• Steve Thistle
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After adding the snap-in sdk to the android project and trying to run the application I receive the following error.
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'.
> com.android.build.api.transform.TransformException: java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: okhttp3/internal/ws/RealWebSocket$1.class
Project was cleaned, cache invalidated but with no result.
Android project is part of a solution using react-native.
When I load a SCSCaseDetailViewController some times it will never load, the view stays comact with the cached text but no times shown and the loading spinner never dissapears.

When this happens all subsequent SCSCaseDetailViewControllers will also never load.

After adding the snap-in sdk to the android project and trying to run the application I receive the following error.
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'.
> com.android.build.api.transform.TransformException: java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: okhttp3/internal/ws/RealWebSocket$1.class
Project was cleaned, cache invalidated but with no result.
Android project is part of a solution using react-native.

I am using the ServiceSDK-IOS for Snap-ins and I want to change the visitor name in the auto-greeting. I can see that this is available in Android but I can't find it in the IOS documentation. Can you please help me what is the syntax for it? Thanks!
We have multiple users that must login again even if they have a valid refesh token in salesforce.
The token was not revoked.

Why do they have to login again ?
How can we investigate to figure out what is the reason for this ?


I have an exisiting Android application that I would like to extend to include the ability to create new Leads in SFDC.
So far all the documentation and tutorials I have found regarding the SFDC Mobile SDK assume that you are creating a new project.

This is deffinitely NOT what I want to do and would love some pointer to docs or direct support on how to best accomplish this.

I would like to take advantage of the Mobile SDK's OAuth Authentication handling and session managment features, but my app's workflow is really a simple push new lead to SFDC approach. I am thinking that this should be fairly straight forward once I overcome this initial block.
I also do NOT want to force a login to SFDC at application start. The ablity to push new Leads to SFDC is one of serveral optional features, and therefore it is approapriate to ask for credentials only after the end-user engages this option.

Thanks in advance

Getting build error while using Mobile iOS SDK ServiceCloud snapins for Knowledge or Service/Case.
Trying to build the app for iOS 10.3 Xcode 8.3.2 Swift 3 using Service mobile SDK. Initially following quick start guide app worked in the simulator. But once I try to load it iPhone device started to get errors. Now even trying a build for simulator throws the same error. I found It is Swift-Obj-C bridging header and Framework issue. I try several workarounds, settings in Xcode to "Allow non-modular header" Bitcode=On/OFF etc. but nothing works. Any ideas how to fix this?
ServiceKnowledge.framework/Frameworks/KnowledgeCore.framework/Headers/SCDefines.h:28:9: Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'ServiceKnowledge.KnowledgeCore.SCDefines': '/Users/mobile/mobile-sf-service/Pods/Headers/Public/ServiceSDK/SalesforceSDKCore/SalesforceSDKCore.h'
I am planning to build an SDK that abstracts all the complexity of authenticating a user against salesforce IDMS. I am using salesforce for my IDMS system and want to build multiple custom apps and authenticate users against salesforce. I just want to be able to provide the SDK to my developers so that they can build apps and use my SDK to authenticate users against salesforce IDMS
We are implementing the salesforce live agent chat in our android mobile application. Everything works fine. But we have a corner case.
Initiating the chat -> Opens chat window -> click on close button in window immediately [ within fraction of second ]. App will be crashed. Below is the log obtained from crash.

java.lang.NullPointerException: Session is not active. Unable to create LiveAgent Request. at com.salesforce.android.service.common.utilities.validation.Arguments.checkNotNull(Arguments.java:75) at com.salesforce.android.chat.core.internal.liveagent.request.InternalChatRequestFactory.checkSessionIsActive(InternalChatRequestFactory.java:104) at com.salesforce.android.chat.core.internal.liveagent.request.InternalChatRequestFactory.createEndRequest(InternalChatRequestFactory.java:95) at com.salesforce.android.chat.core.internal.liveagent.handler.EndHandler.onEndingSessionState(EndHandler.java:109) at com.salesforce.android.chat.core.internal.liveagent.LiveAgentChatSession.onStateChanged(LiveAgentChatSession.java:177) at com.salesforce.android.chat.core.internal.liveagent.LiveAgentChatSession.onStateChanged(LiveAgentChatSession.java:54) at com.salesforce.android.service.common.utilities.lifecycle.LifecycleEvaluator.stateChanged(LifecycleEvaluator.java:304) at com.salesforce.android.service.common.utilities.lifecycle.LifecycleStateWatcher$1.run(LifecycleStateWatcher.java:73) at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:751) at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95) at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:154) at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6688) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1468) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1358)

is there any method to overcome this issue. Any help appreciated.
Hi All,
 I have an issue on chat page in iOS
1) When click on chat button in iOS request will goes to salesforce chat page
2) Once Salesforce agent can accept chat request from iOS--> Chat communication will establish
3) Now we are trying to type message in text field in iOS chat, the text field automatically hide(moving up) at first time in iOS chat page

Any help will be appreciated.

I am developing Android native application for Salesforce. I used Salesforce SDK. Using SmartSync library we can sync the records from server to local and local to server. If I deleted a record in server and the same record I made some changes in local. If I proceed sync, that locally changed the record reached to server instead of delete in locally. Thats the issue which I am facing. My requirement is to delete the record in local If that same record deleted in server even I made changes in locally. Anyone help me.
I'm trying to implement a native Android app using the Live Agent Android SDK, however I was unable to find how to create records using the API provided in the SDK.

I want to implement something similar to what the findOrCreate() method does when using the Javascript Live Agent SDK, but all I could find was how to send custom data, which does not create the records the way I want.

Is there a way to do it? If not with this SDK, is there another SDK for that purpose?

Hi All

 We got and error "Operation could not be completed.(com.salesforce.ServiceSDK.Chat error 2000)" while connecting chat from iOS to salesforce live agent.
We have used salesforce Live chat configuration information( Live chat API, Button id, Deployment id, Salesforce Organization id) in iOS swift code for chat communication between iOS mobile to salesforce live agent chat.

Any help will be appreciated.



Is there a Live agent SDK for Android? All I could find was SOS Android SDK (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.service_sdk_android.meta/service_sdk_android/servicesdk_android_dev_guide.htm).

What I am looking for is something like this:

Thank you.

  • October 06, 2016
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Is the Salesforce Android SDK libraries available through Gradle?  By this I mean something along the lines of:

dependencies { 
    compile 'com.salesforce:smartsync:3.2.0' 

in a build.gradle file. Or, do you have to:

1) download the Salesforce SDK from Github
2) Import into Android Studio
3) Build the necessary *.jar files
4) Add the *.jar files to an existing Android Studio projects 'libs' directory

Unfortunately, there is no information on the developer.salesforce.com website that discusses integrating the Salesforce SDK into Android Studio.
I'm looking for a way to store Salesforce data locally in a mobile device. Smartstore is awesome, but the problem it deletes all Soups when we logout of the app. I reallly need to keep data on the mobile device even after logout.

Is there any alternative to Salesforce SmartStoe to do this ?
