• thisisnotapril
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My users have completed their profiles, I typed their name in the search bar but nothing comes back. The only way I can figure out to see someones profile is by clicking their photo on a discussion board. I need to see my users progress with trailhead training. Thanks!
I have two accounts, one is linked to an ET email address and the other to my Salesforce email. I am driven to the Salesforce one when I navigate from Aloha. Can I migrate my badges and progress from the ET address to the Salesforce address? 
Not sure why but it seems I have two logins in Trailhead, can someone tell me how I can merge them as one login account. I am a new hire and trying to complete some trails as part of the new hire process, however it seems the points and badges I completed are being logged in two accounts.
 I also have a account Pinky Bhandari 7

# multiple logins in trailhead, #missing points and possibly #missing badges
Is their an audio version of trailhead ?
Best Sibylle
Recently i tried to login to my DE to take challenge and i am facing this error.
Please provide solution for this.
Screenshot of the error is attached below.
.User-added image

Thank you.
I am not able to sign into my dev org for trailhead Salesforce Basics work. When I tried to reset the password the message conveyed that it was not possible under SSO. Can someone direct me to how I can get back in to my dev org? Thanks.
Can someone help me in writing the code for the following logic.

Once the lead status is closed the lead last modified date should not be updated.
Hi, I am trying to create a trigger to allow a button when click to create a rule. We need to be able to have a message state a comp is required after clicking the submit button if a comp has not been entered.
HELP please.
Does anyone know of anymore information than what day the Event is going to be.  It's hard to justify to my company that I want to go, if I can't tell them what's on the agenda.  Thanks in advance.

-Nick  Willard
when is the next t-shirt challenge?
I accepted the challenge working on trailhead for badges, actually did 5 badges Friday morning before accepting challenge and 5 more Friday after accepting challenge.  Around 15 minutes after completing first 5 Friday, received email stating I just needed 4 more...On Saturday, I received email stating I just need 5 badges to complete challenge...I had signed into Trailhead before completing badges so I am unsure how the completion did not register correctly.  Can someone review and see that I did DOUBLE the challenge with no confirmation email to date.  Thanks.
how we will switch one tab to another tab with value on same VF page
Hello Community, 

I have a inquiry that may, or may not, have been answered here but i'm a little uncertain on how to go about it. I've read on some issues with Trailhead challenges that many recommend spinning up a new Dev Org and taking the challenge in that org to resolve the challenge and "still" get the challenge points on the same username you use in Trailhead. 

I'm uncertain of the process of how to go about doing both of those things. Could someone walk me through how this is done, and how to make sure the new dev org sessions apply the challenge points to my exisiting Trailhead login credentials. Thanx in advance.
I signed up for the challenge and got my Compass of Wisdom after completing the first badge. I then completed and received 5 badges - but no email even after a day to indicate I'd completed the challenge and would get the Cloak of Adventure. So, I accepted the challenge again and since completed an additional 5 badges, just in case the first 5 weren't associated. Still no email. I'm getting emails from my developer instance, so I know the email address is right. Can someone help me resolve this? I want my Cloak! :)
Please see why I did not receive an email for the Cloak of Adventure?  I have the Badge of Wisdom, received the email after getting that, filled out the form, earned 5 more badges..  still no email.  Please help me?

I still haven't receive the email :-( Can someone please verify? I got 6 badges already