• Vivek Ponugoti 20
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I have a snapshot related to Opportunity records with a target custom object filtering with stage field values as 'Qualified' 'Finals' 'Won-Not Funded' snapshot runs on weekly basis.

Now i am planning to create a new snapshot of Opportunity records with same target object and field used by above snapshot but with different stage field values 'Lead' 'Won' 'Won-Funded' 'Lost' and report, run this on weekly basis.

My question is above two snapshot creates any duplicate records into target object? as this are taking the backup from the same object opportunity.

Any help on this is Appreciated.
I have a lightning component were it used at two places once at Quick action button in popup and other in record detail page layout. Know i would need to recognise when the component is opened in popup through the Quick action button, so that i need to perform required action within the component.
Any help is appreciated.
I have an existing Salesforce Developer Edition Account; however, when I try and connect to my account via the Challenge Connect button, my username and password is not recognized. Do I need to connect to my salesforce developer account via the challenge connect in order for the challenge to be credited to my developer trailhead account? Or can I just login to my salesforce developer account separately and complete the challenge that way?

Problem with "Creating Global Quick Actions" Module

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: TGHDVSER. Error: Faraday::Error::ResourceNotFound. Message: NOT_FOUND: The requested resource does not exist

I've tried this several times now, over two days.  Deleted and recreated, but still get the same error.

Would really like to complete this module.  Any help appreciated.  thanks, 
Im unable to create a new Force.com project in Eclipse Kepler Version: 4.3.0. 
I enter my username/password & security token but still no success.
Hi All,

We currently have a strange situation going on: when we try to deploy Profiles to, whichever, Sandbox, we receive an error saying: Invalid Parameter Value.
I know from the known issues lists that if your profile has a permission related to "View All Data", then this error message appears.

On the profiles (all of them currently) none has this permission or CRUD permission assigned. What the strange part is that we can deploy from Sandbox to Production. But we can't deploy from:
- Sandbox to sandbox
- Production to Sandbox

Anyone else had this issue before?

  • August 26, 2014
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I have an existing Salesforce Developer Edition Account; however, when I try and connect to my account via the Challenge Connect button, my username and password is not recognized. Do I need to connect to my salesforce developer account via the challenge connect in order for the challenge to be credited to my developer trailhead account? Or can I just login to my salesforce developer account separately and complete the challenge that way?

Problem with "Creating Global Quick Actions" Module

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: TGHDVSER. Error: Faraday::Error::ResourceNotFound. Message: NOT_FOUND: The requested resource does not exist

I've tried this several times now, over two days.  Deleted and recreated, but still get the same error.

Would really like to complete this module.  Any help appreciated.  thanks, 
Im unable to create a new Force.com project in Eclipse Kepler Version: 4.3.0. 
I enter my username/password & security token but still no success.

I'm following a well written tutorial written by @andymahood__c: http://www.tquila.com/blog/2014/11/17/setting-lightning-connect-and-your-first-external-object

When I get to the step #3 ... "Select Edit on the CustomerID field, ...", I don't see Account (or any objects to relate) listed in the drop down box. I have created the custom field on ACCOUNT named CusotmerID Text(5) and marked it as External ID as follows:

CustomerID CustomerID__c Text(5) (External ID) [Checked]

Any ideas?