• John Braun
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Hi Community,

I'm trying to learn how to build dynamic/conditional page layouts with Visualforce. Specifically, on an edit page, selecting a picklist value and having the VF page auto render a new section of fields. I'm trying to copy an example from the web but keep getting errors when I save my example. Would anyone be willing to take a look at my markup and let me know why it's failing? The error I get is:

Error: VFAgreementPage line 41, column 11: The element type "apex:form" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</apex:form>"
[Error] Error: The element type "apex:form" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</apex:form>".

However, I'm sure I do have a end tag for  </apex:form>

Please see my code below:

<apex:page standardcontroller="Agreement__c">
    <apex:sectionheader title="{!$ObjectType.Agreement__c.label} Edit" subtitle="{!IF(ISNULL(Agreement__c.Name), 'New Agreement',Agreement__c.Name)}"/>
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageblock mode="edit" title="{!$ObjectType.Agreement__c.label} Edit" id="thePageBlock">
            <apex:pageMessages />
            <apex:pageblockbuttons >
                <apex:commandbutton value="Save" action="{!Save}"/>
                <apex:commandbutton value="Cancel" action="{!Cancel}"/>
            <apex:actionRegion >

            <!-- **********   [Record Type : Product Specific Agreement ]   **********  -->
            <apex:outputpanel rendered="{!CASESAFEID(Agreement__c.RecordTypeId)='012Z00000009CMCIA2'}">
                <apex:pageblocksection title="Information" showheader="true" columns="2">
                    <apex:outputfield value="{!Agreement__c.Name}"/>
                    <apex:inputfield value="{!Agreement__c.Client__c}" required="true"/>
                    <apex:outputfield value="{!Agreement__c.RecordTypeId}"/>
                    <apex:inputfield value="{!Agreement__c.Opportunity__c}" required="true"/>
                    <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
                    <apex:outputLabel value="Agreement Type"/>
                        <apex:outputPanel >
                    <apex:inputfield value="{!Agreement__c.Agreement_Type__c}">
                        <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="thePageBlock"
                    <apex:actionStatus startText="applying value..." id="status"/>
                    <apex:inputfield value="{!Agreement__c.Status__c}" required="false"/>
                <apex:pageblocksection title="Term" showheader="true" columns="2">
                                rendered="{!Agreement__c.Agreement_Type__c == 'DP PDS Project Specific PDS Service Agreement'}">
                    <apex:inputfield value="{!Agreement__c.Effective_Date__c}" required="false"/>
                    <apex:inputfield value="{!Agreement__c.Auto_Renewal__c}" required="false"/>
                    <apex:inputfield value="{!Agreement__c.Initial_Term_Expiration_Date__c}" required="false"/>
                    <apex:inputfield value="{!Agreement__c.Auto_Renewal_Term__c}" required="false"/>

I'm relatively new to visual workflow but have an objective I'd like to accomplish -

Based on multi-select checkbox selections, we'd like to send static emails to a group of people based on each selection.

For example, the user will be presented with a screen with a multi-select checkbox field labeled, "Teams to Email". The selections could be "Team A", "Team B", and "Team C".

Based on what teams the user checks will determine what teams receive the email alert. So if only "Team A" and "Team C" get selected, only those two groups will be emailed.

How would I accomplish this with Visual Workflow? Thanks!
Hello all,
I was wondering if someone could help me with controlling the font size of field labels in visualforce. Please see the below example of a picklist field I have in Visualforce, I'd like to increase the font size of the label. In my example below, I would be interested in increasing the font size of the label:

"1. How important was it to choose a vendor that could take your product through development to commercialization?"

Any help/direction is greatly appreciated, thank you!:

<apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_1__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="1.  How important was it to choose a vendor that could take your product through development to commercialization?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
I'm not a developer but have tried to create a visualforce page, that uses a standard controller, that inserts a record. The record inserted is master-detail to the opportunity object in SFDC.

The VF page works and saves the record as desired but I'd like to display a message to the end user that says, "Record Successfully Saved".

I'm afraid I need to create a controller extension to to this, which I do not know how to do. AND, if I have write a controller extension, I'll also have to write a test class, which I also do not know how to do.

Is this a basic request, and if so, could someone help me create the controller extension and test class? Please see below my VF page:

<apex:page standardcontroller="Customer_Survey__c">

<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Customer Survey" mode="edit">
      <apex:pageBlockButtons >
        <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save"/>
        <apex:commandButton action="{!cancel}" value="Cancel"/>
      <apex:pageBlockSection title="General" columns="2">
      <apex:inputField value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Opportunity_Name__c}"/>  
      <apex:outputField value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Client__c}"/>
      <apex:outputField value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Opportunity_Owner__c}"/>
      <apex:outputField value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Site__c}"/>
      <apex:outputField value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Close_Date__c}"/>
      <apex:outputField value="{!Customer_Survey__c.CreatedDate}"/>
      <apex:pageBlockSection title="Questions" columns="2">
        <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_1__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="1.  How important was it to choose a vendor that could take your product through development to commercialization?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_2__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="2.  Please rate how your prior experience working with Patheon in the past was an important factor in your decision, if applicable?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_3__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="3.  How easy was it to reach Patheon with your original request? ">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Difficult" itemLabel="1-Difficult"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not Easy" itemLabel="2-Not Easy"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Easy" itemLabel="4-Easy"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Very Easy" itemLabel="5-Very Easy"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
       <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_4__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="4.  How was our CDA process?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Poor" itemLabel="1-Poor"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Below Average" itemLabel="2-Below Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Acceptable" itemLabel="3-Acceptable"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Good" itemLabel="4-Good"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Excellent" itemLabel="5-Excellent"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_5__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="5.  How accurate were we in translating your RFP/project requirements into a formal proposal?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Poor" itemLabel="1-Poor"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Below Average" itemLabel="2-Below Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Acceptable" itemLabel="3-Acceptable"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Good" itemLabel="4-Good"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Excellent" itemLabel="5-Excellent"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_6__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="6.  How much did our proposal and subsequent revision turnaround time influence your vendor selection decision?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_7__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="7.  How large a factor was facility location in making your final decision?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_8__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="8.  How important was the site qualification/technical visit in your vendor selection?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_9__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="9.  Please rate how important Patheon’s regulatory history was in making your final decision?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_10__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="10.  Please rate how important price was when making your final vendor selection?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_11__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="11.  Please rate the negotiation process for legal terms and conditions?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Poor" itemLabel="1-Poor"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Below Average" itemLabel="2-Below Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Acceptable" itemLabel="3-Acceptable"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Good" itemLabel="4-Good"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Excellent" itemLabel="5-Excellent"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:inputField value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Feedback_Comments_Process_Improvements__c}"/>





I was hoping I could get an understanding of what options would be available to perform the following function in SFDC:

We would like to be able to conditionally show a custom button on a related list on our opportunity record. The custom button would only display on the quote related list on the opportunity page layout if certain conditions on the synced quote were TRUE.

Here is the catch:

We do not want to create a specific opprotunity record type and page layout for this button to do this action - the reason being that we will need to keep the record type and page layout the SAME and only have the button conditionally show or not show.

Thank you for any help on the above scenario!!

I am not a developer but was hoping someone could provide a template I could use to implement the inquiry described below, and I could just edit per the correct api names for our org: (assuming this isn' t a complicated process)

We have a custom object called "Visit" in our Org. We have a related junction object called "Visit Attendees" that looks up to the contact record. When clicking "New Attendee" from the vist attendee related list, I would want to be able to lookup to mulitple (x10) contact records on a single visualforce page. When I completed each lookup on the single visualforce page and clicked save, it would then have created 10 related junction records against the Visit object.

Is something that would be difficult to provide a framework/instructions for DIY or would I need a developer? Thank you and I'm happy to elaborate/provide more details if required. Thanks so much for any help!!

We have just recently completed a changset migration from our dev sandbox to our staging sandbox. The inbound chnageset to our staging sandbox was validated and successfully deployed.

I can see clearly in the view results detail of the changeset that certain Apex Classes were successfully deployed. However, when I try to find that Apex Class directly in my staging sandbox - it's nowhere to be found.

It's also completely unavailable for selection if I want to try to build another changeset from the staging sandbox to send to production.

Is this a Salesforce.com bug? Where did it go? Thanks for any help!!!
Hey community,

I have a Onclick javascript button that works except for the fact that it will fail if the user inputs an "illegal" character. For example, if in one of the fields the Onclick Javacript button is evaluating has a "$" symbol, it will return an error prompt saying "Illegal token". This is not good! Thanks for any help!!

Button below:

if ( '{!Opportunity.Active__c}' == '')
{alert('In order to request a Quote, ensure that "Active" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }

else if ('{!Opportunity.Rx_OTC__c}' == '')
{alert('In order to request a Quote, ensure that "Product Type" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }

else if ('{!Opportunity.Reason_to_Outsource__c}' == '')
{alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Reason to Outsource" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }

else if ('{!Opportunity.Key_Criteria_for_Sucessful_Bid__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Key Criteria for Successful Bid" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }

else if ('{!Opportunity.Price_Sensitivity_Target_Pricing__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Pricing Guidance & Funding Situation" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }

else if ('{!Opportunity.Involves_BLS__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Involves BLS" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }

else { window.location = "/0Q0/e?&oppid={!Opportunity.Id}&ent=Quote&Name='Placeholder'&ent=Quote &RecordType={!Opportunity.Quote_Record_Type__c} &retURL=/{!Opportunity.Id}"; }

I'm stuck on trying to create an onclick javascript custom button for the below situation:

Opportunity Record Type: 1
Opportunity Name: A

From Opportunity “A”, a user creates a related opportunity (Opportunity B), from a related list on Opportunity A’s page layout, that uses Opportunity A’s record type (record type: 1).

Now there are two related opportunities, Opportunity A and Opportunity B.

If the user creates another opportunity (Opportunity C) using the same related list record from either Opportunity A or B, the newly created opportunity record would still be related to Opportunity A. The same would apply to any subsequent opportunities created from Opportunity A, B, or C, would all link back to Opportunity A and would be visible in Opportunity A’s related list.

So, I thought I could create a custom button that would check to see if the custom opportunity lookup field is blank, and if so, then just send the opportunity name/id to populate that lookup field on the about to be new opportunity record.

If the custom opportunity lookup field is NOT BLANK, then it would just use the value already there, which would be the original parent opportunity (opportunity A).

I've come up with the following syntax for the Onclick Javascript button, but it doesn't work:

if ('{!Opportunity.Original_Related_Opportunity2__c}' == ")
{window.location = "/006/e?
&opp3='Will Auto-Populate'
&00NZ0000000ogsU= 'PDS'
else {window.location = "/006/e?
&opp3='Will Auto-Populate'

Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks so much for any help!!

Hey Everyone,


I have an onclick javascript button that I'd like to require different fields to be populated before progressing to another screen.


I would like the button to have an or condition that considers record types. If the record typd is "Commercial", then require this set of questions. If the record type is "PDS", then require this set of questions. I'm not sure how to edit my existing code to have this condition. I also have it "bypassing" the field population requirements if the field, "existing commercial pricing quote" is set to "Yes".


Would anyone mind helping me understand how I would structure this code to require these fields depending on the record type? Thanks so much for any help!!!!!!




if ( '{!Opportunity.Existing_Commercial_Pricing_Quote__c}' == 'Yes')

{window.location = "/0Q0/e?&oppid={!Opportunity.Id}&ent=Quote&Name='Placeholder' &00NA0000004pyaC=1&ent=Quote &RecordType={!Opportunity.Quote_Record_Type__c} &retURL=/{!Opportunity.Id}"; }


else if( '{!Opportunity.Active__c}' == '')
{alert('In order to request a Quote, ensure that "Active" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Rx_OTC__c}' == '')
{alert('In order to request a Quote, ensure that "Product Type" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Project_Scope_for_Patheon__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Project Scope for Patheon" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Reason_to_Outsource__c}' == '')
{alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Reason to Outsource" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }

else if ('{!Opportunity.Key_Criteria_for_Sucessful_Bid__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Key Criteria for Successful Bid" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Indication__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Indication" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Current_PDS_Project__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Current PDS Project" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Pending_Launch_Date__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Commercial Launch Date" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Forecast_Volumes_and_Market_Potential__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Forecast Volumes and Market Potential" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Decision_timeline__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Decision Timeline" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Regulatory_Approval_Strategy__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Regulatory Approval Strategy" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else { window.location = "/0Q0/e?&oppid={!Opportunity.Id}&ent=Quote&Name='Placeholder' &00NA0000004pyaC=1&ent=Quote &RecordType={!Opportunity.Quote_Record_Type__c} &retURL=/{!Opportunity.Id}"; }

Hi everyone,


I keep getting an error with my onclick javascript button, "Unexpected identifier".


Would anyone mind taking a look at my syntax and letting me know what could be wrong? Thanks so much!!!!!!


if ( '{!Opportunity.Active__c}' == '') 

alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that the fields, Active, Product Type, Current Phase, and Project Scope for Patheon are populated'); 

else if ('{!Opportunity.Rx_OTC__c}' == '') 
{alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that the fields, Active, Product Type, Current Phase, and Project Scope for Patheon are populated'); 

else if ('{!Opportunity.Project_phase__c}' == '') 
{alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that the fields, Active, Product Type, Current Phase, and Project Scope for Patheon are populated'); 

else if ('{!Opportunity.Description}' == '') 
{alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that the fields, Active, Product Type, Current Phase, and Project Scope for Patheon are populated'); 


window.location = "/0Q0/e?&oppid={!Opportunity.Id}&ent=Quote&Name="Placeholder - Do Not Edit" 



I am completely stuck at the moment.


I have a onclick javascript button in two different sandboxes. In one sandbox, it works perfectly fine. In the other sandbox, it returns an error, "unexpected identifier".


For the one that returns the error, I have checked the URL link/field IDs separate from the javascript code, and it works perfectly fine. I have no idea what this could be!! I would greatly appreciate it if someone could take a look at both buttons and tell me what is wrong! Thanks so much!


Button that IS working:


if ('{!Quote.Active_Revision__c}' == true) { 
alert("The previous revision or original quote request is still being processed."); 


window.location = '/a0K/e?CF00NJ00000015TM0={!Quote.Name}&CF00NJ00000015TM0_lkid={!Quote.Id}&CF00NJ00000015TMf={!Quote.Opp_Name__c}&00NJ00000015TMg={!Quote.Proposal_Number__c}&saveURL=%2F{!Quote.Id}'; 



Button that is NOT working - it returns an "unexpected identifier" error:


if ('{!Quote.Active_Revision__c}' == true) { 
alert("The previous revision or original quote request is still being processed."); 


window.location ='/a0K/e?CF00NZ0000000ouW3={!Quote.Name}&CF00NZ0000000ouW3_lkid={!Quote.Id}&CF00NZ0000000ouWE={!Quote.Opp_Name__c}&00NZ0000000ouWF={!Quote.Proposal_Number__c}&saveURL=%2F{!Quote.Id}'; 

Hey everyone,


I'm attempting to create a custom submit for approval javascript button that will make sure that certain conditions are met before entering into an approval process. 


The problem I'm running into with my button is that it will keep running down the different conditions and still attempts to enter the approval process.


I would like the process to halt/stop when any of the conditions are met and an alert message is displayed. I would be SO thankful if anyone could help, thanks! My code is below:



if ( '{!Opportunity.Won_Lost_Comments__c}' == '') 

alert('In order to Submit an Opportunity for Approval you must populate the fields, Reason for Won/Lost and Won/Lost Comments AND the Opportunity Stage field should be at Closing. '); 

if ('{!Opportunity.Reason_for_Won_Lost__c}' == '') 
{alert('In order to Submit an Opportunity for Approval you must populate the fields, Reason for Won/Lost and Won/Lost Comments AND the Opportunity Stage field should be at Closing. '); 

if ('{!Opportunity.StageName}' == 'Closed/Won') 
{alert('This Opportunity has already been closed/decided'); 

if ('{!Opportunity.StageName}' == 'Closed/Lost') 
{alert('This Opportunity has already been closed/decided'); 





I was wondering if anyone has ran into this business requirement:


Currently, using native salesforce.com functionality, if you use products and pricebooks with quotes and the syncing functionality - everytime you create a new quote against an opportunity, it will automatically copy the existing quote line items from the synced quote into the newly created quote.


We have a business requirement for which we do NOT want to copy the existing quote line items into the new quote. Has anyone found a way around this? Thanks for any help!!!!

Hi Guys,


I understand it's native functionality within the quoting/quote sync functionality for when you have existing quote line items synced, if you create a new quote agains that opportunity, it copies the line items from the previous quote.


There's got to be a way around this, even if it involves code, right? Does anyone have experience with this type of business requirement or know how it could be accomplished? Thanks for the help!!!



I am in Eclipse and have a new project where I've pulled all of the metadata of all reports and report folders.


I'm trying to delete certain report folders by right clicking on the report folder in Eclipse, selecting delete, and saying "yes" when the prompt asks if I also want to deploy changes to the server.


The problem is that I keep getting told by Eclipse that, "The server cannot delete component 'x' for the following reason: Before deleting this folder, you need to delete these reports from the folder and the recycle bin: "x""


So, I then try to open the path of the report folder in windows explorer, delete all reports inside, and then go back to Eclipse, right click on the report folder in question, and go Force.com -> Save to Server. Then I go into Salesforce.com to see if the action has deleted the reports, but they are all still there.


Is it still possible to mass delete reports/report folders from Salesforce.com with Eclipse? Thanks for your help!!

Hi all,


I found this great solution by MichaelForce which overhauls the opportunity product selection screen with VF pages. It's pretty awesome, but was curious if there was a way to do the same thing with the quote line item selection screen on the quote object:




Does anyone know if this question has been asked and if not, how hard would it be to modify the above to make it happen? Thanks for any advice!!



I was curious if I could get assistance with creating a trigger that would update the quote status field for the synced quote based on if a checkbox on the opportunity is true or false.


If the opportunity checkbox is "TRUE", the trigger would update the quote status to "Pending RFP".


I would only have a single quote related to the opportunity at any point in time and it would always be "synced" using the native salesforce.com quote sync functionality. Would anyone be willing to assist? Thanks so much for any advice.



I'd like to create a custom list button on the opportunity detail page, that when pressed, will update a field on the opportunity. I would like to try to use the "AJAX toolkit" to accomplish this but I'm not familiar with javascript.


Here is an example I was able to find but I'm not sure how to fill it out with my information. Would anyone be able to assist? Thanks so much:


var account = new sforce.SObject("Account");
account.id = //set Record Id here, potentially get it from the URL ?id= param

account.field__c = value;
window.location.reload(); //to reload the window and show the updated values



If my subject wasn't clear enough, I'm trying to figure out how to place an "AND" statment within an IF statment that is used inside an Onclick Javascript custom button.


The desired actions of the button -


When clicked, and the opportunity.proposal number field is NOT NULL,




opportunity.active revision is FALSE, then go to the below link:




If clicked, and the opportunity.proposal number field is BLANK, then display this error:


'You may only request a Quote Revision when there is an active Quote.',


If clicked, and the opportunity.proposal number field is NOT NULL,




opportunity.active revision is TRUE, then display this error:


"The previous Revision has not yet been issued back to sales"




Below, you can see what I have so far. As you can see, I have not been able to figure out how to insert my conditional logic regarding the opportunity.active revision field. I thought if I understood how to place an "AND" statement, I could pull it off. I would greatly appreciate any help, thanks so much -



if ( '{!Opportunity.Proposal_Number__c}' != '')
window.location = 'https://cs11.salesforce.com/a11/e?CF00NZ0000000rsGi={!Opportunity.Name}&CF00NZ0000000rsGi_lkid={!Opportunity.Id}&CF00NZ0000000rjg8={!Opportunity.Quote_Name__c}&00NZ0000000rk1B={!Opportunity.Proposal_Number__c}&retURL=/{!Opportunity.Id}';
alert('You may only request a Quote Revision when there is an active Quote.');


We have just recently completed a changset migration from our dev sandbox to our staging sandbox. The inbound chnageset to our staging sandbox was validated and successfully deployed.

I can see clearly in the view results detail of the changeset that certain Apex Classes were successfully deployed. However, when I try to find that Apex Class directly in my staging sandbox - it's nowhere to be found.

It's also completely unavailable for selection if I want to try to build another changeset from the staging sandbox to send to production.

Is this a Salesforce.com bug? Where did it go? Thanks for any help!!!
Hello all,
I was wondering if someone could help me with controlling the font size of field labels in visualforce. Please see the below example of a picklist field I have in Visualforce, I'd like to increase the font size of the label. In my example below, I would be interested in increasing the font size of the label:

"1. How important was it to choose a vendor that could take your product through development to commercialization?"

Any help/direction is greatly appreciated, thank you!:

<apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_1__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="1.  How important was it to choose a vendor that could take your product through development to commercialization?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
I'm not a developer but have tried to create a visualforce page, that uses a standard controller, that inserts a record. The record inserted is master-detail to the opportunity object in SFDC.

The VF page works and saves the record as desired but I'd like to display a message to the end user that says, "Record Successfully Saved".

I'm afraid I need to create a controller extension to to this, which I do not know how to do. AND, if I have write a controller extension, I'll also have to write a test class, which I also do not know how to do.

Is this a basic request, and if so, could someone help me create the controller extension and test class? Please see below my VF page:

<apex:page standardcontroller="Customer_Survey__c">

<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Customer Survey" mode="edit">
      <apex:pageBlockButtons >
        <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save"/>
        <apex:commandButton action="{!cancel}" value="Cancel"/>
      <apex:pageBlockSection title="General" columns="2">
      <apex:inputField value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Opportunity_Name__c}"/>  
      <apex:outputField value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Client__c}"/>
      <apex:outputField value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Opportunity_Owner__c}"/>
      <apex:outputField value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Site__c}"/>
      <apex:outputField value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Close_Date__c}"/>
      <apex:outputField value="{!Customer_Survey__c.CreatedDate}"/>
      <apex:pageBlockSection title="Questions" columns="2">
        <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_1__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="1.  How important was it to choose a vendor that could take your product through development to commercialization?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_2__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="2.  Please rate how your prior experience working with Patheon in the past was an important factor in your decision, if applicable?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_3__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="3.  How easy was it to reach Patheon with your original request? ">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Difficult" itemLabel="1-Difficult"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not Easy" itemLabel="2-Not Easy"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Easy" itemLabel="4-Easy"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Very Easy" itemLabel="5-Very Easy"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
       <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_4__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="4.  How was our CDA process?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Poor" itemLabel="1-Poor"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Below Average" itemLabel="2-Below Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Acceptable" itemLabel="3-Acceptable"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Good" itemLabel="4-Good"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Excellent" itemLabel="5-Excellent"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_5__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="5.  How accurate were we in translating your RFP/project requirements into a formal proposal?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Poor" itemLabel="1-Poor"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Below Average" itemLabel="2-Below Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Acceptable" itemLabel="3-Acceptable"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Good" itemLabel="4-Good"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Excellent" itemLabel="5-Excellent"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_6__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="6.  How much did our proposal and subsequent revision turnaround time influence your vendor selection decision?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_7__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="7.  How large a factor was facility location in making your final decision?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_8__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="8.  How important was the site qualification/technical visit in your vendor selection?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_9__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="9.  Please rate how important Patheon’s regulatory history was in making your final decision?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_10__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="10.  Please rate how important price was when making your final vendor selection?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Not at all" itemLabel="1-Not at all"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Somewhat" itemLabel="2-Somewhat"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Average" itemLabel="3-Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="High" itemLabel="4-High"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Critical" itemLabel="5-Critical"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:selectList value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Question_11__c}" multiselect="false" size="1"
                label="11.  Please rate the negotiation process for legal terms and conditions?">
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="--Select Option--" itemLabel="--Select Option--"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Poor" itemLabel="1-Poor"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Below Average" itemLabel="2-Below Average"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Acceptable" itemLabel="3-Acceptable"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Good" itemLabel="4-Good"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="Excellent" itemLabel="5-Excellent"/>
         <apex:selectOption itemValue="N/A" itemLabel="Not Applicable"/>
      <apex:inputField value="{!Customer_Survey__c.Feedback_Comments_Process_Improvements__c}"/>





I was hoping I could get an understanding of what options would be available to perform the following function in SFDC:

We would like to be able to conditionally show a custom button on a related list on our opportunity record. The custom button would only display on the quote related list on the opportunity page layout if certain conditions on the synced quote were TRUE.

Here is the catch:

We do not want to create a specific opprotunity record type and page layout for this button to do this action - the reason being that we will need to keep the record type and page layout the SAME and only have the button conditionally show or not show.

Thank you for any help on the above scenario!!
I am trying to auto sync, below code taken from internet but geting error , i know this is very simple but i am very new to SF 

trigger autosync on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
parentOpp.SyncedQuoteId = quoteToSync.Id;

Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: parentOpp.SyncedQuoteId at line 2 column 1

Please advise.
Hey community,

I have a Onclick javascript button that works except for the fact that it will fail if the user inputs an "illegal" character. For example, if in one of the fields the Onclick Javacript button is evaluating has a "$" symbol, it will return an error prompt saying "Illegal token". This is not good! Thanks for any help!!

Button below:

if ( '{!Opportunity.Active__c}' == '')
{alert('In order to request a Quote, ensure that "Active" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }

else if ('{!Opportunity.Rx_OTC__c}' == '')
{alert('In order to request a Quote, ensure that "Product Type" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }

else if ('{!Opportunity.Reason_to_Outsource__c}' == '')
{alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Reason to Outsource" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }

else if ('{!Opportunity.Key_Criteria_for_Sucessful_Bid__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Key Criteria for Successful Bid" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }

else if ('{!Opportunity.Price_Sensitivity_Target_Pricing__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Pricing Guidance & Funding Situation" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }

else if ('{!Opportunity.Involves_BLS__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Involves BLS" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }

else { window.location = "/0Q0/e?&oppid={!Opportunity.Id}&ent=Quote&Name='Placeholder'&ent=Quote &RecordType={!Opportunity.Quote_Record_Type__c} &retURL=/{!Opportunity.Id}"; }

Hey Everyone,


I have an onclick javascript button that I'd like to require different fields to be populated before progressing to another screen.


I would like the button to have an or condition that considers record types. If the record typd is "Commercial", then require this set of questions. If the record type is "PDS", then require this set of questions. I'm not sure how to edit my existing code to have this condition. I also have it "bypassing" the field population requirements if the field, "existing commercial pricing quote" is set to "Yes".


Would anyone mind helping me understand how I would structure this code to require these fields depending on the record type? Thanks so much for any help!!!!!!




if ( '{!Opportunity.Existing_Commercial_Pricing_Quote__c}' == 'Yes')

{window.location = "/0Q0/e?&oppid={!Opportunity.Id}&ent=Quote&Name='Placeholder' &00NA0000004pyaC=1&ent=Quote &RecordType={!Opportunity.Quote_Record_Type__c} &retURL=/{!Opportunity.Id}"; }


else if( '{!Opportunity.Active__c}' == '')
{alert('In order to request a Quote, ensure that "Active" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Rx_OTC__c}' == '')
{alert('In order to request a Quote, ensure that "Product Type" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Project_Scope_for_Patheon__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Project Scope for Patheon" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Reason_to_Outsource__c}' == '')
{alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Reason to Outsource" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }

else if ('{!Opportunity.Key_Criteria_for_Sucessful_Bid__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Key Criteria for Successful Bid" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Indication__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Indication" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Current_PDS_Project__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Current PDS Project" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Pending_Launch_Date__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Commercial Launch Date" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Forecast_Volumes_and_Market_Potential__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Forecast Volumes and Market Potential" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Decision_timeline__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Decision Timeline" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else if ('{!Opportunity.Regulatory_Approval_Strategy__c}' == '') {alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that "Regulatory Approval Strategy" is populated on the Opportunity record.'); }


else { window.location = "/0Q0/e?&oppid={!Opportunity.Id}&ent=Quote&Name='Placeholder' &00NA0000004pyaC=1&ent=Quote &RecordType={!Opportunity.Quote_Record_Type__c} &retURL=/{!Opportunity.Id}"; }

Hi everyone,


I keep getting an error with my onclick javascript button, "Unexpected identifier".


Would anyone mind taking a look at my syntax and letting me know what could be wrong? Thanks so much!!!!!!


if ( '{!Opportunity.Active__c}' == '') 

alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that the fields, Active, Product Type, Current Phase, and Project Scope for Patheon are populated'); 

else if ('{!Opportunity.Rx_OTC__c}' == '') 
{alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that the fields, Active, Product Type, Current Phase, and Project Scope for Patheon are populated'); 

else if ('{!Opportunity.Project_phase__c}' == '') 
{alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that the fields, Active, Product Type, Current Phase, and Project Scope for Patheon are populated'); 

else if ('{!Opportunity.Description}' == '') 
{alert('In order to request a Quote, you must ensure that the fields, Active, Product Type, Current Phase, and Project Scope for Patheon are populated'); 


window.location = "/0Q0/e?&oppid={!Opportunity.Id}&ent=Quote&Name="Placeholder - Do Not Edit" 

Hi Guys,


I understand it's native functionality within the quoting/quote sync functionality for when you have existing quote line items synced, if you create a new quote agains that opportunity, it copies the line items from the previous quote.


There's got to be a way around this, even if it involves code, right? Does anyone have experience with this type of business requirement or know how it could be accomplished? Thanks for the help!!!



I am in Eclipse and have a new project where I've pulled all of the metadata of all reports and report folders.


I'm trying to delete certain report folders by right clicking on the report folder in Eclipse, selecting delete, and saying "yes" when the prompt asks if I also want to deploy changes to the server.


The problem is that I keep getting told by Eclipse that, "The server cannot delete component 'x' for the following reason: Before deleting this folder, you need to delete these reports from the folder and the recycle bin: "x""


So, I then try to open the path of the report folder in windows explorer, delete all reports inside, and then go back to Eclipse, right click on the report folder in question, and go Force.com -> Save to Server. Then I go into Salesforce.com to see if the action has deleted the reports, but they are all still there.


Is it still possible to mass delete reports/report folders from Salesforce.com with Eclipse? Thanks for your help!!



I was curious if I could get assistance with creating a trigger that would update the quote status field for the synced quote based on if a checkbox on the opportunity is true or false.


If the opportunity checkbox is "TRUE", the trigger would update the quote status to "Pending RFP".


I would only have a single quote related to the opportunity at any point in time and it would always be "synced" using the native salesforce.com quote sync functionality. Would anyone be willing to assist? Thanks so much for any advice.

Here's what I'm trying to do:


During the flow, the user gets to a screen which uses a multi-select checkbox field and a dynamic choice that returns those account records meeting a specific criteria.


The user can select multiple accounts.


The flow then creates new records, one for each account selected,  in a custom object which has a lookup field to accounts.


How can I do this?


I've been trying to figure out a loop but so far haven't been successful.



Hi All,


     I have a query in that one condition  is there, like ' where  isSyncing=true' .In my test class I am not able to assign value to that isSyncing field .Can any one suggest me how to solve the issue .


Thanks In adavce.
