• Saravanan @Creation
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  • Creation Technology Solution

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i want to get the test2 on clicking in test2 link .how can i get ?User-added image
Picklist values are cutting off/truncated in the modal box. I have 10 picklist values to be displayed but when opened the combobox in ligtening it is showing only 3.
Could you please help me out fixing this issue.

Here is the code:
 <div class="slds-modal__content slds-p-around_medium">
                           <div class="slds-text-color_error">{requiredError}</div>
                    <lightning-combobox class="validValue" name="reason" label="Reason" value={reason}
                            placeholder="Select Closed Loss Reason" options={picklistOptions.data.values}
                            onchange={handleChangePicklist} required>

Thank you,
Hello All,
We are not using Opportunity Product object in our org. But whenever an opportunity is created a popup comes up in lightning view to Add Products. Is it possible to disable this popup without overriding the standard opportunity page. Please help me in this regard. Below is the popup I am talking about.

Opportunity Product Popup


Error ID: 204507431-23397 (207752844)

Anyone else running into this? I just wanted to report and see if there is a fix yet.

Hello All,

I have generated the Web to Lead and used in Website. In the Org under the network access I have added the IP address.
Does this impact anything on the web to lead creation?

Thanks in advance!
Is there a way to stop the drop down that give and option to wrap or clip text in a lightning data table?

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I have a Trigger and workflows on an object.

In trigger for every insert or update certain functionality happens. this functionality is added to trigger mainly because of Data loader(records inserted or updated from data loader).

The issue is, it is causing Too many SOQL for insert or update of records from VF page.

I'm using flag to determine if the insert happing from VF page or data loader, if it is from VF page then execute this functionality only at end of the transaction.

Is there any design or logic which can be used to execute this functionality only once and only at end of the transaction when coming from VF page?
I am having this error:
FATAL_ERROR System.LimitException: SBQQ:Too many queueable jobs added to the queue: 2
when I deploy the automation of the Renewal process (I have tried  with batch size = 1,batch size = 50 and batch size = 200 nothing works ) in production (works in Sandbox), even though I have followed this article and almost have copied the batch apex class that appears in this Knowledge article: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000267468&language=en_US&type=1 .

Below is my batch apex class.The main difference to the one in the Knowledge article mentioned before is the Query at the 'start()' method, see below:
///***Batch Apex Class***

global class Renewal implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.Stateful {
	global Integer recordsProcessed = 0;

	global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc){
		return Database.getQueryLocator(
			//This is where you input the conditions for the records which you wish to set renewal for 
			'SELECT SBQQ__RenewalForecast__c, Id FROM Contract WHERE SBQQ__RenewalForecast__c = false AND EndDate=NEXT_N_QUARTERS:2');
	global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Contract> scope){
		for(Contract contract: scope){    
            System.debug('<DEBUG> Update Renewal Forecast and Quoted for Contract: '+ contract.Id);
			contract.SBQQ__RenewalForecast__c = true;
			recordsProcessed = recordsProcessed + 1;

        update scope;
	global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc){
       // Get the ID of the AsyncApexJob representing this batch job
       // from Database.BatchableContext.
       // Query the AsyncApexJob object to retrieve the current job's information.
       AsyncApexJob a = [SELECT Id, Status, NumberOfErrors, JobItemsProcessed,TotalJobItems, CreatedBy.Email FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE Id =:BC.getJobId()];

       // OPTIONAL: Send an email to the Apex job's submitter notifying of job completion.
       Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
       String[] toAddresses = new String[] {a.CreatedBy.Email};
       mail.setSubject('Contract Renewal Batch ' + a.Status);
       ('The batch Apex job processed ' + a.TotalJobItems +
       ' batches with '+ a.NumberOfErrors + ' failures.');
       Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
This is the test class for this batch apex class, although I don't think it has any relation to the problem:
public class RenewalTest {
    public static testMethod void testRenewal() {
        // Create an Account
        Account ac = new Account();
        ac.Name = 'Jamones Corporation Number';
        ac.Type = 'Manufacturer';
        ac.Industry = 'Food';
        ac.Tiering__c = 'Tier-1';
        ac.Language__c = 'Spanish';
        insert ac;
        // Create an Opportunity
        Opportunity op = new Opportunity();
        op.Name= 'OriginalOpNumber';
        op.AccountId = ac.Id;
        op.Type = 'New business';
        op.StageName = 'A - Interest';
        op.CloseDate = Date.today();
        insert op;
        // Create the Contract
        Contract c = new Contract();
        c.StartDate = Date.today().addMonths(-8);
        c.ContractTerm = 12;
        //c.EndDate = c.StartDate.addMonths(c.ContractTerm);
        c.Status = 'draft';
        c.AccountId = ac.Id;        
        c.SBQQ__Opportunity__c = op.Id;
        c.SBQQ__RenewalForecast__c = false;
        //c.SBQQ__RenewalQuoted__c = false;
        insert c;
       	System.debug('<DEBUG> Contract Id:'+ String.valueOf(c.Id));
        System.debug('<DEBUG> Date of today:'+ String.valueOf(Date.today()));
        System.debug('<DEBUG> Contract Start Date:'+ String.valueOf(c.StartDate));
        System.debug('<DEBUG> Contract End Date:'+ String.valueOf(c.EndDate));
        System.debug('<DEBUG> Contract Renewal Forecast:'+ String.valueOf(c.SBQQ__RenewalForecast__c));
        //System.debug('<DEBUG> Contract Renewal Quoted:'+ String.valueOf(c.SBQQ__RenewalQuoted__c));

        Renewal obj = new Renewal();
        Contract contract = [SELECT SBQQ__RenewalForecast__c FROM Contract WHERE Id= :c.Id];
        System.assertEquals(true, contract.SBQQ__RenewalForecast__c );
        //System.assertEquals(true, contract.SBQQ__RenewalQuoted__c ); 
    	System.debug('<DEBUG> Contract Renewal Forcast:'+ contract.SBQQ__RenewalForecast__c);
        //System.debug('<DEBUG> Contract Renewal Forcast:'+ contract.SBQQ__RenewalQuoted__c );

I am pretty new to salesforce but after analizing the logs the only thing that is bothering me is that there are some triggers in the Opportunity that seem to be called very frequently, and I have a suspicion they might me not 'bulkified'? However the trigger i am talking about is part of the Salesforce package 'Declarative Rollup Summary' and therefore I cannot see this part of code, so I have no idea how the triggers of this package work. See screenshots below:
User-added image
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Can anyone tell me if the fact that these triggers are called constantly is normal or not? And more importnaly, does anyone have any idea of what could be happening?

I can post more information if neeeded. 
Thanks in advance!!
Good day Developers,

I am struggling to find the solution to this problem.  

/** this function will get leave reason if needed
*  @param email_linesP is array containing all the email lines
*  @return reason string will be returned
    private String getLeaveReason( List< String > email_linesP ){
        String reason_string = '';              //this is the reason string
        //check if we dont have reason
        if( m_reason_index != -1 ){
            //loop through the email lines
            for( Integer i = m_reason_index + 1; i < email_linesP.size(); ++i ){
                //check if current line has : charecter( will indicate keyword )
                if( email_linesP[ i ].contains( ':' ) )
                    break;                                  //leave the loop
                reason_string += email_linesP[ i ] + '\n';          //append line
            }//end of for-block
            reason_string = 'No Reason Provided';       //set the reason string to default value
        return reason_string;                   //return the reason 
    }//end of function definition

The above code is returning the correct information except for when there is no reason for my reason_string, instead it returns a "NULL" value instead of 'No Reason Provided' which is the reason_string. how do I get it to reflect 'No Reason Provided' instead of "NULL"
I have started looking into a way of creating a save to calendar link on a html email template as we find attempting to convert a HTML email template to a visualforce email template. 

I have got the link to appear on the email but I cannot get it to save as a ics file to see if it has worked. The script is below
var cal = ics(); 
cal.addEvent('{!Service_Request__c.Name}', '{!Service_Request__c.Change_Details__c}', 'None', '{!Service_Request__c.Expected_Start__c}', '{!Service_Request__c.Expected_Completion_Date__c}'

<a href="javascript:addToOutlook()">Demo</a>

Is there anything I am missing? 
User-added image
I want to host my website on salesforce and found these limits but i was confused that Maximum Pageviews limit is per hour or per month.
Hi everybody!

I have a question I hope somebody can give me some help with. We have built a site on Force.com, and have registered a domain name on Godaddy, how do I setup the name servers so the visiting public only sees http://www.oursite.com, instead of http://www.oursite.force.com?

So far we've followed directions we found that say to to create a site, domain and custom URL in Salesforce. Then on Godaddy, we created a CNAME record which points to "oursite.our18characterOrgId.live.siteforce.com", which does work if you were to type in www.oursite.com.

The problem is, this does not work if somebody doesn't put the www in front of the url.

From my understanding of how this needs to work (please correct me if I'm wrong), on Godaddy I'd have to create an A record on Godaddy that ponits to salesforce, which I'm not able to do because an A record requires an IP address, not a domain.

Any feedback, will be greatly appreciated!

Thank you :-)
i am new to salesforce,Can anyone explain what is inline edit support?why it is used and how?
Hi All,

I recently recueved an automated email from Salesforce saying that I have a certifcate in Salesforce which will expire in 60 Days.
Below is a screenshot of the Certificate Detail;
User-added image

I am not sure what to do here, if someone couuld kindly explain, that'll be great

Thanks in advance,
I have installed a managed oackage in my org and now i want to upgrade it. This app access is controlled by licence and permission set.  When i click on the upgrade link, Below 3 options are displayed,
1. Install for admin only
2. Install for All Users
3. Install for Specific profile.

Which option should i select? Not all users assigned to same profile have access to this app. So i think chosing the 3rd option will not be correct. 
If i select 'Install for admin only', will the licence be revoked from all the other users?

Thank you for your help in advance.

We recently went live with our Community Portal that is hosted at ourcompany.force.com. With that, we installed an SSL certificate for this portal through salesforce.com > setup > security controls > Certificate and Key Management. The only problem is that the salesforce.com portal does not have a way to install the Intermediate (Leaf) CA which is associated with our SSL cert. If we connect to our portal with Firefox or if we run a Qualys/Symantec SSL check, the browser/SSL Check throw an error about chain validation. The reason why IE doesn't show an error is that IE ships with many Intermediate CAs already embedded which is a security no-no. I've opened up many support tickets with salesforce.com but they keep on telling me this is a dev issue which I disagree. Has anyone else come across this issue since 99% of the SSL market now have Intermeidate CAs associated with their SSL certs?


This is driving me crazy! I have come to the Excel Connector because I needed a bi-directional data tool so I can correct some text errors in the lead source fields of converted leads. I understand that Data Loader is available in EE but I have PE so I thought this would be the answer. However, when I attempted to edit the data I get an error message that says, "Update Row Failed: cannot reference converted lead."
Am I correctly understanding that the Excel Connector will update any data in SF except data in a converted lead???????? Why is this data so guarded that it appears to be impossible to edit any textual info that has no formulas or logic running against it? I have some lead sources from previous months that are incorrect and they skew my report and require me to manually correct them every time.; Simple things like a lead source of "ASP 2008" should be "ASP 0208". I don't want to delete the converted lead and then convert a corrected lead because it will throw off the date of the conversion and break the connection with the existing opportunity. There must be a way? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Message Edited by DalStar1999 on 07-25-2008 02:32 PM

Message Edited by DalStar1999 on 07-25-2008 02:34 PM

Message Edited by DalStar1999 on 07-25-2008 02:50 PM