• Shalom Rubdi
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Can someone give advise on where in Trailhead to go to learn more about how log a call, tasks, activities, events, reminders etc. work together? Thanks.
I am a system administrator for a non profit client using only the toolbox for development of Salesforce (I am not a developer, apex coder, etc).

I have written a process that creates new recurring donations when a new subscription is passed to Salesforce from Recurly (my client's online subscription and payment system). The process worked fine when donors were signing up onesy twosy over several weeks time. However, this error began to throw when the process tried to create new recurring donations in large numbers during my client's pledge drive:

Failed to process batch for class 'npsp.RD_RecurringDonations_BATCH' for job id '7073600001Gjdeb'
caused by: System.LimitException: npsp:Too many DML statements: 151
Class.npsp.TDTM_TriggerHandler.processDMLWithRollback: line 222, column 1
Class.npsp.TDTM_TriggerHandler.processDML: line 207, column 1
Class.npsp.OPP_OpportunityContactRoles_TDTM.run: line 72, column 1
Class.npsp.TDTM_TriggerHandler.runClass: line 169, column 1
Class.npsp.TDTM_TriggerHandler.run: line 101, column 1
Trigger.npsp.TDTM_Opportunity: line 34, column 1

To solve it, I thought I would reduce the number of Opportunity Forecast months from 12 to 3 for open opportunities under open-ended recurring donation settings in NPSP. However, when I tried to change the number this error throws on the screen:

Visualforce Error
System.LimitException: npsp:Too many DML rows: 10001
Error is in expression '{!saveSettings}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page npsp:stg_panelrd: (npsp)
An unexpected error has occurred. Your solution provider has been notified. (npsp)

The org I support does not pay for technical support with Salesforce so I'm hoping someone in the community can help me figure out how to deal with this.

Thanks so much!

I have been trying ll possible alternatives to insert new Accounts with a field of type Date in csv file, but with no success.
I continue to get the fllowing error: Birthdate: invalid date: Fri Nov 07 00:00:00 GMT 27" (this is an example).

I tried to save the csv column as a text but nothing. I also added a suffix with csved tool (10:00:00 as a time). Any sugegstions how to import date fields with data loader (I have checked the flag: Use European date/time format )?
I am using Salesforce with gmt+2 date/time format.

Thanks a lot,
Hi I am trying to add a total to a related list and struggling with this, Is there a way to do this in a visual force page?

I'm trying to write a formula to detremine a price by using 3 criteria -
1. Size (5 different sizes)
2. Tier (2 Pricing Tiers)
3. Days (Number of days - 2-6)

I'm getting the error "Incorrect number of parameters for function 'CASE()'. Expected 4, received 3"

Here's what I've got so far:

CASE(Tier__c, 4,
Days__c, 2, 985.6,
Days__c, 3, 1,285.16,
Days__c, 4, 1,539.68,
Days__c, 5, 1,779.28,
Days__c, 6, 2,004.00,
Days__c, 7, 2,213.72,
CASE(Tier__c, 5,
Days__c, 2, 1,110.40,
Days__c, 3, 1,466.04,
Days__c, 4, 1,768.40,
Days__c, 5, 2,052.92,
Days__c, 6, 2,319.68,
Days__c, 7, 2,568.72,
CASE(Tier__c, 4,
Days__c, 2, 985.6,
Days__c, 3, 1,285.16,
Days__c, 4, 1,539.68,
Days__c, 5, 1,779.28,
Days__c, 6, 2,004.00,
Days__c, 7, 2,213.72,
CASE(Tier__c, 5,
Days__c, 2, 1,110.40,
Days__c, 3, 1,466.04,
Days__c, 4, 1,768.40,
Days__c, 5, 2,052.92,
Days__c, 6, 2,319.68,
Days__c, 7, 2,568.72,

Any help would be appreciated

Can anyone tell me the actual difference between system.assert() and system.assertequals()?

Thanks in Advance,
Hi - I'm in the "Build your Knowledge Base" challenge and it challenge check is returning this error - is this a problem with my demo org or something else?

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: KDUMGZSG. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: INVALID_FIELD: SELECT Title, ArticleBody__c FROM Knowledge__kav ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:15 No such column 'ArticleBody__c' on entity 'Knowledge__kav'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.

Calling on the Service Cloud & Visualforce community for this one - there are a couple examples of a marquee console footer component (links below):
  1. https://developer.salesforce.com/page/The_%22Marquee%22_Console_Footer_Component
  2. https://resources.docs.salesforce.com/sfdc/pdf/service_dev.pdf
Both approaches are essentially analagous in structure; i.e. exposing a VF page which displays a chatter post in a marquee fashion as a console footer component.

I've tried both code & configuration examples in a developer sandbox and have not been successful.

Has anyone gotten this to work for them?  If I make any headway, I will post back in this question for the community.

Thank you!


Trying to verify a challenge but hitting the following error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Could not find the correct dashboard state. Please verify the endpoint and results are correct. I have connected Trailhead to my dev org but perhaps since the dev org is in Swedish it is unable to verify the work I did?


Dev org:

Perhaps something else I can try?
I've been working on this trail for a bit - and while I undertsand the concepts, I'm stumped on why I'm getting this error: 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
A Create a Record action for the Closed Won criteria node isn't properly configured. Make sure that it creates a draft contract according to the instructions in the ‘Create contract for closed opportunity’ task action. Make sure that Start Date is set by using a formula.

I've gone over all of the workflow tasks information to recreate the contact. If I activate the process and close an opportunity, it creates a contract with the expected information and the date is 1mo away with 12mo term. The workflow's task (which is the template for the actual contract) specifies the following: 
Use the closed opportunity to create a contract for the associated account. 

Account: The account associated with this opportunity
Status: Draft
Contract Start Date: 1 month from today
Contract Term: 12
Here are my actions: 
User-added image

The Contract Start Date is set to the following formula:
    YEAR(Today()) +
    FLOOR((1 + MONTH(Today())) / 12) -
    IF (MOD(MONTH(Today()) + 1, 12) = 0,

    MOD((1 + MONTH(Today()) - 1), 12) + 1,


Again, for all practical purposes I'm passing this, as it functions and the contract is created. But I must be missing some small detail, named field, something that's tripping up the validation settings. Any help is appreciated!

I've tried a second time using a brand new Trailhead Playground, and still get the error when checking the challenge:
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: VRHJDGJD "
For whatever reason the Lightning app built during the above Trailhead project does not work when previewed.  I keep getting this error:

This page has an error. You might just need to refresh it. Error during init [Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined]

No issues with the project chanllenges, in fact I have completed the project trail.  Checked my code, exact same as given during the project steps.
Calling on the Service Cloud & Visualforce community for this one - there are a couple examples of a marquee console footer component (links below):
  1. https://developer.salesforce.com/page/The_%22Marquee%22_Console_Footer_Component
  2. https://resources.docs.salesforce.com/sfdc/pdf/service_dev.pdf
Both approaches are essentially analagous in structure; i.e. exposing a VF page which displays a chatter post in a marquee fashion as a console footer component.

I've tried both code & configuration examples in a developer sandbox and have not been successful.

Has anyone gotten this to work for them?  If I make any headway, I will post back in this question for the community.

Thank you!

Hi all.Can somone help me in writing triggers for below two scenarios.
1.Create opportunity if account is created.  If Existing account is updated, then if opportunities under that account are not available then create one opportunity.

2.On a custom object check if the duplicate record is getting created on the basis of name. If duplicate record is getting created then user should get an error message "Record with same name already exist".
  • September 30, 2016
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Can someone give advise on where in Trailhead to go to learn more about how log a call, tasks, activities, events, reminders etc. work together? Thanks.
May seem like a silly question,

"To create a view, click Create New View at the top of any list page or in the Views section of any tab home page."  is the first beginning sentence within the training. I'm trying to follow along and i have not found this option anywhere in my Salesforce.

Can Anyone Help?
I am a system administrator for a non profit client using only the toolbox for development of Salesforce (I am not a developer, apex coder, etc).

I have written a process that creates new recurring donations when a new subscription is passed to Salesforce from Recurly (my client's online subscription and payment system). The process worked fine when donors were signing up onesy twosy over several weeks time. However, this error began to throw when the process tried to create new recurring donations in large numbers during my client's pledge drive:

Failed to process batch for class 'npsp.RD_RecurringDonations_BATCH' for job id '7073600001Gjdeb'
caused by: System.LimitException: npsp:Too many DML statements: 151
Class.npsp.TDTM_TriggerHandler.processDMLWithRollback: line 222, column 1
Class.npsp.TDTM_TriggerHandler.processDML: line 207, column 1
Class.npsp.OPP_OpportunityContactRoles_TDTM.run: line 72, column 1
Class.npsp.TDTM_TriggerHandler.runClass: line 169, column 1
Class.npsp.TDTM_TriggerHandler.run: line 101, column 1
Trigger.npsp.TDTM_Opportunity: line 34, column 1

To solve it, I thought I would reduce the number of Opportunity Forecast months from 12 to 3 for open opportunities under open-ended recurring donation settings in NPSP. However, when I tried to change the number this error throws on the screen:

Visualforce Error
System.LimitException: npsp:Too many DML rows: 10001
Error is in expression '{!saveSettings}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page npsp:stg_panelrd: (npsp)
An unexpected error has occurred. Your solution provider has been notified. (npsp)

The org I support does not pay for technical support with Salesforce so I'm hoping someone in the community can help me figure out how to deal with this.

Thanks so much!

I have been trying ll possible alternatives to insert new Accounts with a field of type Date in csv file, but with no success.
I continue to get the fllowing error: Birthdate: invalid date: Fri Nov 07 00:00:00 GMT 27" (this is an example).

I tried to save the csv column as a text but nothing. I also added a suffix with csved tool (10:00:00 as a time). Any sugegstions how to import date fields with data loader (I have checked the flag: Use European date/time format )?
I am using Salesforce with gmt+2 date/time format.

Thanks a lot,
We have a object with 200,000 records in it and each contains a attached file.
We need to download attachements of 500 identified records.
What is the best approach for this ?
  • September 26, 2016
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While going thru Trailhead and learning many things, I decided to put together my own version of yet another Trailhead Leader board. I've fleshed out an example that keeps track of Name, ID, Badges, Superbadges, Comm Badges and Total Points. Sorting, ID validation are also being done. I did all of this for my own edification and learning to better reinforce the skills that Trailhead provided me. Trailhead is really quite amazing

Link to Dev Org Public Site: http://trailhead-leaderboard-developer-edition.na35.force.com

This App is one VisualSource Page and Apex controller running as a Public Site. Refresh occurs periodically from a .Net Web App using the Partner WSDL API

I'm hoping to move all of that over to Apex once I figure out a bunch of things. I see some other suggestions about dates. It would be nice to incorporate that also. I'm sure that something like this could be incorporated into Salesforce Orgs for folks to keep track of training of their employees with Trailhead. Part of the loader I've built using the Partner WSDL scans thru all of the badges of a profile and can load them into the Org somewhere.

This error can be caused in one of two ways:
  1. ​You've been away for a while and you're now logged out of your DE. This can simply be resolved by logging in again and restoring the connection.
  2. No matter how many times you log out and log in again, having the security setting "Lock sessions to the IP address from which they originated" enabled will prevent you from connecting your Org to Trailhead. For some reason, when trailhead checks challenges, it doesn't use the same IP address throughout the transaction, causing the error because the connector was logged out. As much as I'd like to claim this as my own discovery, @Matt Latto was the one to come up with the solution and posted it on another question, Not able to verify steps of Trailhead project.
Although this isn't officially a question, to my knowledge this information is not anywhere else on the forum, and if it is, it couldn't hurt to post it again.

Thanks for viewing,

When someone takes the time/effort to repspond to your question, you should take the time/effort to either mark the question as "Solved", or post a Follow-Up with addtional information.  


That way people with a similar question can find the Solution without having to re-post the same question again and again. And the people who reply to your post know that the issue has been resolved and they can stop working on it.