        public first_batch2_withuser_query (String f, String q, String v){
    Field =f;    Query =q;   Value =v;
     public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
    return Database.getQueryLocator(Query);
       public void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> Scope){
    for (Account a: Scope){
    update Scope;    
public void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){

I tried with below methods but not updating all the accounts in batches.

String f='Description';
String q= 'Select Description from Account limit 10';
String v='Testing 2';
ID batchinstanceID= Database.executeBatch(new first_batch2_withuser_query(f,q,v),5);

​String f='Description';
String q= 'Select Description from Account limit 10';
String v='Testing 2';
ID batchinstanceID= Database.executeBatch(new first_batch2_withuser_query(f,q,v));

String f='Description';
String q= 'Select Description from Account limit 10';
String v='Testing 2';
ID jobID= Database.executeBatch(new first_batch2_withuser_query(f,q,v));
Hi Team,

The  below validation rule is working for one user . but i want to add one more user can you pleease help me with that

$User.Id != '005300000020erI' 
(RecordTypeId = $Setup.ObjectRecordTypeIds__c.Case__RecordType__c 

  • January 24, 2018
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  • 0

I'm looking for help with creaing formula field (text type) based on 3 checkbox fields. E.g

1. if checkbox 1 is true and checkbox 2 is false and Checkbox 3 is false, formula should populate 'A',
​2. if checkbox 1 is false and checkbox 2 is true and Checkbox 3 is false, formula should populate 'B', 
​1. if checkbox 1 is false and checkbox 2 is false and Checkbox 3 is true, formula should populate 'C', 

Thanks for any help
I am using professional org. I am system admin. I am doing task on standard object i.e., lead. In this standard object there are 2 custom fields location and mesage. I want to make this fields read only from visualforce page so no one can edit it. how to do this throug visualforce page using apex class?

Thanks & regards,
list<account> a= new list<account>();
List<Account> acclist = [select id, name,Isdeleted from account  limit 4];
for(account acc:acclist)

undelete a;

Above is my code getting error please help me where I was written wrong....
Hi Team,
We have one piclist field called as  "Approved" along with the values are Yes,No.
1.If we select "NO", need to restrict the Order submissoins-opportunity is essential blocked.
2.If "Yes" is selected, Request# field becomes mandatory.
3.If Yes is selected and Request # is populated, Status = Approved.
4.If No is selected, Status = Rejected.
Can any one please help us how to create a workflow.

Thanks in Advance
  • August 01, 2016
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Is there any method to export the attacments of custom object?
I am looking for a way to load a modal VF page that has its own controller. I have seen a good post that allows you to embed a separate VF page into the existing one, but it relies on having only one controller.

Any ideas how to do this?
Hi Team,

Like we have System class method currentPageReference() to get the reference of current VFPage, do we have something similar to get the details of running apex class? 
My requirement is to check status of previous instance of my Batch class when it ran last time. Depending on that I need to set certain attributes of current instance.
Currently I am storing Batch Class Id in custom setting and referring that while querying AsyncApexJob for status. Just wondering if there any other way.
What is the basic differences between salesforce classic and salesforce1? When and why we should prefer one of them to another?
Going through the Trailhead tutorial on SOSL search query and is wondering why the searchList variable is a List within a List. Can't we just use <List<sObject> searchList instead of List<List<sObject>> searchList ? Anyone here can kindly explain?

List<List<sObject>> searchList = [FIND 'Wingo OR SFDC' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account(Name),Contact(FirstName,LastName,Department)];

I tried to create a case when another is closed. On case, I have an Account lookup field and I want to put the account owner on the new case.
Here is my trigger :

trigger CreatePresentationCallCase on Case (before update) {

if((trigger.new[0].Status=='closed') && (trigger.old[0].Status<>'closed') && (trigger.new[0].Opportunity_Case__c != null) && ((trigger.new[0].Subject=='New hotel : Training') || (trigger.new[0].Subject=='New hotel : Training')))

                case c1=new case(
                Subject='New hotel : Presentation Call To Be Done',
                OwnerId = trigger.new[0].Account.OwnerId,
                Alfred_Scope__c = 'Other',
                Subject__c = 'New Hotel',
                Type = 'Action Request',
                Origin ='Automatic case',  
                Opportunity_Case__c = trigger.new[0].Opportunity_Case__c,
                AccountId = trigger.new[0].AccountId,
                Description = 'Kick off made on ' + trigger.new[0].Kick_off_date__c + ' by ' + trigger.new[0].Kick_off_person__c + '\n' + 'Training made on ' + trigger.new[0].Training_Date__c + ' by ' + trigger.new[0].Training_Person__c

                insert c1;

I can save it but when I try to close my case I've got this error : 

Error: Invalid Data. 
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger CreatePresentationCallCase caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: CreatePresentationCallCase: execution of BeforeUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY, Owner ID: owner cannot be blank: [OwnerId]: Trigger.CreatePresentationCallCase: line 18, column 1

Could you help me please ?
how can the roles impact on the security model?
I wrote a controller extension with a class which read txt file from static resource inside.
The class in my controller is like this:
public String textFromSomeUniqueName {

    get {
        StaticResource sr = [
                select Body
                from StaticResource
                where Name = 'SomeUniqueName'
        return sr.Body.toString();
Now I have to write test class for my controller extension but I don't know how testing this particular part.
I tried to test the class, as usual, creating test data for static resource but I've realize that DML operations aren't allowed on StaticResource object.
Anyone could help me?
I have created web to lead form. if lead is genearated from web to lead form then checkbox filed  on the lead object will be checked and processs builder  will send mail to lead owner. My requirement is if the lead is generated from system then process builder should not fire any mail. ?I have written this code. in which i have added this statement 
<input type="hidden" id="00N3600000OxAnG" name="00N3600000OxAnG" checkbox="true" value="1" />
but still if lead is created from system then also process builder send mail to the lead owner. 

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<aside class="col-sm-4">
<section class="request-quote-wrap request-quote-desktop">
<section class="request-quote-wrap">
<h2>Request a Quote</h2>
<section class="request-quote-inner">
<form id="enquiryFrm" action="https://na30.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.WebToLead?encoding=UTF-8" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="oid" value="00D36000000Ymbt"/> <input type="hidden" name="retURL" value="http://aress.com/thank-you.html#"/> <input type="hidden" id="00N3600000OxAnG" name="00N3600000OxAnG" checkbox="true" value="1" />
<section class="form-row" style="color:red; font-size:11px;">All fields are mandatory </section>
<section class="form-row"> <label for="first_name">First Name:</label>
</section><input class="textfld" id="first_name" maxlength="40" name="first_name" size="20" type="text" />
</section> <section class="form-row">
<label for="last_name">Last Name:</label>
<section><input class="textfld" id="last_name" maxlength="80" name="last_name" size="20" type="text" />
</section> </section>
<section class="form-row">
<label for="email">Email:</label>
<section><input class="textfld" id="email" maxlength="80" name="email" size="20" type="text" /> </section> <section class="form-row">
<label for="phone">Phone:</label>
<section><input class="textfld" id="phone" maxlength="40" name="phone" size="20" type="text" /> </section>
</section> <section class="form-row"> <label>Your Preferred Location:</label>
<section class="select-outer"> <select class="select" id="00N3600000OwUK8" name="00N3600000OwUK8" title="Your Preffered Location">
<option value="">Please select</option> <option value="USA">USA</option>
<option value="UK">UK</option> <option value="India">India</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option> </select> </section> </section>
<section class="form-row"> <label> Message: </label> <section>
<textarea class="textarea-fld" aria-labelledby="00N3600000OwJ3B_pcl" id="00N3600000OwJ3B" name="00N3600000OwJ3B" rows="3" type="text" wrap="soft"> </textarea> </section>
</section> <section> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" class="orange-btn radius"/> </section> </section> </form> </section> </section> </section> </aside> </section>
</section> </section> </section>
The only link I find is developer.salesforce.com/signup

But, I already made an account, I just need the url to actually log in.


I have a custom object which is private, there are activities on it.
Activities are dependent on parents. 

The user with speccific profile is not able to delete the records not owned by him, how can i give access to him ?
  • July 25, 2016
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Hello Experts, 

I am trying to post the file uploaded in salesforce A to salesforce B. I am using visualforce page to upload the file and submitting to Salesforce B. 
My solution is working fine with synchronous callout. 
Now, I want to make the use of async callout using Continuation, but apex:inputfile doesn't support the render attribute, so my page get refreshed on upload action call and before getting a response from continuation. 

Is there anyway I can add render functionality to the asscoiated command:button so it will not refresh the complete page?

Ishwar Shinde
I am trying to access the apex rest service defined in Salesforce org B from Salesforce org B using named credentails. 

I have performed following steps- 
  • Create Connected App in Salesforce Org B
  • Create Auth. Provider in Salesforce Org A, add consumer secret and key. Copy callback URL. 
  • Update Connected App in Salesforce Org B with Callback URL.
  • Go to Org A --> Create Named Credential --> Select the Oauth --> Select the Auth Provider created earlier  --> Set scope as refresh_token full
     -> Start Authentication Flow on Save --> authorize using Org B
  • Use this Named Cred. in Apex code. 
Code Snippet:
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
        Http h = new Http();
        HttpResponse res;
          res = h.send(req);  
        System.debug(' Response '+ res);
        System.debug(' Body '+ res.getBody());

I am getting read timed out error/ Unexpected end of file from server if timed out is set to 120 seconds. 
I have whitlisted all ip addresses in Network setting.
Could you please help what is wrong here?

Thanks in advance.
Hi All,

Are you aware of any desktop tool which will help to find duplicates by comparing 2-3 fields with each other of the same object?
We need to find duplicate leads by comparing 3 email fields present on the lead object. Primary Email on lead A matches any email address field of lead B(Primary Email, Personal Email or Business Email) then it will be considered as duplicate.

Thanks and Regards,
We have an option on chatter group to Archive this group if there are no posts or comments for 90 days.
is it possible to change the value- 90 days here?
Hello Team,

I am trying to build a managed package and while running a checkmark code scan I am getting below message grouped as "Apex Serious Security Risk"

Message from Checkmarx: "All entry points to an app (Global or Controller classes) must use the 'with sharing' keyword. Classes without this keyword run without sharing if they are entry points to your code, or with the sharing policy of the caller. Do not omit the sharing declaration as this hides critical security information in side-effects that can change when code is refactored. Only declare classes as 'without sharing' if they are not entry points to your app and if they only modify objects whose security is managed by your code (such as wizard state, or fields in a site). It is a common misconception to believe that batch apex or async apex must run with the global keyword. This is not true, the only classes that must be global are those that expose webservices or are intended to be used by extension packages. All async apex should run as public in order to avoid creating privileged entry points to your app."

My controllers have without sharing mentioned and I wanted it to execute in System Mode only, hence could you please suggest how to overcome the security risk.

I am trying to access the apex rest service defined in Salesforce org B from Salesforce org B using named credentails. 

I have performed following steps- 
  • Create Connected App in Salesforce Org B
  • Create Auth. Provider in Salesforce Org A, add consumer secret and key. Copy callback URL. 
  • Update Connected App in Salesforce Org B with Callback URL.
  • Go to Org A --> Create Named Credential --> Select the Oauth --> Select the Auth Provider created earlier  --> Set scope as refresh_token full
     -> Start Authentication Flow on Save --> authorize using Org B
  • Use this Named Cred. in Apex code. 
Code Snippet:
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
        Http h = new Http();
        HttpResponse res;
          res = h.send(req);  
        System.debug(' Response '+ res);
        System.debug(' Body '+ res.getBody());

I am getting read timed out error/ Unexpected end of file from server if timed out is set to 120 seconds. 
I have whitlisted all ip addresses in Network setting.
Could you please help what is wrong here?

Thanks in advance.
I added the product "GenWatt Diesel 1000kW" at a price of $87,000.00 in the my newly created "Northwest Diesel Generator Sales".

When In clicke check "Check the Challenge"  I get the following error: "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find an entry for 'GenWatt Diesel 1000kW' with a price of 87,500 in the 'Northwest Diesel Generator Sales' Pricebook"

Everything looks correct.  Any idea what might be wrong?

I am on the trailhead section that says "Creat a sales process". The instructions say:
From Setup, click Customize | Opportunities | Sales Processes.
Click New.
To create the first new process for your organization, create a Master process.
Give your sales process a unique but descriptive name. For example, Retail Sales.
Optionally, add a description.
By default, all stages are included in a new process. Remove stages you don’t want to include by clicking the stage name in the Selected Values area, and then clicking the Remove arrow to move the unwanted stage to the Available Values area. For example, if you qualify all leads before converting leads to opportunities, remove Qualification from the selected values.
Click Save.
The problem is, I don't have a "Sales Process" field. I am using Lightining. Can anyone help?Sales Process Field

I want to show/hide fields based on a pick list selection in the new case screen . If i select 'PIN Reset' from 'Action' pick list then it should show 'PIN' field and it must hide 'Password' field, Or if i select 'Password request' then it should show 'Password' field it must hide 'PIN' field.

Is there any way to achive this without using Visualforce page and Apex class ?

Please find the below screenshot.

User-added image
   Actually I'm trying to ceate a record in external system for that I have developed
   a REST api and it works perfectly for creating a record.
  Step1 : By clicking the command button once in visualforce page first it sends request to external
          system and returns the response as status  ok.But no record creates in external system this time.
  Step2 : Now this time by clicking the command button twice from visualforce page it sends request to third party
          and creates a record in external system.
          How can I avoid double clicking a command button in visualforce for creating a record.
          This is my page :
<apex:page standardController="Test__c"  extensions="UserExport" sidebar="false">
    <apex:form >   
        <apex:panelGrid columns="2">
          <apex:pageBlock Title=" Registration Form">
            <apex:pagemessages />
                 <apex:pageBlockSection >
                     <apex:inputField value="{!Test__c.First_Name__c}" /> <br/>
                     <apex:inputField value="{!Test__c.Last_Name__c}" /><br/>
                     <apex:inputField value="{!Test__c.Login__c}" /><br/>
                     <apex:inputField value="{!Test__c.Registration_Password__c}" /><br/>
                     <apex:inputField value="{!Test__c.Conform_Password__c}" /><br/>
                     <apex:inputField value="{!Test__c.Company_Name__c}" /><br/>
                      <apex:inputField value="{!Test__c.City__c}"/> <br/>
                     <apex:inputField value="{!Test__c.State__c}"/><br/>
                     <apex:inputField value="{!Test__c.Country__c}"/><br/>
                     <apex:inputField value="{!Test__c.Mobile_Phone__c}"/>   <br/>
                    <apex:commandButton value="Register" action="{!processButtonClick}"/>
trigger candidatescheduleforinterview on schedule__c (after update) 
    LIST<schedule__c>lstsch=new list<schedule__c>();
    List<Follow_Up_2__c>lstfu2=new list<Follow_Up_2__c>();
    for(schedule__c sc : trigger.old)
            follow_up_2__c fu2= new follow_up_2__c();
        insert lstfu2;
        delete lstsch;

i want delete record in schedule object and insert it in followup2 object can any one help me in it?
It's strange I followed the salesforce document but I am getting error on validating lightning input field. 

Here is my code.

      <lightning:input aura:id="inputCmp"
                           label="Please Enter a Number"
                           name="inputCmp" /><br/>
    <lightning:button label="Submit" onclick="{!c.doAction}"/>

    doAction : function(component, event) {
        var inputCmp = component.find("inputCmp");
        var value = inputCmp.get("v.value");

        // is input numeric?
        if (isNaN(value)) {
            inputCmp.set("v.errors", [{message:"Input not a number: " + value}]);
        } else {
            inputCmp.set("v.errors", null);

    handleError: function(component, event){
        /* do any custom error handling
         * logic desired here */
        // get v.errors, which is an Object[]
        var errorsArr  = event.getParam("errors");
        for (var i = 0; i < errorsArr.length; i++) {
            console.log("error " + i + ": " + JSON.stringify(errorsArr[i]));

    handleClearError: function(component, event) {
        /* do any custom error handling
         * logic desired here */

When I click submit button I get below error.

User-added image

Please correct me if I any mistake in my code. you help is much appreciated.

I've created a workflow to send a email everytime a case was created. 
But my Workflow doesn't work, even I change the rules. 

Please, anyone know the reason? Is there some rule to workflow for cases?
User-added image
User-added image
Hi ,

Can any one help me with the below .

I try to update all te account description with value "Testing 2" in my batches. I tried to update account description by picking 10 10 Acounts, But its updating only first 10 set of records and skipping remainign records.

Can you pls guide me where am wrong.

public class first_batch2_withuser_query implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{

  public final  String Field;
  public final  String Query;
  public final  String Value;
        public first_batch2_withuser_query (String f, String q, String v){
    Field =f;    Query =q;   Value =v;
     public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
    return Database.getQueryLocator(Query);
       public void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> Scope){
    for (Account a: Scope){
    update Scope;    
public void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){

I tried with below methods but not updating all the accounts in batches.

String f='Description';
String q= 'Select Description from Account limit 10';
String v='Testing 2';
ID batchinstanceID= Database.executeBatch(new first_batch2_withuser_query(f,q,v),5);

​String f='Description';
String q= 'Select Description from Account limit 10';
String v='Testing 2';
ID batchinstanceID= Database.executeBatch(new first_batch2_withuser_query(f,q,v));

String f='Description';
String q= 'Select Description from Account limit 10';
String v='Testing 2';
ID jobID= Database.executeBatch(new first_batch2_withuser_query(f,q,v));
Error:Apex trigger InquiryTrigger caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: InquiryTrigger: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject: Class.InquiryTriggerHandler.InquiryHandler: line 13, column 1

How do I fix this issue?

public class InquiryTriggerHandler {
    public static void InquiryHandler(string caseid){
        Case cs=[SELECT id,OwnerId,ContactID,Confirmation_Email__c,ContactEmail From Case WHERE id=:caseid];
        system.debug('CaseID: '+caseid);
        user u=[select id,email from user where id=:cs.ownerid];
        system.debug('User Email: '+u.email);
        system.debug('Confirmation Mail: '+cs.Confirmation_Email__c);
        system.debug('Contact Email: '+cs.ContactEmail);
        List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> lsem=new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage sem=new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
        List<String> address=new List<String>();
        sem.setCcAddresses(new string[]{u.email});

        EmailTemplate et=[SELECT id,Name FROM EmailTemplate WHERE name='Email Confirmation Template II'];
       OrgWideEmailAddress owd=[SELECT id,Address FROM OrgWideEmailAddress WHERE Address=:system.label.Taconic_Mail_id];
       List<Attachment> att=[SELECT id,Name,Body,ContentType FROM Attachment WHERE ParentID=:caseid];
        List<Messaging.EmailFileAttachment> lefa=new List<Messaging.EmailFileAttachment>();
        for(Attachment a:att){
            Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa=new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
            string contentvalue=(a.contentType).substringAfter('/');

  • February 07, 2018
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Hi Team,

The  below validation rule is working for one user . but i want to add one more user can you pleease help me with that

$User.Id != '005300000020erI' 
(RecordTypeId = $Setup.ObjectRecordTypeIds__c.Case__RecordType__c 

  • January 24, 2018
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Hi Team,

Like we have System class method currentPageReference() to get the reference of current VFPage, do we have something similar to get the details of running apex class? 
My requirement is to check status of previous instance of my Batch class when it ran last time. Depending on that I need to set certain attributes of current instance.
Currently I am storing Batch Class Id in custom setting and referring that while querying AsyncApexJob for status. Just wondering if there any other way.
Hi there,

I have recently integrated Adobe Sign with Salesforce through AppExchange but was having some problems with retrieving the Signing URL for any document that has been uploaded.

The link that I can access by querying the Signing URL field, is the link that is sent to the sender of a document and not the link needed for a recipient to preview and sign a document. Could you please advise as to how to retrieve this URL through Salesforce, for a recipient to be able to click on the link and be taken to preview and sign any such document?

Thank you!