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I have to display thousands of records in my visual force page.I'm able to display them only in one page.Can I display them in pages similar to the records displayed in Views.
Any pointers will be of great help.Thanks in advance.
I'm using a visual force page in a home page component.But height remains as I specified and if onlw few records are retrieved  blank space is coming up between the components.
I dont want to use scrolling option.So how can I vary the height dynamically based on the number of records.
the html i'm using for my component is below..
<IFRAME id=VisualForceLeads name=VisualForceLeads src="/apex/testLead" frameBorder=0 width="100%" scrolling=no height=1000></IFRAME>
Any pointers regarding this will be of great help.
Thanks in advance..
Hi All,
We are trying tp migrate Workflows from one sandbox to another sandbox using Force.com v13(eclipse). But after adding all the Workflow Rules, Alerts and Field Updates in a package, when we are trying to validate it using Force.com, error is thrown for all the workflows stating " No Email Template Found 'template name'".
Any Help on solving this issue will be of great help.
Thanks in advance,
Bharat Baradia
Hi All,
Under Search, How can we limit the Search items to only the items they can see in the portal - e.g; Leads, Contacts and Accounts only?
Thanks in advance,
Bharat Baradia

Hi All,

I have a requirement, where i ned to connect a database to salesforce and upsert the records in salesforce from the database Using Apex Data Loader command line, but i have no idea about it. i will be extremely grateful  if anyone can provide me with some inputs regarding it, how to start working on it, approach required or some document or link where i can get info on it.

Thanks in Advance,

Bharat Baradia

Not sure if anyone has already posted this question or not, regarding accessing Sybase database.
I want to use the Apex Data Loader ( version 11.0 ) command line interface to get information
from a Sybase SQL Anywhere (ASA not ASE ) db and import it into salesforce. So far I've managed to
successfully import from a csv using the command line ( and the process-conf.xml ).
But to connect to my Sybase database I need to know which driver to use ( I'm new to java programming ).
I normally access our Sybase Database through ODBC not JDBC. So I am not familiar with what it will take
to access teh database through JDBC
What do I need to place in the ( database-conf.xml ) file for the "DriverClassName" and the "url"?
The example has the following for Oracle.
    <property name="driverClassName" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/>
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@my.server.com:1521:dataBaseName"/>
    <property name="username" value="user"/>
    <property name="password" value="password"/>
Thanks in Advance,
Hi All,
I have a query on web-to-lead. I have created two web-to-lead HTML pages for different record types basing on the fields and the lead records needs to be created in thier respective record types when the form is submitted, but all the lead forms which get submitted are getting created in the default record type and not in their respective record types. How can I solve this issue?
Thanking You
Bharat Baradia