• David VP
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This looks like a great app.  I installed it successfully, but when I got to page 8 of the installation guide “Using the CMSForce Console,” I ran into a problem.  The “Development Mode” checkboxes are not checked in my user profile, yet the CMS Console will not load.  Instead, it just says “Loading”, with a spinning refresh icon.  Does anyone know you have any idea why this would happen? 



I'm running into an error installing CMSForce for a client and saw that you're an active and knowledgable member of the boards so I thought to contact you directly. We were able to install and use CMSForce in the sandbox environment and then tried to install it in Production but ran into the issue of getting an Authentication Error when trying to view the Main Template within the CMSForce Console.


We uninstalled at this point since we were performing other migration tasks last night and this was holding us up.


This morning we went back in, tried to install CMSForce again, but then ran into the error that "CMSForce" Static Resource was already in the system. (This was brought in from our UI Designer last night as part of his migration of files). When we tried to delete the CMSForce Static Resource, we got the error that it was being referenced by a Component and Pages in the system. We went ahead an commented out any time the "Resource.CMSForce" was being called. At this point we were able to delete the CMSForce Static Resource.


We installed again and ignored the APEX test errors (it's a common error as you probably know). We followed the customization guide to a "T" and then tried to access the CMSForce App (top-right corner of SFDC). We got an error here as well, stating that there was a Duplicate Reference 3 error? At this point we don't know what to do and need to install this for the client today. ANY help would be more than appreciated!




I want to use my CMSForce form to create a new record.

Is there anyway for me to get the Id for the just created record?


Im thinking use CMSForce for the 'basic' form fields then forward the Id to another page with

more custom form items to finish the process.



I am trying to insert content into my web-page that is using a custom template. The <c:contentblock> has been defined

in the template and i can see the place to put in the conent when starting a new page.


The problem i that when click on this insert new content link i am redirected to the under construction page.


Thanks in advance Filipp

I am trying to develop a webform for a custom object and have the following situation.  The custom object is linked to multiple standard objects and other custom objects.  We have a set group of people that will be using this form.  Each person is a contact in our salesforce system and this custom object has a master-detail relationship to that contact record type.  My dilemma at this point is that I need to have an Id value associated with this reference field(master-detail to contact) in the webform and I am at a loss as to what needs to go in there.  Ideally it would be based on the person entering the data, but not the same person would be entering the data as it is a general access form.  Each of these records will be "approved" by someone internally and can make the master-detail assignment at that point if necessary, but can't figure out a way around the field as it is a required field and it won't let me create the webform without it.  Is it possible to create a webform where these people can go put a number that is associated with only them in and it pulls certain pieces of information from SF?


I know this is a lot in one message, but I need help desperately.



When i try to installa the CRMForce 2 to my salesforce account i get the following error notification via e-mail.


What seems to be the error? I can't install CRMForce 2



1. Apex Classes(01p200000003dCm) cmsforcesetupcontroller.t1()
System.AssertException: Assertion Failed
Class.CMSForceSetupController.t1: line 94, column 3
External entry point

2. Apex Classes(01p200000003dCv) homepagecontroller.t1()
System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
Class.HomePageController.t1: line 69, column 51
External entry point

Validation Errors While Saving Record(s)

There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected
record(s). The first validation error encountered was "00D20000000IjTj:
APEX_TEST_FAILED [01p200000003dCm: cmsforcesetupcontroller.t1():
System.AssertException: Assertion Failed
Class.CMSForceSetupController.t1: line 94, column 3
External entry point, 01p200000003dCv: homepagecontroller.t1():
System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
Class.HomePageController.t1: line 69, column 51
External entry point]".



I'm new to the use of sites, although experienced with the salesforce.com platform generally.


I have followed the installation notes to install CMS Force2 and double checked to ensure it is correct.


I can't seem to get the links or web form submission to work. For example if I create two pages one called application form and the other called thankyou. Then on the application form I have a link to the thankyou page, linked via the lookup server and selecting the thankyou page. When I click the link I get a page not found error.


The same occurs when I add a webform to the application page and click the submit/save button.


I have scoured the forums and cannot find anything related to this error, any urgent help needed as I have a tight deadline.







I installed CMSForce on our sandbox last week and have been struggling to configure it for use since then. I see CMSForce setup page, however I do not see any buttons to submit the information regarding Site Configuration or Your Organusation. I have two sites active on my sandbox.


Can someone help me with finishing the setup so that I can start using CMSForce.






I just installed the CMSForce application in our sandbox environment after initial struggle. After getting installed when I select the app from the apps dropdown, the application does not get selected. I am not sure how to fix this. David have you seen things like this in the past? How to get over this issue?




Hi all,


Quite a few of you have asked me about the availability of CMSForce 2.

I'm very happy to announce that you can now find it on the AppExchange. On the listing you'll find a short demo video that will get you up to speed on the new features. (central management console, folders to organize your content, in-site editing, friendly urls, ...)


I'll also include a shameless plug here : If you want to see it in action 'live', come to my 'Increase Lead Volume with Compelling Landing Pages' session on wed 8 at DreamForce.


Hope to see you there! In the meantime : if you have questions, just drop them in community boards.





I just installed CMSForce in development as a trail before I go forth with production...

The first 6 steps of the installation process are concerning. We have way too many documents, dashboards, letterheads, workflows etc that we already have set up in Salesforce. I do not want any existing settings changed that would impact their current function.  Can you verify before I install to production? Thanks!

  1. Change the visibility settings for any installed documents, reports, dashboards, letterheads, email templates, and custom fields on standard objects. By default, these components are visible to all users. Set the Running User for any installed dashboards or analytic snapshots; by default, it is set to you.
  2. Set the Running User for any installed dashboards or analytic snapshots; by default, it is set to you.
  3. Specify the appropriate recipients for any installed workflow tasks.
  4. Specify the appropriate assignees for any installed workflow alerts.
  5. Specify the appropriate user for workflow field updates that modify the Owner field or user lookups; by default, it is set to you.
  6. Create a schedule for any installed analytic snapshots.
  7. Configure any additional settings for this package from the package detail page.
  8. Deploy the package by clicking Deploy Now below. You can also do this at any time in the future from the package detail page.
This is probably one for the guru's :

Is there any support for DIME attachments in Apex ? (I'm trying to achieve an 'Apex only' integration with Amazon S3)

So far a can list buckets, have users download files etc ... but for sending the files from the SFDC server to Amazon it looks my only valid option would be using DIME attachments in the SOAP calls.

Hi all,

When connecting to an external web service importing the WSDL in Apex, I get the error:

"uncaught exception: {faultcode:'soapenv:Client', faultstring:'System.CalloutException: IO Exception: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target"

The problem is that the certificate of the site server is not totally valid or not widely recognized. The web service belongs to the Tax Department of the Government of Argentina, and they approve their own SSL certificates. To emit electronic invoicing in Argentina, you have to approve each invoice sending it to the web service and you get a response with an authorization number which has to be included in the invoice.

Furthermore, I need also to access another web service that is only for testing purpose and it has the same issue.

Apart from Salesforce Apex Code, this exception also happens in .NET and Java, but these environments have their own ways to bypass the exception (import and install the certificate in the local machine, parameters to accept the ssl connection anyway, and so on...).
In Salesforce Apex documentation, I only found the "Remote Site Settings" option (Setup-Security Options) where the security protocol can be disable, but the exception occurs the same.

Please if someone know if there is a way to force the connection between Salesforce and the web service. I also wonder how tests of connection between Salesforce and not full deployed web services (with own signed or no valid certificates yet) should be performed.

Thanks in advance!