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IO Exception: Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable.
Hi All,
We have integrated salesforce with web service on the company's server.However,we are getting below given error.
IO Exception: Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable.
In order ot get rid of the above given error meesage
Where am I suppose to add below given addresses.Ip addresses on the company's server on which service has been hosted or in the salesforce org.
I believe it has to be on the company's server,Can somebody help? East Coast Data Center (set one) East Coast Data Center (set two) MidWest Data Centers MidWest Data Centers West Coast Data Center (set one) West Coast Data Center (set two) Singapore Data Center
- trick.ax1374
- November 17, 2012
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Integration troublesome issue
We have integrated salesforce with web service hosted on the company's web server.As of now this integration works perfectly fine when no SSl is involved.However,when ssl is involved then salesforce gets an error message:-Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable" comes.
Firstly,We do not know why this error comes.Can you please provide reasons why we are getting this eror?
Secondly,In order to get rid of this problem we are planning to add all salesforce IP address on the company's server so that server may accept request from salesforce and do not give this error message.Not sure if that will work.
Thirdly,If we add all ip addresses of east ,west coast etc on company's server,I know it will strengthen security and will only allow salesforce users to have access to that web service on the server.Since nature of my job involves travel and If we add all IP addresses ,and tomorrow I want to login to my salesforce org from Asia,will I be able to log in to my salesforce org and acess the web service while I am in Asia or in Europe etc?
Any help on this will be highly appreciated?
Can u please answer these questions,Any help will be highly appreciated?.
- trick.ax1374
- November 16, 2012
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Serious Flow Problem
Hi Friends,
I have flow created by some other consultant .I want to open this flow to make modifications .However,I do not see open link there.
1) If I create flow in my developer org,I get an option to open and make changes to it.Can somebody throw some light on this.What could be the reason that I cannot see open link in the company';s sandbox.
Is it something developed outside od salesforce and then using in salesforce .
2)When the user clicks on the finish button ,he see a list of checklist.When I check the page in which flow has been embedded,I do not see finishlocation attribute in the visualforce page.How does the user is redirected the page with a list of checklist
3)Is it possible to that URL could be hardcoded within the flows itself.For example finish button at the end of the flow has some URL associated to the button which redirects the user to the page
Can somebody please help,it is needed urgently?.
- trick.ax1374
- August 13, 2012
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Password retrieval
Hi Friends,
I came across your post in the salesforce forum.I have pretty much the same problem that you have so I am hoping that I will get some help from you.
I have salesforce customer portal and from this portal we are going to send user credentials to the other portal.From salesforce I need to send my portal username and password to the other portal.
Is there a way to retrieve customer portal password from the salesforce or when the customer after registering on the customer portal gets an email with the temporary password and username which we have to reset on the customer portal,Is it possible to retrieve password from the fields before it gets saved in the database?
Any points or ideas will be higly appreciated.?
- trick.ax1374
- August 02, 2012
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visual force and sites
Hi Friends, We have customer portal and we want to capture logged in user information such as password .We are using default salesforce portal functionality. can somebody give an example of how to do it? Thanks, Trick
- trick.ax1374
- August 02, 2012
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Binding custom object with salesforce
Hi Friends,
I have custom object with the name BB and I have written extension class named classic and I have visual force page seaside_ classic.
I want to bind this custom object and class to the visual force page so when somebody clicks on the object on the tab seaside_classic should become visible.
What is the way to write it,does somebody have some example?
- trick.ax1374
- July 27, 2012
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Customer Portal and user info class methods
Hi Friends,
My requirement is to display visual force tab in the customer portal.I have to make this tab visible only when customer has logged into the portal and then this tab becomes visible.
When the customer logs in .I need to fetch his username ,firstanem,lastname ,email.How do I fetch this information.
I know that before user is created we have to create contact for the user .
So here is what I have .
contact c;
user u;
c=[Select contactid from user where id=:userinfo.getUserid()];
u=[select username,firstname ,lastname from contact where id=c.userid];
My concern is ,username is not a field in the contact object.How do I retrieve this username and contact id and then use both contact id and username in the where clause of the line written above in red.
- trick.ax1374
- July 26, 2012
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Visualforce and Javascript
Hi Friends,
I have visual force tab in salesforce.So when somebody navigates away from the tab ,for example,clicks on some other tab then he should see a dialog box which says that,Are u sure that you want to naviage away from this page?
Below given code does not belong to me.However,it does run and show dialog box with the message:-
This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved
How do I override this message or show my own message.
public class wrap2co {
String searchSolutionText;
List<List<sObject>> tresults;
List<Solution> results;
public String getSearchSolutionText() {
return searchSolutionText;
public void setSearchSolutionText(String s) {
searchSolutionText = s;
public List<Solution> getResults() {
return results;
public PageReference doSearch() {
tresults = [FIND :searchSolutionText RETURNING Solution(SolutionName, SolutionNote, CreatedDate)];
results = (List<Solution>)tresults[0];
return null;
<apex:page controller="wrap2co">
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" TYPE="text/javascript">
function unloadMessage(){
message = "Wait! You haven't finished."
return message;
function setBunload(on){
window.onbeforeunload = (on)? unloadMessage : null;
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageblockButtons >
<apex:commandButton action="{!doSearch}" value="Search" rerender="output"></apex:commandButton>
<apex:inputText value="{!SearchSolutionText}"></apex:inputText>
<apex:outputPanel >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageblockTable value="{!results}" var="v">
<apex:column value="{!v.SolutionName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.SolutionNote}"/>
<apex:column value="{!v.CreatedDate}"/>
- trick.ax1374
- July 20, 2012
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javascript and VF
Hi friends,
Below given code I have taken directly from a tutoria.It works in the tutorial.However,when I run in salesforce,It just doesn't do anything .I do not what is wrong.Can somebody point out.
<Apex:page >
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnUnload()
alert ("The current document will be unloaded!");
<body onunload="OnUnload()">
<p>Close this window or press F5 to reload the page.</p>
- trick.ax1374
- July 19, 2012
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Dot net and salesforce webservcies
Hi Friends,
I am in the process of testing salesforce .So I want to install dot net web servcices on our company server.Then I will call it from salesforce.
I have created Hello World webservices in DoNet and I took wsdl file from dotnet and now in salesforce I Parsed it.I generated stubs or proxies and now within stubs I call function.
However,This web service is yet to be hosted on the server.So I guess since wsdl has already been generated ,Therefore the endpoint URl in the generated classses is some local URL .Now Do I need to change this url to the url of the server on which web service has been hosted.
Where else I need to change the URL in the salesforce generated classes.
I have copied my stubs clasees .It will be great if somebody can point the places where I have to change URL.
I have highlighted the end point URL in red.
/Generated by wsdl2apex
public class James {
public class HelloWorld_element {
private String[] apex_schema_type_info = new String[]{'http://tempuri.org/','true','false'};
private String[] field_order_type_info = new String[]{};
public class HelloWorldResponse_element {
public String HelloWorldResult;
private String[] HelloWorldResult_type_info = new String[]{'HelloWorldResult','http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema','string','0','1','false'};
private String[] apex_schema_type_info = new String[]{'http://tempuri.org/','true','false'};
private String[] field_order_type_info = new String[]{'HelloWorldResult'};
public class Service1Soap {
public String endpoint_x = 'http://localhost:53800/Service1.asmx';
public Map<String,String> inputHttpHeaders_x;
public Map<String,String> outputHttpHeaders_x;
public String clientCertName_x;
public String clientCert_x;
public String clientCertPasswd_x;
public Integer timeout_x;
private String[] ns_map_type_info = new String[]{'http://tempuri.org/', 'James'};
public String HelloWorld() {
James.HelloWorld_element request_x = new James.HelloWorld_element();
James.HelloWorldResponse_element response_x;
Map<String, James.HelloWorldResponse_element> response_map_x = new Map<String, James.HelloWorldResponse_element>();
response_map_x.put('response_x', response_x);
new String[]{endpoint_x,
response_x = response_map_x.get('response_x');
return response_x.HelloWorldResult;
- trick.ax1374
- July 17, 2012
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Visual force and Flex?
Hi Friends,
From flex application, first, we have to login to the salesforce and then reteieve session id and other info etc.
In the below given code ,can somebody explain what does {!$Api.Partner_Server_URL_90} means.
How do we retrieve this info? Which URL it signifies?
<apex:flash src=”{!$Resource.MyChart_SWF}" width="500" height="300" |
12 | flashvars="sid={!$Api.Session_ID}&surl={!$Api.Partner_Server_URL_90}&aid={!account.id}"/>
Thanks , Trick001
- trick.ax1374
- July 16, 2012
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Exception while making callout to the strikeiron webservices
Hi Friends,
I am trying strikeiron verifyemail webservices.I have writtern apex class and from this class I try to call verifyemail web services of strikeiron.
When I exceute it using anonymous block,I get the following error:-
System.CalloutException: IO Exception: Unauthorized endpoint, please check Setup->Security->Remote site settings. endpoint = http://ws.strikeiron.com/StrikeIron/EmailVerify5/EmailVerification
What can be the reason for this error and what can I do to get rid of this error.
In my Apex class I have done authenictaion by providing useraname and passord and then I am calling function to verify email.
Can somebody throw some light on it?
Here comes the code:-
public class NewEmail
public email2.SIWsOutputOfVerifyEmailRecord NewEmail()
Email2.EmailVerificationSoap temp=new Email2.EmailVerificationSoap();
temp.licenseinfo=new email1.licenseinfo();
temp.licenseinfo.registereduser=new email1.registereduser();
email2.SIWsOutputOfVerifyEmailRecord myresponse=new email2.SIWsOutputOfVerifyEmailRecord();
System.debug('The value in the myreposne is'+myresponse);
return myresponse;
- trick.ax1374
- July 12, 2012
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visualforce page and calling webservcies
Hi Friends,
I am calling websrevices to validate customers phine numbers.
All I want to do is :-
1)Have a text field on the visual foce page and command button named check. User enter's phone number in the field and clicks on the check command button.Behind the scenes I want to ensure that textfield value,which is phone number is extracted and passed to the called fucntion named phone ,I have my Apex code which is caling webservices has been mentioned below.Can somebody throw some light on it?
How to do it through visualforce page?
public class phone
string c;
public wwwStrikeironComPhone1.SIWsOutputOfPhoneValResult phone(string p)
wwwStrikeironComPhone1.PhonevalSoap temp=new wwwStrikeironComPhone1.PhonevalSoap();
temp.licenseinfo= new wsStrikeironComPhone.LicenseInfo();
//j=new wsStrikeironComPhone.LicenseInfo();
//wwwwstrikeironcom.phionevalsoap temp=new wwwstrikeironcom.phineval();
//temp.licenseinfo=new wsstrikeironcom.licenseinfo();
temp.licenseinfo.registereduser=new wsStrikeironComPhone.registereduser();
wwwStrikeironComPhone1.SIWsOutputOfPhoneValResult myresponse=new wwwStrikeironComPhone1.SIWsOutputOfPhoneValResult();
system.debug('The phone number is'+myresponse);
return myresponse;
- trick.ax1374
- July 12, 2012
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Page and apex class
Hi Friends,
I have salesforce customer portal which is up and running and assignedd to the production.Now I have to add class and visual force page to it..
I have developed page and apex class in sandbox.However,I am not able to test it as when portal customer logs in ,his inofmation such as firstname,lastname ,email has to be queried and retrieved from the database .
My situation, when customer registers on the portal his infomation is going directlty in the production .Now ,How do I ensure that when customer enter's his information on the portal then it can go to the test instance(sandbox) so that I can test my class and visual force page functionality.
Thanks in advance
- trick.ax1374
- July 09, 2012
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Portal and sites
Hi Friends,
I have salesforce customer portal which is up and running and assignedd to the production.Now I have to add class and visual force page to it..
I have developed page and apex class in sandbox.However,I am not able to test it as when portal customer logs in ,his inofmation such as firstname,lastname ,email has to be queried and retrieved from the database .
My situation, when customer registers on the portal his infomation is going directlty in the production .Now ,How do I ensure that when customer enter's his information on the portal then it can go to the test instance(sandbox) so that I can test my class and visual force page functionality.
Thanks in advance
- trick.ax1374
- July 09, 2012
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Conditional Hyperlink Text
Hi Friends,
Here is my scenario:-
I have force.com sites and on it I have webpage.This webpage may not be accessible to some users and they will have to download some sotware in order to access this page.
I want to make sure if the page is not loaded in the user's browser then hyperlink should become visibkle to the user so that he can download software.
The users who are able to access this page ,hyperlink should not be visiblke to them .
I am looking for some kind of conditional hyperlink
- trick.ax1374
- July 02, 2012
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Conditional Hyperlink
Hi Friends,
Here is my scenario:-
I have force.com sites and on it I have webpage.This webpage may not be accessible to some users and they will have to download some sotware in order to access this page.
I want to make sure if the page is not loaded in the user's browser then hyperlink should become visibkle to the user so that he can download software.
The users who are able to access this page ,hyperlink should not be visiblke to them .
I am looking for some kind of conditional hyperlink
- trick.ax1374
- July 02, 2012
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Iframe and visual force
Hi Friends,
I have an Html file and I am extracting some data dynamically from the database and passing it to the HTML file.In the Html file I have two text fields in which I want to show he extracted vaalues.However I have not been able to show those values.
Does any one knows how to do that,Any ideas are most welcome.?
Below give is what I am doing
Testapp.html file is the file to which I am sending data
<apex:iframe src="http://bostonbusiness.s3.amazonaws.com/testapp/TestApp.html? parameter1=Hello¶meter2={!account.Name} height="700" width="100%"/>
- trick.ax1374
- June 29, 2012
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Hi Friends,
My Scenario is that:-
1)I have salesforce portal and another CRM is connected to the salesforce.So now when salesforce portal authenticates a user ,his information needs to be passed to the other CRM and that CRM in turn will return some value which needs to be returned to the salesforce and shown on the dashboard on the salesforce portal.
Has anyone implemented something similar to that.Can we show values on the dashboard on customer portal.
Any kind of help or any kind of usefull link will be highly appreciated.?
- trick.ax1374
- June 26, 2012
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Visualforce and Portal
Hi Friends,
My scenario is such that only when customer logs into the portal then tab on the portal should become visible.if he is not logged in then it should not become visible to the customer. Any idea on how we can do this.Some attributes or something else.
Any info or any example on this is highly welcome.If u can point to any link which can help me in accomplisihing this will be great.
- trick.ax1374
- June 15, 2012
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IP address
- tric
- November 15, 2012
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IP whitelist
- tric
- November 14, 2012
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Serious Flow Problem
Hi Friends,
I have flow created by some other consultant .I want to open this flow to make modifications .However,I do not see open link there.
1) If I create flow in my developer org,I get an option to open and make changes to it.Can somebody throw some light on this.What could be the reason that I cannot see open link in the company';s sandbox.
Is it something developed outside od salesforce and then using in salesforce .
2)When the user clicks on the finish button ,he see a list of checklist.When I check the page in which flow has been embedded,I do not see finishlocation attribute in the visualforce page.How does the user is redirected the page with a list of checklist
3)Is it possible to that URL could be hardcoded within the flows itself.For example finish button at the end of the flow has some URL associated to the button which redirects the user to the page
Can somebody please help,it is needed urgently?.
- trick.ax1374
- August 13, 2012
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Exception while making callout to the strikeiron webservices
Hi Friends,
I am trying strikeiron verifyemail webservices.I have writtern apex class and from this class I try to call verifyemail web services of strikeiron.
When I exceute it using anonymous block,I get the following error:-
System.CalloutException: IO Exception: Unauthorized endpoint, please check Setup->Security->Remote site settings. endpoint = http://ws.strikeiron.com/StrikeIron/EmailVerify5/EmailVerification
What can be the reason for this error and what can I do to get rid of this error.
In my Apex class I have done authenictaion by providing useraname and passord and then I am calling function to verify email.
Can somebody throw some light on it?
Here comes the code:-
public class NewEmail
public email2.SIWsOutputOfVerifyEmailRecord NewEmail()
Email2.EmailVerificationSoap temp=new Email2.EmailVerificationSoap();
temp.licenseinfo=new email1.licenseinfo();
temp.licenseinfo.registereduser=new email1.registereduser();
email2.SIWsOutputOfVerifyEmailRecord myresponse=new email2.SIWsOutputOfVerifyEmailRecord();
System.debug('The value in the myreposne is'+myresponse);
return myresponse;
- trick.ax1374
- July 12, 2012
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Conditional Hyperlink
Hi Friends,
Here is my scenario:-
I have force.com sites and on it I have webpage.This webpage may not be accessible to some users and they will have to download some sotware in order to access this page.
I want to make sure if the page is not loaded in the user's browser then hyperlink should become visibkle to the user so that he can download software.
The users who are able to access this page ,hyperlink should not be visiblke to them .
I am looking for some kind of conditional hyperlink
- trick.ax1374
- July 02, 2012
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Iframe and visual force
Hi Friends,
I have an Html file and I am extracting some data dynamically from the database and passing it to the HTML file.In the Html file I have two text fields in which I want to show he extracted vaalues.However I have not been able to show those values.
Does any one knows how to do that,Any ideas are most welcome.?
Below give is what I am doing
Testapp.html file is the file to which I am sending data
<apex:iframe src="http://bostonbusiness.s3.amazonaws.com/testapp/TestApp.html? parameter1=Hello¶meter2={!account.Name} height="700" width="100%"/>
- trick.ax1374
- June 29, 2012
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Visualforce and Portal
Hi Friends,
My scenario is such that only when customer logs into the portal then tab on the portal should become visible.if he is not logged in then it should not become visible to the customer. Any idea on how we can do this.Some attributes or something else.
Any info or any example on this is highly welcome.If u can point to any link which can help me in accomplisihing this will be great.
- trick.ax1374
- June 15, 2012
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OnUnload Event for a visual force page
In general I am trying to prompt the user when they move away from this page (either to another tab or link within the browser or if they decide to close the browser).
- January 12, 2009
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