• Archita patnaik 2
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  • Salesforce Developer
  • KNS Technologies

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Hello Everyone,
I need to export all my Lead data from Salesforce(CRM) to CSV file, including Open activities,activity history and campaign history.  Can it be, possible through Data Export? if there's any other way, please guide me.
First question is:- can i do customization on Mailchimpforsalesforce App if yes, please read the below details.
I am using Mailchimpforsalesforce app to integrate salesforce and Mailchimp(MC). The MailChimpforSalesforce app is designed to offer a two-way sync between MailChimp and Salesforce.
By this app,i got the option for creating MC campaign,view MC campaign activity, creating list new segment, staying in salesforce account only. But i didn't have the option to "create new List". I want this particular feature on this App. can i do it? please give me some overall idea regarding this.

Can someone help me?

I keep getting this result: "The 'Sales Rep Win Rates' report chart does not appear to be using a vertical bar chart" although the report dóes show a vertical bar chart.
It's in:  "Create Reports and Dashboards for Sales and Marketing Managers; "Visualize Your Data"

I tried by doing the whole trail again in a fresh/new dev org, but keep getting the same result.


I receive this error message : Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Lincoln Ulrich cannot set up and execute marketing campaigns to his accounts.  

I probed adding permission set, set to marketing user, set to system admin but I have the same issue.

  • October 18, 2017
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I'm having trouble checking the challenge, I've checked other discussions and I've done exactly what others have done to pass but everytime I click check challange it gives me this error message:

Looks like something went wrong, please try again later.

I've logged out of both Developer Edition and Trailhead acc, used another new Developer Edition to redo the challenge and it gives me the same message.

<apex:page Controller="Xmlparsar">

<apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock >
            <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
                <apex:commandButton value="Parse Xml" action="{!Parsexml}" />   
                <apex:commandButton value="ParseXML File" action="{!Parsexmlfile}"/>
            <apex:inputTextArea value="{!xmlstring}" style="width:336px;height:260px;"/> &nbsp;&nbsp;
            <apex:inputTextArea value="{!outxmlstring}" style="width:336px;height:260px;" id="response"/><br/>

            <apex:outputLabel value="Select Xml File" for="file"/>
            <apex:inputFile fileName="{!fileName}" value="{!body}"/>

Apex Class

public  class Xmlparsar
    //xml string
    public String xmlstring{get;set;}
    //display xml string
    public String outxmlstring{get;set;}
    public String rootElement{get;set;}
    public String filename{get;set;}
    public blob body{get;set;}
    public Xmlparsar()
//Parsing xml what you entered in the left text area
    public pagereference Parsexml()
       DOM.Document xmlDOC = new DOM.Document();
       DOM.XMLNode rootElement = xmlDOC.getRootElement();
       for(DOM.XMLNode xmlnodeobj:xmlDOC.getRootElement().getChildElements())
       return null;
    //loading the child elements
    public void loadChilds(DOM.XMLNode xmlnode)
        for(Dom.XMLNode child : xmlnode.getChildElements())
          if(child.getText()!= null)
          outxmlstring+='\n'+child.getName()+': '+child.getText();
//This is for parsing xml file what you selected
  public pagereference Parsexmlfile()
       DOM.Document xmlDOC = new DOM.Document();
       DOM.XMLNode rootElement = xmlDOC.getRootElement();
       outxmlstring=String.valueof(xmlDOC.getRootElement().getName());//gives you root element Name
       for(DOM.XMLNode xmlnodeobj:xmlDOC.getRootElement().getChildElements())
      return null;

Apex Test Class

public class XmlParsarTest
    //test for parse xml only
    @isTest static void Parsexml()
        Xmlparsar xmlpar=new Xmlparsar();
        PageReference pageRef = Page.XmlParseVFPage;
        xmlpar.xmlstring='<?xml version="1.0"?><catalog><book id="bk101"><author>Gambardella, Matthew</author></book></catalog>';
        System.assertNotEquals(null, xmlpar.outxmlstring);
    @isTest static void ParsexmlFile()
        Xmlparsar xmlpar=new Xmlparsar();
        PageReference pageRef = Page.XmlParseVFPage;
        List<StaticResource> resourceList=[SELECT body FROM StaticResource WHERE Name = :'testxmlfile' limit 1];
        System.assertNotEquals(null, xmlpar.outxmlstring);