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Hi Friends, From the salesforce customer portal which is accessible to outside public, when somebody request something such as web service then which IP address is used .Is that customers IP address or salesforce IP address will be used to access web services from salesforce portal? Any reply will be highly appreciated? Thanks, Trick
Hi Friends, We are accessing page on the portal and the below given error is thrown directly to the customer on the page. Error: Error occurred while loading a Visualforce page. First, We have written apex class and V.f page .In apex class I making request to the webservices on the server and the response which I get is displayed in Iframe to the customer. This works fine when endpoint URL is without SSL(meaning Http). No error However,It doesn't when we have Https (meaning with SSL). It looks like some problem on the server with SSL Because I get an error,Unable to pass through proxy ,Https service 1.0 unavailable(Captured in debug logs ,not shown to the customer).The one which is shown to the customer is Error: Error occurred while loading a Visualforce page .Is this a standard error message whenever Salesforce is not able to load page? Any idea why debug logs is generating the following error message when we are trying to access web services on the server I get an error,Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable". Any insights on this will be greatly appreciated Thanks, Trick
https://bbh_webservices.cityofboston.gov/Secure/GetUserUrl Hi Friends, I am trying to register URL in the remote settings but it is not letting me register.It gives me an error Error: Unable to parse URI For Example if I use: https://Chicago_webservices. Error: Unable to parse URI However:if we change it to Https://Chicago.webservices then it accepts. Does it not let regiter URL with in the remote settings with Underscore?.Any idea about that.
Hi Friends, I have apex class written and whose function I have specified in the action parameter of the apex page tag in visual force and I also have Iframe running on the same page I want to know will this function get's executed before the iframe and this function of the apex class executes on the salesforce server or not. Thanks, Trick
Hi Friends, I have integrated salesforce with do net application.So as part of the integration I am calling dot net application in Iframe. When I run application in an Iframe,it gives an error and give me broken link Basically in the browser I see two URL's,one is the salesforce URl and I have no idea from where that URL is coming whereas the other URL is the URl which I need. https://c.cs14.visual.force.com/apex/"http://bbh.webservices.citybb.com/Pe/In? Can somebody throw some light on this.?Is this a known bug? Thanks, Trick
Hi Friends, I have flow on the portal which has been created by somebody else.Customer after completing the flow press finish button then he sees a long text. I am not able to figure out from where this text is coming .Is it a part of the flow or something else. Can somebody give me some pointers? Thanks, Trick

Hi Friends, We have customer portal and we want to capture logged in user information such as password .We are using default salesforce portal functionality. can somebody give an example of how to do it? Thanks, Trick

Hi Friends,


I have visual force tab in salesforce.So when somebody navigates away from the tab ,for example,clicks on some other tab then he should see a dialog box which says that,Are u sure that you want to naviage away from this page?


Below given code does not belong to me.However,it does  run and show dialog box with the message:-

This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved


How do I override this message or show my own message.


public class wrap2co {
String searchSolutionText;
List<List<sObject>> tresults;
List<Solution> results;

public String getSearchSolutionText() {
return searchSolutionText;

public void setSearchSolutionText(String s) {
searchSolutionText = s;

public List<Solution> getResults() {
return results;

public PageReference doSearch() {
tresults = [FIND :searchSolutionText RETURNING Solution(SolutionName, SolutionNote, CreatedDate)];
results = (List<Solution>)tresults[0];
return null;


<apex:page controller="wrap2co">
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" TYPE="text/javascript">
function unloadMessage(){
message = "Wait! You haven't finished."
return message;
function setBunload(on){
window.onbeforeunload = (on)? unloadMessage : null;

<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageblockButtons >
<apex:commandButton action="{!doSearch}" value="Search" rerender="output"></apex:commandButton>
<apex:inputText value="{!SearchSolutionText}"></apex:inputText>
<apex:outputPanel >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageblockTable value="{!results}" var="v">
<apex:column value="{!v.SolutionName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.SolutionNote}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.CreatedDate}"/>





Hi Friends,


My scenario is such that only when customer logs into the portal then tab on the portal should become visible.if he is not logged in then it should not become visible to the customer.   Any idea on how we can do this.Some attributes or something else.

Any info or any example on this is highly welcome.If u can point to any link which can help me in accomplisihing this will be great.





Hi Friends, I want to create a tab on the customer portal and underneath I want to have iframe and in that I want to display website.Tab on the portal will not be an existing tab of salesforce .I want to create a new tab on the portal not that I want to expose existing tab such as account or contact from salesforce. What do u think is going to be the best way to do it.Any suggestions or inputs are most welcome. Thanks, Trick

Hi Guys,



Can we host flex application in salesforce.If not why ,Can somebody answer.




Hi Friends,


Can we assign events to calendars in salesforce and make it vsible on the calendar.Quick response will be greatly appreciated.





Hi Friends, 


I want to create PDF file from the record of an event object.Does anyone know how to go about it? 


If there is some example of how they have done it?    



Hi Friends,


Consumer Key
Consumer Secret

I need to know,for example, when I register some website in the remote setting in salesforce in order to make callouts.
Consumer Key means what Does it belongs to salesforce or the website which was registered in salesforce.

Is it same about consumer secret.
Can somebody please explain with an example ?.




Hi Friends,


I have customer portal and on that portal I have link which should take me to the another web site





If somebody is on the customer portal and he is logged in the portal and then clicks on the link.It should be verified whether the customer has been logged in and if he is  then he should be taken to another website without having to log into the web site.


Can somebody please tell me how to go about it.Please guide me in the right direction by giving me a start.


Basically integrating one website with another web site.












Hi Friends,


I have input text field and search button next to the field. I want to generate soql query in the controller class function.

When somebody enters something in the input  field and click  on the search field  it should assign that value to the Soql statements where clause .It should looks something like this.

database.query(select id,name from account where name=What should I be doing there And how to do that);


I knoe I have to use setter method but How do I link inputetxt field and pass its value to the soql query.


Please help.




FROM Account
WHERE Name = 'Sandy



I have a trigger OpenActivityCount to get the count of the open tasks created on the open activity related list. The count of the tasks appear on the No. of Open Activities field.


I am getting a problem here.


The issue is all the new tasks created after I have deployed the tigger are getting populated in the field whereas the older tasks are not being populated. I want the total count of the open tasks in the field before and after I have deployed the trigger.


Can anyone please tell me how to overcome this issue.


This is the trigger


trigger OpenActivityCount on Task(after insert,after update)
Account ac=[select id, No_of_Open_Activities__c from Account where id=:trigger.new[0].AccountId];
if(ac.No_of_Open_Activities__c == null)
ac.No_of_Open_Activities__c =0;
if(trigger.isinsert) {
if(trigger.new[0].status!='Completed') {
ac.No_of_Open_Activities__c +=1;

if(trigger.isupdate )
if(trigger.new[0].status == 'Completed')
ac.No_of_Open_Activities__c -= 0.5;
if(trigger.new[0].status != 'Completed')
ac.No_of_Open_Activities__c += 0.5;

update ac;


Hi Friends,


When we buy web services from websites such as strikeiron etc then in the stub classes we have to specify user name and pasword.



My question is how do we get that username and password.?.Is there a way to generate?


Please help.




I am writing some APEX callouts to call webservice on our company network,  I want to restrict access to these webservice only allow the Salesforce IP address, but I can't find the IP address ranges I should use.  Can anyone help me?