• CaitlinM
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We have a large number of Queues(50+) which need to be deployed between Orgs.


Got as far as creating the Qs and its member objects by uploaded data to following 3 objects:



-Group Member




How to move over data for Queue filter criteria and fields to display?


Any pointers to get acess to these through object level or metadata appreciated!


Thank you






I am doing some volunteer work with the Nonprofit Starter Pack.  When I create Contacts related to an Account, it automatically creates a Household for the Contact.  Is there a way to disable this?  I need the ability to create Contacts for Accounts separate from Households.




Hi All,


I have two field on account.

One is look up to the user and other is a custom field.


Requirement is something like this:

When i select user A then immediately Custom field should be populated with His manager name.

This requirement is same as below.

Custom field on account can be picklist also and value withing this can come from say a custom field from user





Is it possible to enable writable audit fields on custom objects? We have a case where we are running a formula field off of CreatedBy and often users don't import data using the correct user. Rather than deleting and reinserting to make the fix, since we have a lot of related records to fix as well, it would be faster if we could set the CreatedById. I've read that you can enable these fields for standard objects with a case to Salesforce, but has anyone successfully done this with custom objects? Thanks. 

Is it possible to embed an image in a Force.com custom object? For example, if I want to create a custom object for real estate properties and I want to embed images of the properties in the custom object.

If so, how can it be done?




I have a lookup field on the account that pulls from a list of accounts that have a specific value in a custom field.

I want to be able to take that value and populate a filed on the opportunity, and also use that account info to populate the address of that account on the opportunity as well.


The goal is to be able to use the related account and address information in the quote pdf template. If there is another way to do that I am eager to find out.


I don;t want my users to have to enter the same information multiple times.



To present a Report, the relation b/w Object A and Object B must be:


A) Atleast 1 element on object A must match with element on B?

B)  No matchings of elements b/w objects A and B needed?




or Any other answer? please let me know. This is an Adm201 cert. Q  I faced recently.


Thnks in advance..

I am creating an email template. I would like the email template to show the first name of a contact attached to a custom object I build. I have tried this: {!Object__c.Contact__c.FirstName} but it shows up as a blank on the email. Is it possible to show just the first name of the contact related to the custom object. Thank. 



I just created a new trigger and am trying to push it to the production site. As I know I cannot do it unless I have 75% test coverage. However, I have tested it in Sandbox and it worked the way I need. I think it will work without code test.


So is it possible that I can deploy my trigger from Sandbox to Production site without any tests?


Any responds are much appreciated.

I am not able to view "work with portal" button with a user having custom profile. But this functionality is working with another profile(customer portal profile). "Work with portal" buttons are available on contact page layout and both profiles have the same contact page layout assigned to them. I would like to know which setting I am missing between this 2 profiles



Does SFDC supports Multilingual?



I created custon button for quotes. I want that when a user clicks a button, the quote record type is determined by the opportunity record type (and the user don't have to pick the quote record type).

I know this can be solved somehow with condition in the URL, so I created something, but it didn't work:


/0Q0/e?retURL=%2F{!Opportunity.Id}&oppid={!Opportunity.Id} & if {{!Opportunity.RecordTypeId} = "012U00000004sGd", {!Quote.RecordType}= "012U000000053px", {!Quote.RecordType}= "012U000000053q2"}&ent=Quote




