• a.schaefer
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I am looking to recreate a report from a dashboard that we currently have in one of our sandboxes.

How can I find out the report type? It doesn't seem to start and the beginning of the reporting wizard. I can do everything else!!!!!!!

I need to create PDFs dynamically. Basically a PDF template is provided which is kind of a form. Based on the data filled by the User, the form should be populated. The template will reside in Document library of Salesforce or Intranet. Is there a way to do it?

There are tools which allow PDF creation on fly like iText. But they are based on .Net or Java or Com/ActiveX platform. Can this be done within Salesforce.

I have already considered the option of generating the pdf using Visualforce. But it doesnt seems feasible because of huge number of different forms with each form consisting of more than 20 pages.

I recently learned that
"When you enter or select a contact for the Contact Name field, the Account Name field defaults to the account associated with the contact when you save the case. However, you can change the account in the Account Name field during subsequent updates."
Is this functionality available to other objects e.g. Opportunities or even better Custom Objects? And how would one implement it?

Thanks in advance,

We are trying to use a Public Calendar in salesforce, but need a way to add invitees similar to Outlook's distribution lists.  Public groups would work, but it's not available here for some reason.


Is there anyway that when I create an event on a public calendar, I could have the invitee list populate.  I thought about a trigger that would add for example, all the sales people if custom "Invite Sales" checkbox was checked...

Or create a custom link or button on the home page that would add the invitees.  I have 3 distribution lists I need to use.


Unfortunately, our VP and directors will not use if they have to select everyone individually every time, and without management leading by example, I don't think my other users will use it either   :( 

Hello All,


I realize that this is a silly question, but when I try to update my Force IDE in Eclipse 3.4, using software updates, it states that no updates are available.


So I downloaded Eclipse 3.5 Galileo and tried installing the Force.com plugin, but the version number shows:  Force.com IDE


Is this the correct version for the Spring 10 release? I was under the impression that we should be using 18.x?



Is it posible for me to display on an Account, a field from an Opportunity product.


Reson being is that in our salesforce setup with have it so that whenever a product is added to an opportunity it creates an individual tracking number for that product. this helps us track the renewal date the following year.


Would it be posilbe to display these tracking numbers in a long box or collum on the account itself, saving time going into all opportunitys one by one on an account!


Hope someone can help





I am a novice user to Salesforce but I have noticed that most of the programs are designed for PC's and not Mac's.  I just opened something and it said that Salesforce doesn't support Safari...  Huh?  I also am not a huge fan of the mail drop program as it's an extra step that seems to be clunky...


All of these experiences make me use Salesforce less than I should, but it's too frustrating to keep having to adapt to something that should already be there...


Am I just venting or are there answers to this?





I heard that Salesforce charge for security review of force.com native applications.

Is it true ?


If remember correctly, they did not charge force.com native applications before.

When did they started charging for security review of force.com native applications ?




  • August 24, 2009
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Hi Friends,


"FALSE", "/img/samples/light_green.gif",
"TRUE", "/img/samples/light_red.gif",
"Marked For Deletion Flag")



Here Marked_for_deletion__c is a checkbox. so i used TRUE and FALSE in the case functions.

But its showing error Like " Error: Incorrect argument type for function CASE(). "


Kindly help me out in this.





I would like to use mail merge functionality which convert into PDF instead of Microsoft Word.


If any one cna suggest some way(development code) or some free tool which provide this functionality.


I do not want to buy paid tool for this functionality.


Any suggestion welcome.





I am looking to recreate a report from a dashboard that we currently have in one of our sandboxes.

How can I find out the report type? It doesn't seem to start and the beginning of the reporting wizard. I can do everything else!!!!!!!

I am using Professional Edition. I am getting the Option to create the Pages but I am not Getting the Option create Apex Classes. So I am not able to write Controllers for my VF Pages.


What is the use of VF Pages when we can not create the custom Controller in PE.  


Please let me know the option?



if there is way to capture the screenshots from the emails in the SFDC case by either converting them into an attachment or somehow capturing the image via visualforce once the user has saved the case.


Does standard Salesforce functionality provides any option?



If not, can we do it via native code?

Message Edited by Achibber on 05-04-2009 06:21 AM
I recently learned that
"When you enter or select a contact for the Contact Name field, the Account Name field defaults to the account associated with the contact when you save the case. However, you can change the account in the Account Name field during subsequent updates."
Is this functionality available to other objects e.g. Opportunities or even better Custom Objects? And how would one implement it?

Thanks in advance,

I have a function which takes a string parameter, but the value is a Double from Salesforce.

How do I convert a Double to String?

  • April 15, 2009
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I 'm unable to make the standard tab 'Cases' default on for a profile which has Salesforce Platform license. Is it not possible to make it that way? If not, what can be done?







Here is the Force.com blog for Group, Sum and Order data in Apex.




Can you please look at the code for SUM and tell me what is the difference between Opportunity and Opportunities.


Can this type of thing be used in a similar type of Custom Class.

Like I have a custom object called Customer__c then can I use Customers as they have used opportunities..

Please help..

I am realyy confused..


Waiting for your prompt response.




  • March 30, 2009
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I'm using the textmate plugin for salesforce. Any chance the associated apexloader.app will be updated, or perhaps the source released?


The eclipse ide is just too fragile, so I'm developing using TextMate as editor with ant migration tool for uploading, but Salesforce_com.tmbundle is great for recompiling just one class or trigger at a time.

Message Edited by Shikibu on 03-19-2009 08:25 AM

Hi Guys,

I was tryng to invoke the simple web service which I had defined in force.com using apex code it is a simple say hello program which takes a parm and says hello.

I generated the WSDL for hte same hello program using setu -> api -> apex code -> generate wsdl.

Even i have generated the enterprise WSDL for hte same.

I used the WSDL2java and supplied the enterprise wsdl to geenrate the code and i had put in my dev envioronment and it compiled succesfuly.

Now can anyone of you please let me know how to write a SOAP clinet invoke the web service.




Downloaded Data Loader today.  Getting the following message when logging in:


"Error logging in to Salesforce.  Please check your username and password."


I've reset password and token key a few times.  I've included token in password as instructed.


Still getting error.  


Does any one else have ideas as to why Data Loader will not accept my password?  Thank you for your assistance.

Hi all,


I have created a trigger to check that a combination of 2 fields (document type and document number) in the Contact object is unique. To avoid the "Too many SOQL queries" for bulk inserts I tried the following approach:



trigger contactUniqueDocument on Contact (before insert, before update) { // Create a Map that holds all contacts in Salesforce and another one to hold the ones being inserted Map<String, Contact> ContactosExistentes = new Map<String, Contact> (); Map<String, Contact> ContactosNuevos = new Map<String, Contact> (); for(Contact storedContacts : [SELECT Id, documentType__c, documentNumber__c FROM Contact]) { String documentId = storedContacts.documentType__c; documentId += storedContacts.documentNumber__c; ContactosExistentes.put(documentId, storedContacts); } // Go through the list of Contacts created / updated to find issues for(Contact Contacto: Trigger.new) { String NewdocumentId = Contacto.documentType__c; NewdocumentId += Contacto.documentNumber__c; if(ContactosExistentes.containsKey(NewdocumentId)) { Contacto.addError('There is already a contact on SF with this Doc Type & Num'); } if(ContactosNuevos.containsKey(NewdocumentId)) { Contacto.addError('There is already a contact on this list with this Doc Type & Num'); } else { ContactosNuevos.put(NewdocumentId , Contacto); } } }


The problem I am facing is that Maps have a limit of 1,000 elements and we have more than 9,000 contacts, so I am getting errors when trying to upload +1,000 records with Dataloader.


Unfortunately I can´t use Sets (same limitation) or Lists (unable to search for values, only return elements by position).


But there must be an easier way of doing this.... Any ideas?






  • February 16, 2009
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