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The new "lightning-record-form" Lightning Web Component is great, but it doesn't fully replicate layouts. For instance, layout sections aren't replicated. Is there any way to do this? Or plans for the sections to be supported in future?
We're working on a migration from Classic to LEX. However, it will be a long transition, so we need the ability to work in both for as long as possible. The documentation states/strongly implies that there should be an ability to leave an action override in place in Salesforce Classic, whilst removing it in Lightning/Mobile:

Remove Overrides for Standard Buttons and Tab Home Pages (https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=links_customize_override_remove.htm&type=5)

However, step 3 describes options which not available within our org:

"Select No override (default behavior) for the experience whose override you want to remove (Salesforce Classic, Lightning Experience, or mobile)."

User-added image
We've had a case open with Salesforce for a few weeks now and I can't seem to make any headway (they say the documentation team say that their documentation is correct, but also can't explain why I don't see the options that the documentation says should be there)
Being able to switch off the override in LEX would be ideal.

As we're in Lightning Console, using Lightning Components to override the override behaviour specifically for LEX still results in unwanted behaviours (tabs being opened unnecessarily, no access to inline editing, etc.) The only option remaining to us may be to have to re-build an object model specifically for LEX, which I'm sure isn't the desired approach when migrating to LEX

Is anybody able to confirm which is the expected behaviour and best practice for dealing with it?
Hey all,

We'd like to explore the possibility of a use case whereby the user can navigate to a record and the detail section of the page is in inline-edit mode automatically. We are using lightning:navigation in a lightning Action, but only seem to be able to edit in a modal, or navigate to the full-page view of the record.

I think being able to navigate to the full-page edit would be a better user experience, as the modal can feel cramped for users (or confusing, if you need to edit another record and then finish the user flow on that new record).

Has anybody else managed to meet this use case?


When the new Critical Update is activated in our Sandbox organization, we get the following error on every non-managed visualforce page:

<DomainName>--c.visualforce.com's server IP address could not be found.

We left it overnight in case it was an issue with the DNS not being updated, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Deactivating the update restores all functionality. Does something else need to be updated in order to get our non-managed pages working?

Thank you.

I’ve been experimenting with the new lightning:inputfield and it seems that the lookup fields don’t work in the mobile app or in Lightning Components which have been embedded in VF pages. Do people know if that is the case?
If so, does anybody know if there are plans to make them work in those environments? There not a danger that Salesforce is making migration pathways to Lightning Experience that much harder for larger organisations with complex/slow migration plans? It seems that the option is either to:
  • Develop functionality as both VF pages and Lightning Components so that the use case can work in either environment during the migration
  • Develop VF pages to embed in lightning experience (which has all sorts of issues with passing data out of the VF controllers to the pages they’re embedded in, etc.
It would be good to understand whether this is a thing we can wait for, or will need to consider as part of an eventual migration strategy.
There is a new critical update called Remove Instance Names From URLs for Visualforce, Community Builder, Site.com Studio, and Content Files.


This changes links for visualforce pages.  <domain name>.visualforce.com replaces <domain name>.<instancename>.visual.force.com.

For whatever reason, this does not work with Visualforce tabs or with buttons that link to visualforce pages.

With the critical update deactivated, the link for visualforce tab is https://<domain name>.<instancename>.visual.force.com/apex/TimeEntryCalendar?sfdc.tabName=01r500000003bNn.

When the critical update is activated, the link for the visualforce tab is https://<domain name>.visualforce.com/apex/TimeEntryCalendar?sfdc.tabName=01r500000003bNn.

The problem is that clicking the "activated" link yields this:
This site can’t be reached
<domain name>.visualforce.com’s server IP address could not be found.

In my case, it was a really big problem because the visualforce tab was the default home page. So activating the Critical Update essentially locked all of my users out of salesforce.com. 

This also fails with a simple button link to a visual force page.

If you assign a url to a button or type the link in - /apex/TimeEntryCalendar for instance, it works fine when the update is deactivated.

But activate the update, and it fails on just the simple link.

Problem exists in both Classic and Lightning.

I have an inline Visualforce page in the Contact record which I'm viewing in Chrome. Sometimes the page loads and it recognises it is in Lightning and other times it doesn't. I have put the "$User.UITheme" and "$User.UIThemeDisplayed" variables into the page to see where it thinks it it:
VF page with UITheme merge fields

In both cases, the VF page thinks that it is in Salesforce Classic. Is there any chance this is a bug?
select id,OwnerId,Territory_ID__c, Patient__c.Territory_ID__r.Current_TM1_Assignee__c from Patient__c where OwnerId !=Null AND Patient__c.Territory_ID__r.Current_TM1_Assignee__c !=Null AND Patient__c.Territory_ID__r.Current_TM1_Assignee__c =: OwnerId

it is saying "unknow error parsing query"

I'm trying to pass an instance of a wrapper class into a Component and I'm getting the following error:
Wrong type for attribute <c:ea1_outcomeaction action="com.sun.faces.application.MethodBindingMethodExpressionAdapter@e94c054f">. Expected EA1_OutcomeAction, found MethodBindingMethodExpressionAdapter
The type "EA1_OutcomeAction" is a wrapper class with some attributes and a few methods. However, I've managed to comment almost all of the class out (and all of the contents of the component, with the exception of the attribute) and I'm still getting this error. It seems like a pretty deep Java error. Has anybody else seen this before?

I'm attempting to use force:recordView and force:recordEdit. They've worked in the past, but in this case they are producing a really long error:

<aura:application extends="force:slds">
    <force:recordView aura:id="details" recordId="0034E00000Az9OV"/>

Something has gone wrong. afterRender threw an error in 'layout://rl-Contact-VIEW-FULL-012700000009b4BAAQ---force_highlights-_1-0-554b47494d493539522f4366576866475665533843413d3d.c' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://aura:expression' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://force:pageBlock' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://aura:html' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://aura:expression' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://force:pageBlockSectionView' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://aura:html' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://aura:html' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://aura:expression' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://force:pageBlockSectionRow' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://aura:html' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://aura:expression' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://force:pageBlockItemView' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://aura:if' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://aura:expression' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://aura:html' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://aura:html' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://aura:if' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://aura:html' [afterRender threw an error in 'markup://ui:tooltip' [Assertion Failed!: No cmp wrapper has been set : null]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Failing descriptor: {layout://rl-Contact-VIEW-FULL-012700000009b4BAAQ---force_highlights-_1-0-554b47494d493539522f4366576866475665533843413d3d.c}.
Please try again.

It looks like the error is in the afterRender, but I'd have no idea how to fix it. I've tried it with different records on different SObjects and with different browsers (Chrome and EDge) and am getting the same error. I'm on Winter '17 version.

My Lightning component stopped work after Summer '16 update and LockerService activation
The reason is sObject attribute and its fields not accessible as before.

Here is my attribute and inputReachText component with binded field of Idea:
<aura:attribute name="newIdea" type="Idea" default="{'sObjectType':'Idea', 'Body':''}" />

<ui:inputRichText aura:id="ideaBodyText" value="{!v.newIdea.Body}" label="Description" />
And here is controller code after change the body field and click save:
console.log(cmp.get('v.newIdea')); //= {sObjectType:'Idea', Body:''} - Body is empty
console.log(cmp.get('v.newIdea.Body')); //= TEST BODY
And when trying to send the object to Apex controller method it says 'Unable to read SObject'.
Did anybody face with something similar?
Hey all,

Just wanted to submit this here, to see if others have experience it to. If I'm running an Apex test and the code hits site.validatePassword, I get the following error:
System.UnexpectedException: Salesforce System Error: 2089153553-377506 (-1123129540) (-1123129540)
I've got a work-around in place, but wanted to see if anybody else is dealing with it. It would be good to get it fixed, as the workaround is costing me code coverage

Approval.ProcessResult is supposed to have fields which identify which record is being processed (getEntityId()). However, this seems to be null for the records for which the approval process fails. Is this the expected behaviour?

Sample Code:
           Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
           req.setComments('Approval Comments');
           req.setObjectId(<Record ID>);
           LApproval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req, false);

So how can we identify those records for which the approval process fails?
Hey everyone,

I need to write a test class for a trigger that heavily involves the CreatedById and CreatedDate of a task. I can't input values for these fields in a test class, since they're not writeable.

How can I set the CreatedById and CreatedDate for the insertion of a task record in a test class?

Hey all,

In our org, we have a few managed packages with inline VF pages on record pages. We've also created one inline VF page ourselves. I'm finding that, occasionally, when opening a new record, the inline visualforce page will open in a new tab, instead.

I've confirmed with the package providers that this shouldn't be happening (there's nothing in the pages that would be causing a tab to open). My users haven't complained to me that they've been seeing this, so it might be my local machine (I kind of hope it is), but has anybody else experienced this and do they know what caused it?


I was wondering if anybody has found this issue?


I'm finding that, unless each individual Opportunity Product is edited and re-saved, they show up in reports on two seperate lines, one row for the Schedule Amount (with Schedule Quantity zeroed) and vice versa.


This is causing a headache for the finance team, who're using reports from Salesforce.

