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I want to embed videos in my knowledge articles, and I have been trying to follow the steps from these two posts:




Under Setup->Customize->Knowledge->Article Types, I have an article type of "Video Tutorial" with the title test_video_tutorial. I have a custom field called "Tutorial" with an API name of "Tutorial__c". 


In Article Management, I created a new article of type "Video Tutorial" and the Tutorial field I have this:

<div class="youtube">http://www.youtube.com/v/TDArzCNu178?</div>


In Setup->Develop->Pages, I created a new Visualforce Page called VideoTutorialPage like this:

<apex:page standardController="Video_Tutorials__kav" showHeader="true">
    <apex:outputPanel >
        <apex:outputField value="{!Video_Tutorials__kav.Title}"/>
        <apex:outputText escape="false" value="{!Video_Tutorials__kav.Tutorial__c}"/>

However, when I click on the article "test_video_tutorial" in my Articles, the video doesn't get embedded. I just see the html code for it. Is there something I have to do to tell Salesforce that when I click on a Video Tutorial article, that it should use the Visualforce Page I created? What is it that I have to do to get the video to show up?

Has anyone had success displaying video on a VF page by using the embed code from a CDN like Limelight? Here's the code they provide:


<span class="LimelightEmbeddedPlayer"><script src="http://assets.delvenetworks.com/player/embed.js"></script><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="limelight_player_393753" name="limelight_player_393753" class="LimelightEmbeddedPlayerFlash" width="800" height="360" data="http://assets.delvenetworks.com/player/loader.swf"><param name="movie" value="http://assets.delvenetworks.com/player/loader.swf"/><param name="wmode" value="window"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="flashVars" value="deepLink=true&amp;playerForm=LVPPlayerHorizontalPlaylist&amp;channelId=59affe0988334bbb82412775fd75c62c"/></object><script>LimelightPlayerUtil.initEmbed('limelight_player_393753');</script></span>


The player shows up, but it doesn't play and the play button does nothing.


I'm sure I'm missing something and any bit of help would be appreciated.

Where does the images get stored in Siteforce ?Can Siteforce be used as a Library for storing & displaying images. What is the maximum storage limit for storing images in Siteforce? Does Images consume the data storage of the license Salesforce edition?

Happy New Year all!


We have a few Enterprice Liencse but the storage for all the records (Activities) created from other Enterprice accounts are accumulating towards the admin's account. Is it normal?


In a month time we have already used up the 1G allocated storage space for the admin account. Apart from downloading the data export and delete odd records here and there, what else can we do to manage the storage better?


Is there a way so that storage spaces can be splitted between the Enterprice users?



This is my requirement how can i do?




  1. Launch Video button on top of the New page (next to Save and Cancel buttons) – This will open a new window to launch a video link. There will be a different video link based on logged in user (distributor v/s reseller). The URL to be redirected to can be left blank for now until we have the right URL

Hi there!


I'm new in developing visual force page.. Now, I need to embed different videos one by one in one visual force page by clicking an output link associated with the video. How can i do this? Pls.. help me.. its urgent...



I am seeking information regarding possible solutions to share video streams through chatter. Videos which may be hosted in any public site, much like what we do in other commericial social networking sites like Facebook or Orkut.


Please advice.




Is this possible and, if so, how? Any advice would be much appreciated. I am trying to avoid the VF route because the rich text fields have more flexibility with the pictures. However, most of my clients show up with 1000+ pictures that need to be associated with a custom object in my app and I need to mass upload. 

Is this possible and, if so, how? Any advice would be much appreciated. I am trying to avoid the VF route because the rich text fields have more flexibility with the pictures. However, most of my clients show up with 1000+ pictures that need to be associated with a custom object in my app and I need to mass upload.