• Jega Deiva
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I am stuck at this challenge in Superbadge - Lightning Experience Reports & Dashboards Specialist - Challenge 5 - Create a report for the Executive team.

Please check my report and let me know what detail am I missing with the Stage? I have grouped the table with Stage. Not sure, where to look at? Assistance is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


I am creating a reports on Contracts.
I filtered by date.

I dont see all the contracts.

is there any standard field that blocks the display of contracts in reports ?

thank you for suggestion
  • September 19, 2019
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Hi Team,

could you please to understand why the validation rule doesn`t work:

TEXT(Stage_test__c) != Status__c)

I want to check Account Stage and Status, and if they are not equal, display an error message.
Without part ISCHANGED(Stage_test__c) this rule works, but we should check values only in case if the Stage was changed.
Status - formula(text) in our case, and Stage - picklist.

Thank you,
I'm trying to set up a Validation rule to show an error if both of the below fields are filled in but not if both are blank. 

and(!isblank( Strategic_Partner__c ),!ISBLANK( Reseller__c )), 
or(!ISBLANK( Reseller__c) ,!isblank( Strategic_Partner__c )) 
Hi all,

This is my trigger from trailhead  "Conference Management App".
In that "Session Date" datatype="Date" it shows incorrect time also (Screenshot attached).Please help me in this.

trigger SendConfirmationEmail on Session_Speaker__c (after insert) {

    Set<ID> ids = new Set<ID>();
 for(Session_Speaker__c newItem : trigger.new) {


// Retrieve session name and time + speaker name and email address

    List<Session_Speaker__c> sessionSpeakers =

            [SELECT Session__r.Name,




             FROM Session_Speaker__c

             WHERE Id IN :ids];
 if(sessionSpeakers.size() > 0) {

        List<EmailManager.newEmail> emailList = new List<EmailManager.newEmail>();

         for(Session_Speaker__c ss : sessionSpeakers) {

            // Send confirmation email if we know the speaker's email address

            if (ss.Speaker__r.Email_Id__c != null) {

                String[] addresses = new String[]{ss.Speaker__r.Email_Id__c};

                String subject = 'Speaker Confirmation';

                String message = 'Dear ' + ss.Speaker__r.Name +
                ',\n\nThank you for agreeing to speak at the '+  ss.Session__r.Name + 'I am sure your presence will enhance the experience of all who to attend.\n\nI am sending this email to provide some basic information about the conference and our expectations of you.\n\n'

+'You are scheduled to speak on\n' + ss.Session__r.Session_Date__c + 'at\n' + ss.Session__r.Session_Time__c + ',\n\n Again thank you for helping us with this event !.';
 EmailManager.newEmail email = new EmailManager.newEmail(addresses, subject, message);




          if(!emailList.isEmpty()) {



User-added image
Hello there,  
Im stuck in installing Dataloader,I have also installed Zulujdk.When trying to open Dataloader short cut it quickly disappear.  
I've refered this link:https://deepikamatam.blogspot.com/2019/09/data-loader-with-zulu-open-jdk-11.html.
Any help please.
Hi all,

This is my trigger from trailhead  "Conference Management App".
In that "Session Date" datatype="Date" it shows incorrect time also (Screenshot attached).Please help me in this.

trigger SendConfirmationEmail on Session_Speaker__c (after insert) {

    Set<ID> ids = new Set<ID>();
 for(Session_Speaker__c newItem : trigger.new) {


// Retrieve session name and time + speaker name and email address

    List<Session_Speaker__c> sessionSpeakers =

            [SELECT Session__r.Name,




             FROM Session_Speaker__c

             WHERE Id IN :ids];
 if(sessionSpeakers.size() > 0) {

        List<EmailManager.newEmail> emailList = new List<EmailManager.newEmail>();

         for(Session_Speaker__c ss : sessionSpeakers) {

            // Send confirmation email if we know the speaker's email address

            if (ss.Speaker__r.Email_Id__c != null) {

                String[] addresses = new String[]{ss.Speaker__r.Email_Id__c};

                String subject = 'Speaker Confirmation';

                String message = 'Dear ' + ss.Speaker__r.Name +
                ',\n\nThank you for agreeing to speak at the '+  ss.Session__r.Name + 'I am sure your presence will enhance the experience of all who to attend.\n\nI am sending this email to provide some basic information about the conference and our expectations of you.\n\n'

+'You are scheduled to speak on\n' + ss.Session__r.Session_Date__c + 'at\n' + ss.Session__r.Session_Time__c + ',\n\n Again thank you for helping us with this event !.';
 EmailManager.newEmail email = new EmailManager.newEmail(addresses, subject, message);




          if(!emailList.isEmpty()) {



User-added image

I created a custom object with master detail on the opportunity.  There are record types on the custom object based on geography - Americas and EMEA.  When I built the process builder with the conditions to fire off email alerts, I included the record type name.  it is not working and the emails fire off regardless of the record type of th object.

It worked fine before I had to separate by geo - only when I added in the condition does it not work.  HELP!

Hello there,  
Im stuck in installing Dataloader,I have also installed Zulujdk.When trying to open Dataloader short cut it quickly disappear.  
I've refered this link:https://deepikamatam.blogspot.com/2019/09/data-loader-with-zulu-open-jdk-11.html.
Any help please.
Hello, Team,

I think I would have read all the responses in the various communiities to try and solve this error -  The 'Solarbot Pipeline by Stage' component is the incorrect size or in the incorrect position - but two days of efforts have been unsuccessful.

I removed the picklist values that were not required by deactivating them for this challenge. It did not helpr. In a couple of posts there were suggestions to place the component on the upper right and tried out that too.

I do not see a "Sort by rows" option for formatting the dashoard. 

This is how my dashbord formatting window looks like:
Error message on first dashboard challengeAnd, that is how my component appears:
Componnent 1
Hope to understand where/what I am missing. 

Thanks in advance for your help with this!


I am a beginner and doing some hand-on on flow builder. While doing a flow builder project 'Build an Account Reassignment Wizard' on a new playground, I received following error - "There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: BOGLTREV"
I have a custom field that is a look up feild to a Contact labeled Sales Representative.  I am trying to use process builder. I want to say if the Sales Representative is a specific contact than create a task and assign it to a specific user.  My custom contact field is on the Work Order object.  I don't know if I should be looking for the custom field to equal a specific value or if I should use the Contact ID from the contact table. I have tried both way and everything I try is wrong.  I am new to formulas and hoping the community can help me.  This is what I came up with on my own for the formula, but it doesn't work, but I at least tried myself first before asking for help, thank you.

IF([WorkOrder].Project_Sales_Rep__c="Nicholas McEnroe","0051U000006RTaT",Null)
Dear Team ,

Good Morning !!!

I created one product in Product Standard Object . M searching that product in Product picklist of Cases Standard Object , but my product is not appearing in  Product picklist of Cases Standard Object .

Please explain me where i have to create product in order to my product will appear in picklist .

Thanks & Regards
Sachin Bhalerao


I'm stuck at stage 2 of the module "Prepare Your Salesforce Org for Users" and I don't really know how to deal with it. I keep getting the following result:

We couldn’t find Currency Type and ConversionRate with the correct information. Ensure that you have selected the right currency type and entered the conversion rate.

What could I do? I followed every single step..


Thank you very much,



Hi All,

I am having Problem Business Administration Specialist Superbadge - Challenge 2 User creation, created all users with right Profiles even thought getiing error "The solution for extending access does not have the correct name."
Can any one Help me 
Users ListUser-added image

I am stuck at this challenge in Superbadge - Lightning Experience Reports & Dashboards Specialist - Challenge 5 - Create a report for the Executive team.

Please check my report and let me know what detail am I missing with the Stage? I have grouped the table with Stage. Not sure, where to look at? Assistance is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:

The 'My Shifts Pending Approval' report does not have the correct columns. Confirm that ALL report columns are in place according to the requirements. Additionally, take note that of the two 'Volunteer Shift Worker ID' fields, make sure to include the one with the format Shift-XXXX so users can click through to the volunteer record.

I am unable to add volunteer activity as a column in the following report.User-added image

I am creating a reports on Contracts.
I filtered by date.

I dont see all the contracts.

is there any standard field that blocks the display of contracts in reports ?

thank you for suggestion
  • September 19, 2019
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