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Hello All,

I am still a SF Admin Newb but I am learning more and more everyday. I am going to throw this out into the SF Developer universe with hopes someone can assist me on how to do this if it's possible:

I would like our Custom Object "LC Account Notes" to Automatically be Created each time an Opportunity is Closed-Won for an Account. The challenge in our Org is the Account Owner is always a Sales Rep, but each Rep has a Consultant who drives the strategy with the client. For this reason, the Consultants need their own designated area to track their activities, calls, and strategies separated from the Sales Cycle/ generic Account Details.

So if I can automate the creation of the Custom Object LC Account Notes, we would be golden. (See Screenshot).User-added image
If created from the Account Page, Account Name is auto-populated so I guess I also need to know if the "Subject" aka the LC Account Note Name can be populated. Ideally by the Account Name & Contract Year: "LC Account Notes: Test Inc. 2016-2017"

In the future, I would like the Account Strategy to also be created automatically but this can definitely wait.

Any insight or direction with this is much appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your time!
Julia Rodriguez

Hi there,Although i added reports & dashboards in the tabs section of community Management, Couldn't find reports & dashboards in community builder. can anybody tell how can I achieve it
I was wondering what the best approach would be for a project I am working on. 
The premise is to have an intricate online form that generates quotes that are linked with opportunities but also have an option to generate mock quotes for personal viewing in an excel format. It would need to be able to track revisions and call back previous quotes made. What would the best direction to accomplish such task? My assumptions have been using a custom controller with a Visual force page.

When a Lead is converted, Salesforce will have to automatically create three new records: - Contact - Account - Opportunity

Is it necessary to implement an algorithm or it can be done in administrative way without having to write source code.

Could you please advise how this can be achieved in Salesforce?


We have an email template that we want to send out to our customer's 7 days after we complete their job. We have all of the settings in place except we can't figure out how to add the customer's email address as a receipient. Does anyone know how can I add the customer's email address? We currently set it to send to our customer service email address but we'd like to change it to our customer's email address. Please advise if anyone knows how to do this.

Email Alerts

  I want to create a two formula fields 

  1. Based on today date which quater 
  2.  There is a custom field which is a date to know which quater the date falling 

 Please suggest me how to create these two formula fields 

Can I create a custom formula field that searches for text contained in another text field (not a picklist)?  We have a custom text field in our acount records that contains a long string of text (list of products that are updated in batch each night).  

I would like to create a sperate field that indicates if the first text field has 1 of 6 different words in it (they are specific products).

I can do this easily in excel but cannot figure out how to do it here.  The Contains argument is only for a picklist, yes?    Thanks, in advance, for you input.
We have our leads linked to our accounts through a child/parent relationship. I currently have a trigger set up so that when a lead record is edited it checks the database for accounts that have a matching name and then links them through the "Related Account" lookup field. We have another field called company id though, which is a unique identifier for each company (we use the linkedin company id). This id is on both accounts and leads. I want to change the rule to match FIRST based on this ID and SECOND based on the name if there is no ID Match. I'll try to represent the goal with pseudocode below. And then I'll paste what I've got so far.

WHEN (A lead record is created or updated) {
      IF (Lead company ID is equal to Account company id) {
               //Update lead related account field to matching account.
      } ELSE IF (Lead Name is equal to Account Name) {
               //Update lead related account field to matching account.

The pseudocode structure looks different from my actual code.
I tried to use "key: value" maps. This doesn't work. It works for a name match but not for an id match at all. 
I'd appreciate any pointers, thanks!
trigger updateRelatedAccount on Lead (before update) {
    set<string> accNames = new set<string>();
    set<Decimal> accLIDs = new set<Decimal>();
        for(Lead ld : Trigger.New){

        list<Account> accs = new list<Account>([Select Id,Name,LinkedIn_Id__c from account where name=:accNames or LinkedIn_Id__c=:accLIDs]);
        map<String,id> mapaccs = new map<String,id>();
    	map<Decimal, id> mapids = new map<Decimal, id>();

        for(Account ac : accs){

        for(Lead lds : Trigger.New){
            if (lds.Company_ID__c < 0) {
                lds.Related_Account__c = mapids.get(lds.Company_ID__c);
            } else {
                lds.related_account__c = mapaccs.get(lds.company);

I know there must be 10 different ways to do this but I am reaching my knowledge limit here and need some help.

I have a table on my visualforce page which is pulling a list of all Workstep__c records that are related to a defined Sub_Order__c object.
Here's a much simplified version of my list:
<apex:pageBlock >
        <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">            
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wsList}" var="ws">   
                <apex:column headerValue="Name" value="{!ws.Name}" />                   
                <apex:column headerValue="Duration" value="{!ws.Duration__c}" />
I need to have a button or a link at the top of the page that, when pressed, toggles visibility for any Workstep__c records on the list that have a Duration__c value of 0.

Right now I have a bunch of style classes defined in CSS and I've applied conditional styling to each column in order to hide the rows with a duration of 0, and it works just fine (though it's messy.. still trying to figure out how to clean it up a bit), however I want to be able to toggle the visibility of those rows on or off with a button. Suggestions for what direction to look?
I need some assistance. I am trying to write a VF email template that displays only the campaign members when the custom checkbox field called Notification Needed equals "True".  Listed below is the VF email template. 

In the template I wrote: <apex:repeat var="cm" value="{!relatedTo.CampaignMembers}," Rendered="{!IF(NOT(ISBLANK(!relatedTo.CampaignMembers.Notification_Needed__c)),true, false)}"> But it is not correct. 

I am recieving the following Error: Unknown property 'VisualforceArrayList.Notification_Needed__c'

I appreciate any help you can offer. Thanks!

<messaging:emailTemplate subject="Marketing Generated Named Account Prospects - NA-Eastern Region" recipientType="User" relatedToType="Campaign">
<messaging:htmlEmailBody > 
         <STYLE type="text/css">
               TH {font-size: 14px; font-face: arial;background: #CCCCCC; border-width: 1;  text-align: center }
               TD  {font-size: 14px; font-face: verdana }
               TABLE {border: solid #CCCCCC; border-width: 1}
               TR {border: solid #CCCCCC; border-width: 1}
                  <font face="arial" size="3"></font>
        <p>Dear Jim Michelson,</p>
        <p>New marketing generated named account prospect(s) have been assigned to you and are now available for follow up. In addition, attached for your use is a follow up template.</p> 
        <p>To view the prospects that have been assigned to you click on the report link below.</p>
        <apex:outputLink value="https://qlogic--sandbox.cs7.my.salesforce.com/00OM0000000h74W">Named Account Prospects Eastern Region </apex:outputLink><br></br>

<table border="1"></table>
<table border="0" >
                 <tr >
                     <th>Prospect First Name</th><th>Prospect Last Name</th><th> Title </th><th> Phone </th><th> Email </th><th> State </th><th> Country </th><th>Company Name</th><th> Marketing Source</th>
    <apex:repeat var="cm" value="{!relatedTo.CampaignMembers}," Rendered="{!IF(NOT(ISBLANK(!relatedTo.CampaignMembers.Notification_Needed__c)),true, false)}">
           <td>{!IF(cm.contactId != null,cm.contact.FirstName,cm.lead.firstname)}</td>
           <td>{!IF(cm.contactId != null,cm.contact.LastName,cm.lead.lastname)}</td>
           <td>{!IF(cm.contactId != null,cm.contact.Title,cm.lead.Title)}</td>
           <td>{!IF(cm.contactId != null,cm.contact.Phone,cm.lead.Phone)}</td>
           <td>{!IF(cm.contactId != null,cm.contact.Email,cm.lead.Email)}</td>
           <td>{!IF(cm.contactId != null,cm.contact.MailingState,cm.lead.State)}</td>
           <td>{!IF(cm.contactId != null,cm.contact.MailingCountry,cm.lead.Country)}</td>
           <td>{!IF(cm.contactId != null,cm.contact.Account.Name,cm.lead.Company)}</td>
       <p>System Administrator</p>

I'm trying to delete leads after converting to contacts, but getting the exception 'DML statement cannot operate on trigger.new or trigger.old'.
Below is the code where I'm facing issue at delete leadListToDelete. Can any explain this? 
trigger LeadToContact on Lead (before insert, before update, after insert, after update) {   
    //Map<Id, Lead> leadIds = new Map<Id, Lead>();
    List<Lead> leadList = new List<Lead>();
    List<Lead> leadListToDelete = new List<Lead>();
    	for (Lead l : trigger.New){
        	if(l.Status == 'Open - Not Contacted'){
            	if(l.Email_Domain__c != null){
                 	System.debug('New leads having Email domain ### ' + leadList);
    	List<Account> accList = [select id, Email_Domain__c from Account where Email_Domain__c LIKE '%com'];        
    	List<Contact> contactList = new List<Contact>(); 	
    	for(Account acc :accList){
        	for(Lead lead : leadList)
            	if(acc.Email_Domain__c == lead.Email_Domain__c){
                	Contact c = new Contact(LastName = lead.LastName, AccountId = acc.Id);
                    System.debug('Contacts to be created : ' + contactList);
                    System.debug('Delete Leads ## ' + leadListToDelete);
    	insert contactList;
    	delete leadListToDelete;
Thanks in Advance!
I'm using the following code inside my custom chat agent window.

<liveAgent:clientChatQueuePosition label="People waiting" rendered="true" />

For some reason I get to see the label, but I don't see the queue position.

Any ideas?

I have a custom object (Invoice). It's an Opportunity Child (Master-Detail). As security depends from Opportunity I can't seem to create a Force.com Profile with access to this object. I want to avoind moving this relationship to a Lookup. Any ideas?
I'm using the following code inside my custom chat agent window.

<liveAgent:clientChatQueuePosition label="People waiting" rendered="true" />

For some reason I get to see the label, but I don't see the queue position.

Any ideas?

I have the following requirement.
Create a custom button on the opportunity object. The opportunity object has custom fields (street,city,state,zip,country)When the button is clicked , open a visual force page in a new window and display the address information on the page.
I could pass the address values as parameters to the new window. The visual force page also has a button 'Search'. When the search button is clicked, it will search for opportunities within a mile and display results in a page block table with checkboxes next to each row. Each row in the table has opportunity name and other columns The user should be able to select the checkboxes and clicking Ok, should include the Opportunity name as links in a custom rich text field on the opportunity.
I am trying to figure out the best possible way to pass the opportunity id's/names from the visual force page to the opportunity page when the user selects the checkboxes and clicks OK.
Any help is highly appreciated.

I have a requirement to grant access on Report/Dashboard folders to Public Groups using apex. Is this possible in Salesforce?
Hello All,

I am still a SF Admin Newb but I am learning more and more everyday. I am going to throw this out into the SF Developer universe with hopes someone can assist me on how to do this if it's possible:

I would like our Custom Object "LC Account Notes" to Automatically be Created each time an Opportunity is Closed-Won for an Account. The challenge in our Org is the Account Owner is always a Sales Rep, but each Rep has a Consultant who drives the strategy with the client. For this reason, the Consultants need their own designated area to track their activities, calls, and strategies separated from the Sales Cycle/ generic Account Details.

So if I can automate the creation of the Custom Object LC Account Notes, we would be golden. (See Screenshot).User-added image
If created from the Account Page, Account Name is auto-populated so I guess I also need to know if the "Subject" aka the LC Account Note Name can be populated. Ideally by the Account Name & Contract Year: "LC Account Notes: Test Inc. 2016-2017"

In the future, I would like the Account Strategy to also be created automatically but this can definitely wait.

Any insight or direction with this is much appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your time!
Julia Rodriguez

Hello, How can I write a trigger to send API to a third party tool/website?

Use case: When a record is generated or updated and the specified criteria is met, I need to trigger an API to a third party website.

Can someone let me know the steps to do so?

Thank you!
Hi there,Although i added reports & dashboards in the tabs section of community Management, Couldn't find reports & dashboards in community builder. can anybody tell how can I achieve it
Whenever the Account on Contact record changes, the contact should be

converted back to a Lead. Mapping from Contact to Lead fields provided below.

2. Delete any contact roles associated with open opportunities for the contact with the

old account

3. Send a plain text email to the Opportunity owner notifying the owner about the

change unless the user who changed the Account value is the same as the

Opportunity owner.

4. Add a button on the Contact detail page to un-convert a contact back to lead on

demand regardless of Account change. (If the Opportunity owner was the user

who clicked the button, do not send any emails)

5. Delete the contact

please any one help the scenario
I can't log into my developer account. I clicked the Forgot Password link but I haven't received any type of email notification regarding a password reset. Can you please advise? 


Is there anywhere I can find out the date I added a certain contact information?
I wanna override the Notes & Attachments related list with a Visualforce page,providing  the same functionality.Please help.
I was wondering what the best approach would be for a project I am working on. 
The premise is to have an intricate online form that generates quotes that are linked with opportunities but also have an option to generate mock quotes for personal viewing in an excel format. It would need to be able to track revisions and call back previous quotes made. What would the best direction to accomplish such task? My assumptions have been using a custom controller with a Visual force page.
1.How to create a website in salesforce by developers.
suppose domain name 
2. I am giving the ceated domain name  to endusers they need not login with salesforce directly access that site 

is it possible in salesforce?
if possible is it free or paid for that domain maintanince and all other things.

I would like to know the Analytics Cloud Certification details.  Is anyone aware of this availability in salesforce?
Kindly please let me know.

Thank you
Satheesh K
I need to find a way to keep certain users from creating new opportunities, thereby only being able to create them by converting a lead.  We have a sales process that starts with lead creation, and it completely throws off our metrics when an opportunity is created directly rather than through lead conversion.  That being said, one team SHOULD be able to do create directly (even if it's only from the 'clone' button).  SF support said I need custom code for this and I've no clue where to start.  Any help would be appreciated.
I created a custom object that we want to include the value of a field in the related Contact record at the time of the original creation of the custom object record. The field tells us what the customer's status is in our system (service level, paid client, prospect, etc.). I do not want the field to be able to change if the record is edited in the future in case that field has changed since the object was created. A little help?

We're looking for an experienced Salesforce developer for work within our marketing and service technologies department. We are a major dutch retail company working globally.

We expect you to be able to work minimal of 20 hours a week. Have a great understanding of APEX and Visualforce and have a proven trackrecord. 

Send your resume to jhendriks@suitsupply.com or send me a message on the forum.

Thank you in advance for your message. 



Hi, I'm a business user, and I'd like to explore options on how to automatically create a case based on an inbound survery. 
The survey itself would have 2 parts - one part submitted by a third party vendor via a web or email form, one part by our actual customer, also via web or email form. The list of questions for each part are different. Both parts of the survery together would consitute a case (attached to the account of the customer), and then the case would be routed to our staff for review and comments. 
One small wrinkle - the 2-part survery would be a monthly re-curring survey to the same parties. Any and all ideas welcome. 
I appologize if I'm nt using accurate technical terms. Thanks!
Hello All,
This is kalesha . I've 14 months of experience as a salesforce developer and 1 year experience as a web application developer. I've recently passed the Salesforce Platform Developer 1 certifiaction. Can someone guide me how to search for salesforce entry level or junior level jobs.

I launched the developer edition, created the My Data app and activated it.  I get this error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'MyData' Lightning App was not found.

Any ideas why it's not finding the app.  I see it there and it's activated.
  • December 10, 2015
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