• Rakesh kumar 708
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I have 100 products in product object, need to add list price for all the 100 products at a time.

How can i achieve this?
I have added 100 products in product object through data loader.
Need to active[active(Product) field] this field for all the products i have added at a time.
How can i achieve this?
We recently got the issue that the closed milestones are also updating when we are changing the severity of the case. But we want only the not completed milestones should  be update. Can someone help us with the workaround for this.

Hello Folks,
Below Handler works on Round Robin manner in contact Object. Such that, when Contact record is created , it is assigned to another System Admin, based on Round Robin Manner. It is for 2 users only. What changes should I made so that it could work for multiple users. Please Suggest.

public class RoundRobinContactHandler {
		public static void AssignUser(List<Contact> cn)
            integer countContact = 0;
            String usr;
            List<Contact> cnList = new List<Contact> ();
            List<Contact> clist=[Select id, Name, Assigned_To__c from Contact where Assigned_To__r.isActive = TRUE];
            integer RnRUserAssigned = Math.mod(countContact, 2) + 1;
            integer CSRindex=0;
                usr=[Select id, name from User where Id = '0052w000002n0Pj' LIMIT 1].id;
            else if (RnRUserAssigned==2)
                usr=[Select id, name from User where Id = '0052w000009deaY' LIMIT 1].id;
            if(cn.size()>0 && (usr!=null && usr!='')) 
                for(Contact con : cn)
                  con.Assigned_To__c= usr;
Hello Everyone,
 How to debug logs in salesforce.
We've recently moved to Salesforce Service Cloud (lightning) from Zendesk, and one of the useful things in ZenDesk is you can see if someone else is viewing a ticket (attached screenshot). I don't see anything like that in Salesforce, is there something that can be built that shows users viewing a case?

User-added image
i have created a salespath which is assigned to the -Master- Record Type
 As does not have any Record Types of Opportunities