• KalyanL
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  • S-Nimbus Solutions

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I am looking for some feedback on the various IDE options for Salesforce.  What makes you choose one over the other?  Pros & Cons?  Am I missing other options?

I would like to invest the time into learning an IDE very well, but was looking for some guidance in choosing the right one before I dive in to later decide I should have chose a different one because of x, y, or z.  

I realize this is a subjective question, but hearing the opinions of those with experience will greatly help those with less experience like myself.  

Thanks for your input!



If Communities is replacing customer portal and partner portal for new organizations, how do you enable login for Force.com Sites? Previously you would select the portal to use.





Is there an easy way to place part of a Site.com site behind a password?  We have a set of pages that we would like for only those with a password to be able to access.  It would be a single password, without need for specific user credentialing.


                     I did SP initiated SSO for SalesForce and OpenAM successfully.

In SalesForce SSO setting I used Identity Provider Login URL : http://localhost:8080/opensso/SSOPOST/metaAlias/idp                      

This URL accept SAML request and created SAML Assertion for SalesForce with IDP default login authentication.


Instead of above URL I when I use my Custom Authentication Module URL.

It does

  1. It redirect to IDP with custom authentication
  2. Does the authentication and display IDP home page.

It won’t show SalesForce home page.

I checked debug log : Its not creating SAML assertion for SalesForce.


                Is it possible to create SAML assertion from IDP ?


              Custom auth module has to take care to create SAML assertion ?

I'm not very well versed with webservices and I had a question about integrating (pulling data from an external system and pushing into Salesforce).


There is an external .NET application that retrieves data from an Accounting system real time.  My question is if it is possible to create a Salesforce webservice that the external .NET application can call whenever it gets new data from the accounting system and then push that data into Salesforce.


I know there are tools like Informatica, DBAmp that can do this type of thing as well.  The requirements are looking for a different route to handle this process.


Is there a way to accomplish this?  What are the options?  Any Salesforce articles discussing how to do this?


Thanks for any help!

Hi All,


This is suresh, i want to create master detailed relation ship.please help me,how to create a relation ship


just like this


object name is BANK:

 fileds like:






like again i want to maintain relationship to fields of Acc no,Acc name,balance to the fields of ICICI,SBI,AXIS,HDFC




Suresh GV



      I want to know if Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin can be enabled on custom apps developed on Force.com?


Thanks in advance!



I was trying to change field of type picklist to multi select picklist.


But am unable to do so because am getting below exception.


Validation Errors while Saving Record(s)


There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected record(s). The first validation error encountered was  "Generic Exception Creator".

To solve the above i tried below like

I have deactivated all validation rules/triggers pertaining to that field.

I have commented out all the code in Apex class & Visual Force page pertaing tjhis field.


Now there are no more references for that field but still am getting Exception and i could not change it to multi select picklist.



Can you please share your thoughts to solve the above problem.


Feedback is appreciated..

Does siteforce has the ability to create simple forms ,if so how can we achieve that?




Is there any way to show case information on an opportunity?  I know we can tie cases to accounts, and all of the account's cases show on opportunities.


So I have a two-part question:


1) I'd like to limit an account to only have a certain case record type.  (Can I use validation rules to make this happen?)


2) Show a case field from that record type on an opportunity.  (I'm assuming that can be done via Apex).


Please help...I've been trying to do this but am stuck.  =\


Thank you x 100 in advance.





We have generated a self-signed certificate from SFDC and provided to our client network team which we are expecting them to install at their application to authorize us accessing their application. Network team rejected the certificate with the reason as the certificate has no information on private key.

Based on my research was able to figure out private key should be known by the owner of the certificate which is used by the server to validate against the public key and confirm the identity of the source.

Could someone please guide on how we can get the private key from SFDC as I dont see any interface for the same?

Its bad to find SOQL doesnt have field alias


example we cant use


select Id, First_Name__c as 'Name' from Candidate

Is there a way I can submit requests to force.com from SiteForce.  My scenario is of someone wants to find a listing that is present in the custom object; must be able to submit the requset.  Once the request is evalauted, force.com would return the possible matches found in the custom object.  How do I accomplish this?


The other question I've is, is there a way, I can do a change to URL to be the URL of the list name (listings/businessname) instead of ?id=xxxxxx .  The reason I'm asking is this is good for SEO than making them as ?id=xxxxxx



How do I add VisualForce pages to siteforce?  I remember in one of the demo's the speaker mentioning about ability to add visual force pages.


A couple quick questions about Siteforce functionality:

  1. I know that siteforce and data access is in pilot mode.  With that being said, the demos out there show displaying data on a site utilizing the siteforce data components.  Will siteforce have the ability to add/update data?  For example, I have a custom 'Training Session' object.  I want to create pages in siteforce with a form that captures information about a training session and creates a new record to the 'Training Session' object.
  2. If add/updating data is not going to be possible utilizing Siteforce, is it possible (or make sense) to create a site utilizing siteforce pages along with the traditional visualforce pages?  It seems that you would have more data flexibility with the visualforce pages.  We like the Siteforce component as it makes it very easy to update content on pages.  We would apply this to pages that the marketing team would/could update.  We would then use visualforce pages for more data "processing".

Thanks in advance!